• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 31: Tension Rising

The Rainbooms landed in front of the station where several officers waited for them. Cloud Mist stepped out and approached them, removing her officer’s hat.

“Apologies for the short notice, girls. Right this way.” She said before turning and leading the girls through the station. The looks they got was a mix of admiration and disappointment. But the Rainbooms paid no mind to this as they were led to the back and entered into a room with a two way glass window. On the other side, strapped into a dolly like a insane lunatic animal, was Adaggio. Fluttershy bit her lip warily.

“Isn’t that a little… extreme?” She asked.

“It’s more than necessary to ensure the safety of everyone involved.” Wild Fire said as he sat up from a table. Sunset and the others studied Adaggio. Sunset couldn’t help but notice the dead look in her eyes. While Adaggio may not be responsible as the source, she felt that jail time wasn’t a fitting punishment. But, she wouldn’t want execution either. Wild Fire looked out the side of his eyes to them. “Adaggio has been in that state ever since you girls saved the city. We believed she may be in a coma like trance from the… magical effects.”

“Well… she’s still in one piece. I think.” Rainbow spoke. Twilight studied Adaggio with a hum. Wild adjusted his hat.

“We were hoping you girls would be able to get something out of her. She seems to respond to Sunset Shimmer’s name and the Rainbooms as mentions.” He said. Sunset looked to Twilight.

“Twilight, can you come with me? Maybe we can get a reading on her magic.” She said. Twilight nodded and Cloud Mist led the two out of the room and into the interrogation room. She closed the door behind her and stood guard as Sunset and Twilight took a seat across from Adaggio. The two exchanged concerned glances before Sunset began. “Adaggio? It’s me,
Sunset Shimmer.” Adaggio’s eyes widened a little in response. But nothing was uttered. Sunset narrowed her look. “You knew what you were doing when you decided to team up with a primordial being. I’m guessing what you didn’t account for was Quiet Fire showing up to stop you.”

Adaggio remained speechless, but they noticed her eyes give a look of denial. The device around Twilight’s neck began to vibrate. Twilight held it up to study it when it suddenly popped open and Adaggio’s eyes widened, the color seeming to fade from them. A small wisp of magic flowed out of her throat and over to the device, where it rested and swirled softly at the center. The two began to hear a faint singing voice. Sunset looked to Cloud Mist and motioned to cover her ears. Cloud Mist looked to the glass and covered her ears. Twilight and Sunset leaned in. The voice was calling to them. Sunset reached out a hand and the world melted around the two. Twilight looked around in a panic while Sunset stood up and readied herself. The squawks of seagulls and the crash of water against rock could be heard.

Accompanying these sounds was a song. It sounded sad. Lonely even. Sunset and Twilight stuck close as they saw a bright flash of light in the distance of the dark abyss. It then glowed and shimmered, causing them to shield their eyes. When the light dimmed, they smelled salt water in the cool breeze. The ocean water washing against their shoes and the sounds of seagulls around them. Looking down, they were standing on a small patch of island with nothing around them, save for several rock formations. The song grew louder and the two turned around, their eyes widening in surprise.

On a jagged and flat rocky formation rested an aquatic equine creature as told by the legends. The creature’s head aimed at the sky, eyes closed and a soothing voice singing. The two readied themselves to counter spell the Siren, but instead, a strange feeling washed over them. It was as if they could feel her emotions. A sense of longing freedom. To be adored. Not to conquer but to worship. A sense of magic that isn’t as powerful as she believed it to be.

The verse changed to loneliness. Of three wayward souls finding companionship on clashing ideals but mutual want of admiration. A bond that, at first came off as untrustworthy and one off, became more than that. The song ended with a desire to sing as they had once done ages ago, to be free from the cage they were thrown into. The Siren then lowered her head and put a hoof to her chest.

When her eyes opened, they fell onto the two.

“Come here to gloat? So be it. My chance for freedom has long been surrendered.” Adaggio spoke aloof. Sunset and Twilight looked at each other before Sunset stepped forward.

“We didn’t come here to gloat, Adaggio. We just want some answers.” She replied.

“You’ll find naught here. Begone, ‘err you be lost to the stream.” Adaggio replied.

“Adaggio… what was that song you sang?” Twilight asked suddenly. Adaggio’s fin tail swished against the crashing water.

“Tis a lullaby we sang ages ago. We created it as a beacon to find our way home. Tis long since failed us. There is no point to it anymore.” She replied, looking out into the ocean. Sunset and Twilight exchanged glances once more.

“Every song always has a point, Adaggio. It’s always sung from the heart. You of all creatures know that. Isn’t that how you want to be adored?” Sunset spoke. Adaggio didn’t respond. “Your magic is powered by your song. Shouldn’t you use it for good instead of trying to conquer Equestria?” Sunset asked. Adaggio turned her head to them, a spiteful glare crossing her expression.

“Thou know not of what you speaketh! Conquering Equestria twas never our plight to begin with! Tis a lie bespoken upon us by that damnable Starswirl and his companions!” Adaggio hissed. “The quaint little village that we doth terrorized hath been a boon for our starvation! We only needed to feed! Creatures, we are. But monsters, we knoweth well! And that village your “heroes” saved hath been unkind to each other! Tis coincidence we stumbled upon it!” Adaggio snorted angrily. “Yet, behind the veil of blackened hearts, there were those that looked upon us. Complimented sweet tidings and praised us for our beauty. But the magic twas not filling.”

Sunset and Twilight looked at each other. Sunset crossed her arms and thought on the subject.

“Your legend strikes a memory. I remember reading that the Sirens were planning on using their dark magic to conquer Equestria. You’re saying it’s all a lie? Then why send all those shadow monsters to attack the city?? What did you need to gain from doing that?!” Sunset motioned around them. Adaggio shifted her position on the rock.

