• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 412 Views, 11 Comments

In the clink! - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

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Chapter 1

It was a normal Friday afternoon, Rainbow Dash dressed in her Wonderbolt attire. She sits in a chair at the local drinking place. Rainbow sighed as she said, "It's been a long day today, working at the wonderbolts..." She then sighed and looked at her drink in a clear, and transparent glass. She said, "We worked harder than usual!" She remembers the stunts, push-ups, and other task they had to do today. They are going to preform for Princess Celestia's birthday party, tomorrow. The Wonderbolts do not want to let her or the ponies of Equestria down.

She then took a sip of her drink, the flavor of the drink travels through her throat. She then placed the mug down and said, "This is soooo good!". She then grabs the cup and takes another sip. The liquid goes through her throat but some drops of the drink go to her blue and yellow uniform. After a few minutes, she slammed the drink down on the table. She said, "I love this drink.. I already had... three mugs of this.. can I have some more?" then bartender went over and refill her glass.

Rainbow Dash then looked at the wall, the long arm was pointing to the four and the short arm pointed to the four. Then, Rainbow expression quickly turned into a shocked look. She then yelled, "Oh I got help Pinkie make cupcakes!" They were making cupcakes for Princess Celestia's birthday and because Pinkie wants to spend more time with Rainbow Dash since they spend less time together ever since Rainbow joined the Wonderbolts. Pinkie Pie was all alone and the other mane 6 had their own things to do. Fluttershy is going to an animal convention, Twilight is the party planner for Celestia's birthday party and is gone all day, Apple Jack is visiting her cousin in Appleloosa, and Rarity has a seasonal boutique job in Manehatten,

Spit Fire who was sitting next to her said, "Have fun!" then she took another sip, "Also Rainbow.. don't fly since you consume alcohol!" Rainbow nodded her head and flew out at a quick speed, she flew all crooked fly up and down. Spitfire then grabbed her drink and took a big sip.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was flying in the sky fast, faster than when clearing the clouds in the sky. She doesn't want to make Pinkie Pie sad by being there late. She then flew through a giant, white and puffy cloud creating a huge hole in the cloud. She then flew by a sleeping police officer, who was sleeping on a white, puffy cloud. Then she said to herself, "Can't be late, I promise to be there at 4:05pm.."

Meanwhile Derpy was holding a package, it has a huge red sticker that reads, "HEAVY: BE CAREFUL PLEASE!" Derpy said, "This.. package is.. heavy.. but.. I can do this!" She started to fly left from the carriage, they grabbed the package from. Rainbow Dash who was flying so fast she didn't see Derpy transporting a heavy and huge package, she then collided into Derpy.

Derpy yelled, "Ow!" she then accidentally dropped the package, the package fell down the blue sky. Then a pony was standing in the field below Derpy, Rainbow Dash and the package. The pony said, "Wow, I won the lottery, my coltfriend proposed to me.. and I just got a PhD... my life is awesome.. I don't want my life to end!" a huge crash noise can be heard, The pony is lying on the green ground, her head touching the grass, her mouth is open like a mailbox.

Red blood was on the package and on the ground. She isn't breathing and her heart isn't beating. The package was on top of the ponie's head/ Then all of a sudden, the package opened, the cardboard fell to the ground and the piano was standing there.

Then a police pony flew over to where Rainbow was flying. He had a white coat, a white horn and yellow hair and mane. He was panting, he had a tired look on his face. He got some bags under his eyes. Then he said, "T.. there you are... you were speeding... Miss Rainbow Dash... this is the 200th speeding ticket you... got... in a span of three months... damn... not to mention... I saw you crash into Derpy and causing that package to hit that pony.."

Derpy also yelled, "Yeah, what the hell, Dash? Didn't you see me with that huge package... you need to slow down, if you weren't flying at the speed of light then I wouldn't have drop that fucking package, that package killed a pony.. thanks to you I might lose my job..." she had an angry look on her face, she crossed her hooves together.

Meanwhile the driver of the carriage asked, "Is everything alright, Derpy?" she heard shouting and want to know if everything was okay. Also, ti was taking longer than usual to deliver the package.

Derpy replied by growling, "Rainbow crashed into me, I dropped the heavy package and it killed somepony!"

Rainbow Dash then replied, "Not.. m- mmmyyy.. .proooo ..blem.. heh heh!" her eyes were crossed and her head was shaking back and forth. Her eyes were watery and her face looked a bit flushed.

Derpy started to form an angry look on her face when she heard that. She then yelled, "NOT YOUR PROBLEM!? YOU FLYING FAST AND CRASHING INTO ME CAUSED ME TO DROP THAT HEAVY PACKAGE WHICH KILLED THAT PONY.."

Rainbow Dash replied, "Diiid youuu nooot seeee meeeeeeee commingg?" her breath smell like alcohol it left behind a strong smell. The cop and Derpy can smell alcohol. There is one thing the cop hates more than murderers, thieves, and bullies.. and that is ponies who fly under the influence. He is upset with Rainbow Dash for flying under the influence and causing a death of an innocent pony.

