• Published 22nd Jul 2023
  • 353 Views, 4 Comments

Land of the Lustrous: Battle for the Crystal Empire - Kyetta Cubid

Battle for the Crystal Empire and for a way to return Home!

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Chapter 5: Frozen Fighter

Since the Gemstones and Ponies were getting close to a war against Sombra, it was now confirmed that Sombra has now become crafty in order to steal the Crystal Heart and possibly destroy the Gemstones too.

He was looking at a Gemstone of Phosphophyllite, Bort, Diamond and Spinel in the palm of his hand. He then got close to them and huffed at them. "To think, my plan to rule all of Equestria would be ruined by Gemstones, but once I'm finished with you all!" He then crushes them all in the palm of his hand, the Phos being the first to crack. "My, someones on edge." He was then greeted by his 'Queen', Cadence. "And what would that apply? When those Gemstones and their Building came close, they're throated everything, starting with stealing the Crystal Heart right from under my nose!" He slammed his fist onto the throne.

Once he lifted it up, he saw some cracks and scratches on his fingers, which ment one thing. "I think thinking about those Gemstones may turn you into one?" "If they are, then they'll be joining me when I do get shattered!" He then growled, until he thought of a plan. "Get me my Assassin! Luna!"

Back in the School, Spinel, Diamond and Phos was looking at the Crystal Empire, thinking about what it was before Sombra Corrupted it. "You want to know about the Empire before? Should of asked me." Shining Armor then came up towards them, as he too looked at the Empire from a distants. "What did it look like before?" Phos asked him, as he answered. "The Crystal Empire was a beautiful Empire after me and Cadence ruled, but that wasn't like that before." "Before what?" Diamond asked, which Shining kept talking about it. "Before, it was ruled by Sombra, who enslaved the entire Kingdom, wanting to start a war against all of Equestria, however, he was stopped by Celestia and Luna, who banished him for his crimes. He did return once, but was stopped by the Crystal Heart, returned by Spike, my sister's Assistant. Once it was returned, it freeded the Empire and Banished him again. We made a Statue in his honer, you know."

They were interested in how another creature saved an Empire before, but how, it was up to them. "And because of Phos taking it from the respected Empire, it'll be us that he'll want to start a war against!" "I'm sorry about what happened when you all were taken from your homeworld, but if I did want to ask, what is your world like?"
Shining was then interested in their world, which Spinel told him.

"Well, it's quite plain, with a vast grassland, a Ocean and a beach that they're born from and a few peaks that we can look out to the Ocean and the entire plains. However, it's not all piece to us, as their are the Lunarin's to deal with." Spinel explained, as Shining didn't think they'll have their own threat from their world. "Lunarians?" "Called Moon People. They're apparently after us for our bodies to shatter and take to the Moon. Many Gemstones have been taken there, as we're what's left." Diamond told him, which he thought that's the reason they had weapons. "The Reason Obsidian is the Weapon's designer, they can melt some of their body to craft into Swords that we'll use, but when Spinel came into our lifes, they then made them into Weapons that are suited for us. Their first Weapon was a Lunarian Pickaxe, which they refigured into their weapon." Diamond said, as Shining remembered Obsidian telling him that.

"Well, either Obsidian or Spinel, facing Sombra or Lunarian's, you all have a bright future if you'll live that is." "Thanks for complementing and seeing a bright 'future' in us." Phos remarked, which Shining was trying to make them feel better. Just then, Kongo came up to them four. "I see your all telling him about our world?" They then looked at him. "Kongo, we know we shouldn't, but he asked." Spinel said, as Kongo saw they were trying to be nice. "Anyway, I'll be happy to confirm you all that Antarcticite will be ready soon. They're still slow on their speed, but they'll be ready for the Night Patrol." They were glad to hear that. Cinnabar getting cut by Shining made them Spill Mercury all over the place, even Rutile and some Doctors tried to go near then, as their Mercury is very Poisoness.

Shining remembered that moment. "Again, tell them my apologies." "Maybe don't let dout cloud your mind, or you'll end up making mistakes. Remember like you said, it's whats on the inside." Kongo said as he left them, as Shining thought he might of hear him talking to Twilight's friends, talking about their Magic being in their hearts. "Maybe once we have my sister back, maybe she could crack the secrets about what Sunburst was trying to tell us." He hoped, as they all left the balcony, as Spinel looked back at it and decided to follow them.

