• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 1,015 Views, 4 Comments

Her Family Once Said To Me - Lunar Hymn

Anon and Applejack getting together has been quite the surprise to most but now he must face his greatest foe. Her Family.

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Anon and Apples

It was a relatively slow summer evening in Ponyville. The leaves upon the trees slowly had begun to change colors in preparation for the next season. The town was already planning on the next The Running of the Leaves and some ponies were even wondering who would come in first this year.

And then there was Anon.

He was bored. Like really bored. Anon spent most of the day being nagged constantly about his new relationship with Applejack. It hardly has been a week since he accepted her confession and the entire town wanted to know every little detail.

Even some of the quietest of ponies like Fluttershy wanted to know how it happened. The butter yellow pegasus normally kept to herself but when the news hit she was the first to barrage him with questions.

Glancing at a nearby clock, he hopped out of his chair and scurried out the door to his potentially final destination.

Applejack’s family wanted to speak to him about their relationship and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, the weight of the world attached itself to his ankles. Each step that Anon took he moved even slower.

Before he could even reach the door it opened, little Apple Bloom’s head popped out from behind it.

“Howdy Anon!, seems like Granny and Big Mac wanted to talk to yah ‘bout Applejack. Ah know you're a good person since how yah spend time with me so you already have mah blessing. I got to go since we have some crusading to do but I know yah gonna be fine so best of luck to yah.”

And just like that Anon’s singular lifeline he had to win their graces left to potentially cause hundreds of bits of property damage and injuries zoomed towards the small village.

Taking a seat on the stairs he took a moment to think.

'Alright Anon. Shouldn't be too difficult to do this. All you're doing is talking to her family. Just you and them in their house a good mile away from the town. Two earth ponies that mean the most to your marefriend. One being a senile old lady and the other being her massive hulking brother that could potentially shatter every bone in your body with little to no effort. No big deal, just speak from the heart and you got this.'

Taking the deepest breath he could muster, Anon rose up and knocked upon the door.

A minute or so passed without a response. He decided to try knocking again before noticing a small lime green earth pony mare standing in front of him. How she got there without him noticing will forever be a mystery.

“Welcome Anon, get in there and take yah a seat. We'll be right there in a moment.”

As he entered the small farmhouse he took note of the two ponies mumbling between each other in the doorway preparing to pass holy judgment upon his soul.

Earth ponies were quite menacing compared to their counterparts. While they didn't possess magic or flight, they made up for it with their strength and stubbornness, and these two were prime examples of them. The simple act of glancing upon Anon made his entire life flash before his eyes.

Granny Smith was probably the most ancient mare in all of Equestria behind the princesses. From all the stories Applejack told him, she was even there once the town was founded. No pony knew her secret to living so long but wouldn't dare to ask or be cursed into hearing her entire life story.

Big Mac on the other hand remained quiet sitting beside his grandmother. Anon knew earth ponies were the biggest compared to the other tribes but Mac made everyone else feel like an ant. He hard working, quiet stallion who even had a marefriend of his own must have some sort of plan to keep Anon from his sister. It was always the quiet ones you’d have to look out for. The quieter they were the scarier they could become if provoked.

The small moment of silence was interrupted by Granny Smith initiating conversation.

“So you're the one courting mah granddaughter. Always thought yah were tall but seeing you this close is something else. A tad bit scrawny in those arms of yours but seems like you lift up enough.”

"Yes ma'am, I've finally came to terms that I love Applejack. It's funny really I knew ponies could be extra touchy feely but never expected her to be one of them."

"So than Anon can yah tell this old mare the one thing she wants to hear?"

"I'll have her back before eleven?" Anon asked not having a clue to what the old mare was referring to.

"Ehh close enough. Applejack may be a tough mare but I'm tougher. I'll allow you to see her but yah better take good care of her. You already have Mac here on you and trust me I've seen how hard my granddaughter can buck a tree so don't think I didn't warn yah."

Big Mac never took his eyes of Anon from his place at the table. His stare made it seem as if he was scanning the very depths of Anon’s being waiting to pounce at any moment once he saw a crack in his façade.

