• Published 26th Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Lost in Wonderworld - specialhoof2022

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Chapter 6: Little Ponies, Big City

Me and my other friends were still walking through the woods and still had no sign of shelter or civilization. The bushes were messing up our manes and got all dirty. Until then, Needle Stitch tripped over a rock and on dirt.

"Are you okay, Needle?" I asked Needle when I was helping him back up.

"I'm alright." Needle Stitch answered. " Luckily, I didn't eat the dust for the lungs."

Then, I noticed that the dirt me and Needle were standing on turns out to be a trail. And, where there's a trail, there's a way to find civilization.

"Everypony, I think we're standing on a trail." I told everypony. "Let's follow it, maybe we should find a village when we stay in it."

And then, I discovered a sign which said there is a town up ahead.

"Alright. Come on friends, let's go. We should be getting closer."

We were still walking up the trail, we all become a little tired. We saw a large waterfall on the left of the trail. It was amazing to see, but now we would need a place to relax.

"Special, can we slow down for a few minutes?" Violet Rosey asked. "My hooves are getting soar."

"I'm losing my breath here, I need some rest." said Tangerine Twist.

"Alright everypony, let's rest for an hour." I say.

We all began to take a break from walking by sitting by the trees near the waterfall. I was hoping we will know where we really are soon. Ellagant Glare was thinking she would look around a little. When she looked at the arch pile of rocks, she figured there would be something behind it. So, she started to climb up the rocks. Once she reached the top, she something very big and amazing, and it was helpful for us as Ella believed.

"Everypony, I found a city. Come on up here." Ella called to us.

We all met Ella on the rocks, and she was right, there was a city. It was near some water, just to look beautiful.

"What in Equestria is that place?" Daytime Darwin asked.

"I don't know, but we are extremely lucky we'd have found a city." I say. "It has lots of food and we can even have a place to sleep."

Everypony agreed with my advise. We all climbed back down to the trail and then, we began to run towards the city.

We have found the city entrance. We began to look for a place to stay until there's a way home. As we were walking, we were enjoying the looks of the city. All the skyscrapers were colorful, even the windows were clean with colors. And, they even have neon lights and electric billboards to light up the night. The streets were filled with some advanced carriages even without a pony pulling one. The ponies seemed to be happy that day.

"I wonder what this city is called." said Joydan Gallop.

I was wondering the same thing. And then, I found a banner hanging from a lamppost. When I looked closer, I saw the name of the city, which surprised me a lot. Me and my friends sucked by the vortex, which I figured had sent us to a world where everything mythical is real. The city we were at was named after the one from my storybook: Wonderworld.

"Everypony, we're in the mythical entertaining city of Wonderworld." I told my friends.

"WONDERWORLD?!?" everypony asked surprisingly.

"The most entertaining city?" Rollette Skate asked.

"I can't believe it." said Daytime Darwin.

"Come on, everypony. We didn't come this way to be excited about this city." I say.

Then, we continues our search for a place to stay.

When we were still walking, there was on earth pony colt up ahead. He tripped his leg and began to tumble and roll over. He was rolling towards us, but he stopped on time.

"Are you okay, buddy?" I asked the colt when I was helping him back up.

"Never better." the colt answered. "Are you and your friends behind you new here?" he asked.

"Yes we are, whoever you are." I say.

"Of course, I'm Clumsy Bumzy."

"Great name. I'm Special Hoof."

Then, the rest of my friends introduced themselves to Clumsy.

"Nice to meet you all. Welcome to Wonderworld." Clumsy said. "What brings you all here?"

"That's a really long story." I answered.

Before I could tell Clumsy my story, my stomach started to growl, I became hungry. And, so did my friends.

"Oh man, we need to eat right now."

"Hey, why don't all come with me and have some grub at my favorite restaurant? We can fill your tummies up there." Clumsy told us.

Clumsy Bumzy was the clumsiest pony ever. He trips over almost everything and made accidents the whole time. He has fur in a shade of lime, and his mane was basil colored.

We were having at a fast-food restaurant called Winnie's. It was a great restaurant for anypony to have some yummy food. The food they had were burgers and chicken sandwiches, french fries, chicken nuggets, cookies, and even chocolate and vanilla ice-cream. The restaurant even has its own indoor playground for foals 2-5 years old.

Clumsy and I were talking about how me and my friends lost here in Wonderworld.

"So, you and your friends were sucked into a vortex, which lead you to here? And, you're stuck here until you find a way home?" Clumsy asked.

"That's all correct." I replied to Clumsy.

"I never thought of a problem like that." Clumsy thought. "Hey Special, you and the others will come and stay where I live. I even have lots of friends you may want to meet."

"Really? I knew I can count on you."

After we finished eating our lunch, Clumsy began to take to his place.

While we were walking to Clumsy's place, somepony caught his attention.

"Clumsy Bumzy." said a full-grown stallion voice.

It was a unicorn stallion walking towards us. He was slightly taller as Alphabittle Blossomforth. He had light blue fur like Misty's, and his mane was blue and red streaks. And, his cutie mark was three different colored balloons with smiles on them. His name was Prince Thrillunt, the ruler of Wonderworld.

"There you are," Thrillunt said to Clumsy. "How's your day going?"

"Going great." Clumsy answered. "I brought some new friends, who just came here today."

When Prince Thrillunt was looking at us, he began to talk to us.

"Well, hello children. Welcome to Wonderworld." Thrillunt said to us. "I'm Prince Thrillunt, ruler of the city along with my wife."

"Nice to meet you, your highness." I say. "I'm Special Hoof, the leader of the Great Defenders of Friendship."

"That sounds impressive. So, what brings you here to this city?" Thrillunt asked.

"It's a long story, but right now we need to find a place to sleep for a few nights. We're terribly lost."

"Can they stay with us at the palace?" Clumsy asked the prince.

Thrillunt wasn't sure if having guests at his castle would be an appropriate, but he agreed to let us stay.

"Alright, they can come along with us." said Thrillunt.

Then, we began to walk to Thrillunt's castle to stay for the nights, until we find a way home.