Back at the Crystal Empire, Sombra was looking down at his Assassin, former Princess Luna. He looked at her Dark Latex-covered body, corrupted by him, Light Armor, a mask covering her face and a Cloak that her cape was blowing by the wind. "You are in the need of my skills, my King?" She asked through the mask. "Indeed I have, my Assassin. As you may of guessed, that building on the outskirts of the Empire is housed to not only the Resistant's', but creatures that I'm calling' Gemstones!" Luna heard about that. "They possibly are seeking to stop my rule and defeat me! I need you to sneak in, Steal back the Crystal heart, and maybe Destroy some Gemstones along the way!" She didn't know what Gemstones were like, but in her role, it was her job to destroy whoever is against her or her master. "I'll do my best to retrieve and Destroy!" She replied, as she then turned her back and left the throne room, as her Cape responded to the wind around her.

It was now Dark, which ment everyone was going to sleep and the other Night Patroller was going to start their shift, as Kongo was explaining what was going on. "I know that this isn't a typical Winter Patrol that your always in, but this is important. These creatures need our help and in doing so, they'll help us. I want you to look out around the halls. Your Forbidden Power and Weapons will be around you always." They looked at their weapons and Shield, which already had the power inside of it. "I'll try. Only in an emergency." They replied sternly. Kongo then patted their hair. "That's my Gemstone." Once Kongo left them to do their Patrol, they then scouted the entire building, not realising they're will be a real threat to come.

Outside, Luna was looking at the School, seeing some of the lights were off, which could mean everyone was asleep. "Huh? Maybe this job will be boring, but It'll also be quick!" She then jumped off a building and headed into the School. She looked around, finding nothing out of the ordinary, seeing it almost looked like an ordinary school, almost like her Sister's gifted School. "Maybe these Gemstones are somewhat advanced than I thought. Better warn Sombra when I retrieve the heart!" She thought to herself as she then looked around the building, seeing it pretty big and spacious, thinking they are many rooms where the heart would be.

Once she explored the first floor of the Building, she saw it didn't have the Heart in, but she did find Kongo's room, but didn't want to disturb him in his slumber. She then checked the Second floor to see if there was any luck. "I can feel the heart close by. Once I do have, they'll be nothing to stop Sombra and his rule..." "Is anyone down there?" She then heard a voice of someone she never met before. She did hide somewhere so she won't get caught, but with her Armor being dark in colour, she can blend into the darkness and waited to ambush them. Once they were in the same hall, she saw it was one of the Lustrous, finding it to be a Colourless-White. They were wearing a White Uniform unlike the other Gemstones. "Whatever that one is it's mine!"

She then landed infront of Gemstone, ready to fight them. "I see your one of Sombra's Knights. An Assassin?" "And you'll be the first one to be shattered!" She then rushed over to the Gemstone, but they rushed away from her quickly. "What the?" They then brought out their weapons, which were Two Shurikens. They also had a giant Saw that was behind their back. "Even if your not a Lunarian, I'll face you if I have to!" They then threw one of the Shurikens at her, but she blocked it and it ended up hitting the wall.

The Sound woke up Spinel, Shining, Phos, Bort and Diamond. "What was that?" " Whatever it is, Antarcticite is in trouble!" Spinel and the others got their weapons and decided to help out in the middle of the night. Shining got a Weapon of his own.

In the Halls, Luna was still fighting Antarcticite. Had enough of her, Antarc then slammed their weapon onto the floors, which ended up being slippery to her, as she had a difficult time standing up in heeled boots. Antarc didn't have problems. Shining and the Gemstones came into the hall and saw what was going on, finding it was a fight. "Who-What is that?" Bort asked, as Shining knew who it was. "Luna?" "A Lunarian? How did one get here?" Bort then brought out her whip, but Shining stopped them. Before he could go into help, he almost slipped on the floor. "How is this hall now slippery?" "Because of them!" Spinel replied, pointing to Antarc. "That's our Winter Patrol, Antarcticite, and the slipperiness is caused by their Forbidden Power, Formidable Frost!" Antarc knew Spinel would address them, but Luna was still not giving up.