The cop said, "You are drunk, your speech is slurred, your breath smells like alcohol, your face is flush and drunk ponies fly all crooked and crazily which is what I saw you doing.." He had an upset look on his face. He was going to get his thin, and gray hoofcuffs. He sighed, he had a tired look, this is also the fifth arrest he made today.

Derpy yelled in an angry tone, "I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED!"

The cop tested Rainbow Dash in a series of test to see if she is really drunk, the cop made Rainbow Dash fly in a straight line, and follow a pen with her eyes. For the flying test she flew crooked and not straight, then for the pen test her eyes were vibrating a bit when she moves her pupils to the other end of her eyes.

After more tests, the cop concluded that she was drunk and responsible for the death of the ponyslaughter. The cop placed gray hoofcuffs on Rainbow Dash and carried her away. Rainbow yelled, "Itts Derppy faullt... not meeee!"

After a while, Rainbow Dash was in court, it was a huge room, the persecutor was sitting in the desk, left of the judge, the judge sits in the chair, pony's watching the case, police ponies, and the victim's family sits in the seats behind the two tables, one table is were Rainbow Dash and her lawyer sits and the other table were Derpy and Sergeant Ironhoof sits. The Persecutor had a unhappy look on his face, he wore a black eyepatch, red coat and a black mane. He stares angrily at Rainbow Dash, he feels like she should have known better.

The judge grabs his gravel, he hits the gravel on the table. He said, "Order in the court, order!" he had a stern look on his face, he looks at Derpy then at Rainbow. The lawyers had a determined look on their faces. Rainbow wasn't rich enough to hire a lawyer so the judge hired a lawyer.

Derpy stood up and said, "Yes your honor... so Rainbow Dash was flying at the speed of light, it was clear that she saw me, her eyes were looking at where she was going, she crashed into me and I dropped the package and it fell and killed a pony on the ground!"

Rainbow Dash's lawyer was wearing a tuxedo, he has glasses, he had a yellow mane and orange coat. He stood up and said, "Objection, if Derpy saw that Rainbow was coming at her, she should have at least moved aside so that Rainbow wouldn't have collided into her.."

The lawyer then yelled, "Also, I want to say... that this was preventable but Derpy decided to

The judge with a serious face stood up and said in a serious tone, "Well, you should have at least move over when you saw Rainbow coming.. this is partly your fault.."

Pinkie who was in the jury, had a sad look, she is worried, she hopes that Rainbow Dash doesn't go to prison, afterall she knows Rainbow Dash didn't know any better and was trying to commit a crime. her hooves were sweaty and she even fingercrossed that Rainbow doesn't go to prison.. she is a bit mad at Dashie for not helping her with the cupcakes.. which Rainbow pinkie promised to help Pinkie.

Then, in a few seconds, Derpy stood up and yelled, "Objection, Objection, I thought she would go around and see I was doing my job, I was delivering a huge, fragile, and expensive package going to a pegasi in Clooudsdale, and usually pegasi fly around me when I deliver things. She was also moving very quickly."

Then one of the cops sitting in the seats behind the two tables said, "Not to mention, Rainbow Dash was flying drunk and drunk ponies are out of control and unpredictable.. her breath smelt like alcohol, I did tests that point to her being drunk, her speech is slurred and her face was flushed.. and to note, she has been speeding.. in a span of three months.." the cop got up and gave the judge Rainbow's flying record, they all said speeding. He had a serious look on his face.

Rainbow Dash stood up and said, "You're honor... I am sorry for what I did... I should have listen to Spitfire and not fly when I was in my drunken state... I don't like admitting this but... I am a fool... I plead.. guilty!"

Judge said, "Okay." then Judge reviewed the case, he had a serious look on his face. Cries can be heard as the victim's family and coltfriend can be heard crying, tears ran through their faces, their eyes close, they all were hugging each other. Some of the ponies were crying too along with the victim's family.

There was silence in the room. There wasn't a sound heard. Then, the jury were chattering trying to decide who is in the right and who is in the wrong. Not all ponies agree on who is in the wrong, After what seemed like forever, One of the ponies who was in the jury said, "We the jury say that Rainbow Dash is guilty.. and should also face criminal charges for Involuntary ponyslaughter, public intoxication, speeding, also FUI!" (Flying under the Influence).

The judge nodded his head and said, "Rainbow, you have been found guilty of Involuntary ponyslaughter, public intoxication, speeding, FUI. You will be imprisoned for five years..."

Rainbow jaw dropped when she heard what the judge said, Pinkie Pie's eyes were flooding with water, Pinkie Pie smile was crooked too. Rainbow's magenta pupils were decreasing in size. She said, "I- I can't believe it..." she hung her head in shame, tears began to race down her eyes.

Then, a cop said, "Let's go!" as he escorts Rainbow Dash to a truck which will take her to a prison far from the court. Ponies in court cheer or were shocked. Pinkie's grin was upside down, her eyes were flooded with water, a few tears rushed down her cheeks. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was in the truck, the truck is dark with a few lights from outside reaching inside the truck, there are two rows of seat, made of wood. There was a little spider web below the seats. There were no other prisoners inside the truck. The events for earlier reply over and over in her head. She then thinks to herself, "What would prison be like?... Will I be fired from the wonderbolts? Is my life.... OVER?"

