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A Fashion Face Off

It was a beautiful day in Tambelon. Rarity was exploring the Ponyville Marketplace, searching for materials for her new designs.

"Let's see," thought Rarity, "I've got plenty of fabric.. Ribbons and lace back in my studio.. Perhaps I should.. I know, Gemstones!

"Take that back, Diamond Tiara!" a familiar voice shouted from the crowd.

Rarity turned to see her little Sweetie Belle arguing with two familiar fillies.

"I will not take it back," said Diamond Tiara cockily, "A unicorn that can't use magic is embarrassing.. No wonder you don't have a cutie mark!"

"I can to use magic!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

The young unicorns horn began to glow for a moment, as she struggled to use magic. The glasses on Silver Spoons' face began to float off of her eyes and up into the air. then it suddenly burst to a halt. All of a sudden Sweetie Belle's horn began to spark up, eventually going out. The glasses plopped back down onto to silver spoon.

"Pftt..HeeheeHeeheeHeeheeHee!" The two bullies laughed at cruelly.

Sweetie Belle's eyes began well up into tears. An angry looks crossed Rarity's face as she watched.

"Now see here you two!" cried out the unicorn as she marched up behind her sister.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon suddenly got nervous when the older pony appeared.

"It is not very polite, or considerate for that matter, to mock other ponies! As a matter of fact it's just plain rude!" Rarity stated with a huff.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked down glumly. Sweetie smiled smugly and stuck out her tongue at them.

"And Sweetie Belle.." said Rarity turning her attention toward her sister.

Sweetie Belle's tongue quickly darted back inside of her mouth.

"It's not very ladylike to show off just to impress other ponies." Rarity continued, "When faced with confrontation you should simply turn the other cheek and trot away."

Sweetie Belle frowned at getting another one of her sisters lectures.

"Now then.." said Rarity with a calming smile, "Why don't the three of you make up and.."

"Well look who it is," an obnoxious voice called.

Suddenly the hairs on the back of Rarity's mane began to stand on end. It was voice that she knew all to well, going all the back to her fillyhood. The Unicorn turned to see a familiar looking earth pony with a light pink coat, and a purple mane held back by a headband. A blue scarf was wrapped around her neck, and three colored button made up her cutie mark.

"S-S-S-S-Suri Polomare!?" stuttered out Rarity in disbelief.

The pony that Rarity knew all to well walked over toward Diamond Tiara, and stood beside her.

"Take a good look at the pony you see in front of you Diamond Tiara," Suri spouted to the young filly, "Fake eyelashes.. Over styled mane.. A cutie mark that unremarkable in every way.. This is the kind of pony who tries ever so desperately to she is something, even though all the evidence points to her being average in every way.."

Rarity's face quickly began to turn red as she heard her old rival comments.

"Suri.." said Rarity gritting her teeth, "I thought that you moved to Manehatten.."

"Oh I'm just back visiting family.. Isn't that right little sis," said Suri hugging Diamond Tiara tightly.

"Suri.." mumbled Diamond Tiara turning bright red, "This is embarrassing.."

"Quiet Sis," said Suri putting a hoof over her mouth, "Big ponies are talking, m'kay?"

"Well that explains a lot," said Sweetie Belle

"Suri," said Rarity, trying to regain her composure, "I was just teaching these fillies about proper manners.. And I don't think you're setting a very good example calling an old friend average!"

"Oh really," said Suri with a sly smile, "Let's look at the facts shall we.. Who won the Fillyschool talent show every year when we were foals?"

"I don't see what that has to with.." Rarity stated.

"Who won the Ponyville Fashion Show three years in a row?" Suri continued.

"I fail to see how that applies to this.." Rarity flustered.

"And who was voted the Tambelon Inquirer's most likely to succeed?" Suri finished.

"You were," said Rarity frustrated, "But..!"

"Exactly!" said Suri Polomare pointing Rarity and then back to herself, "Average...Extraordinary! Extraordinary...Average! It's plain for everypony to see!"

Rarity's face quickly began to turn red. Steam puffed out of her ears as she tried to contain her anger.

"Come along little sis," said Suri handing Diamond Tiara a bag of fashion materials much larger than her, "You and your little friend can help me carry my supplies back to my studio.

"But I.." Silver Spoon started.

Before she could even finish, another bag of supplies was pushed into her hooves.

"Come along girls," said Suri Polomare cheerfully, "Let's all go find a higher class company."

Rarity, still red in the face, watched Suri began to walk off with the struggling fillies. She wanted to say to something but found herself to angry to speak.

"Oh, by the way Rarity," said Suri turning back to her old rival, "Fashion Week is coming up in Manehatten.. Are you planning on attending?"

Rarity's anger suddenly melted away.

"Well, as a matter of fact.." she said with a smile.

"Good," said Suri not letting her finish, "I'm the current reigning champion.. And I'd hate to see you lose to me again.. You know what I mean?"

As Suri quickly trotted off, her sister and Silver Spoon dragging their bags behind her, Rarity's face turned bright red yet again.


As Rarity panted in exasperation, Sweetie Belle walked up to her looking concerned.

"Are you alright Sis?" the young Unicorn asked curious.

"Oh I'm better that alright Sweetie Belle," said Rarity Triumphantly, "Because fate has just given me an opportunity. An opportunity to finally put that stuck up, prim, proper, prima donna pony right in her place. I'm going to be attending Fashion Week in Manehatten! And I'm going to win!"

