• Published 28th Jul 2023
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Twilight & Friends - The Complete Season 1 - ThomasZoey3000

Twilight Sparkle returns home to the Island of Sodor to reunited with friends, and to be drawn into crazy adventures.

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Not All is Forgiven

Twilight & Friends

A Thomas & Friends/My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Crossover

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Episode 13: Not All Is Forgiven

Victor the Works engine was shunting some empty trucks to the front of the workshops when he saw James the red engine puffing up with a goods train. A short while later, he was seen backing towards the shops with a damaged and sea soaked Thomas on a flatbed. Victor couldn't believe what he was seeing, "what happened to you Thomas? You look like you went in for the surfing championships."

"He almost did go surfing, if he wasn't so heavy," teased James.

Thomas glared at the red engine, but he calmed himself down before talking to Victor, "my friend Starlight Glimmer and I chased after Sailor John, a former navy man turned pirate, who stole the treasure found at the Harwick Branch project. We stopped him, but the treasure is now lost and the pirate ship has been knocked over."

"Geez Thomas, can you maybe not damage things everytime?" snickered James.

"That's enough James!" said a stern voice. It was the Fat Controller. He had come in his blue car, "you may return to your goods train, and no more teasing, or you'll be sharing Gordon's work."

Without another word, James puffed away.

"Hello Sir Topham," said Victor, "what is it you want us to do? Quick fix up?"

"Nope, full repair and full repaint, Thomas deserves it after what he did." As Victor puffed away, the Fat Controller walked up towards Thomas, "I'm only sorry I didn't listen to you before."

"Oh well, we all have those days I suppose."

"Indeed. Still, I'm glad you owned up for your actions at the big station, and I hope you won't do that ever again, or race Bertie along your branch line ever again."

"I promise you Sir, if I had hands, I'd do the Pinkie Pie Promise to prove it."

The Fat Controller chuckled, "Well I'll take your word on that Thomas."

Moments later, they heard a whistle, followed by the sounds of grumbling. Thomas could just see in the distance something big and blue pulling a long line of giggling troublesome trucks. It was Gordon, "Bother that Thomas, I shouldn't be pulling trucks. I'm an express engine for crying out loud, not a goods engine."

"Gordon's words is what set you off, so I punished him for his actions."

"Sir, what will I be doing once I'm repaired?" Thomas asked curiously.

The Fat Controller turned back around to face Thomas, "well like I told you before, you'll be a welcome guest at the welcome ceremony, but in the meantime and following that, you'll be returning to your branch line. I know Annie and Clarabel will be pleased to see you."

Thomas wasn't entirely sure about that. He knew the Fat Controller forgave him for his mishaps, and so had the Harwick, Little Western and Arlesdale crews, but the rest of the Island might have a different view on his actions. Still, he didn't say anything on the matter, "Thank you Sir, I would like to go back to the branch line."

"Well don't worry, the repairs won't take too long."

The Fat Controller turned to leave, but Thomas called him back, "Sir, before you go, please make sure Starlight is actually taking time off. I've seen her do more shifts than anyone else at the site."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she rests." And he left, leaving Thomas in the care of the Steamworks.

It wasn't long before Thomas and Starlight's story spread across the Island of Sodor, and as one might expect, there was mixed feelings about the ordeal. Some were pleased with their actions, while others were not too impressed, "they should've informed the police," they said, "instead of knocking over pirate ships and losing the treasure."

At Ffarquhar, the seven girls were gathered at Sugarcube Corner.

"Who'd thought of it, Thomas and Starlight Glimmer working together," said Rainbow Dash. "I thought that girl was nothing but trouble, but it seems there's a good side to her."

"Either that or she was trying to take it and Thomas for herself," said Applejack.

"I don't know, would she really injure herself just to stop that mean pirate?" asked Fluttershy.

"I think she really wanted to help," said Pinkie, "and given the fact no one was listening to her or Thomas, including us, what else could they do but go on the chase?"

"Yeah, we really weren't being too kind to either one of them," said Sunset. "And I heard that the incident with the dynamite was the cause of sparks landing on them, and Thomas was trying to save everyone."

"Oh my," gasped Rarity.

