• Published 19th Jul 2023
  • 732 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Adventures in Hocus Pocus - ponydog127

The Mane 6 must help three kids, a griffin and an immortal cat defeat three witch sisters on Halloween.

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I Put a Spell on You/A Plan on the Horizon

Meanwhile, while the sisters had been invited into the elderly man's house, believing them to be Satan himself, some girls disguised as witches took their brooms. When the master came back out with the witches (after his dog terrified them and his wife insulted them to their faces), he handed them candy and they were furious at how their brooms were taken-- now, they had to walk. “Sisters, look,” Mary pointed to her chocolate. “It’s the chocolate covered finger of a man named Clark.”

But when she took a bite, she spit it right back out, having an entirely different flavor. “Eww… it’s candy. Why would the Master give us candy?”

“Because he is not our master!” Winifred said with a snarl. “He wasn’t?” Mary asked stupidly, just before Winifred pulled off a boy's mask. “And these are not hobgoblins. See?!”

“Cool it, dude!” the boy said before quickly scampering off, hitting Mary with his candy before doing such. “Weirdos!”


“Sisters,” Winifred figured, “All Hallow’s Eve has become a night of frolic. Where children wear costumes and run amok.”

“Amok! Amok, amok, amok, amok--” Sarah delighedly squealed before Winifred elbowed her in the gut and dragged her sisters away. They had three kids, a cat, a griffin and six ponies to find, along with the spellbook.

I mean... how hard can that be?


Meanwhile, the group was approaching Town Hall, which was spookily decorated and filled with loud music. “Great…” Max rolled his eyes in frustration. “How are we ever gonna find Mom and Dad in this place?”

“If they are in here, we’ll have to split up to look for them,” Zipp figured. “And some of us will have to keep a close eye out in case those sisters show up.”

“I can do that while you help the kids find their parents,” Hesperia volunteered. “Griffins do have a way of sneaking around you know.”

With Max leading the way, they managed to slip past the doorman and entered the party, which was louder than ever, full of flashing lights and food, which made Izzy's eyes widen in delight. “Uhh… Max, I think there might be some sign of your parents at the concession stand!”

And just like that, she drug Sunny away, the earth pony mare yelping in surprise. “I wanna go look for Mom,” Dani held Binx in her arms. “Good idea. Misty, Pipp, you go with her,” Zipp advised, and the three of them walked off. Suddenly, a hand reached out for Max, causing the group to jump, revealing Dave in a vampire costume. Max sighed in relief. “Dad!”

“It's not Dad-- it's Dadcula,” Dave joked before turning to Zipp. “My my, that is a very impressive costume my dears-- very horse like.”

“Uh, thanks...?” Zipp and Hitch blinked, but rolled with it as Dave turned to Allison. “Oh my goodness, who must this charming young blood donor be?”

“DAD!!” Max finally shouted, causing Izzy and Sunny to run back over with sweets. “Something terrible’s happened!”

That's when Dave turned incredibly serious. “Dani? What's wrong?”

“No, Dani’s fine! Well, for now, anyway,” Hitch said. “It’s just… well…”

Meanwhile, Dani, Pipp and Misty were hopelessly wandering around looking for Jenny, not sure of what costume she was in. “Mom?” Dani asked someone in an alligator costume, but it shook its head before trudging on. Suddenly, Pipp caught sight of Jenny dancing, and her eyes went wide as she tugged the others over to her. “Mom?” Dani asked, grabbing her mother’s attention. “What are you supposed to be?”

“Madonna. Well…you know…well, obviously. Don’t you think?”

Dani got her mother to lean down before she told what happened. “This cat here, Binx, right? He can talk, and these ponies here are from a magical world,” she began explaining, holding Binx in her arms. “Max is a a virgin, he lit the Black Flame Candle, the witches are back from the dead and they’re after us! We need help!”

“I know this is hard to believe, Jenny, but it's true,” Misty said. “The Sanderson Sisters are really back from the grave!”

But Jenny didn't seem to quite believe it. “How much candy have you had, sweetie?”

“Mom, I haven’t O.D, I swear! I haven’t even had a piece!” Dani protested. “They’re really witches, they’re can fly, and they’re gonna eat all the kids in Salem. They’re real! And so are Misty and Pipp and an evil alicorn who wants to steal magic!”

This seemed to get Jenny a little worried as she scanned around the room. “All right, let’s just find your father.”


At the same time, the Sanderson Sisters finally entered the party, and Winifred barked out orders to her sisters. “Slither about! Find them!”

Sarah wandered off, while Mary stood there bobbing to the music until Winifred elbowed her in the side. Then she too went off to look for the kids.

By this time, Max and Dani had gotten their parents together and they were trying to convince them that the witches were real, but no one was having much luck. Hesperia even tried to convince them as well, and still nothing. That's when Dani spotted the witches not too far away. “Max! Guys!” she screeched. “They're here! They're here!”

Max, Allison, Dani and the ponies looked over and saw the sisters looking through the crowd for them, and Max knew he had to do something fast. “Nobody’s here, sweetie,” Jenny tried to reassure, and Max gave the book to Allison. “Here, take this. Come on, Sunny!”