"But you just said it's not very ladylike to show off," Sweetie Belle stated confused.

"Oh Sweetie Belle," said Rarity drawing her sister close, "This is completely different. I'm not showing off.. I'm teaching somepony a lesson!"

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow, now more confused than ever.

A train plugs it's way down a series of railroad tracks, making it's way to Manehatten. Aboard it sit a large number of ponies, all looking excited. But one pony doesn't look excited at all, she looks nervous.

"Um Rarity," somepony said putting a hoof on the unicorn's shoulder.

"What!? What is it!?" the fashion Pony Panicked, "Are we there yet?! Is the contest over!? I knew we should have taken the express!?"

Applejack looked at her friend confused, "Uh, Rarity.. I just got our drinks from the dinner car.."

"Oh" said Rarity blushing, "Sorry Applejack.. I was just...lost in though.."

"Woo Nelly!" said Applejack sitting down next to her friend, "I can't believe we'all are goin' to Manehatten. I haven't been there since I was a filly."

"I can't thank you enough for coming with me Applejack," said Rarity taking a mug from her friend, "This Fashion Week competition has me completely on edge.."

"Well shoot," said Applejack raising her glass, "It ain't nothin'. I don't even know what ya'll are worry'n about. Yer a shoe in to win Rarity!"

Rarity frowned, "Not according to Suri Polomare.."

"I can't believe ya'll are still a fuedin," stated Applejack, "I thought you ended we're over this years ago.."

"So did I Applejack," said Rarity gritting her teeth, "So did I.. But Suri started this! And I intend to finish it.."

Applejack rolled her eyes as the train continued on it's way. Soon a number of tall skyscrapers could seen off in the distance. The train began making it's way across a large suspension bridge, heading into a sprawling metropolis in the middle of the sea. A large green statue of a Mare holding a torch guarded over the city.

The train went underground and pulled into a bustling station.

"Maneway Station!" a conductor called out, "Everypony out who's go'in to Manehatten!"

Rarity and Applejack walked down the large front steps of the station, heading towards the street. Rarity carried a number of bags forward with her magic, while Applejack pushed forward a large luggage cart hidden by a tarp.

"Ahh Manehatten," said Rarity adjusting a purple scarf and sunglasses, "I may have been born in Tambelon, but a Manehatten pony is what I was meant to be!"

"Speak for yourself," said Applejack struggling to bring the cart down the stairs.

"Oh come now Applejack," said Rarity, "You'll get used to it.. Taxi!"

Rarity called out to the busy streets. Numerous carts being pulled by ponies raced down the streets in both directions. Rarity turned her attention to the yellow ones with checkered stripes.

"Taxi?" said Rarity again cheerfully, "Yoo-hoo, Taxi? Taxiiiiiii!

Numerous taxi's passed both ponies by not even bothering to stop. Rarity was quickly becoming frustrated.

"Yo, TAXI!" shouted out Rarity angrily.

A taxi cart finally pulled in front of the two ponies, screeching to a halt.

"Well, that's more like it," said Rarity stepping forward, "Now if you could please just.."

All of a sudden, a stallion in a tie pushed past Rarity, stealing their taxi, and zooming away. Rarity's jaw dropped in utter disbelief.

"Um, maybe we should just walk?" suggested Applejack.

Rarity trudged down the streets of Manehatten in a huff, with Applejack close behind. Applejack was clearly getting tired of pushing the large luggage cart around.

"Ya know.." said Applejack panting, "My Aunt and Uncle have an apartment down in Hooflyn.. We could always stay there..

"We are staying at the Manefair Hotel," said Applejack stomping her hoof, "I've already made the reservations, and that's where were going!"

Applejack gave Rarity a stubborn look, "I don't suppose Suri Polomare is also stayin' at the Manefair?"

Rarity halted mid-step, and gave Applejack a nervous look, "Um.. Maybe.."

Applejack rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Honestly Rarity.. This here rivalry ya'll are hav'n is startin' to get my nerves.."

"Well honestly Applejack," said Rarity in a huff, "can you blame me? You remember what Suri was like Fillymentary School!"

Apple Jack, "All I'm sayin' is, you don't see me getting all hot and bothered over somethin' that happened when I was a filly.

"Well look at this brother of mine! Can you believe?" a voice proclaimed.

Applejack's eyes suddenly grew as wide as dinner plates, "It can't be.."

Applejack jolted head to see a large group of ponies scattered around a large stage, atop of it stood familiar looking unicorns. Both were lanky with pale yellow coats, and red and white manes done up in style. They both wore pinstripe vests, and fancy straw hats. They were nearly identical except there sliced apple cutie marks, and the moustache that one of them bore.

"I know brother," said the one with the moustache, "I thought that it was supposed to be Fashion Week here in Manehatten.. And yet look at the gaudy styles these ponies are wearing!"

The ponies in the crowd all gasped and started chattering amongst themselves. They were clearly all fashionistas, as they were were all wearing stylish and colorful clothing.

"What are those stallions talking about?" asked Rarity raising an eye brow, "Those ponies couldn't be anymore on trend?"

She looked over to Applejack, but found that she was no longer guarding the luggage cart. Rarity turned back to crowd, to see her friend slowly trotting over the stage.

"Applejack?" Rarity called out in confusion, "Applejack!?"

"Yes my dear ponies it's true," said the clean shaven stallion, "You ponies are all simply out of date.."