Twilight had been silent during the whole conversation, but now had something to say, "but he still went against orders, and he was being rash and foolish again. Honestly, he could've told his crew and they could've told Sir Topham Hatt."

"I don't think he would've listened to them since they work with Thomas. Besides, what are the odds they'd listen to him about that?"

"I know my father and he would listen, but Thomas took it upon himself." She shook her head, "the derailed coaches, falling into the shaft, losing the dynamite and now this. He's suppose to be a hundred, yet he still acts like a tank engine fresh out of the workshops. He's no really useful engine in my books, he's a disgrace."

The girls were surprised to hear Twilight talk about her father's engine like that, except Applejack.

"I agree. He'll have to do a lot to convince us he won't cause trouble for the railway, or the communities again," she said.

It took more than a few days to clean out his boiler, replace the siderods and give him a fresh coat of paint, but finally Thomas was ready to go back to work.

"Since you're heading back to Ffarquhar Thomas, would you mind taking that goods train on track three?" Victor asked.

Thomas looked. There were fourteen loaded trucks and a brake van, all ready to go.

"I'd be glad to do that Victor, and it'll really give me a chance to stretch my wheels after a few days."

So Thomas was taken over to the siding, and his fireman coupled him up. His crew weren't saying anything to him, which made Thomas worry. Still, once coupled up and the guard had blown his whistle, Thomas set off.

"Uh...so how are you guys doing?" Thomas asked upon starting. He got no answer. "Beautiful weather we're having, right?" Still, there was nothing. Thomas sighed and stayed quiet throughout the rest of the journey.

When he reached Ffarquhar, he saw nothing but angry stares all around. From Percy, Toby, Annie, Clarabel and Rosie, to the Stationmaster and the staff. He didn't say anything to them, he just arranged his trucks into the siding and went to the water tower for a drink. As he sat there, the Stationmaster came over, "we need an engine to take Mavis' stone trucks to the junction. Thomas, you will take them while Percy takes Annie and Clarabel."

"Yes Sir," sighed Thomas unhappily.

The stone trucks laughed as Thomas came up to them, "oh look, it's the former number one," they teased. "Honestly, I think they should give the number one to that new engine; Ryan, and send Thomas off to a place where someone might like him. Oh wait, no-one does!" And they giggled in their stupid way.

Once all was ready, Thomas puffed out of the yard. As he puffed away, he spotted Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, and they waved happily to him as he went past. "Welcome back Thomas!" they called cheerfully.

"Thank you," he smiled. Although Applejack and Twilight weren't there, it felt good to hear someone welcome him back.

He reached the junction in perfect timing. Like before, no one was really speaking to him, except for one. A familiar girl with light purple hair with turquoise streaks.

"Starlight Glimmer?"

"Hey Thomas, glad to see me again?"

"Well yeah of course, but what are you doing here? I thought you were suppose to be at home getting some rest."

Starlight sighed as she looked down to her broken arm, "my parents won't get off my back about the whole ordeal, and try to get me to work around the house. I came over here to rest, and I wanted to ask the stationmaster if there's a chance I can get a job here once the Harwick branch project is done."

"Well that'll be good, the staff are very friendly." He looked to the Stationmaster, but he was looking away, "most of the time."

"Yeah I got the same reaction too. I'm sorry I made you a pariah around here."

"Don't worry about that Starlight, I was already a pariah after the coach derailment incident. Not even my own crew will talk to me. Oh well," he sighed, "one day they'll talk to us, at least I hope."

Just then, they heard a whistle and in puffed Henry with a goods train.

"Shunt your trucks onto my train and be quick about it!"

Thomas sighed, and as soon as the fireman uncoupled the brake van, Thomas arranged the trucks onto Henry's goods train. He didn't even say 'thank you' as he puffed away.

"Being a pariah is no fun," groaned Thomas as he came back to the platform.

"I'm used to it," sighed Starlight.

A little later, Thomas was returning back down the branch line with some empty quarry wagons. He was still being quiet, that was until he heard; "why didn't you tell us Thomas?" came the voice of his Driver, "we could've helped you."

"I'm sorry, it's just after being betrayed by Sailor John and Skiff, I felt like no one was on my side. I didn't even think that maybe you could help, I just wanted to be alone."

