• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 562 Views, 16 Comments

Growing Bond (mature versions) - Zack Catcher

"Growing Bonds: PG Version" is a tender and heartwarming tale of young love between Zack and Flurry, filled with intimate moments and kisses. Recommended for ages 16+.

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Chapter 7 The Crystal Fair

(Flurry pov)

I was resting peacefully in bed without a care in the world until the morning sun glared through the window onto my face waking me up. I sat up in my bed carefully, trying to not wake Zack up but once I got out of bed Zack slowly opened his eyes, I’m guessing that I woke him up, and as he started to rise I smiled at him. “Good morning Zack”, I said as I could see that Zack wasn’t looking too good. “Oh good morning Flurry”, Zack said in between a yawn looking a bit sad. “What’s wrong”, I said as I went over to Zack’s side.

“I guess I’m still a bit shaken up about what happened yesterday”, Zack said in a sad tone. “I don’t really blame you. I had never seen my mother act like this before”, I said. “It’s just what if this continues, what if she acts like that when I’m around all the time, what if I can never escape from those words ‘you should have left the empire when you had the chance’ from my mind”, Zack said looking like he is about to break down. “Zack, it’s going to be ok. My mother can bring in every guard there is in the empire, your my friend and nothing in this world can change that. Don’t let her get in the way of that”, I said as I hugged Zack. Zack didn’t even seem fazed as he embraced the hug rather quickly. “I suppose you have a point there. I just don’t want her to hate me like this. Let alone, you getting caught in the middle of this”, Zack said as we pulled apart from the hug. “Zack, you don’t have to worry about me getting in the middle of this, It’s up to my mother to change her mind. Until or if that happens, I’ll still support you just as much as I do now”, I said giving him a warm smile. “Thanks Flurry. I don’t know what I would do without you”, Just then, I heard a tune in the distance just outside my window. “Do you hear that”, I said. “I think I do”, Zack said as I went to the window and saw a fair going on with tents, games and tons of ponies walking around, as well as a roller coaster and a fairies wheel.

“Oh right, Today is the crystal fair. I totally forgot that it was today,”, I said in an excited voice. “What’s the crystal fair,”, Zack said tilting his head. “It’s an event that the Crystal Empire does to renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so the crystal ponies could protect it from harm I think. Hay, we should head to the fair today, it might take your mind off things,” “I don’t know flurry, what if your mom catches us and I don’t want to be seen by any other pony, they might act like your mother,” zack said in a worried voice. I rolled my eyes saying, ”zack she won’t and zack you can just change your form no pony will see you as a changeling then no pony will know you're a changeling,” zack let out a sigh before replying, “ok but, please don’t leave me alone,” zack said looking at me with pleading eyes, “zack you don’t need to do the puppy eyes, I am going to stay by your side the entire time,” I said with a smile, “promise,” zack replied “promise,” I said back to him as zack changed his form as I went to go make sure the hallway was clear.

But when I turned back I stopped feeling like my heart skipped a beat, Zack changed his form into a colt with dark gray fur and black hair with red highlights as well as red eyes, and I couldn’t help but stare at him he looked good really good, “um Flurry you ok,” zack said as I shook my head to refocus myself and replied, “ya I’m, fine let’s go,”.

I opened the door as we both started to sneak are way around the guards and eventually made are way outside

While we were walking to the fair, Zack had his head down. I put my wing over his body trying to comfort him. As soon as I did Zack moved closer to me making us walk side by side I could see that he was still a bit scared about other ponies, ponies started to look at us as we were passing by which didn’t help zacks nerves, “do you think they know,” zack said in a frantic voice, “no I think they are staring because of how close you are to me,” I said letting out a little giggle.

Once we got to the fair, we saw that all of the lights were off. I was a bit surprised by it as all of the lights were on when I saw it in my window. Me and Zack then stepped into the park and without warning, all of the lights suddenly came on came back on. “Man I didn’t know they do that to guests”, Zack said. “Nether did I”, I said as we headed into the fair. Me and Zack then walked around for some time until we noticed a horseshoe toss game. We both walked up to the booth and saw two ponies, yellow ponies wearing striped shirts.