"But don't worry everypony," said the mustachioed pony putting a hoof around his counterpart, "My brother and I can have you all fixed up in a jiffy!"

"What to you two know about fashion!?" a voice cried out from the crowd "Ya'll ain't done a hard day's work in yer whole lives!"

Everypony in the crowd turned to see the orange pony in the ten gallon hat standing at edge of the stage. A look of pure fury was upon her face as she looked at the flimflamming brothers.

"Um, do we know you ma'am?" asked the clean shaven in confusion.

"Applejack?" said the pony looking red in the face, "From Sweet Apple Acres? Ya'll bought my family's farm right before we moved to Tambelon!"

"Ah yes," said the mustached pony, "Sweet Apple Acres! We made quite the profitable cider business from that piece of land."

"Until we ran out of apples that is," finished the other one.

Applejack gritted her teeth trying not to scream.

"Everypony!" Applejack said turning to the crowd, "Don't you dare listen to a thing these ponies say! They're nothin' but a couple o' two con-ponies. Why I bet they ain't even held a needle in their lives!"

"It's true fillies and colts," said the clean shaven one pulling his brother to his side. Both pulled off there hats, and put them to there chests in solidarity, "My brother, Flam, and I know next to nothing about designing clothing.."

The crowd all gave the brothers sympathetic looks, at their proclamation.

"By brother, Flim, speaks the truth," said the other, "But's that's alright, we don't need to know about fashion!"

The two brothers stepped aside, allowing the curtain behind them to open wide. A large machine was revealed, a walk in closet at it's front, with two large conveyer belts with clothing hanging from them coming out of both sides. The ponies in the crowd all oohed and ahhhed at the shiny machine in front of them

"Fillies and gentlecolts," Film announced, "Allow us to introduce you all to the Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000!"

The ponies in the crowd all applauded it the sight of the machine. Applejack was still not convinced.

"What does it do?" asked Applejack suspiciously.

"What does it do?" asked Flam with a smile, "Why this here device contains all the latest styles from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire! Just step inside, and it will automatically doll you up in the latest fashions.

All of the ponies the crowd chattered about excitedly.

"Well I'll tell you ma'am, there's nothing

Like a genuine, bona fide

Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000!"

"What'd he say?" Flim chimed in.

"Wardrobe 9000!" The crowd called out.

"What's it called?" Flam cried out.

"Wardrobe 9000?"

"That's right! Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000!" Flim proclaimed.

The whole crowd began chanting over again and again, much to Applejack's performance. She'd seen this kind of performance before.

"Wardrobe 9000!"

"Wardrobe 9000!

"Wardrobe 9000!"

A light blue pony in a stylish black dress raised her hoof. A grey mane and oversized purple glasses hid her face.

"I hear dis ting is awfully loud!"

"It glides as smoothly as a cloud!" Flam replied

"Is there a chance this thing could bend" a pony with a pompadour asked.

"Not on your life, my stylish friend!" Flim stated

"What about us without style?" asked a greasy pony with a turnip cap.

"We'll have you dolled up in a while!" Flam proclaimed

"We're you sent here by Discord?!" yelled a crazed pony in hospital gown.

"No my dear we're all accord! Flim stated

"Could you help me? Is it to late?" a pony with overalls and large glasses asked.

"Step up young colt, we'll demonstrate!" proclaimed Flam

Both brothers pulled the light grey pony up on the stage and threw him into the wardrobe. The gears and wheels on the conveyer belts turned as Flim and Flam addressed the crowd.

"We swear it's this towns only chance"

"Throw up your hooves and join the dance!"

The crowd all cheered.

"Wardrobe 9000!"

"What's it called?"

"Wardrobe 9000!"

"Once again!"

"Wardrobe 9000!"

The doors to the wardrobe opened wide and revealing the the young grey stallion. He was now wearing a white zoot suit, and stylish sunglasses. The whole crowd of ponies cheered in amazement.

Applejack's face quickly grew bright red. Rarity could tell things were about to get ugly so she nervously approached her friend.

"I'm tellin' ya'll, it's all a con!" shouted Applejack.

"Applejack let's move along.." said Rarity pulling her away.

"Wardrobe 9000!"

"Wardrobe 9000!"

"Wardrobe 9000!"

"Wardrobe 9000!"

It took the two ponies awhile, but they finally arrived at the Manefair hotel. While Rarity hoofed off there luggage to a freckled stallion in a bellhop uniform, Applejack was still fuming about the sidewalk.

"Lousy rotten, no good, cheatin', two faced, swindlin'.." Applejack mumbled.

"Um, Applejack," said Rarity handing off her luggage to the struggle bellhop, "We could use some assistance over here.."

"It ain't right Rarity!" proclaimed the frustrated pony throwing her hooves up into the air, "Those two varmints just go'n do whatever they want to anypony that pleases them! Don't they care that they all are takin' advantage of other ponies!"

"Applejack I understand you're feelings, believe me," explained Rarity, "but if the ponies in this city want to waste their money on tacky consumer goods, there's not much we can do about it."

Applejack frowned looking at the ground, "I guess.."

"Besides," said rarity draping a hoof around Applejack, "We're in Manehatten! We should enjoying ourselves! The sights, the sounds..!"

"This way Coco," a familiarly annoying voice proclaimed.

The two ponies turned to see Suri Polomare stepping out of a long stretch carriage. An off-white earth pony with tidy blue hair, followed close behind her. She bore a white collar and tie, and had a floral hair clip in the back of her mane. The poor filly was clearly struggling to carry Suri Polomare's numerous bags, each one filled to the brim with fabric and sewing supplies.