"Thomas, we're always there for you," said Night Light, "just remember, even in your darkest hour, we'll always be ready to risk our jobs, or our safety to help you."

"I'll remember that. Does this mean you forgive me?"

"Of course we do," smiled the fireman. "How can we stay mad at an engine that stopped a navy criminal? I mean come on, not too many engines can say they..."

Suddenly Thomas cried out, "STOP! STOP!"

The Driver looked through the cab windows and upon seeing what Thomas was seeing, he applied the brakes hard. Thomas skidded on the rails before coming to a stop. He stopped just in time as one of the rails in front of him was gone.

"Well I'll be blown, where did that little bugger go?" asked the fireman as he and the Driver climbed down from the cab.

"It must've been a vandal," said the Driver. "They probably took it after we passed over the line. Thank goodness Thomas spotted it and warned us."

Then Thomas suddenly remembered, "Percy's coming down the line with Annie and Clarabel, he'll come off the tracks if he doesn't stop."

The Driver reached into his pocket to get his mobile phone, but there was a problem, "oh bother and blow, I left it behind. Do you have yours?" he asked the fireman.

"I sure do," nodded the fireman.

He got out the phone and called to the next station, but soon hung up with bad news, "Percy's already been sent through, and there's no one in between here and there that can stop him."

"Except us," said Thomas. "Climb into my cab and prepare to blow my whistle, I'll tell you when."

The Driver didn't need telling twice, he ran to the cab and grabbed hold of the whistle chain. Moments later, they could see a small patch of green metal and smoke.

"Now! Four blasts at a time!"

PEEP! PEEP! PEEP! PEEP! went the whistle. The fireman squinted his eyes, "he's not slowing down, I don't think he can hear us. Again!" he shouted to the Driver, and he did. PEEP! PEEP! PEEP! PEEP! went the whistle again. The Driver pulled on it twelve more times.

"Come on Percy, don't ignore my whistle," groaned Thomas.

He wasn't as they saw him slowing down. He soon stopped with his crew leaning out the cab, their mouths were dropped open.

"What? What's going on back there?" Percy was facing backwards, so he couldn't see where he was going.

"There's a rail missing," explained his Driver. "Whew, it's a good thing Thomas whistled warnings to us."

Percy was about to reply back when he heard Thomas shout, "stop right there!" And his whistle went off.

Moments later, two young boys appeared from the bushes with tools in hand. They laughed and tried to get away, but heard screeching tires and stopped. It was good thing they did as Bertie the Bus was coming down the nearby road and stopped with inches to spare from the boys.

"Stop them, they were trying to steal the rails!" cried Thomas.

Many of Bertie's passengers rushed out and took hold of the boys.

"Not very bright you guys," said a girl with yellow hair and wonky eyes. She often goes by the name of Derpy.

Police were soon called on the scene and arrested the two boys, "we have to thank you for this Thomas," they said, "we've been on the search for these fools for some time. They've been stealing from garages and businesses ever since you left. Now that'll stop, and we'll learn why they would do such a thing."

They set off for their police station, and the two engine crews, along with the passengers were able to put the rail back into place. With permission granted, Percy reversed back to the last station and Thomas puffed carefully over the replaced rail. Once at the station, Thomas' crew phoned the Fat Controller and asked if a track crew could check on the rail. They checked it, and gave the all clear. Percy puffed off back for the junction, but not before Thomas got several cheers from the passengers.

"Not bad for an engine in disgrace," chuckled Bertie. "Say, want to race back to Ffarquhar Thomas?"

The Driver and fireman groaned, but sighed when they heard, "no more racing Bertie. It was fun during our first and second race, but now it's going too far. This has to stop, I'm sorry."

"Oh, okay. Yeah I guess you got a point, well I'll be seeing you Thomas," and he drove away.

Thomas felt someone pat the side of his water tank, and it was coming from Night Light. He didn't need to say anything, Thomas knew what he was thinking.

At the junction, Starlight soon heard about Thomas' story, "that's my engine," she smiled.

In the evening, Thomas puffed back into his berth of the sheds where he found the engines all smiling at him. The girls were there, though Applejack and Twilight Sparkle kept firm looks on their faces. The Fat Controller was also there.

