• Published 27th Jul 2023
  • 245 Views, 0 Comments

The Summer Switcheroo - dashielovesyou

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idk what to name this

Few days have gone by for the struggling girls. They usually talk to each other on the phone, keeping the other updated on their current life. Rainbow Dash kept complaining about everything is so “frou frou”. For Rarity, she had been trying to avoid Spitfire much as possible. It seems to be working but eventually Spitfire will catch on. Both of the girls have been having a hard time in telling their camp instructor about their mixup. Either they were too busy or just wasn’t listening.

Laying in bed, Rainbow Dash thought about her life decisions for the 20th time. Since she was going to be here for the rest of her summer, she was going to make use of it. That’s when she got the brightest idea..

Pranks! Oh god why haven’t I thought about this before? Rainbow thought. Looking at the darkness, she got up from her bed. Slowly lowering herself down from the bunk bed so she doesn’t wake anybody up. She got to her backpack and opened it. She grinned as she did a little chuckle.

“This will be fun,”

“Girlies! It’s time to wake up!” Called out Shappire and she rang her little bell lightly. The girls groggily woke up, yawning. Rainbow Dash was still asleep, loudly snoring in her deep sleep. The girls gave a look and motioned her bunkie to wake her up. Groaning, the girl tapped on Rainbows shoulder lightly. Not waking up, she shook Rainbow. She shot up.

“Huh!?” Rainbow questioned, she looked around the room confused until she noticed their faces. Her eyes wided as she gave an embarrassed smile.

“Sorry,” Everyone moved their attention away to Rainbow Dash and getting ready to start their day. Rainbow stayed in her position until she remembered her prank. She let out a small gasp and started giggling. Her eyes pinpointed at the bathroom door, one of her roommates opened the door. She closes the door behind her.

“Wait for it…” Rainbow counted until-

“AHH!” a blood curling scream came from the bathroom. The room snapped their head towards the bathroom door as it opened.

“What happened?” a girl asked the panicked girl.

“There’s something in the toilet!” she pointed at the toilet. Everyone gave confused looks.

“Did someone not flush?” someone asked. The girl shook her head.

“It-it’s really big- just look for yourself,” two girls went to the bathroom and looked at the toilet, their eyes went wide as they also screamed, leaping out of the bathroom.

They shut the door, “I know we are in the forest but this is insane!”

Sapphire opened the room door as she had a panicked look on her face.

“What happened? I heard screaming!” She questioned. All the girls expect Rainbow Dash pointed at the bathroom door. Sapphire walked towards the bathroom with caution. She opened the door, she looked around until she looked at the toilet.

“OH MY!” she screamed. Her eyes stared at it until she picked up a toilet brush and poked it. It didn’t move. She picked it up and examined it. She frowned and spoke.

“Alright, who put this here?” She demanded, holding up the fake scorpion. Rainbow gave a few giggles until she bursted out laughing. Everyone gave her mean glares as she continued to laugh.

“You should have seen your face! Err- uh-“ She pointed at the girl who found the fake scorpion.

“Star,” she deadpanned, crossing her arms.

“Yeah you! Ha that was funny!” Rainbow wiped her tears from her eyes. Sapphire went to Rainbow Dash and gave a stern look.

“Rainbow Dash! That is very inappropriate! Refrain from doing this again,” She spoke with seriousness and stern. Rainbow frowned a little.

“Fine, sorry,” She groaned at being scolded at. Usually when Twilight does it, she shrugs it off but getting yelled at by an adult is different. It made her feel like a little girl again.

“I’m getting rid of this,” Sapphire said, looking at the fake scorpion in disgust. Dripping toilet water slowly making its way towards the ground as she walked out the room.

Nobody said anything and acted like nothing happened. This doesn’t mean they weren’t upset at Rainbow Dash. Everyone continued getting ready for the day.