"We don't want to keep miss Hemline waiting," Suri continued, "And don't even think of dropping a single thread of that material."

"Yes miss Polomare," the struggling earth pony replied.

Applejack and Rarity watched as Suri pranced into the hotel, with her assistant struggling from behind.

"..Beating that stuck up, primadonna at her own game!" finished Rarity gritting her teeth.

The very next day, Rarity stood along a long line of ponies at the Fashion Week runway Plaza. Rarity glared over at the other end of the line where Suri Polomare stood confidently. She took a deep breath trying to remain composed.

"So you ponies think you're ready to take on Manehatten do you?" a voice stated.

A stern looking mare in a designer outfit trotted back and forth examining the contestants. She had a dark grey coat, and a finely styled pink mane.

"Well, I'll be the judge of that!" proclaimed the pony giving the contestants the eye. "As Manehatten's greatest fashion critic, I Prim Hemline, will personally be determining which of your designs is worthy of Fashion Week."

Prim Hemline paused for a minute and shook hoofs with Suri, "It's a pleasure to see you again Miss Polomare."

Rarity bit he lip tightly, as she struggle to keep her face from turning red.

"Once we're done here, you're to finish setting up backstage, so you'll be ready for your run-through appointment," Prim Hemline continued, "My fellow judges will arrive by the end of the day. I suggest you have your designs finished by then."

"Tomorrow is the contest to see which one of you gets to stay and meet top designers all across the city. The rest of you must go home early." Hemline finished, "So sad."

The mare then shooed away the contestants with her tail, dismissing them. Rarity quickly rushed back stage and attended to her dresses, making sure they were in perfect order.

"This competition can be stressful can't it?" a voice said beside her.

Rarity turned to see Suri's assistant tending to a series of dresses all her own.

"Coco Pommel," said the pony extending her hoof with a smile.

"Rarity the Unicorn," said Rarity sighing a shaking her hoof in return.

"I know," said Coco sighing, "Miss Polomare talks about you.. A lot.."

"I'm sure she does," said Rarity with a huff. She went back to attending her dresses.

"You know that she's jealous of you right?" said Coco with a smile.

"Really," said Rarity turning around, her face brightening up.

"Oh completely," continued Coco as she tended to Suri's designs, "She completely terrified you'll actually beat her at Fashion Week."

"Well I don't mean to brag," said Rarity blushing, "but I have put all my efforts into my designs for this competition."

"Really?" asked Coco turning towards Rarity, "Can I see them?"

"Well, I.." Rarity stuttered nervously, protecting the tarp that covered her designs, "The thing about that is.."

Rarity looked at Coco's smiling face and enthusiastic eyes.

"Well," said Rarity with a sigh, "I guess it's alright if I show them to you."

Rarity opened up the tarp and revealed six different dresses of various colors. Each one was had a design based off of one the famous skyscrapers in Manehatten.

"I call it, Oh, Manehatten, what you do to me!" Rarity proclaimed triumphantly.

"Astounding," said Coco, her eyes sparkling with amazement.

"I just hope Miss Hemline and the other judges like it," said Rarity covering back up her outfits.

"Oh I know they will," said Coco, "It's better then anything Suri ever designed."

"Coco!" a shrill voice shouted out.

Suri Polomare trotted over to Rarity and Coco Pommel in a huff, "Just who in Equestria do you think you are talking to?"

Coco looked away in shame, "Um, nopony.."

"That's right. You are talking to nopony," said Suri pointing a hoof at Rarity, "Now let's get to work on those designs, m'kay?"

Rarity watched as Coco Pommel trotted after Suri with a sad look on her face.

"And I thought she drove me crazy," said Rarity in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Applejack was trotting through Manehatten Park at the center of the city. The green trees and flowing streams reminded her of home.

"Rarity's right" said Applejack to herself with a smile, "I'm in Manehatten now. I shouldn't be worry'n myself with the Flim Flam Brothers. I should be enjoying myself."

Applejack trotted across a stone bridge and paused to watch the stream below. Ponies were paddling across the stream in swan boats, while other ponies trotted about and flew kites across the grassy fields.

"After all," said Applejack reassuring herself, "Manehatten is a big city.. I probably won't even see them two ponies again."

"Yes indeedy sir," a familiar voice exclaimed, "You look fabulous!"

Applejack turned around. Down the stone path aways were Flim and Flam attending to a stallion in a white tailored suit, their Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000 behind them.

"Marvelous!" exclaimed Flam.

"Stupendous!" exclaimed Flim.

"The pinnacle of style!" finished off Flam.

"Gawrsh," said the greasy looking pony in the tailored suit, "I feel like real life celebrity."

The pony kind of reminded Applejack of her cousin Hayseed Turnip Truck. Applejack scowled and began to trot over to investigate.

Applejack crept up from behind a bush, and watched the Flim Flam brothers as they waved of their customer away.

"Another satisfied customer, brother of mine!" Flam said flipping a coin with a smile.

"Indeed brother," continued Flim, "These Manehatten ponies will buy almost anything."

Applejack frowned at the brothers comments. She quickly crept over to get a closer look at the Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000.

"Hmm," said Applejack examining the machine.

It all seemed to be in working order. To long conveyer belts of clothing entered into the wardrobe with bits of gears and wires leading them forward.

"I don't get it," said Applejack, "What's the catch?"