“Twas my only choice. I needed enough power to return to Equestria. The filly gifted us the darkness which bolstered our magic beyond anything doth can imagine! But…” Adaggio looked contemplative. “Honeyed words soothed our weariness. Encouraged us to make friends.” She snorted in disgust. “Twas a plague on our minds. All I thought twas to return home. To hear upon admiration once more. The darkness tales so.” She then bowed her head and laid it against the rock. “Thy wish upon the others to follow suite. All for naught.”

“Are you saying… you weren’t in control?” Twilight asked nervously. Adaggio didn’t raise her head.

“Never hath I spoken on such. My control twas true. My actions intended. No apologies granted nor given. Tis a choice I desired.” She replied.

“But why?? Adaggio, you and the Dazzlings have been working so hard on your voices after the Battle of the Bands! We saw it at the Starswirl Festival! You have a following! Fans even! You all are adored one way or another!” Sunset put a hand to her chest. “Take it from someone… somepony… who went against her mentor’s wishes and stole a crown of magical power all for a reason I thought would benefit me! It was thanks to Princess Twilight Sparkle to show me that the light of magic and friendship is all the power you ever need!” Adaggio eyed them. Twilight bit her lip in thought, before sighing and stepping up next to Sunset.

“Sunset is right. I too was a victim of my own faults. I wanted to learn all I could about Equestrian magic. To understand why it was coming into our world and how we could achieve it. I nearly destroyed this world and Equestria in the process! It still haunts me to this very day, but it was thanks to Sunset Shimmer, who had redeemed herself amongst her friends, did I too walk her very path.” Twilight smiled at Sunset. “I’m here now thanks to her and everyone else. You didn’t need the darkness, Adaggio. You had friends and admirers. All you had to do was look behind you.”

Adaggio lifted her head and studied the two. She then shifted a frown and dove into the water, her figure rippling and distorted as she swam around them. Sunset and Twilight went back to back, on alert for any sudden attacks. Adaggio then splashed out of the water and rested herself on the patch of island, towering over them.

“Humans will always be scum. Same with you ponies. Thou art naught on equal terms with one such as I. That, I promise thee.” Sunset slumped in exasperation.

“Then what do you truly want, Adaggio!? You’ve already lost your companions! What little dignity you had left was lost to the shadows and you were beaten by us. Twice! What more do you have to lose??” She challenged. Adaggio shifted backwards a bit.

“What I truly want…” She darted her eyes in thought. She then looked past them and the two looked over their shoulders to the empty jagged rock formation. “That… is one question I have to think about. But mark my words, Sunset Shimmer. I will not stop my vengeance against those that hath tossed me into this prison. With the magic now potent and lively, tis only a matter of time. Begone with you.” Adaggio was about to turn when Twilight held out a hand.

“Wait! We need to know where Tenebres is hiding! You had direct contact with her, can you at least tell us that?” Twilight asked, standing firm. Adaggio snorted and leaned down towards them, her snout blowing their hair with a puff of air. The smell of sea and salt wafted over them. She then pulled away from them.

“The filly in question moves around too much for a proper location. However, the darkness that resided in me whispered words. Chatter to be exact. Of your school.” She then back flipped into the water and began to jump in and out of water, getting further and further away from the two. The area melted around them and a bright light blinded them.

When the light dimmed, the two lowered their hands and saw themselves back in the interrogation room. The small bit of magic wisped out of the device and back into Adaggio’s throat, causing the color in her eyes to return and her inhaling as if she had been underwater without her gills. Sunset looked with a narrowed expression, seeing Adaggio’s still dead looking eyes. Cloud Mist put a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, who was still in a bit of stupor.

“Everything alright, you two?” Cloud Mist asked stoically. Twilight blinked and looked to her, nodding in hesitation. Sunset and Twilight left the interrogation room and back into the other room.

“What happened in there?” Applejack asked with worry. “The whole room lit up for a second.” She said. Sunset put a hand on her hip and a finger under her chin in thought.

“I’m… not quite sure. I think we spoke to Adaggio through our hearts or something.” She looked to Wild Fire. “We… didn’t get much. But she did say that something might be going on at Canterlot High.” She then blinked when she heard her phone go off. She looked at her phone. “It’s Flash.” She then answered it. “Flash? I’m in the middle of something. Can I call you back?”

”Sunset! You have to help us! The school is under attack and-“ Sunset’s eyes widened when Flash started to grunt as if he was struggling against something and the sound of his phone dropping. ”Don’t let go! I got you! Grrrrgh! Sunset!! You have to help us! Get off of me!! W-wait! No!” The call disconnected. Sunset balked.

“Flash?? Flash?!” Sunset spoke. Nothing. She looked to the others. “Canterlot High is under attack! We have to help our friends!” Wild Fire looked to Cloud Mist who nodded before stepping out alerting several officers. Wild nodded to the girls.

“We’ll catch up. Go.” He said.

Quiet Fire’s POV

I stared up at the building of the museum. It was unfortunately closed due to the attack from The Dazzlings. There were security guards walking around outside. I hummed and decided to try the roof. Din landed me onto the roof and I jogged over to the roof entrance. Finding it unlocked, surprisingly, I stepped in and descended the stairs, opening the door at the bottom and peeking in. The hallways were dark, but using Din’s eyes, I could see perfectly fine. Din hummed.

I sense the traces of magic. Stronger than it was previously when we arrived. She stated. I snuck quietly into the hall and made my way through the exhibit, following Din’s gaze. We passed by several display cases of old war relics and then one display that was empty with another that had shattered glass around it. Din frowned before directing my gaze down a hall. Keeping my own awareness alive for any sounds of security footsteps, I proceeded into the next exhibit.

I stopped in front of a display that had red velvet curtains around it. Whatever was here before is now gone. The yellow tape crossing it off made for an interesting tell tale sign as there was a strong sense of magic here that Din noticed. Deciding nothing else was interesting, we proceeded down another exhibit. Fossils and what looked to be dinosaur bones were displayed.

