• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 468 Views, 11 Comments

Past Or Future? - eggomaplesoup

Two twins, Twilight Sparkle, and Twivine Sparkle, were raised in a nice loving home but as time went on something bad happens between them.

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Chapter One: Welcome Home

Twilight Velvet holds her two newborn twins; she can't believe that she and Night Light are finally parents.

"Look how beautiful they are..." Twilight Velvet smiles at the newborn babies.

"I know, honey, someday, when they get older, they'll rule Equestria together." Night Light smiles.

"I'll name the dark purple one, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight Velvet says with a smile.

"And I'll name the light purple one, Twivine Sparkle." Night Light also says with a smile.

Night Light kisses the two newborns' foreheads.

"Welcome to home and earth, Twilight Sparkle and Twivine Sparkle." Twilight Velvet also kisses newborns' foreheads.

A couple of months have passed, and the twins are now 5 months old. Twilight Sparkle crawls to Twivine and opens her arms wide, but Twivine crawls away, leaving Twilight confused.

But their older brother, Shining Armor, picks up Twilight. "What's the matter?"

Twilight stares at Twivine.

"Oh, you wanted to hug your twin sister, but she didn't accept it." He sighs. "Maybe give her some space." He puts her down.

Twilight pouts, but then crawls towards Twivine again, and she hugs her.

Twivine tries to get away from Twilight's grip but fails, so she gives in.

Twilight laughs, hoping that her and Twivine's relationship never ends.

3 years later, the twins are in their rooms. Twilight is reading a book, while Twivine is practicing her magic. As she practices her magic, a vine comes out from the ground, and she gasps. "What the heck?!" She shouts.

Twilight looks confused. "What's wrong?"

"I tried to use magic, but all I got was a stupid vine!" Twivine explains.

"Don't give up." Twilight tries to cheer her up. "Maybe try harder."

"Try harder?!" Twivine snaps. "I've tried harder, but no matter how hard I try, nothing works!" She shouts at her. "It's not fair! You get to actually use magic! While I have to use the stupid vines as so-called magic!" Twivine sits as tears roll down her face.

Twilight feels bad for her and puts her hoof on her shoulder. "Sister, it's okay nopony is perfect, not even me." Twilight tries to cheer Twivine again but fails and Twivine smacks Twilight's hoof away.

"Oh, but you're not perfect huh?" Twivine stands up with an angry expression. "You're always perfect, you have perfect magic, perfect grades, everything! You're just so... So... Greedy! You never appreciate everything that you do! You're always busy with Mom and Dad making me feel left out! It's not fair!" She shouts once more.

Twilight sighs. "Well, I'm trying to be there for you, and besides we have the magic test from Princess Celestia that is coming tomorrow maybe you can finally be Celestia's student!" She tries to cheer her up one last time. "If you just trust me, Twivine. I promise everything will work out. And maybe we can even rule Equestria together in the future."

Twivine stares at Twilight. "And what if it doesn't work?" She asks. "What if I become a villain? What if I hurt you?" Twivine starts to tear up again and sobs, and Twilight pulls her in for a hug.

"Then we'll just have to try harder." Twilight puts her hoof on Twivine's back, and pats it.

Twivine sighs and nods but they suddenly hear their mother calling them for dinner.

"Coming Mom!" Twivine and Twilight shout at the same time.

A couple of hours later Twilight is sleeping peacefully on her bed, while Twivine is sitting on a chair at her desk writing a poem.

In the shadows lurk powerful magic, sinister and vile,
A force so evil, it thrives on darkness with a smile.
Its presence haunts the land, casting shadows far and wide,
A wicked spell that seizes hearts and tempts them to abide.

From ancient times, it drew its strength, from secrets dark and deep,
A concoction of malevolence, enough to make fate weep.
It weaves a web of chaos, with spells so dark and strong,
A formidable power that thrives on what is wrong.

With whispered incantations, it calls upon the abyss,
Summoning the creatures that make even heroes hiss.
It bends the laws of nature, defying all that's right,
A diabolical mastery, veiled in eternal night.

Beware the power of this magic, for it corrupts all souls,
A poison that engulfs hearts, taking tolls upon its tolls.
It preys upon the weak, tempting them with wicked dreams,
Luring them into their grasp with tantalizing schemes.

But, dear warrior, fear not, for against this darkness we stand,
United against the malevolence, hand in hand.
With courage in our hearts and light to guide the way,
We shall vanquish this evil, breaking its unholy sway.

Though the powerfully evil magic may try to lead astray,
We shall uphold the balance, no matter what price we pay.
For the strength of goodness always surpasses the dark,
And in the face of evil, we ignite a vital spark.

So let the battle rage on, between the forces of light and night,
A clash of power and virtue, each seeking to set things right.
In the end, it is love and courage that shall triumph over all,
And the powerfully evil magic shall crumble and fall.

And then she turns to the next page and writes:

In the realm of darkness and strife,
A tale of sisters, bound by life.
Twins they were, yin and yang,
One radiant, the other with fangs.

Unwanted shadows, plagued her mind,
An envy-consuming, unrefined.
Her heart, a vessel, black as night,
To extinguish her sister's light.

With wicked thoughts, she set her plan,
To destroy her twin, her only clan.
Unleashing chaos and whispered lies,
She sought to rupture familial ties.

But the sister, pure and full of grace,
Carried love, like a warm embrace.
Her heart, a beacon, unfading bright,
Resisting darkness with all her might.

As the war waged on, both strong and frail,
Their bond tested, like an ancient tale.
Yet love endured, despite the pain,
A silver thread, hard to restrain.

In the end, the darkness was defeated,
The twin sister's bond could not be cheated.
For love, like rivers, always finds its way,
Mending the pieces, come what may.

The destructive path, she did forsake,
Remorse and regret would keep her awake.
For true unity, true strength does shine,
The sisterly bond is forever intertwined.

Twivine then closes her diary, and she puts it in a drawer and turns off the lamp, she gets up and sighs. "Hopefully I will become Princess Celestia's student just like my sister said," she mumbles to herself.

She then gets on her bed, turns off the light, and slowly drifts off to sleep.