"Why should I let you stay with mah sister? Are yah trying to use her status of being the Element of Honesty to get popular?"

Anon instantly jumped back at Big Mac's claim.

“Why would I want to do that? I've been around for some of the feats she and the others accomplished. Sure they did most of the work but I put in my share of effort and even was awarded a Medal of Equestrian Valor so I already have something to my name.”

"But what made yah choose mah sister over any other mare in Ponyville. So many others to pick from but yah chose here."

'Ahh so the question finally shows up. Jokes on him I already have the answer.'

“Hmm. She's beautiful and strong so that already checks off a couple boxes on my list. That blonde mane she’s has along with those emerald colored eyes really makes her a prime choice any stallion would want. I can’t blame them for looking at her, she’s a hidden gem waiting for someone to make her shine."

“And you wanted to be that somepony or in your case someone?" Mac asked skeptically.

“Exactly, most stallions are afraid to approach her because how powerful she is. I know if I were in their hooves that having a mare show me up in strength would be a blow to my masculinity. However I'm not like them. sure I might just be the local alien but I know that Applejack is someone I can trust. After all if you can't trust someone can you really love them?"

"Fine you have a point, but what is it yah do exactly, I nev-"

Granny Smith whacked him upon the head with a wooden spoon before he could even finish his sentence knowing where the conversation was heading.

“Not all of us mares want some fancy shmancy business stallion Mac. Some just are waiting for the silly colt next door to gather his thoughts and finally make his move. Take yah parents as an example. It took Bright months to finally fess up to your mother and they were both farm ponies. No need for anything extra if the love is there.”

“But Granny."

"Don't but Granny in mah house! Yah need to let your sister experience love too dear, she accepted Sugar Belle being in yah life now it's time for you to accept Anon here. Yah can’t be an overprotective big brother forever. The girls are gonna grow up someday and you need to accept that. ”

Big Mac’s entire posture changed after hearing her speak. His ears folded as he accepted defeat and realized she was right. Applejack didn’t contest when he began seeing Sugar Belle and was supportive of him every step of the way.

Anon was surprised to see the large stallion back down. He thought that Mac was firm on his decision and wouldn’t budge until Granny spoke. was an old mare but didn’t expect her to put her hoof down when he was being unreasonable.

"Alright Anon, I want you to Pinkie Promise me something. If yah truly cared about mah sister you'd go through with it knowing the consequences of breaking it. I want yah to promise me that if it doesn’t work out in the end, yah better let her down as gently as possible. If not, you're gonna take a nice wallop from my hindlegs. All that apple bucking for years really builds up muscle yah know."

"If that's what it takes for me to be with her still then so be it. I'm doing this for myself also to prove I'm not using her and show that I truly love Applejack. But do I have to do the movements also?" Anon whined.

“Eeyup, it's not a Pinkie Promise without them.”

“Alright. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” He said all while doing the silly little dance and even accidentally jabbing himself in the eye.

Once the unholy ritual that was a Pinkie Promise was complete Anon tried to bask in his shame until an ethereal force went through his body confirming that the promise was sealed.

"Uh Mac, is it normal to feel all weird after making one of those promises? Its like something consumed my body and turned it into it’s new home."


“Now git out of here and find mah granddaughter. I may be old but I've got eyes all over Ponyville. Don't do anything yah’d regret.”

“Yes ma'am. Now if you'll excuse me I have a marefriend to go meet."

Anon launched himself out the door leaving the remaining two Apples alone.

“Hey Granny? Yah think those two will be a good match for each other?”

“I think they’ll be just fine.”

Author's Note:

Happy Birthday to me to you from me? I don't know how to word that personally

Welp here it is the beloved sequel. Will there be another and another who knows.
It might not too sure when or If I'll continue it but I did have this planned to be a 4 part little series.

If it came out a tad bit scuffed don't worry I'll be back to fix it. Just published it since I was heading out for the evening.

I'm still gathering more and more ideas for my next story so no clue what will come out first.

Comments ( 2 )

I was told about this site by a friend, and when I found your writing, I was very impressed. I'll come back often now that I've saved it fnaf

Can't wait for STTPS to make it in audio video

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