"Well Thomas, your first day back and you're showing how mature you truly are. You delivered your trains without fuss, refused to race Bertie and saved Percy, his crew and his passengers from disaster. Once again, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, but I was just doing what any engine would've done."

"And modest to boot, how do you like that?" smiled Rarity.

"Sir, why did those lads try to steal our rails?" Percy asked curiously.

The Fat Controller's face changed to an angry look, "they were told by their parents; scrap merchants from the mainland, to steal anything metal so they could melt it down and they would get more money for themselves. Thankfully according to the police, their parent's illegal game has come to an end cause as soon as the boys confessed, they phoned the police on the mainland, Sussex area I believe, and they arrested the parents. Turns out, they had been doing this for quite some time, though not anymore."

"Stupid fools," muttered Rainbow Dash, but not too loudly.

"Anyways, good work today Thomas, and three days from now, I want you at the Harwick yards as we're going to open up the line then."

"Wow, that was fast," commented Thomas. "I'll be there Sir...oh and Sir, can I ask for one request?"

"Of course Thomas, what would you like?"

"My friend; Starlight Glimmer is looking for a job of her own, and having gotten no where with the Junction Stationmaster, could you maybe get her a job at the Ffarquhar station?"

The Fat Controller turned to his right, and right on cue, the Ffarquhar Stationmaster came into view.

"Kind of spooky isn't it?" Rosie whispered to Toby. Toby had to agree, and even said it was like being in a novel story that tries to get every character involved.

"What do you think Stationmaster? Would you like Starlight Glimmer to work here?"

"I don't know," he said, "is she a hard worker?"

"She sure is, and got alot of determination, and as long as you don't mind her big ideas, she can prove to be very helpful."

The Stationmaster thought it over, then agreed, "I'll give her a chance."

"Oh and don't give her too much work, she's still got a sprang arm after all."

"I'll keep that in mind Thomas." The Stationmaster turned on his heel and walked away. The Fat Controller gave a few more thanks to Thomas' crew, Percy's crew and the blue tank engine one more time, then he left.

"She doesn't deserve the job," said a new voice. Everyone looked and saw it was coming from Twilight, "nor do you need thanks."

"What's suppose to mean Twilight?" Thomas asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I've seen Starlight Glimmer, she's rude and demanding, not to mention she was the one that hurt Rock the Dog before Sunset took him in. Then there's you, one day's good deeds can't erase what you had done for being rash and careless."

"Excuse me?! I'll have you know Starlight did nothing to that dog, someone else beat him up."

"So she says," muttered Applejack.

"As for me, yes I made mistakes, but I apologized and now I'm willing to work it off. Not to mention too that Starlight and I stopped that pirate, who could've hurt someone, or turned our new pal Skiff into firewood."

"There were other ways to stop him, yet you made your choice, which got you wet and broken. If you ask either Applejack or myself, you two don't deserve another chance."

"Whoa Twilight, way to act out of character," gasped Pinkie Pie.

"Come on AJ, you don't really believe that, do you?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"As a matter of fact, I agree with Twi here, there are other ways to sort out a problem, yet Thomas took none of those steps. Not even today, he tried again to prove himself."

Percy cut in, "I had already left the station, and there was no other way to get in contact with me."

"Thomas' crew could've gotten in contact with Percy's crew, that would've prevented a serious disaster."

"Oh come on, now you're just being silly," snapped Rainbow Dash, "four whistle blast warnings are there for a reason, it's to warn other trains of emergencies, and it worked."

"I still don't see what's wrong with calling the crew, they both have phones."

"At any rate, Thomas can try to act mature and nice, but by tomorrow, he's back to his old tricks and we're back where we were before he was sent away."

Before an argument could break out, Thomas spoke firmly with Twilight, "I am trying to be a better engine, and Starlight is trying to be a better person, but if you two don't want to believe us and continue to insult us, then you might as well just leave this shed."

The others gasped to hear this. Never before had Thomas said such words to Twilight in a such a matter.

"Fine Thomas, we'll leave."

And with that, both Twilight and Applejack left the sheds, leaving everyone speechless. Thomas though was unhappy, "I had a feeling she wouldn't be friendly towards my return, guess I'll just have to get used to this from now on."