I looked up at the skeleton of a T-Rex and hummed. No magic here. Din suddenly turned my head to the left, as if sensing something wrong. Being on guard, I approached the area and looked around. Din then had my eyes fall onto an empty display case. The glass around it showed signs of it being shattered to get into it. Lo and behold, we could see wisps of magic floating around the pedestal. I hummed.

I approached the display and read the plaque:

It is believed that the cave this crystal was dug up from was the birthplace for the legend of King Arthur. Founded by famous astrologer, Starswirl the Bearded, these crystals have been recorded in ancient documents depicting their use in the war against King Perceptical the Perceptic Tyrant. It has also been studied to show that there maybe a special property that made these crystals, but that is speculation.

I tapped my chin. ‘Sounds like we have a clue. But what would Tenebres need with that crystal? If it is what the plaque says it is, it’s possibly another Equestrian artifact that wound up in here.’ I sighed. ‘I’m starting to see where Thi gets her paranoia about artifacts being used for evil schemes. At least it isn’t the Triad that got a hold of it.’ I had a dawning realization. ‘Are there even any Triad here? That would be trouble.’

I believe that it maybe a different cult in this world. But that is not our concern. I have a hunch that my sister plans to use this crystal to bolster her power further. If you’ve noticed, the magic that was here is powerful. Din said. I blinked.

‘How powerfuI?’ asked. Din hummed.

Perhaps I forgot to mention. But as a power element, not only can we give the magic, but take it as well. Though, there is nuance to that rule, I’ll keep it simple. We exchange for a coexistence. Tenebres is taking as much magic as she can and most certainly plans to unleash it against us and this world. She must have somewhere to keep the magic hidden, however. Holding onto it can prove to be a pain in the ass.

“Hey, who goes there!” A voice said. I quickly tossed up my hood and looked over my shoulder. A flashlight was aimed at me. “You’re not supposed to be in here!” The security guard walked over, reaching out to me. I swiftly sidestepped around the guard and he stumbled.

“Sorry, sir. I was just on my way out.” I said casually before power walking away.

“Hey, stop!” The guard called out, rushing over to me. Din smirked smugly and unfurled her wings behind me majestically. The guard stopped and fell onto his rump. I stopped and looked over my shoulder.

“It won’t happen again.” I said. Din then kicked me off the ground and we crashed through the dome glass, taking off into the sky. We soared through the air and I began to scan the ground. “Hope we got what we came here for.” Din hummed.

It begs the question of where she is hiding the magic. Sadly, yours appears to be closed off to us. This world deems it so. She said. My eyes then fell onto flashing lights. Using Din’s eyes to get a further look, I saw several officer wagons barreling down the road. Following the road, my eyes fell onto what would be Canterlot High. My eyes widened, seeing the school having a dark haze dome surrounding it. Din and I put on a burst of speed towards the school. My eyes then noticed the girls riding on a massive gem.

“Looks like we didn’t need to search that long.” I commented before making my way down towards them.

Rarity brought them down just across the street from the haze, their eyes wide in shock. I could hear what sounded like the screams of the damned from the haze. As Sunset took a step forward, I noticed several puffs of black smoke shoot out from the haze and circle around the girls before landing in front of them. From the shadows emerged who I recognized as Trixie, Flash, Bulk Biceps and Derpy. Their eyes had a dead look to them, their posture slouched as if hanging from strings and their mouths having black lines down to their chin.

They shivered and began to bounce around each other, as if performing a ballet dance. Sunset threw her arms out and fired a beam at them in an effort to stun them. Yet, their odd dancing caused her to miss. They then in unison began to pirouette and lash out their limbs in a strike. Sunset went stumbling onto the floor while Rarity held up her diamond shield around them. I used Din’s eyes and noticed a faint set of strings attached to them, oozing with shadows.

‘Perhaps we can get more answers here.’ I thought before calling my halberd. I kicked off in the air and like a comet, I sailed down and as the four lined up to strike all at once, I twirled my halberd and slashed horizontally just above them. The strings snapped and flailed around before retreating into the haze. I shot upwards and came to a stop, looking down at them. Rarity lowered her barrier and the girls cheered. I floated downward towards them and looked to see Flash, Bulk, Derpy and Trixie come too.

“Urgh… The Great and Powerful Trixie… has a tummy ache…” Trixie sickly said, green in the face a little.

“So… dizzy…” Derpy swayed. Bulk shook away his daze and helped Derpy to steady. Sunset leaned down and helped Flash up, who rubbed his head with a wince.

“Why is the earth wobbly…?” He rasped. He blinked and noticed Sunset. He smiled. “You made it.” Sunset nodded before looking serious.

“What happened Flash?” She asked. Flash took a moment to get his footing before replying.

“I’m… not sure…” He then looked to me. “I was in the middle of practicing with my band when out of nowhere, this dark haze came into the gymnasium and people started vanishing. Before I knew it, I felt like I was stabbed with a knife several times over and no longer in control of my body.” He looked back to them. “I… I was aware of what I was doing to you all… I couldn’t control it… I’m sorry.” Trixie, Derpy and Bulk nodded apologetically. Applejack stepped forward.

“As long as you are okay. Any others inside?” She asked. Flash nodded.

“Anyone that hasn’t gone home after school. We have to save them!” He replied. Sunset nodded.

“You four stay here. The police are arriving any minute. Girls, let’s go.” She said. The girls began to rush towards the haze.

“Wait!” I called out. Too late. The girls collided with the haze and a slight distortion caused them to rebound away from the haze. The girls landed on their backs or rear with a chorus of “oofs”. Sunset winced and rubbed her tail bone. Flash bent down and helped her up as Sunset looked at me.

“What just happened?” She asked. I looked towards the haze, Din’s eyes scanning the area.