She tried to jump back into the shadows, but the Slipperiness made it too difficult. "I have to address about the Heels? They're too difficult to do ANYTHING!" Antarc looked down at Luna, but that was a mistake when she looked back while slapping them, Cracking them a little. She then got up and looked at them. "You should of been like that!" "Back at you!" Phos then rammed into her using Formidable Frost, which froze some of her Armor and Latex, which made it brittle and fall apart. Luna then looked at them, as her Mask fallin into pieces and making it more clearer to hear her mouth. "You all don't know when to quit?" Phos was now scared, using Antarc's Forbidden Power.

Antarc got some strength back, as they threw their Shurikens at Luna, grazing the Latex and her Coat a little. They kept grabbing and throwing them at her, until she was looking a bit downed. "Is that... all you got?" She asked, as Phos then used the power once, but it froze Luna inside a Block of ice. Once she was taken care off, Phos returned to the others, to see if Antarc was fine. "I'm fine. Just didn't see her attack in time." They looked at Luna, still Frozen. "How long can someone stay in there?" Shining asked, as Antarc got up and made their way towards the Ice. They gave it a small tap, seeing it started to crack a little.

"Antarcticite, what's your Hardness?" "3? Why?" They then saw the ice cracking more, until Luna was freed, but the ice and slicing through the Latex skin froze off her body, including the Armor. Everyone saw Luna was now nude, which made Spinel and Bort cover Diamond and Phos' eyes. "That's plenty more Luna then I had to see." He said, embarrassed a little. "Shining? Why are your friends here looking at me curiously?" She then looked down, finding herself nude. She covered herself with her arms. "Oh man, that's embarrassing in this weather. Red Beryl!" Spinel announced.

Once Luna was in a Lustrous Nightgown, she told them what happened to her. "When I was about to face Sombra, my sister and Twilight both were already taken by him. I didn't know what to do, only to be corrupted next, into his Assassin. I'm also greatful to you all for saving me." Spinel and Diamond gave a nod, Bort didn't believe it and Phos was still surprised how they handled Antarc's Forbidden Power. Antarc was freezing themself a little. "Just be happy you didn't recieve Frostbite from my power." " I'm glad you battled and freed me. More longer in that state, then the Crystal Heart would of been his." Luna looked down at herself, feeling the Gemstones Nightgown. "I have to get one of these. More comfy unlike mine."

"Whatever dirty Tricks Sombra would pull on us next, then we'll be ready!" Spinel said, as Luna saw they had enough. "If he wants to fight us, then we'll give him a War he'll never forget!" They now wanted to battle Sombra's forces and get back home. "If my sister was here, then she'll be proud of you all." "Kongo will talk about you in the morning. We need sleep." Shining said as they all yawned and decided to head back into their rooms. Antarc got some of their strenth back, as Spinel decided to help them. "Just be happy it's not Phos." "I'm just happy it's not that Dolt." "Hey!" Phos yelled at them both, which almost made everyone wake up.

Back in the Crystal Empire, Sombra lost his Connection to Luna, which made him mad. "How is this even Possible? First Shining Armor, then Twilights friends, almost half my Solders and now Luna? What kind of powers do they even have?!" Sombra roared, as Celestia thought about that. "It could possibly be the powers of the Forbidden Powers?" "WHAT?!" Sombra then looked at Celestia, who kept calm. "The Forbidden Powers. They were created by an Arc-Wizard, which gave a power that can cause damage to everything, but they were then banished to another Universe. They were Banished from our World centuries ago because they may threaten Equestria!" Sombra remembered them, growing Concern. "Oh yes. I now remember. I here by never let those Gemstones near the Empire! If I do find them." He then grinned, looking at a Crystalization of a Look like Gemstone of Morganite, but had jagged Spikes of his Crystals in their hair.

"If you want to destroy a Crystal, it'll be time for another Army. Another Indestructible, Unstoppable, Crystal Army!" He then started laughing, so did Celestia. Twilight came in and looked at his Plan, both concerned and kept to her roll as her Loyal Knight.

Author's Note:

Don't ask about why Antarcticite is here, but do ask about what Sombra is planning. Please!

I'm also adding some fun into this, like what you just read.

I also did see a Comment talking about Land of the Lustrous and the Inspiration to this series both are Dark, but we all have our series that we're proud of and what the plot could be made as. This is still going to be a Good End thing!

- Kyetta Cubid.