“Where are you going?” Misty asked. “Max!” Dave called. Max and Sunny quickly got onto the stage and got the music to shut down, where Max took a microphone to try and warn the crowd. “Will everybody listen up please?” Max asked the annoyed crowd, and Dave only sighed in exasperation. “No, he’s just getting everybody worked up.”

“Listen to him, he’s fine!” Dani tried to convince. “There's no way to sugar coat this, everypony,” Sunny said, “but... your kids are in real danger.”

This caused the crowd to groan and mumble in confusion. “300 years ago the Sanderson sisters bewitched people, and now they’ve returned from their grave,” Max said, causing people to laugh. “Hey man, I’m serious! It’s not a joke!”

“All right, this has gone far enough,” Dave said, but Hesperia stopped him from going forward. “Mr. Dennison, please! Listen to them!”

“I know it sounds dumb,” Max admitted, “but they’re here tonight. They’re right over there!”

A spotlight shone on the sisters, and this caused many to back away in surprise. Winifred, however, measly smirked. “Thank you, Max and Sunny Starscout,” she sneered, “for that marvelous introduction.”

Sunny gulped nervously while the crowd laughed. Then, to make matters worse, Winifred began to sing for the crowd.

Winifred: I put a spell on you
And now you're mine
You can't stop the things I do
I ain't lying

“NO!! NO!!” Dani covered her ears as she, Hesperia and the ponies tried to keep Max and Dani's parents from listening. “Don't listen to them!!”

Winifred: It's been three hundred years
Right down to the day
Now the witch is back
And there's hell to pay

I put a spell on you...

“Good joke,” said the singer from the onstage band. “Happy Halloween.”

“No!” Sunny cried. “We're serious!”

Winifred: And now... you're... MINE!!!

Unfortunately, the crowd was too entranced to listen, resulting in Max and Sunny to regroup with the others as the sisters got on stage. “Hello, Salem!” Winifred yelled. “My name's Winifred! What's yours?”

Winifred: I put a spell on you
And now you're gone

Sarah and Mary: Gone, gone, gone so long

Winifred: My whammy fell on you
And it was strong

Sarah and Mary: So strong, so strong, so strong!

Winifred: Your wretched little lives
Have all been cursed
Cause of all the witches working
I'm the worst

I put a spell on you
And now you're mine

“Binx, where are you?!” Hesperia cried to the cat in the dancing crowd. But as Binx found his way to them, Billy appeared behind them, sending the group on the run.

Sarah and Mary: Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out!
She ain't lying

Winifred: If you don't believe
You'd better get superstitious
Ask my sisters

Sarah and Mary: Ooh, she's vicious!

“Mom, Dad!” Max cried as they found their parents again. “Thank god!”

“Hey, Max,” Dave greeted, “great show.”

“Cover your ears!!” the group shouted, but were once again chased away by Billy while the parents looked on. “Oh,” Jenny said, “I wish we had the camera.”

Winifred: I put a spell on you
A wicked spell
I put a spell on you

Sanderson Sisters: Ah-say-into-pie

Crowd: Ah-say-into-pie

Winifred: In-kama-koray-ah-ma

Crowd: In-kama-koray-ah-ma

Sanderson Sisters: Hey, high
Say, bye-bye!
Bye, bye, bye

The kids, Binx and the ponies and Hesperia managed to get out one of the doors with Billy in hot pursuit while the crowd cheered, not knowing that last chorus was a spell. “Dance!” Winifred shouted. “Dance until you die!!”

And that's just what the crowd intended to do as the witches gave the kids and Equestrian creatures chase.


Hesperia, the Equestrians and the kids ran down the alley, trying to avoid Billy and the witches. But once they knew they were in the clear, Max kicked some trash cans in frustration. “This is really bad!”

“Max, calm down!” Allison said, and Max turned to her firmly. “Look, I want you to take Dani back to your house and don’t let her out of your sight!”

“Max, I'm not leaving you!” Dani said. “She's right,” Zipp said. “I know you wanna keep your friends and sister safe, Max, but in this circumstance, we have to stay together-- it's the only way to make sure the sisters don't succeed!”

They ducked for cover as a cook came to get a lobster to cook, but just as they stood up, Binx caught sight of the witches. “Uh oh...”

“Get down!” Misty cried, and they got down just as Mary began sniffing around for them. “I smell… Winnie, I smell...” she trailed on. “I smell…scrud.”

Her sisters gave Mary a look of confusion. “Scrud. You know, it’s a bottom dweller. You cook it sometimes with a little bit of bread crumbs, little bit of margarine, or oil...”

Winnie, in an annoyed manner, dragged Mary away, while Sarah looked around a moment before Winifred called her away. As soon as they were gone the kids and their friends came out of hiding. Allison used an oven to get her balance and the oven door swung open, creating a loud bang.

But one look at it, caused a plan to formulate in her head. “I think I have an idea. Izzy? I'll need you and the ponies to help with it though.”

Izzy only smiled. “You had us at help. Lead the way!”