“It’s a barrier. One made by Tenebres’s magic.” I shouldered my halberd. “Listen. What we dealt with at the bay is nothing compared to what Tenebres is capable of. She’s one of the seven. A primordial being. Her magic can influence even the strongest of wills. I can’t tell you for sure if she’s here or not. But the fact of the matter is that when you go in there, it will not be pretty.” I stoically explained. “There is no guarantee I’ll be able to help. Hopefully, she’s after me and will allow you to do what you need to do.” I then stepped in between them and the barrier. ‘Ready, Din?’ Din shifted in response.

I twirled my halberd with a swish, catching it and aiming the tip of the blade towards the barrier. I then stomped my foot and jabbed the tip into the haze. With a loud pop and a strong force of cold wind, Din's fire created an archway. I pulled my halberd back and adjusted it in my hold, looking over my shoulder.

"Be prepared for anything. Tenebres will not hold back." I told them. The girls exchanged uncertain glances as Din snorted, smacking her hooves together.

I'll fight fire with fire! Din grinned challengingly.

'Down girl. We need to keep a level head. She got the better of you last time. If you want to put her in her place, let's focus up.' I thought to her as I stepped through the archway. Din growled, her anger quietly rising as I could sense her remembering what Tenebres had done to her. I made my way down a bit and glanced over my shoulder to see the girls walk in after me. Din shifted.

Vessel, above! She said. I stopped and readied myself, looking up above. My eyes narrowed as my gaze fell onto a ball of shadow floating around the prismatic glowing flower. The ball then floated up above the flower and in a puff of dark smoke, a headless creature wearing what appeared to be a circus attire and a floating top hat presented itself in a showy manner before bowing to us. I tilted my head in confusion. The creature then flicked its' hand and withdrew a familiar object. My eyes widened in horror. The statue's horn.

“Wallflower?” I said suddenly. The creature made a strange motion before snapping its’ gloved fingers. In a puff of black haze, I heard the Rainbooms gasp in horror. Wallflower hanged limply in the air by several strings attached to her. The creature then held out the horn to her, bowing elegantly. I saw the gloves wiggle and flex at the same time Wallflower blankly reached for the horn and took it in her hand. She then waved it over her head and a crackle of dark lightning sparked from the tip.

The lightning crackled around us, snaking along the ground and scorching the sidewalks. The creature seemed surprised by the lightning itself and danced around the strikes. It then stopped and wiped its’ nonexistent head before waving its’ fingers and forming a shadowy orb over the tip of the horn. Wallflower leaned back and brought the horn behind her before chucking the ball at me. I quickly deflected the ball over my head, which was a terrible mistake. The ball popped over head and split seven ways, washing over the Rainbooms. They screamed in shock as the shadow began to swallow them at the feet.

I gasped and rushed over to Sunset, grabbing her hand and pulling against the force of the shadow. My eyes darted around, seeing the others get swallowed into the shadows. I swore loudly before shifting my halberd and stabbing the blade into the shadow and ignited it. This released Sunset Shimmer from the shadow and I went backwards with Sunset stumbling over me. We quickly scrambled to our feet and Sunset’s fist clenched, looking up at the creature.

“Let my friends go!” She challenged it. The creature seemed to make a gesture of laughing before snapping its’ finger and Wallflower disappeared into a familiar shadow pillar. The creature seemed to get a kick out of our struggle before rolling the hat over its’ shoulders and then bowed, waving its’ fingers as the door to the school opened up. The creature then dissipated into a dark haze and flew into the school. Sunset and I rushed after the creature, entering the school without a second thought.

The door slammed shut behind us, enshrouding us in darkness. I snapped my finger and ignited a flame to light up the area around us. We could hear whispers all around us.

“Stick close.” I told Sunset Shimmer. She nodded as we proceeded further into what I would assume is the main lobby of the school. It was too dark that I couldn’t see fifteen hoof steps in front of me. Err… footsteps… ahh buck it. It’s too damned dark. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Sunset looking a bit distressed. “You good?” I asked her. Sunset looked uncertain but nodded.

“I just… hope nothing too bad happened to them. Or anyone here for that matter.” She said sadly. “This magic… what even is it??” I could tell she was a bit frustrated.

“It’s alright, Sunset. I know how to fix this. But I need you to keep a cool head. Primordial influences don’t affect me but like I said.” Sunset nodded with a sigh at my words.

“I know. I know. I’m cool. Where would we even find them?” Sunset asked after taking a moment to breathe. I stopped and looked up with a frown.

“Two guesses.” I said with a hand on my hip. Sunset looked up and our gazes fell on several neon signs of varying designs pointing down the hall. Sunset looked a bit baffled.

“What…?” She began. I adjusted my halberd.

“Keep your eyes and ears open. Usually, walking into a trap is the best way to find someone or something.” I said as we continued to walk.

“That’s… not a reassuring argument.” Sunset replied with concern towards me. I smiled a little and shrugged.

“It worked a couple of times.” I said. Din sighed.

Barely. She commented. We continued to follow the signs, eventually finding ourselves standing at a door. It looked to be the principal’s office. We exchanged a careful glance before I opened the door. Stepping through, I suddenly felt a weird sensation of vertigo. The room was twisted in a way that you couldn’t tell if it was up or down. Not only that, there was a set of stairs that, upon following, led to a set of stairs that were upside down or all around. Sunset and I traversed the stairways, ending up confused as to how we ended up back to the start.

It took us a bit to find the right path. When we did, we wound up in a twisted hallway, the lockers elongating into whatever you would call the ceiling or walls. Eventually, the lockers began to turn into steps that curved downward. Sunset and I made it halfway down the locker steps when they then flattened all at once and we lost our footing, yelling as we slid down the path of lockers. The lockers began to make waves as the whole world around us began to make a psychedelic effect that made Sunset a little green in her face.

When we tumbled onto steady and even ground, I helped Sunset up and steadied her.