Sleeping peacefully, snoozing softly. Rarity had her sleeping mask, covered with purple silk and jewels. Everyone knows purple is Rarity’s favorite color, but she likes it more than everybody knows. It’s royal color just pops, makes her stand out among the crowd, especially with jewels.

Aside from her current life, Rarity was dreaming of making dresses, like she normally does. She hasn’t been able to do that without Spitfire stepping on her shoes all the time.

Almost finishing her dream dress, her dream stopped to a halt to the door hitting the wall.

“Wake up newbies! Today, we are getting real!” Spitfire said. Rarity groaned in annoyance from her dream being interrupted. Everyone in her room immediately got up and started getting ready. Rarity gave a long, deep sigh and got off her bed.

“Thank goodness I brought these sneakers,” Rarity said, looking down at her fashionable platform sneakers. She feared about her shoes getting too dirty, but she had no choice since the rest were high heels. The platforms may not be runnable shoes but what could she do?

She followed her group towards Spitfire, who waited for everyone. Rarity put her head down, waiting for the absolute worst and most difficult, energy consuming exercise she has ever done.

“Alright newbies, I hope you slept well because today will have you sleeping like a baby tonight!” Spitfire announced. Rarity fanned her face with her hand again.

I can’t take this heat!

Spitfire moved aside and pointed behind her. There stood a obstacle course with various different objects.

“You will all run through this a multiple times, I will tell you when to stop,” Spitfire continued, “now c’mon get over there!”

People started running to the start of the course. Rarity shuddered and sped walked to the start. She took a quick glance at the whole course, shuttering at all of them.

The girls and I have saved the world from destruction multiple times, this shouldn’t be that bad…

Spitfire took aside from all the teens, pausing as she eyed all of them. She held her whistle and started counting down.

“3, 2, 1-“ she immediately blew her whistle and screamed, “GO!”

Everyone flew like the wind, leaving dust behind them. Rarity gasped and ran.

“C’mon lady you can be faster than that, go go go!” Spitfire yelled.

Rarity pushed herself forward. She approached the first challenge—an enormous wall with ropes dangling down from the top. Without hesitation, she held onto the ropes and began scaling the wall, her sneakers gripping onto the rough surface. She climbed higher and higher until she reached the peak and swung her legs over, landing on the other side.

Breathing heavily, Rarity jogged towards the next obstacle, which was a series of tires scattered across the ground. Jumping from one to another. Her platform sneakers proved to be a challenge as she struggled to maintain balance and avoid tripping. With every leap, she wobbled slightly, but managed to stay on her feet and pushed through.

As she approached the next challenge, Rarity couldn't help but let out a small gasp. It was a muddy pit filled with murky water, logs, and ropes hanging above. She let out a small cry.

I knew this would happen… As people zipped past her, she shook her thoughts. She had no choice but to wade through it. With a determined face, she took a deep breath and plunged into the mud, the thick gooey mud gettin on her fashionable sneakers.

Squishing her way through, Rarity reached the other side, her sneakers now covered in mud. She tried to shake off the excess dirt, but it clung to the platform soles. Unfazed, she continued to the next obstacle—a series of monkey bars high above the ground. Swinging from bar to bar, she used her upper body strength through the challenging course. She may be a lady, but she was a strong one. Her fashionable sneakers proved to be a slight problem, making it harder for her to grip the bars.

As Rarity removed herself from the monkey bars, she spotted the next course—a balance beam that stretched across a deep pit. She cautiously stepped onto the narrow beam, her platform sneakers teetering on the edges. Every step was with focus and precision, as she carefully made her way to the other side. Despite the difficulty, Rarity managed to keep her balance and complete the task successfully.

With a sense of accomplishment, Rarity made her way to the final obstacle—a towering rope ladder that led to a platform above. She grabbed onto the ropes tightly, her sneakers struggling to find traction on the thin rungs. She climbed higher and higher, her arms and legs burning with fatigue. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she reached the top and stepped onto the platform.