All of a sudden Applejack tripped on a rock beneath her hoof. She tumbled backwards and fell into a white tent hidden behind the bushes.

"Oof!" Applejack said landing on the ground with a thud.

"Um, are you okay?" a voice asked.

Applejack turned to see a silver stallion with a grey mane sitting at a sowing machine. A number of fancy suits and dresses were hanging about the tent around.

"I remember you.." said Applejack recalling the Flim Flam brother's prestation, "What are ya'll doin' back here."

"I'm Silver Shills," said the stallion confidently, "I make the outfits!"

"You make the outfits?" stated Applejack in disbelief.

"Um, I mean.." stuttered Silver Shills in disbelief, "Oh boy.."

Applejack eyed the pony suspiciously as he tried to get back to work at his sowing machine.

"But I thought that machine had all the latest styles already inside of it," questioned Applejack approaching from behind.

"It does," said Silver Shills nervously, "Right after I design them.."

"So they come from Canterlot or the Crystal Empire?" said Applejack glaring at Silver Shills.

"Well technically, no.. But they are similar," said Silver Shills.

"Similar how?" asked Applejack giving the stallion the eye.

Silver Shills pulled at his collared shirt, as sweat dripped down his brow, "I study all of the latest designs from Canterlot to the Crystal Empire, and then I recreate them for the Flim Flam Brothers.."

"So their all fakes!" exclaimed Applejack in disbelief.

"The preferred term is knock-offs," a voice said from behind her.

Applejack turned to see Flim and Flam entering the tent.

"And what is exactly is that supposed to mean?" asked Applejack glaring at the brothers.

"It's quite simple," said Flim, "We create all the latest styles of clothing out of cheap, cost effective materials."

"And then we charge ponies full price full price for the original designs," finished Flam.

"I knew it!" exclaimed Applejack, "Ya'll cheatin' these ponies just like ya'll always do!"

"Nonsense," said Flim, "Nopony is getting hurt.. The ponies of Manehatten get to wear all the latest styles of clothing.."

"And we make a tidy profit," said Flam tossing over a large bag of coins to Silver Shills.

Silver Shills looked at Applejack sheepishly as she scowled at him.

"Well I ain't gonna stand for this!" said Applejack stomping her hoof.

"Ha," laughed Flim, "What are you going to do about it?"

"That's right," said Flam putting a hoof around Silver Shills, "It's our word against yours.. And do you have absolutely no way of proving anything.

Applejack stared down the three stallions, a plan forming in her mind.

Back at the Plaza, Rarity had just finished setting up her display.

"That's enough everypony," said Prim Hemline followed by two ponies, "It its time for presentation. I'm sure you all recognize my fellow judges, Photo Finish and Hoity Toity.."

"Charmed I'm sure," said the stylish stallion with a flowing white mane.

"I, Photo Finish.. have arrived!" proclaimed the blue pony in the stylish dress, and overly large sunglasses.

"Let us start this dress rehearsal with our main attraction," continued Prim, "Miss Polomare!"

Suri Polomare trotted up upon the stage, with Coco Pommel following close behind. She was pushing forward a large luggage cart, covered by a tarp.

"Fillies.. Gentlecolts.." Suri batted her eyelashes at the judges, "I present to you my masterpiece!"

Suri Polomare pulled away the tarp revealing her designs. Both the judges and the contestants gasped, and Rarity's jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

They were the exact same designs that Rarity had brought with her to Manehatten. Each one designed after a famous skyscraper, and each one made out of material much more elegant than Rarity's

"I call it, Oh, Manehatten, what you do to me!" Suri Polomare proclaimed triumphantly.

"Astounding," proclaimed Hoity Toity, "So powerful, and yet so elegant! It practically screams Manehatten!"

"It has.. Da Magicks!" announced Photo Finish.

"Nothing less that what I would expect from our reigning champion," stated Prim Hemline with a smile, "The rest of you have a lot to catch up to.."

Rarity was completely devastated, she was at a loss for words. As Suri Polomare trotted her way off the stage, Rarity raced over to her and slammed her against a wall.

"How could you!" Rarity growled, a look of pure fury on her face.

"How could I what?" asked Suri Polomare with a n innocent smile.

"Don't get cheeky with me Polomare," said Rarity pointing an accusing hoof, "Those were my designs that you presented up on the stage!"

"Now how could I have presented your designs," said Suri smugly, "I haven't even seen them today."

Suri glanced over to Coco Pommel, approaching from behind. A guilty look was on Coco's face, as she stared at the floor feeling ashamed.

Rarity's eyes grew wide with shock, "Coco..? But, how could you..?"

"Don't you get it," said Suri pushing Rarity aside, "This is how things work here in the big city. It takes some small-town fillies a while to learn that it's everypony for herself, m'Kay?"

"B-b-b-but.." said Rarity her eyes beginning to water, "my designs.."

"Oh don't be like that," said Suri turning away with a cruel smile, "If anything you should be thanking me.. I made you're designs even better."

"Um actually," said Coco Pommel struggling to speak up, "I made the dresses.."

"I pay you to sew and get coffee," snapped Suri, "Not talk! 'Kay?!"

Coco quickly closed her mussel and began trotting away, taking her freshly copied designs with her.

"So I guess I'll be seeing you at Fashion Week tomorrow," said Suri Polomare turning away, "Oh wait.. No I won't."

Rarity was completely devastated, she didn't know what to do.