Still, as the days went by, Thomas couldn't be cross as he got on the good side of everyone else along the branch line, even the stationmaster at the junction. He was also pleased when he saw Starlight being given a job as a porter at Ffarquhar station.

At last, the big day arrived for the Harwick Branch line's opening. All the engines, workers and machines were there for the grand opening.

"Isn't this exciting Oliver?" asked Marion the Steam Shovel to the excavator. "Together, we worked to build this branch line. Though I think you should've wished to be a steam engine again."

"Uh, does she not know?" asked Alfie.

Before Oliver could answer, there came another voice, "I think we're meant to be behind Mr Donald, Mr Oliver." It was Toad.

Marion looked to her left and gasped to see Oliver the Western engine. "Wait, what? Two Olivers? But this can't be right, I thought the mini engines were magical, and that you made a wish. There can't be two Olivers on the Island of Sodor."

"Oh, but there can be," smiled Oliver the Western Engine.

"Though Oliver there has been on Sodor longer than me," said Oliver the excavator. "Miss Jenny knew this would cause some confusion, but still named me Oliver because she said I looked like one. Still, it's an honor to finally meet you Oliver."

"Right back at you Oliver," said the Western engine.

"Shh," whispered Douglas, "Thomas isa comin', and he's brough the Fat Controller."

Everyone looked to see Thomas puffing in with Annie and Clarabel rattling happily behind him. His blue paint was sparkling as he slowed to a stop, "Very smooth there Starlight, you should become a railway driver when you get older."

"You know Thomas, I just might," she chuckled.

The Fat Controller climbed out of Annie the Coach and over to the podium to address the crowd. He said he was very proud of the work everyone had put in, and even told the daring story of how everyone helped to stop Sailor John.

"Today, as we open this branch line, I'd like you to meet the engines running it. Ryan, is a Great Northern N2 tank engine, recently bought from a previous owner and painted purple, he'll be taking on the goods work. As for the passenger engine..." Thomas gulped, he really hoped it wasn't going to be him, "we have a transfer from another branch line to work passenger runs."

"But Sir, I already have a branch line to run on," objected Thomas.

The Fat Controller chuckled, "oh no Thomas, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about another engine, one designed for passenger workings; Daisy the Diesel rail-car."

"Daisy?!" Thomas exclaimed.

From behind the stage the Fat Controller was standing on appeared a familiar dark green diesel rail-car. She smiled, "it's been a pleasure to work with you Thomas, but Sir Topham Hatt thinks I could be more useful here."

"Well I'm sure like many of us on the Ffarquhar branch, we're going to miss you Daisy, but congratulations."

"Thank you Thomas."

"And now," continued the Fat Controller, "I declare the new branch line open." But instead of walking over to the ribbon, he walked back towards Annie, along with many visitors that had been on the stage, "Thomas, Starlight, care to do the honors?"

"With pleasure Sir," they said. With a toot of the whistle, Starlight opened the regulator and Thomas puffed slowly forward to cut the ribbon.

The other engines soon followed him down the tracks and towards the fishing village. The machines raised their buckets in salute, and as she did, Marion noticed she still had a small gem in her bucket.

As they puffed into the village, the two friends spotted a familiar sight, "hello Thomas, hello Starlight," called Skiff, "look at this, I got my own line now, just like you. Oh and I got a new captain. Meet Captain Joe."

"Hello there friends," smiled Captain Joe and saluted them.

"Congrats Skiff, by the way, love the new look."

Upon being bought by the Fat Controller to be a rail-tour boat, Skiff had been patched up and given a new coat of white paint with a blue deck and mast.

In the distance, they could see Captain the life boat with several people on his deck. They were bringing the treasure back up, and speaking of being brought back up, they could see the pirate ship in the water, bobbing up and down in the gentle waves.

"This looks to be a very successful branch line," Thomas commented.

"Indeed," smiled Starlight. "But I think I'm going to enjoy my life on the Ffarquhar branch more."

"I'm sure you will Starlight."

But still, in spite of all the good around them, Thomas was still feeling down about Twilight and Applejack not willing to give him another chance. As for Starlight, she could only guess of what other punishments her parents had in store for her.