Breathing in and out from her mouth, Rarity looked down at the obstacle course she had just conquered. Her fashionable, beautiful sneakers were dirty and worn, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her accomplishment. She had faced her fear of ruining her beloved shoes and pushed herself to the limit.

I wish Rainbow Dash was here to see this. She would be so proud!

As Rarity descended from the platform, Spitfire approached her with a smile. "Impressive work! You really pushed through and gave it your all," she commended.

Rarity smiled back, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "Thank you, Spitfire. It was quite the challenge, but I'm glad I did it."

With confidence, Rarity joined the rest of her group, knowing that no obstacle was too great for her to overcome, whether it be in fashionable platform sneakers or high heels.

Rainbow sat in a room, it was filled with an explosion of colors, dazzling decorations, and a vibrant atmosphere that just screamed Rarity.

She let out a deep sigh and plopped her head on the desk. Her camp instructor, Sapphire smiled from ear to ear and said.

“Hi girls! Oops! And boys-“ she corrected herself.

“Today we are going to have a little fun. A makeover!“ She bursted with excitement. Rainbow Dash lifted her head from the desk and yelled.

“Are you seri-“ She looked around the room to the unassumed teens. She groaned and folded her arms.

“I’m sure you all brought your makeup kits but we have a whole variety here,” She shifted aside and pointed at a living stock of makeup.

Everyone awed in amazement and shock. Rainbow grumbled more. Her eyes landed on the different various shades of lip gloss. This sparked up an idea.

With a smile, she thought about her plan more and laughed.

“This is gonna be better than my last,” she whispered. She got up from her chair and approached the large vanity. She grabbed three red shaded lip gloss and stuffed it inside her pocket.

Then, Rainbow went up to her camp instructor and asked, “can I use the bathroom? I’ll be quick,”

Sapphire nodded. Rainbow dashed out of the room leaving her signature rainbow trail. She had obviously lied about going to the bathroom. Instead, she was heading to her room. Entering the room, she made sure nobody was there.

Coast is clear Rainbow put on a sly smirk and reached into her bag. She pulled out three packets of spicy sause she had took from the lunch room. She popped open one of lip glosses lid, dumped some lip gloss out, opened the spicy packet and dumped all of it inside. She shook a little. She gave herself a laugh for thinking about this genius plan. She repeated this process with the rest of the two lip gloss.

She stuffed the lip glosses back in her pocket and dashed back to the classroom. She walked back to her seat, seeing one of her roommates, Star and two other girls. She smiled approached them.

“Hey girls, I saw these lip glosses over there and I just thought they would look so good on you guys!” She whipped out three lip glosses and shoved it infront of their faces.

The three girls gave the rainbow athlete a weird look but took them anyways.

The baby blue haired girl, Star gave it a weird look. Rainbows face immediately turned into worry.

Star sparked up, “This is a really nice red, you got a good eye,”

Rainbows face went back to a smile, “thanks.”

Star and the other two girls opened the lid and put the lip gloss on their lips. Rainbow waited in anticipation, rubbing her hands together. The three girls stopped applying their lip gloss in unison. Their smiles turned into a frown. Star’s face grew uncomfortable until tears started forming in her eyes.

“Rainbow Dash, what did you put in this?” She asked in confusion and irritation. Rainbow snickered and acted oblivious.

“What do you mean? I thought you liked it?” She covered her mouth to contain her laugher.

One of the girls started yelling, “AHH! My mouth burns!” she yelled through the tears falling down from her cheeks. She rubbed the lip gloss on her clothes. The other girl licked off the lip gloss but that only made things worse. She rushed over to someone’s water bottle and drank it. Star stayed put. She did not want to give Rainbow Dash the satisfaction she wanted. Stars look grew stern. She wiped off the lip gloss and pointed a finger at the rainbow haired girl.

“This isn’t funny!” Star raised her voice. She threw the lip gloss at Rainbow. She snapped her fingers and her two friends came rushing by her side. They gave Rainbow Dash one last look and walked to the other side of the room. Rainbow started laughing even more.