"Rarity?" called out a voice.

The unicorn jolted her head towards the stage. Prim Hemline was tapping her hoof impatiently, waiting along with the other judges.

"It's time for your presentation," the stone-faced pony stated.

Without thinking, Rarity raced over to her display, and rushed her design straight out of the Plaza.

Applejack raced over to the Manefair Hotel, quickly rushing up the stairs to her and Rarity's room.

"Rarity!" proclaimed Applejack as she burst through the door, "Rarity I need ya'll ta..!"

Applejack's eyes grew wide as dinner plates. Their once pristine room was completely trashed, bits of fabric and cloth tossed all over the place. Over in the corner Rarity worked desperately at her sowing machine, trying to come up with new designs.

"Um Rarity," asked Applejack approaching the frazzled unicorn, "Are you okay?"

"Am I Okay!" shouted Rarity with a crazed look, "Hehehehe.. HahaHAAhaHAAhaHAA! Why wouldn't I be okay, it's not as it Suri Polomare stole all of may designs, forcing me to redesign all of my outfits from scratch!? How ridiculous would that be!?"

Applejack stared at Rarity taken aback.

"Okay, then," said the earth pony smiling sheepishly, "What do you saw we get ya'll out of this room for a couple of hours.. Or longer."

"Out of the Room.." said Rarity her eye twitching, "Out of the ROOM! Are you Mad! Fashion Week is tomorrow, and I come up with a entirely new set of designs! I don't have time to leave! I barely have time to breath!"

Applejack took a large sigh at put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder, "Look Rarity, I can clearly see you're going through something right now.. But I really need your help with something."

"Oh you need help?" said Rarity rolling her eyes furiously, "Is your career on the line? Are you about to become the laughing stock of Manehatten? Has Suri Polomare ruined your life!?"

Rarity trotted back over to her sowing machine fuming. Applejack was beginning to get annoyed with her attitude.

"Look Rarity, I'm sorry about how things turned out for you.. But we've got a serious problem here," Applejack huffed.

"Oh we've got a serious problem do we?" responded Rarity glaring at Applejack!"

"Um, yeah," said Applejack growing angry, "The Flim Flam Brothers are playin' everypony in Manehatten for fools with their fancy schmancy phony baloney outfits!"

"Oh what a tragedy!" said Rarity sarcastically.

"Um, yes it is!" said Applejack come up to her from behind, "They're conning all these poor innocent ponies out o' their hard earned bits!"

"And that's my problem why?" asked Rarity with a huff.

"That's your problem.. When did ya'll get to be so selfish?" asked Applejack in disbelief.

"Me!?" state Rarity Furiously, "I'm not the pony asking somepony else to throw away their life's work!"

"For ponies sake Rarity!" stated Applejack furiously, "These are the ponies of Manehatten we're talkin' about! Their a little more important than some silly competition!"

"Silly competition!" Shouted Rarity leaping right out of her seat, "This silly competition is important to me, or have you forgotten that!?"

"Oh please," said Applejack rolling her eye's, "The only reason you entered this competition is so you could finally beat Suri Polomare!"

"Well the only reason you want to stop the Flim Flam Brother's is because they stole your little farm!" Rarity proclaimed.

"Little Barn!?" shouted Applejack turning red in the face, "That barn was important to me!"

"Well fashion is important to me!" shouted Rarity waving one her dresses in Applejack's face.

"How important can it be!?" asked Applejack grabbing a sleeve, "It's just clothes!"

"Just clothes!?" stated Rarity grabbing the other sleeve, "I work hard to make these clothes!"

"I work hard to harvest Apples!" stated Applejack pulling on one end of the dress.

"This trip isn't about YOU!" shouted Rarity pulling on the other end.

"Than why did you even invite me!?" shouted Applejack still pulling.

"BECAUSE YOU"RE MY FRIEND!" screamed Rarity pulling harder, "AND I NEEDED YOU!"

All of a sudden Applejack's temper vanished, without thinking she let her end of the dress go.

"YeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhGGG!" shouted Rarity as she fell to the floor.

There was a large ripping sound. Rarity looked down on the dress lying on top of her, eyes wide once again. An entire sleeve of the dress had been ripped, along with a shoulder.

"Oh Rarity," said Applejack reaching out a hoof, "I'm so sorry.. Let me help you up."

Rarity simply stared down at the dress with a single sleeve, a sudden spark appearing in her eye

"I just made something unexpected"
"Something sharp, something new"

Applejack stared at Rarity looking concerned, "Um Rarity..?"

A wide smile appeared on Rarity's face as she picked up the dress..

"It's not symmetrical or perfect"
"But it's beautiful and it's mine"
"What else can I do?"

Applejack chased after Rarity as she danced about the room, trying to calm her down.

"Settle down, settle down," Applejack said
"Good talk, settle down, settle down" (what else can I do?)
"Let's walk, settle down, settle down"
"Free hugs, settle down, settle down"

But rarity just went on..

"I make rows and rows of roses"
"Different styles, by the mile"
"I make perfect, practiced poses"
"So much hides behind my style"

"What could I do if I just sew what I was feelin' in the moment?"
"Do you know where you're going?" Applejack tried to speak up.
"What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect?"
"It just needed to be? And they'd let me be?"

Rarity's horn lit up as fabric and dresses began to fly about the room, along with Applejack

"A hurricane of heels and horseshoes"
"Streams of silk (whoa), fresh designs" (this is fine)
"A brand new era fills the air as I climb"
"And I push through"
"What else can I do?"