“Urgh… Are we there yet…?” She said dizzily. I stoically looked around the area. I waved the flame over to me and bumped it with my palm, floating it high over our head and letting it light up the darkness. My eyes widened in horror. Sunset shook away her daze and looked around, covering her mouth in horror. It was like we had stepped into a toy aisle.

All the students of Canterlot High, including what looked to be the teachers, were all lined next to each other or even above and below each other. They encircled us, their dead, blank expressions staring at us as their strings hung them limply like lifeless puppets. I readied my halberd to my side while Sunset looked around us.

“Wh… what happened to them…?” She shuddered. Using Din’s eyes, I looked around the area. The haze is stronger here. Even Din was finding it hard to make anything out around us. My eyes then fell ahead and I aimed my halberd in a readied stance in the direction of footsteps. From the shadows emerged Wallflower Blush. Sunset readied herself as Wallflower swayed with her steps.

I couldn’t help but notice she was dressed in a blue frill dress and her hair was neatly primmed and straightened. Almost as if she had become a doll. I looked at the sight with a disturbing expression. Wallflower jittered a bit before tilting her head.

“Help…. Me….” Her pained voice spoke without moving her mouth. “It…. Hurts….” Her body then began to move, the sound of bones crunching as her body looked mangled before straightening and gave a courteous bow. A swirling smoke of shadows swirled around Wallflower and she began to grow taller and taller. Sunset and I backed away as Wallflower towered over us and reached a hand out towards the puppetted students. From the rows descended Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Wallflower then reached to the other side and Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash descended.

Their blank expressions meeting ours. The dark haze around us then swirled and began to enshroud the girls, making their bodies crack to life.

“Join us, Sunset Shimmer.” All six said in unison and began to circle us.

“It’s not so bad being like this.” Pinkie Pie spoke, though her voice sounded strained a little.

“It’s pretty awesome. No worries or stress. Just go with the flow.” Rainbow Dash, her tone sounding like she was in pain, said.

“Join us.” Rarity spoke.

“Join us.” Twilight followed suite. Then it was Fluttershy and then Applejack. Sunset darted her eyes with a disturbed expression.

“No! You need to break free of this! This isn’t you!” Sunset replied in desperation. She then looked to Wallflower. “Wallflower, please! I know you can hear me! You have to gain control!” I shook my head.

“We’re going to have to actively free them. Cut the strings.” I said as I readied myself. Sunset gave an apologetic look to Wallflower before nodding and letting her magic lift her up from the ground.

“Hang in there. We’ll get you out.” Sunset said reassuringly aloud. I stoically stared down Wallflower until she waved the horn and started to float over to me. Din unfurled her wings and the two of us scattered. Sunset did her best to direct herself around her puppetted friends while I tried to get a higher advantage to cut the strings. Which was harder than it was as I had to stop myself from committing to the swings as students were used to jump in the way.

Everytime they did, it was followed by their laughter, as if taunting me. It also didn’t help that Sunset tried to avoid hitting her friends with her magic, only for it to directly do so (intentionally by the creature) and causing them to scream in agony. It was Fluttershy that did so to protect Twilight. Yet, the scream waned into a giggling fit from both of them.

“Heeheeheehahaha! It… hurts… help… Hahahahaheehee.” Fluttershy blankly gestured. Twilight floated around Sunset.

“The screams… make them stop… Heeheeheehee.” Twilight said with a strained tone. Sunset froze in horror as Pinkie Pie joined in and circled around her.

“Don’t be afraid, Sunset. Join us! Then we can have all the fun like we used too.” She said excitably. Sunset lowered herself and fell to her knees.

“No… Please, you have to snap out of it! You’re my friends! You’re stronger than this!” She pleaded. As this was going on, I was trying to get at the strings, but Wallflower was being directed like a ballerina around me, making it hard for my halberd to get anything. I looked over and saw Sunset curled down on her knees, shaking her head. I grit my teeth and without hesitation, I kicked off the air towards her, only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack laughing at me and doing small jigs in a taunting manner.

My eyes widened as I could see strings emerge from the haze and snake towards Sunset. Din suddenly roared, igniting a bright fire around me.

You will not have the Phoenix!! She angrily shouted. I couldn’t react to what happened next. Six copies of myself shot out from the fire surrounding me and tackled the Rainbooms. Vessel!! I blinked out of my stupor and kicked off the ground, swooping down and scooping Sunset away just in time. The strings slithered back into the haze and suddenly, the whole school students and teachers floated out of their positions and began to grow.

Sunset and I stared in horror as the laughs from the school students and teachers echoed around us. Wallflower waved the horn in a pirouette and aimed it at us and the puppetted students and teachers rushed us. I balked.

“Gotta’ go!” I said as I quickly spun around and kicked off the air, sailing down the dark hallway. Din put on a burst of speed as I did everything to avoid being swiped at. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Lily, Rose and Rain Drop flanking me while Applebloom and a teacher, whom I’m certain resembled a certain resident donkey in Ponyville, appeared from the shadows and laughed at me, waving their limp arms and hands.

I quickly twisted my body, Sunset holding onto me as I zipped past them. Correcting myself, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were up ahead, having emerged from the shadows and seeming to topple over a locker together. Din flapped once and gave us enough height to sail over it. However, another locker toppled and Din and I couldn’t react. Sunset, however, swished her arm out in front of her and blasted a hole with her beam spell. She held on tightly and I straightened my body, Din bringing her wings in and with a twist, we sailed right through the hole and out the other end of the locker. Din unfurled and continued to maintain our speed.

“We have to find that lackey! It has to be around somewhere!” I stated, gritting my teeth as I avoided Celestia and Luna swiping at me along with several other students. I then felt a rush of wind and a rainbow blur pass under me. My eyes widened as I looked to see Rainbow Dash jump and performed a hattrick that connected with my back. I went downward and Sunset and I rolled along the ground after hitting it hard.

