• Published 1st Jul 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery - ponydog127

Our pony heroes team up with their mystery solving friends, four bat pony princesses and the legendary band KISS to stop an evil witch's scheme that could potentially destroy the Earth and Equestria if given the chance to succeed.

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A Royal Confrontation

Sunny Starscout, the Equestrians and Mystery Incorporated followed KISS and the bat pony princesses toward the city while they were in the cosmic realm of Kissteria, still not sure of what they were seeing.

This whole cosmic realm was here the whole time? Did that mean that the story that Chikara told them was real too? And if it was, were they really in danger?

It was truly a lot to wrap their heads around. But the ponies were concerned not just for the problem at hoof... but how scared, nervous and sad the princesses looked.

It was like a look Misty often wore while she was on the lookout for Opaline... and she knew she had to help them ease whatever discomfort they had in their hearts.

Misty approached Rose and Emerald, a gentle smile on her face. “Hey... you must be excited to be able to go home and see your family. And I bet they'll be excited to see you too.”

“...we understand you're trying to help, Misty, but... our father won't be too happy to see us when we arrive,” Rose frowned. “Being a high king and all.”

Misty blinked-- so what she assumed really was true! But... she wondered why they never talked about him before now. “King?”

“King Cobalt of the Kissterian Bat Ponies.”

Everyone looked up at the sound of the sudden voice, and a golden eyed, gray bat pony with a light purple mane and tail and darker colored armor flew down to them and bowed. “My princesses.”

“Captain Moonbeam. A pleasure to see you again as well,” Topaz smiled, but then that very smile faded. “We need to speak to the Elder... and our father. We need their expertise in a very drastic matter.”

“...it's about the rock, isn't it?” Moonbeam asked them, and their concerned look said it all. “Are you sure that's wise? Your father isn't going to be happy to see you... along with your Equestrian and mortal friends.”

“What's he got against us?” Fred asked. “Nothing against you personally,” Sapphire explained, “but... over 1500 moons ago, we were sent away from Equestria by the ponies, fearing we would be at risk of being enslaved by an evil alicorn, glowing with fire.”

Misty shuddered-- that sounded like Opaline all right. “Our father is the 10th generation king of our people, and... well... he thinks the Equestrians sent us away for other reasons than the fiery alicorn. But we knew better... what our mother taught us in secret before her passing. When we tried to protest, we had a fight,” Emerald explained. “That's when we left this land to tour with KISS and try to make mortals happy with our musical talent.”

“We haven't been back since,” Rose agreed quietly. “Wow, guys... I didn't realize you had it so rough,” Daphne frowned. “We're really sorry about your mother.”

“She's in a better place now, but... thank you for your sympathy, Daphne,” Emerald smiled. “But we mustn't wait another second. Father and the Elder need to know about the tragedy that has come to fall on us... even if we are punished. Moonbeam?”

“Of course. Follow me,” Moonbeam said politely as she led them further into the city. However, it seemed practically deserted, and that was something the Demon did not brush aside. “Where is everyone?”

Suddenly, the citizens of Kissteria, men and woman with similar black and white patterns on their faces, came from the buildings, and one of them, wearing a cloak and looking older and wiser, struck Shaggy's attention. “That must be her.”

“The Elder!” Sunny said, and she and the other ponies bowed to her as Velma muttered to herself, “She's certainly not The Younger.”

Finally, the Elder brought herself forward as the ponies stood up. “A shadow has fallen across Kissteria, and your arrival here only confirms the worst,” she said. “The Crimson Witch has the rock.”

“I'm afraid so,” Starchild spoke. “We lost her in the portal.”


The princesses bowed immediately at the shrill and booming call, and Sapphire turned back to the frightened gang and ponies. “You might want to bow... lower than before, even.”

Scooby yelped and fell face first in the dirt as the ponies bowed again. “Is this good enough?” the Great Dane asked in a muffled voice. “Maybe for you,” Rose gulped, “but that will never be low enough for us.”

A pitch black bat pony flew down and slammed his hooves into the floor, his red eyes gleaming in anger as his golden crown gleamed in the light. He glared down at his daughters with a serious and livid expression. “Daughters... did Starchild say you lost the witch with the rock in the portal on the way here?”