Rarity began to assemble all new dresses as Applejack watched

"Maybe I can makes us something in sky blue?"
"Careful, this is delicate, a little just won't do"
"I wanna feel the shiver of something new"
"I'm so sick of pretty, I want something true, don't you?"

Applejack floated down amazed at Rarity's work

"You just seem like your life's been a dream" (whoa)
"Since the moment you opened your eyes," Applejack exclaimed
"How far do these threads go down?" Rarity kept singing
"All I know are the gowns that you sew," Applejack continued
"But it's awesome to see how you rise"
"How far can I rise?" they sang together.
"Through the roof, to the skies"
"Let's go"

New dresses flew through the air as the two friends danced together

"A hurricane of heels and horseshoes" (woo)
"Streams of silk (go), fresh designs" (go)
"A brand new era fills the air as I climb"
"And I push through"
"What else, what else?"

The dresses began assembling together on dummies

"What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?"
"Seize the moment, keep goin'," Applejack cheered
"What can you do when you know who you wanna be is imperfect?"
"But I'll still be okay," Rarity proclaimed
"Hey, everybody clear the way, Yee-haw!" Applejack stated

Applejack and Rarity pranced down two rows of new designs, singing together

"I'm comin' through with somethin new" (She's comin' through with something new-yeah!)
"Making waves" (Making waves), "Changing minds" (You've changed mine)
"The way is clearer 'cause you're here, and well"
"I owe this all to you"
"What else can I do?"
(Show 'em what you can do)
"What else can I do?"
(There's nothing you can't do)
"What else can I do?"

Applejack and Rarity stood together gazing at the fresh new designs. As Applejack stared at the look of happiness on Rarity's face, a sad look crossed hers.

"Rarity, I'm sorry I tried to force ya'll into helping me with my problem," the earth pony stated, "I forgot how important this here competition was to you.."

Rarity blushed slightly and then Applejack hugged her.

"Don't worry," said Applejack, "I'll handle this problem myself."

The next day Fashion Week was in full swing at runway. Numerous fashion ponies cheered as models pranced out on the stage in an assortment of colorful and intricate designs. Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, and Prim Hemline sat at the end of the runway, each with judging looks on there faces.

"Up next," said Prim Hemline speaking into a microphone, "Rarity for Tambelon.."

From behind the stage Suri Polomare monitored Coco, as she put her "designs" on potential models. As she did this, Rarity approached.

"I'm surprised you had the guts to show up," said Suri coyly. "Aren't you going to be embarrassed going out there with nothing prepared?"

Rarity smiled, "Oh I think, I'll do fine.."

The curtains on the runway began to open. The ponies in the audience gasped as Rarity's models stepped out onstage. They were all wearing asymmetrical outfits, each one with it's own stylish design, and each one in a number of colors that made it back.

The three judges at the end of table were completely speechless, trying to come up with what to say.

"Outstanding!" cried out Hoity Toity, "And I have a sudden craving for zap apple jam!"

"I Photo Finish," said the famous photographer, "Have never been more amazed!"

"Bravo!" said Prim Hemline, clopping her hooves, "Why these may be the best designs in the entire show!"

Suri Polomare's jaw dropped right open. A look of blind fury began to cross her face as she began grinding her teeth.

"Why didn't you tell me she had designs like that?!" she shouted.

Rarity turned and saw Suri shouting at Coco Pommel.

"I gave you a set of instructions," Suri continued to rant, "So simple even a filly could follow them!"

"I did exactly what you told me to do," said Coco trying to defend herself.

"Then how in Equestria could you mess this up!" Suri shouted.

Rarity looked out at the audience cheering on her designs, then she looked over at Suri treating her friend so poorly.

"What have I done?" asked Rarity beginning to tear up.

Back out on the runway the ponies in the audience were still cheering on Rarity's designs.

"Rarity, they all adore you!" cried out Prim Hemline, "Aren't you going to tell them about your fabulous pieces?"

But Rarity was already rushing towards the front doors of the Plaza.

Back at Manehatten Park, the Flim Flam brothers were chatting up their Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000 too a large crowd of ponies.

"And so folks," stated Flim, "If you sign up now, you can have the latest in stylish and fashionable designs delivered at your doorway!"

"And will throw in the magic that powers the machine for free!" finished off Flam

The ponies in crowd oohed and ahhed at the brothers presentation.

"Don't you fall for it everypony!" a voice shouted from the back of the crowd.

Everypony turned to see Applejack who began trotting way towards the stage. The Flim Flam brothers scowled down at the earth pony.

"These two ponies are scamming ya'll!" said Applejack pointing up at the Flim Flam brothers, "These duds that they're sellin' ya'll are nothin' but cheap fakes.

Everypony in the crowd started mumbling to each other upon hearing Applejack's words. Flim and Flam looked at each other sly smiles on there faces.

"My goodness bother," said Flam, "I didn't realize we had a fashion expert in the audience."

"Well now.." said Applejack looking nervous.

"Those are some mighty big accusations you've go there little filly," continued Flim adjusting his tie, "Do you have any evidence to back those statements up?"

Everypony in the crowd began looking over at Applejack, beads of sweat beginning to drip down her brow.

"Tsk, tsk, typical brother," continued Flam, "Yet another pony jealous of marvelous success in the field of business."

"Honestly," went on Flim, "If she had any real proof, she'd being showing it to us, instead of making a big scene in front of this crowd of proud patrons for no reason.