I managed to land on my feet and swished both my arms out around me,
Creating a barrier of fire. The puppets laughed and began to dance around us as Sunset sat up and shook away her daze.

“How can we even find it?!” Sunset asked, probably feeling a bit woozy. My eyes began darting around the puppets, trying to see if I could notice anything unusual. My eyes fell onto Wallflower, who was waving the horn around, the colorful light trail following the tip through the haze. My eyes narrowed at an idea.

‘Din. Sunset Shimmer is a phoenix, right?’ I asked. Din snorted.

Not likely. She holds the power of the Phoenix. Capital P. A deity who bears the origin of the species. What are you suggesting? Din replied, her senses on high alert.

‘Can we let Sunset have some of our fire for her own?’ I asked. Din clicked her tongue.

The girl will burn herself for trying! My eyes fell onto the horn and Din read my mind. Hmph. I question your ideas more and more. It’s a wonder how we are still alive. She sighed. I smiled.

‘Because I have you.’ I replied. This made Din quiet, but I felt her warmth flow through me. I then noticed several copies of myself appear from the flames. Taking a quick look, I noticed that my hair was flowing like fire and it had grew a long ponytail followed by pony ears on top of my head. Din’s amber slit eyes met mine through my copy and I nodded. I looked over my shoulder. “Get ready, Sunset. It’s time to save this school with everyone in it.” I said with a smile. Sunset looked questioningly at me.

“What are you- Hey, wait, Fie!” She called out. I swished my hand and my clones shot out of the barrier and began to swing away, not intending to hit, but to make the intention to cut the strings to get the puppets to back off. With that succeeding, I rocketed out of the barrier, avoiding a couple of swipes from Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, accidentally using Twilight’s face as a spring board and sailing through the legs of Rainbow Dash, who had tried to intercept me with a kick. I then reached out to Wallflower, who was being yanked back quickly by an invisible force, yet a little too late.

I locked my arms around her’s and flipped myself under and over, twisting the arm and causing Wallflower to let go of the horn. I gave an apologetic look before quickly planting my shoe into her side and caught the horn, landing on my feet into a sprint before Din flapped her wings and I went sailing back towards Sunset. I didn’t get far however as I was soon dogpiled by several students. I struggled to break free of their hold. I managed to yank my arm free and heaved the horn through the air.

“Sunset!!” I shouted. The last thing I saw before the blank expression of Twilight, with a shoe print across the bridge of her nose, met mine, laughing.

“Hahahaha! That hurt!” She said, sounding a bit annoyed. I gave an apologetic look before smirking. Suddenly, a bright light shone behind her and the puppets let go of me. I landed on my feet and nearly tripped as I looked on at the sight. From my fire ascended a majestic phoenix. Inside of the spectral bird was the silhouette of Sunset Shimmer. With a loud screech, the projection of the phoenix vanished and Sunset took a step forward. Her entire being having changed to the same manner against Adaggio.

She held the horn in her hand and stared down the puppets. She then tossed the horn up high over her head and in a colorful rainbow light, the hallway was lit up, blinding the puppets. I could see the strings attached to everyone visibly now. Sunset then waved her arms, her hands glowing before she held them out and several gold beams shot out of her hands and sliced the strings.

One by one or in groups, the students and teachers fell limply onto the ground. Sunset then held up her hands over her head, her eyes glowing brightly and shot a red beam into the horn. This was followed by a blue one, then a yellow one, an orange, a blue and a violet and lastly a pink one. The horn then exploded into a bright rainbow wave that washed over the entire school. My eyes saw the magician like creature fall out of the ceiling from a shadowy hole and landed hard on the tiled ground.

In a bright flash of light, everything had returned to normal. We were standing outside in front of the school, the students and teachers on the ground around us. Looking around some more, I could see the officers standing behind with quite a bit of onlookers. I smiled and looked back over to Sunset Shimmer, who met my look and smiled as we turned to the magician creature. It looked shocked and terrified at the sudden change of control.

It wiggled its’ gloved fingers, as if trying to control whatever it had left. Sunset gave it a hateful look.

“Fie? If you’ll do the honors.” She said. I called back my halberd and held it at the ready. The magician crawled back, waving its’ hands in a begging manner. I loomed over the creature as it shrunk back. I smirked.

“Tough luck, Tenebres.” I said before stabbing the blade through the creature’s chest. Din cackled evilly and ignited the tip, the fire torrenting out of every end of the outfit. With no head to scream, I could sense Din feeling less than satisfied about the ordeal. Regardless, the magician clawed at itself before reaching out to me and vanishing into a charred pile of fabric. I pulled back and called away my halberd before taking a deep breath and giving all the power back to Din.

I then turned around and saw Wallflower pushing herself up with a pained groan. I smiled and walked over to her, reaching out a hand. She looked up at me and took it. I pulled her up and she took me by surprise by hugging me. I let out a small sigh of relief before patting her back before she pulled away. We looked to see everyone else coming too. Sunset helped up Twilight and beamed as the two hugged, followed by the rest of the Rainbooms going in for a group hug.

Cheers began to erupt from the onlookers. The police advanced and began to aid the students and teachers to come to and help them up. I looked up, noticing something glinting and held out my hand. The horn floated gently down from the sky and into my hand. I studied the colorful horn with a hum.

“Powerful magic, huh…” I said. Wallflower reached out a hand to it before stopping and pulling back, rubbing her forearm bashfully.

“Y-you should probably hold onto it. Better it was in the hands of someone who cannot put the school in danger… again.” She said. Sunset and the others approached us.

“You didn’t put the school in danger, Wallflower. No one would have saw this coming.” Sunset said with a reassured smile. The horn in my hand glowed and a rainbow ribboned out of Sunset and back into the horn. Sunset regained her normal Pony Up outfit as she examined herself. I arched a brow before pocketing the horn in my back pocket.