“Welcome to the shoe toss young ponies”, one of the yellow ponies said. “Here you will test your aim with these horseshoes. Give it a shot” " the other Yellow pony said. “Zack then picked up one of the horseshoes and threw it at the tallest pole but it moved away from it and landed next to the lowest pole. “Oh not so lucky there I see”, One of the yellow ponies said. “I think this is rigged”, Zack said as I gave it a go and the same thing happened. “Yeah I think so too”, I said as we both walked away.

before Zack looked back and grabbed another horse. shoe, “Up to try again young lad, well go ahead take your best shot,” one of the yellow ponies said with a smug smirk on their face, Zack walked up to the stand and picked up another horseshoe, I walked up to zack and said “Zack you said it your self it’s rigged,” zack looked back at me with a cheeky smile as the then threw the horseshoe with a spin, and like last time the tall pole moved but unexpectedly the horseshoe starts to move towards the pole and got it in, the smug faces that the two ponies had quickly turned into shock as they saw that zack had got it, they reluctantly gave zack a little stuff animal.

“Good job Zack,” I said clapping my hooves, Zack looked over at me before giving me the prize he won, I looked at him with a confused expression as I said, “No Zack you won the game This prize is for you,” zack looked at the little stuffed dog before looking back at me, and he placed the stuffed animal in my hooves as he said, “this will mean more to you then it would for me, plus I already have the best prize I could ask for,” I looked at zack in confusion as I said, “you do,” zack nodded his head replying, “the biggest prize that I have ever gotten was meeting you,” after zack said that I blushed a little before calming my self down to enjoy the rest of the fair. We then went to the photo booth to take some silly pictures before going back to play more games such as pin the tail on the pony and whack a mole.

I was having a really good time at the fair and I could see that Zack was enjoying his time as well. I could tell that he was starting to get used to the Crystal Empire’s events and all, While we were playing the games, I took a peak at the Ferris wheel line and noticed that it was much shorter compared to earlier. “Hay Zack, wanna go on the Ferris wheel over there”, I said as Zack was done with playing whack a mole for the third time. “I suppose so”, Zack said as we made our way over to the wheel and after a little bit of waiting, we got on the Ferris wheel. Zack looked a bit unsure of going so high in the air though, but he got used to it after a while.

“You know, I had a really good time here, especially since it was with you”, Zack said as he looked out of the window, “I also had a good time with everything that happened”, I said as I started to blush a little. “I am curious What was the highlight of the day for you”, Zack said as he looked at me curious. “It was because I was with you”, I said. Zack was a bit taken aback by this but he then started to blush as well. “Well, any day with you is a highlight all”, Zack said as he scoched himself closer to me. I then pulled out the stuffed dog. “This is probably the first thing anyone has given me other than my mom and dad of course”, I said as I started to play with the stuffed dog. “I know what that feels like when I first saw you it was the best day of my life, finding someone who took the time to know me”, Zack said with a small smile on his face.

“Ya, I just wish that Mom saw the same way”, I said. “You know that no matter what she does, I would still find a way to get back to you. Don’t ever forget that”, Zack said. I then started to feel something in me that I just couldn't describe. I could feel that Zack was right and I knew it in me. “I won’t”, I said with a slight smile. Just then, we both looked at the sky as the sun was setting from quite a distance.

It had been quite a day, to say the least. I then felt a little shale as I looked down and saw that our ride had stopped and we got off the Ferris wheel. “I have to say that this was the best fair I ever went to”, Zack said as we exited the fair and walked back to the castle. “It was the only fair you went to”, I said. “That’s why it’s the best fair I went to so far”, Zack said. “Well, I can say the same as it was an enjoyable experience. We should come back more next time”, I said. “I wouldn’t disagree with that”, Zack said as we were right about to open the castle door but they were opened for us by the pony we didn’t exactly want to see.

“Flurry, where have you been”, Cadence said with a stern voice. “Just at the fair”, I said. “With that changeling? I thought I told you to stay away from him”, Cadence said. “No no I didn’t hang out with Zack, I hung out with my other friend”, I said. “Zack I know that’s you”, Cadence said. “Mom please”, I said before Cadence cut me off. “Flurry we need to talk right now”, Cadence said as she then used her magic to pull me into the castle. I tried to reach out to Zack but Cadence wouldn’t let go. Zack then looked at the ground and I felt his temper change “Let her go”, Zack said in a quiet voice but it was loud enough for Cadence to hear. “What did you just say”, Cadence said to Zack. I could see the look in Zack’s eyes and I don’t think I had ever seen him look so mad before. “I said, LET HER GO”, Zack said as a red magical shockwave then came out of nowhere and spread around, causing the light around town to go out. This shockwave also interfered with Cadence’s magic and I was able to break free.

I ran to Zack and I comforted him as he looked so scared, panicked and he was breathing heavily. I then saw that he dropped his disguise and he showed his changeling self. “Guards, take this hideous creature out of my sight”, Cadence said as guards came all around and cornered us. They had their spears at the ready and this time, they didn’t look like they were gonna go easy this time. I felt so scared as I could feel that time stood still as if it was waiting for somepony to make the next move.