“The hell was that about?” She said through laughs. She sat down on her seat and proceeded to go on her phone.

It’s free time for the campers. Camp Crystal Lake was abuzz with excitement as a group of girls, led by Star, huddled together near a towering oak tree. Star's eyes sparkled as she outlined her plan to her group of girls.

With a sly smile, Star addressed the group, her voice barely containing her excitement. "Alright, ladies, listen up. Today, we're going to give Rainbow Dash a taste of her own medicine."

A ginger haired girl, Amber raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What's the plan, Star?"

Star's grin widened as she revealed her plan. "We're going to take all of Rainbow Dash's belongings and hide them. Then give her a makeover. It's time she gets something back at her for those stupid pranks."

Yael clapped her hands gleefully, her acrylics tapping each other. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun! She won't know what hit her!"

Someone among the group, however, seemed a bit apprehensive. "But won't she be really upset?"

Star waved off the girl’s concern. "Oh, don’t worry! It's harmless. Rainbow Dash needs a reality check."

Their laughter echoed through the camp as they began to assign tasks to each member of the group.

"Amber, you keep an eye on Rainbow Dash," Star commanded. "Let us know when she's away from her things."

Amber nodded and made her way towards the camp's area where Rainbow Dash was currently on her phone.

Turning her attention to Yael, Star continued, "Yael, your job is to distract her. Engage her in some friendly banter to divert her attention away.”

Yael grinned and set off towards Rainbow Dash, ready to engage her in conversation about the latest sports competition.

Star then turned to the rest of the group, giving them a determined look. "It’s up to us to gather all of Rainbow Dash's belongings and bring them to our secret hiding spot near the lake."

They all nodded. Star gave a bigger smile

As the plan unfolded, Amber discreetly sent a signal to Star, using subtle hand gestures to indicate that Rainbow Dash had moved away from her belongings.

"Perfect timing!" Star whispered with a grin. "Let's move, girls!"

The group reconvened near the shimmering lake, where Yael unveiled their secret hiding spot—a concealed hollow beneath a magnificent tree. They carefully stowed away Rainbow Dash's belongings, disguising them with leaves and twigs.

"Excellent work, everyone," Star praised, a satisfied smirk on her face. "Now, let's make sure Rainbow Dash doesn't suspect a thing."

The group dispersed, nonchalantly returning to their normal activities, attempting to act as inconspicuous as possible.

The group of girls followed her. Rainbow Dash hadn’t looked behind her during the whole trip.

As she returned, she noticed her things are gone.

"Where are my things?" Rainbow Dash muttered to herself, a mix of annoyance and bewilderment in her voice.

“We’ll tell you if you stop fucking with us,” Star interrupted with a stomp of her heels. She wasn’t one to curse but she couldn’t hold back. Rainbow looked up in shock at the sudden action. Rainbow stood her ground, with a stern look on her face.

“What did you do to my shit?!” Rainbow barked. She switched her position as if she was getting ready to fight. Star noticed this and held out her hand.

“No need for violence, Rainbow Dash. We didn’t do anything with your things. We just hid them,” Star said. Rainbow felt a sense of relief but kept her current position.

“Well, give them back!” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Oh we will. Under one condition,”


Rainbow just barely got out her question just as she felt several hands on her arms and shoulder, refraining her from moving.

“Hey! What gives?!” Rainbow struggled to get herself out but nothing happened. Damn these girls were strong.

Star removed her mean look to a happy one. Almost like the smile pinkie always did.

“Who’s ready for a makeover!?” Star exclaimed with hands in the air. Rainbow’s face immediately went pale.

“No, nobody!” Rainbow shrieked. Everyone started to swarm the rainbow haired girl. Everyone working on different sections. Rainbow Dash started to cry out, hoping Rarity wasn’t being tortured like she was.