“Perhaps I should hold onto it for now.” I then smiled. “Glad everyone is okay.” I blinked as I saw Twilight’s unamused raise of her brow. I could see my shoe print still across her bridge and I gave a nervous laugh and smile. “Ehehe… s-somewhat okay.” Twilight rolled her eyes before grinning a little. I then looked past them and saw my parallel dad approach us with another male person.

“One hell of a show again, girls.” Wild said with a small nod. Rainbow Dash playfully punched Sunset in the arm.

“Gotta give all the credit to Fie and Sunset here. They really saved our hides.” She said with a wink. The male person with Wild nodded and looked around.

“I must say, these past couple of weeks were quite an eye opening event. Who’s the owner of this school?” The man asked.

“That would be me.” A voice said. We looked to see Principal Celestia and Vice Principal approach with my parallel mother at their side. The man smiled.

“Ahh perfect. I would like to ask a few questions if you do not mind?” He asked. Celestia and Luna glanced at each other before Celestia nodded.

“Of course.” She said. The man motioned.

“Right this way.” He said. Celestia and Luna walked with him while Wild sighed a little. Something was bothering him. He then removed his hat and looked to us.

“Canterlot High will be closed until a full investigation is complete. Consider this an early Spring Break.” He explained. Rainbow Dash pumped her fist.

“Aww, yeah! Now we can actually put our heroing to work!” She cheered. Wild cleared his throat.

“Unfortunately, that is to remain on hold. The chief was ordered by the city to do a thorough investigation on you girls. Your jobs have already been contacted and you’ll be placed under custody until questioning is finished.” He said with an apologetic look.

“What?!” Rainbow Dash balked, but Sunset held up a hand to her.

“We’ll be happy to answer any questions. But we cannot guarantee a full coverage. There are still somethings we still don’t know.” She said.

“You don’t have to be in the dark any longer.” A voice said. My instinct had kicked in and before anyone could register, I had called my halberd and aimed the axe blade out to my side, holding right at the neck of a girl that appeared out of a shadowy pillar. She let out a startled “Eep!” And held up her hands. I looked over and narrowed my eyes. It was one of The Dazzlings. The pony tailed girl shivered and remained where she was.

“Sonata?” Sunset raised a brow before crossing her arms. “Should have guessed The Dazzlings were behind this.” The look of daggers were glaring in the direction of Sonata all at once from the girls. Sonata gulped and kept her hands up.

“I-I give up! I-I’m not here to fight, I swear!” She stammered.

“Why should we believe you? You were involved in the attack on the city!” Applejack retorted unamused. Sonata nervously looked at everyone.

“B-because I’m literally sticking my neck out to talk to you all.” She said. The Rainbooms exchanged glances. I lowered my halberd and stabbed the butt into the ground.

“Smart choice.” I said. Sonata lowered her hands slowly before sighing.

“Look… there is no way any form of apology is going to work about the attack. We were only following Adaggio. I didn’t think she’d turn on us like that…” she replied.

“No offense, but you aren’t really the sharpest out of the three.” Rainbow Dash spoke stoically. Sonata sighed.

“Say what you want. It doesn’t matter anymore… I’ve given up any hope of returning home.” She said sadly. She then held out her hands and closed her eyes. Everyone readied themselves as the shadows began to seep out of her body and form a ball in her hold. When the last bit of shadows combined with the ball, she then stuck it out to me. “Here… I don’t want this power. All I ever wanted was to sing and be adored. I thought we were doing well for ourselves. But there isn’t a home to go back to anymore.”

I studied the sad look of Sonata. Din scoffed.

Dull, but bright. I sense no hostility from this one. Vessel. Take the shadows within you. I will use it to find Tenebres. Din said. I called away my halberd and stepped up to Sonata. I then held out my hand and closed my eyes. I felt a warmth flow through me and felt Din’s magic wash over the shadows in a bubble. She then funneled it into me and I felt a sharp pain course through me. I winced as the shadows flowed into me before the pain subsided with the last shadows retreating into me.

I studied my hand and flexed it before looking to Sonata.

“Why did you think it was a good idea to team up with a primal? There has to be more than just wanting to return home.” I said. Sonata shook her head as she put her hands behind her back.

“I wasn’t given much of a choice. Adaggio agreed to it without our consent.” She sighed. “Listen. If you see Aria. Tell her that I’m sorry for running out on her. She must be so alone and afraid without us.” She twisted her boot tip into the ground back and forth. “We never showed it, but all three of us need each other. Our songs are very beautiful in harmony. And as annoying as I was, they were the only ones who never turned their backs on me when we came here. Adaggio needs to realize that we are just as much here for her as she was for us.”

She turned to Wild Fire. “I’m ready to turn myself in.” Wild studied the girl. It was Cloud that walked forward and cuffed Sonata. She put a hand on Sonata’s shoulder as she led her away.

“You’re on the right step, Sonata. Thank you for your cooperation.” She said. We watched them move away before Twilight rubbed her chin.

“Hmm… There is still one thing that I still think we are missing out of all of this.” She began. “Quiet Fire, mind if I borrow some of that shadow?” She asked.

“Are you crazy?!” Applejack stated. I arched a brow.

“What are you thinking on?” I asked curiously. Twilight removed the compass like device around her neck and held it up.

“I want to study more on the effects of Tenebres’s power. We’ve only seen the outside capabilities, but there has to be more.” She said. I scratched the back of my head.

“Oh, well usually I just need to find her heart and destroy it to cancel all influences she has on this world. I do that and that’ll get her to listen to us.” I said.

“And do you have an idea of where it could be?” She asked. I opened my mouth to reply, only to stop and rub the back of my head.

“I’m… still looking for that. Tenebres could have anything as her heart.” I explained. Twilight smiled.

“Then we’ll split up the work. You’ll hunt down Tenebres and we’ll search for the heart. Sound fair?” She smirked. I blinked.

“What do you think, Din?” I asked aloud. Din stretched.