Everyone in the crowd started to glare at the earth pony. A sad look crossed her face as she prepared to walk away.

"Um, excuse me gentlecolts," a voice called out.

Everypony turned to to see a white unicorn with a purple approaching from the side of the stage. A wide smile grew on Applejack's face as she recognized her freind.

"I just happen to be a fashion expert," stated Rarity. "May I put my two bits into this matter?"

The Flim Flam brothers began to sweat as they saw Rarity approach the scrawny pony in the white suit from earlier.

"Excuse me, my good stallion," stated Rarity, "Could you please give me your name?"

"Why I'm Hayseed Turnip Truck," the bucktoothed pony proclaimed, "of the Turnip Truck Ranch."

"I see," said Rarity examining his suit, "and I take it you got this outfit from the Wardrobe 9000 over there?"

"I sure did," said Hayseed with a smile, "The Flim Flam Brothers said that this here was the latest style in Canterlot."

"Well it certainly is similar," said Rarity feeling the fabric, "However I should point out that this particular outfit is made of a cotton/polyester blend.. The original is made of silk."

Everypony in the crowd suddenly gasped.

"That is to say.." said Flam beginning to sweat, "Sometimes the Wardrobe 900 makes a mistake."

"That's right," said Flim also beginning to sweat, "No invention is perfect.."

"Also," continued Rarity, "this particular outfit would be much, much cheaper than the original design.. I certainly hope you didn't pay full price for it."

All of a sudden the crowd of ponies grew extremely angry, shouting and shaking their hooves at the Flim Flam Brothers.

"It looks like we've encountered a slight problem her in Manehatten," said Flam with a nervous smile.

"Nopony want's our product," finished Flim, "Next Town?

"Next Town," agreed Flam.

The brothers suddenly pulled a lever, and Super Stylish Wardrobe 9000 folded the stage up into a speedy getaway cart. The two brothers quickly sat behind the wheel and zoomed away.

Everypony in crowd cheered as the brothers disappeared.

Applejack turned to Rarity and gave her a big hug, "Thank's Rarity!"

A look of realization suddenly popped onto her face.

"But what about Fashion Week," asked Applejack staring at her friend, "Isn't in goin' on right now."

"Oh, I kind of left early," said Rarity smiling nervously.

Applejack, "Rarity! You didn't have to do that.."

"Oh it's just a silly competition," said Rarity brushing it off, "They'll be a million more just like it.. But I'll only ever have one friend like you."

Applejack smiled and the two ponies hugged once again.

"Um, excuse me," a soft voice spoke up.

Applejack and Rarity turned to see a familiar pony with green hair and collared scarf.

"Coco Pommel?" stated Rarity confused, "What are you doing here?"

Coco smiled, "I just wanted to be here personally to give you this."

Coco pulled out a small golden trophy from her satchel. Rarity's eyes grew wide with excitement.

"I won Fashion Week?!" she exclaimed with excitement.

"Suri tried to make off with the prize for herself," said Coco, "But I insisted to Miss Hemline that you would want it."

"But, won't Suri be mad that you gave this to me," asked Rarity.

"Oh I'm done working for Suri," said Coco, "I want to work with somepony who actually treats me like a friend."

"Excuse me," a voice said from behind the mares.

The ponies turned to Silver Shills, pulling a large cart of clothing behind him.

"I just want to thank you Applejack, for showing me the error of my ways," Silver Shills explained, "I guess I'll have to find somepony else to give these outfits too."

"You made these," asked Coco looking at the outfits with amazement.

"Oh, there nothing special," said Silver Shills, "Just some knockoffs made out of cheap materials."

"Don't be ridiculous," said Coco sorting through the clothes, "These are brilliant.. And so affordable too!"

"You really think so," said Silver Shills with a smile.

"You know, I have some designs that I've been working on," said Coco Pommel, "Do you think you could lend me a hoof."

Applejack and Rarity smiled, as the two new friends began chatting with each other.

Back on the train to Tambelon, Rarity was polishing the trophy she'd won for Fashion Week.

"Well Rarity," said Applejack, "I guess you finally got one over Suri Polomare."

"Oh it was nothing special," smiled Rarity, "Though it did feel to finally beat her."

"So do ya think yer rivalry with her is finally over," asked Applejack.

"Oh please Applejack," said Rarity as the train began to halt, "I am a lady.. I'm above such petty grievances."

As the two ponies began to disembark, they suddenly noticed Suri Polomare struggling to pull her own luggage off of the train.

"Excuse me Applejack," said Rarity to her friend, "I need just a moment.."

Rarity trotted over to her old rival struggling to push forward her overloaded luggage cart.

"Suri," said Rarity politely, "I'm terribly sorry about how things turned out.. And I hope you hold no hard feeling towards me, but.."

Rarity suddenly shoved the Trophy in Suri's face.

"In Your FACE!" she exclaimed with an excited smile, "I Won and You Lost! I Won and You Lost!"

As Rarity continued to chant Suri's face quickly grew red.

"That tears it!" shout Suri with flames in her eyes.

She quickly tackled Rarity and began wrestling with the unicorn on the ground.

"Give me that trophy!" Suri shouted still fighting.

As the two ponies hissed and bit at each other, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara just happened to be walking by.

"They're acting like foals?" said Diamond Tiara in disgust.

"They it's just a silly competition, right?" asked Sweetie Belle.