“Y-Yes, Father. I'm afraid so. But we did try and stop her... she was just too fast,” Topaz stammered. King Cobalt stood there glaring before he sighed. “Then we have little time to act,” he said before spotting the gang and ponies, instinctly raising his wings. “Who are they?”

The ponies and Scooby sat up instinctively, and Demon put his hands on his hips as he responded. “Earth kids and Equestrians.”

“Are they worthy?” the Elder asked, but Demon only shrugged, leading Emerald to respond for him. “Their hearts are pure, their spirits strong.”

“And their stomachs empty,” Shaggy rubbed his growling stomach. “Yeah,” Scooby nodded, still a little nervous. “Empty.”

“Shh! Zip it!” Rose said at seeing their father's menacing glare. “You children should prepare yourselves,” the Elder said while the king remained silent. “If the Crimson Witch succeeds in releasing the Destroyer... he will engulf all of your worlds in a torrent of darkness and evil.”

Sunny and her friends looked worried at that statement, but then, seeing Fred wearing makeup with a crescent moon under his eye got their attention. “I'm ready, Your Majesties.”

“Fred... is that makeup?!” Daphne asked in surprise. “It's a moon,” Fred told her before standing before the Elder. “Whoa!” Catman exclaimed upon seeing it. “Who hit you, buddy?”

“No one.”

“Looks like a black eye,” Spaceman commented. “It's not!”

“Nice shiner,” said Demon. “It's a moon!”

“Please, you seem like a nice boy,” said the Elder. “Go stand with your friends.”

Zipp groaned under her breath as Daphne crossed her arms at Fred, clearly embarrassed. “Fred... are you trying to impress me?”

“No!” Fred immediately spoke. “It's just that, well, you've been hanging all over Starface.”

Daphne scoffed at that remark. “Have not!”

“Have so!”

“Have not!”

“Have so!”

Have not.

“Guys, guys!” Velma stopped their feuding. “You've gotta stop this. If we're ever going to finish this cosmic boondoggle, and get back to solving the real mystery, we need to act like a team. All of us.”

“The sarcastic girl speaks the truth,” the Elder spoke. “Only together will you have the power and skills needed to defeat the Destroyer.”

“Come on, everyone,” Rose said softly. “Let's get back to the ship so we can get to the tomb before--”

“No,” King Cobalt interrupted firmly. “You four have caused enough trouble already. I warned you that getting too close to those... mortals would get you into trouble, and it has! I don't know WHY I let you go pursue your music to begin with. From now on, you will stay in the palace where you won't cause anymore damage to our home.”

“But they didn't do anything!”

Everyone looked to see a frustrated looking Sunny step forward, and the sisters backed out of her way as King Cobalt looked down at her. “What did you say to me, you little foal?”

“I said they didn't do anything,” Sunny said firmly. “Your daughters are some of the sweetest mares I've ever met, and they actually saved our lives when the witch attacked us. The only one who is causing trouble is you, discouraging your daughters dreams and wanting to get away from your harsh thinking!”

During her rant, Sunny's cutie mark began to glow, leading many to back up a few steps. “A pony, no matter their title, they should be able to do whatever they want to!” Sunny continued. “Just like how helping ponykind and giving back their magic has allowed me to do THIS!!”

And in a bright burst of light, Sunny had turned into her alicorn form, causing the sisters, and many of the Kissterians to gasp in shock. Sunny, however, remained unfazed as she faced the stunned king. “I'm sorry, sir, but if you want to keep your daughters here... you're going to have to get through me and my friends first.”

Slowly, the other ponies and Scooby formed a barrier around the sisters, just as King Cobalt's face melted from a livid frown to an impressed smirk. “You impress me, Sunny Starscout.”


“It has been many moons since anyone has stood up to me... especially an Equestrian. I am very impressed by your skill and power,” King Cobalt smiled. “If you believe my daughters can help you... they may go. But... before they do... I hope they can forgive me for being such a fool.”

“Of course we can, Father,” Topaz said. “We know you were just trying to keep us safe since Mother passed. But you can't keep treating us like defenseless little fillies.”

“I'll try my best to be better. I promise,” said the king before he hugged his daughters tenderly. “Now go. Save our world before it's too late.”