Frankly we are no where close to the answers we should have. And these seven have proven to handle themselves. What is it that you had told me? That I need allies? She replied. I smiled and nodded.

“We could use the help, yes.” I replied. Twilight smiled and took her ready stance, holding the compass out towards me. I closed my eyes and held out my hand. Din used her horn to direct a very small smount of shadow, tracing it up my arm and towards my finger tip. The compass clicked open and the shadow flowed into the device. Twilight closed it and adjusted her glasses, studying the strange colorful lights blinking.

Sunset smiled and looked to Wallflower.

“What do you say, Wallflower? Wanna be an extra set of eyes?” She asked. Wallflower stepped back.

“Oh, no, that’s okay. I… had enough excitement for one day. I’d rather take it easy, ya’ know?” She said nervously. Sunset smiled reassuringly.

“Well, when you’re ready, we’ll always be happy to welcome the help. Right girls?” She looked to the others. The Rainbooms nodded in agreement, causing Wallflower to blush. A thought then occurred to me. One that just popped into my head at the realization.

“The heart…” I said suddenly. I looked to the others. “Before coming here, I was at the museum and doing some investigation. Several things were missing from exhibits and Din pointed out that Tenebres had been there to collect magic. If my theory is correct, then one of those missing items might be used as a heart. But then again… it could just be something to throw us off…” I looked to my dad. “Can you do me a favor and do a bit more reading up on the objects missing from the museum?” Wild smiled.

“It’s part of my job, kid. But I like where your head is. I’ll text you if I find anything new.” He said. I blinked and tilted my head.

“Text?” I asked. Wild blinked a bit in confusion before Sunset put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“Where we come from, cellphones don’t exist. We have alternate methods of messaging.” She explained with a smile. I scratched my head.

“I used to work as a mailmare before all of this. Is there a… postbox you have?” I asked. Wild looked to everyone before shrugging.

“We have an email.” He replied. I blinked in confusion. Wild rubbed the back of his head. “Err… we’ll just meet up if we see each other.” Sunset smirked.

“We’ll think of something.” She said.

Aria Blaze gloomly looked out from between broken venusian blinds out onto the city streets, her mind in deep thought. She had thought back to that day when Adaggio turned on her. She softly rubbed her cheek, still feeling the sting of betrayal that fueled a small fire of vengeance deep within her. And not only that, she wasn’t sure where Sonata went. Not like she cares anymore. She told herself over and over that she’s better off alone. No more dealing with an annoying dimwit. No more following a creature who took her in during the darkest moment of her life.

From now on, Aria Blaze is a one siren band. And with this new found loneliness came new ideas of what she can do. Perhaps have a little fun? The dark powers of the primal being still ran through her veins. If there was any hope of returning home, it would be alone. Aria’s thoughts were cut off when she heard the whispers from the shadows behind her. Yet, she didn’t pull her gaze away from the window.

Out from the pillar of shadows stepped out a hulking knight armor that stepped aside and kneeled down as Fickle stepped through. Aria looked through the glass to see that the girl was dressed in a peculiar fashion.

“What are you wearing?” She asked without pulling her gaze away from the window. Fickle blinked and looked down at herself. She was wearing what appeared to be a black and white frill blouse and skirt with black tights and punkish looking boots. She giggled and pirouetted.

“Saw these and thought it’d look great on me. What do you think Sir Hemlock?” She asked innocently at the knight. The armor didn’t respond but only nodded slightly. Not only was her clothing odd, but her curly hair was brushed and a red bow keeping her bangs out of the way. She then looked at Aria with concern. “Aww, you look gloomy, Aria. What’s wrong?” She asked. Aria didn’t respond. Fickle hummed before beaming.

“I know what’ll cheer you up! Wanna’ help me with setting up something?” She asked. Aria finally looked over her shoulder. Fickle clapped her hands excitably. “I promise, it’ll be fun! And you get to go home too! Four days of acquiring most of the scattered magic in this city and I’ll finally have enough to best Din and her vessel. Help me out with this, and you are home free. What do you say, friend?” She then held out her hand to her. Aria growled and batted Fickle’s hand away.

“I’ll help. But I’m not going to follow you after this. After this job, I work alone. You can have your damned power back.” She sternly said. Fickle blinked and tilted her head.

“But why?” She asked. Her eyes then widened and she grinned. “Ooooh! Is it because your friends abandoned you? I know it’s hard to accept that. Believe me, I know where you are coming from.” Fickle sighed sadly and rocked her torso with her hands behind her back, kicking the ground. “I thought I had friends too. But that was all a lie. I was alone and afraid. But when Tenebres found me, I knew I found my best friend! We did everything together! And now, we are on our way to become queens of this new world!

“You don’t need to be alone, Aria. You may get things done efficiently, but to be effective, I can provide you the support you need! Even Adaggio and Sonata would look up to you afterwords! From the bottom of my heart, the darkness showed me the light of friendship. And now, I want to spread that to everyone I come across! Including you.” Fickle skipped around Sir Hemlock. “I’m not asking you to follow me. I’m asking for your help! Because your input will be insightful as it is valuable! Just do me this one favor and I promise that you will be free to do whatever! And do know that no matter what, I’ll always be your friend.” Fickle hugged the gauntlet of Sir Hemlock and happily squished her cheek against the cool metal.

Aria narrowed her eyes. She wasn’t convinced in the slightest. Yet, the idea of being free to do whatever was enough to keep her curious. She looked down at her hand. How long will she be able to do so? She then shook her head slightly. She made up her mind. From now on, she’d do things her own way. Aria Blaze will blaze through the meaningless life of imprisonment in this filthy world. She then held out her hand and Fickle beamed before skipping over and taking it.

Aria gasped as a dark shadow swallowed her whole in a blink of an eye. The last thing Aria saw was the glowing purple slit eyes of an alicorn and a childish cackling.

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