The sun greets her from inside the truck as it rises down from the sky, she then remembered what Spitfire said, "Also Rainbow.. don't fly since you consume alcohol.." she then hoofpalm and punched the wall of the truck. She yelled, "Oh, why am I so... stupid.. why didn't I listen to Spitfire? I am... stupid..."

Then the truck suddenly stopped, Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "Here I am, at prison... these will be the worst days and years of my life.." Then the door of the truck opened and closed, she heard footsteps coming closer. Her heartbeat pound faster and faster. Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "There were worse days like when... my friends pretended to be a hero to humiliate me... and everypony even Scootaloo forgot me and threw me away... or when-" her speech was interrupted when the driver of the truck opened the back door. He was a cop.

The driver said, 'We are here, get out of the truck!" Rainbow Dash nodded her head and jumped out, she saw the sunlight again, the sky glowed a purple and orange hue. The sun was almost leaving the sky, footsteps could be heard and the prison gates were opened, then closed after Rainbow and the cop passed by the huge, spiky, and black gate. After a few minutes, the door of the prison was opened by the cop, the two ponies walked inside, the cop closed and locked the door. Then after a few minutes of making sure Rainbow isn't hiding any dangerous weapons in her, they start walking her to her assigned cell.

She looked left and right, the cells were filled with tons of horrible ponies, some had tattoos, some wore an eyepatch, some hold knives. One pony whispered, "Dead pony walking..." the ground was dirty and needed to be cleaned, there was a spider web on the walls of the prisons. There even lies a flickering light. Little does Rainbow Dash know she is in a minimum security prison in Ponyville, but it was feared by many ponies, most ponies there, don't get out.. even Princess Celestia herself is scared and refuses to get in there without a group of highly trained guards.

Then, after a few minutes, Rainbow Dash and the cop stop walking, the sound of footsteps stopped, the cop opened the door and released the handcuffs. She is in cell A1234, she walks inside and sit in the chair which was next to the wooden desk. She hangs her head in shame and replays the events, she cringes when she replay the part about crashing into Derpy. She wears a long, upside down grin on her face when she remembers the victim's family and colt friend crying, Pinkie crying.. she whispered, "I am a monster... if I listened to spitfire I wouldn't be in this mess, my future, my life, my dignity is ruined!"

Then, a voice was heard in the cell saying, "Hey, what are you in here for?" it sounded friendly. Rainbow Dash turned around, she made a shocked look on her face when she saw who it was. It was Daring Do, Rainbow made a confused face she wonders why Daring Do is in prison, Daring Do was a good pony and would never commit a crime.

Rainbow Dash said, "Oh hey Daring Do... um.. you are sooo cool...and also why are you... in prison?"

Daring Do sighed and replied, "Well, apparently I was caught stealing the artifacts from the temples, and to note that I stole a ton of artifacts that was worth a ton of bits so I was charged with grand larceny and given about three years in this place... I thought I was doing a good thing.. but society doesn't see it that way... but I got no worries.. prison life is easy but the conditions were horrible and the prison food is bad... but I like how on Saturdays that give out.. spaghetti!"

Rainbow Dash then said, "Oh, well, I am here for many charges, Flying under the influence, Involuntary ponyslaughter, Public intoxication, and speeding.. I committed speeding.... a lot... around 200 times and they had enough.." She looked down, her cheeks glow a red tint out of embarrassment. Thoughts also storm her mind, "Will she be okay? Will she get kicked out of the Wonderbolts? What will her friends think of her?"

Daring Do then asked, "Are you okay, Dash?"
Rainbow Dash blushed and said, "Yeah.. I guess.."

Then a mare got up and said, "Can you ponies be quiet? I am trying to sleep!" She then lay back down and covered her head with the fluffy, purple pillow. She was a mare with a tan coat and a dark brown mane, Daring Do and Rainbow were looking at her. Then they went back to look at each other, there was silence among the cell.

Daring Do then said, breaking the silence, "Oh that is Oatmeal Raisin, she's here for Identity theft.. she was upset that her coltfriend left her so she grabbed her coltfriend's credit card and bought a ton of things even a mini tower of Pisa, plated in gold.. her boyfriend didn't make the purchases and she admitted it was her and now she is here.. she told me.."

Then another pony muttered in a sleepy tone, "I want weed... gimme..."

Daring Do said, "Oh that is my friend, Gardener... he was caught selling and trafficking weed.. he also had.. a weed farm in his front yard!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Okay.."

Then the guard yelled, "Lights off!" then without warning, the lights were off, there were a small nightlight in the cells.

Rainbow Dash said, "Time for bed.." she stretched her body and walked over to the bed that was behind the two layer bunker bed and closed her eyes. A small upside down grin was in her face. Daring Do flew up to her bed, she had a long day today, she had a tired look on her face, she lies down, pulled the blankets and closed her eyes. She then can be heard snoozing.

Author's Note:

Thanks to God for helping me make this.

Chapter 2 is coming