• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 797 Views, 27 Comments

Zugzwang: Two German soldiers in Equestria - Nokstella

Two German soldiers trapped inside their quarters, a portal appears. What will be their destiny inside it?

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Part 4: Bad Encounter

Twilight's magic, though faded, has served its purpose well in bringing them this far. Now the mares must rely on wit and wisdom to uncover what happened here.

Fluttershy peers into the sooty ashes. "Oh, it seems they took shelter during the storm. But they've long since departed."

Ever observant, Rainbow Dash points out bootprints leading away. "C'mon girls, the trail isn't cold yet! I'll fly ahead and scout where it goes." And with that she zooms into the main path.

While they await her return, Rarity examines a fallen branch, noting marks that could not be made by pony hooves. "Darling, whatever was camped here, it was not one of us."

The mares scanned the campsite intently for any signs the thieves may have left behind.

"These ashes are still quite warm, they can't be far," noted Applejack, ever perceptive.

Nearby, Fluttershy spotted something dangling from a low branch. "Oh my, look! It's a torn piece of cloth." She pointed out.

Twilight magically retrieved it. "Hmm, this fabric is unlike anything from Equestria. In fact, it is not even made of fabric!" Twilight states as she feels the 'fabric' with her hoof.

Spike scurried over, sniffing eagerly. "I don't recognize the smell either. Kind of smelly!" He remarks with a little accomplishment that he could at least help.

Rarity wrinkled her nose. "Do try to contain yourself, dear." She responded with a little disgust.

Just then Rainbow Dash swooped back in a blur of color. "You guys aren't gonna believe this - I found fresh tracks, and they lead right to... The exit of the forest! Yeah, I know boring," She exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash's announcement startled everypony. The prints led right to the forest edge, but looking more closely, it was clear and pointed out by Twilight, Rainbow had merely glimpsed the trail from above without following it fully.

"Whoops, my bad," Rainbow shrugged. "I got a little over-excited."

Twilight shot her a look. "We'll need to continue on hoof if we want to properly track these thieves. Come on everypony, let's keep a close eye out for clues."

And so, the group cautiously proceeded down the winding forest path, keeping their eyes peeled for signs of passage. After a few minutes walk, Fluttershy suddenly perked up.

"Oh friends, look! I see the prints again, much clearer and more recent here." Fluttershy pointed out as she looks at the prints closely.

The curious group of friends arrived at the end of the forest path, only to find the tracks abruptly changed there.

"Well I'll be," said Applejack, scratching her head. "These here prints get all weird. Two deep lines side by side?"

Twilight furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "They almost look like...wheel tracks? But what horse-drawn vehicle has wheels that size?"

Just then, Pinkie Pie popped up behind a bush, scaring the daylights out of everypony. "Ooh ooh, I know!" she shrieked. "It must be one of those fancy carts they have in Manehattan, with the big rubber wheels!"

Once hearts stopped pounding, Rarity sniffed, "Really Pinkie dear, must you frighten us so?" Still, her interest was piqued. "A motorized cart, you say? How peculiar. I wonder where it could be headed... Considering this terrain? It could barely run here!"

Just then, a familiar blue blur whooshed up. "Hey guys, you'll never believe what I saw up the road a bit!" Rainbow Dash said eagerly. Come quick and I'll show you!"

"Well, what did you see?" Twilight questioned Rainbow Dash impatiently.

Breathlessly Rainbow replied, "It was some crazycart thing, but way bigger than normal! And get this, the wheels were all connected together or something."

"How peculiar! Please do go on, darling," Rarity gasped.

But Rainbow just shrugged. "You'll have to see it for yourself. I fly too fast to describe properly."

She zipped ahead, leaving a rainbow trail for the others to follow. Though eager to unravel this mystery, Twilight and her friends had to trot at a steadier pace through the forest.

As they neared the treeline, Rainbow Dash's exclamations grew louder. "Whoa, check it ouuutt!"

The group hurried onwards until rounding a bend, they spotted something most peculiar parked in a small clearing up ahead. It looked similar to the vehicles from Manehattan, but bulkier and more rugged, with mammoth wheels connected by solid metal frames.

Gasps all around as the main six took in the strange sight. Rainbow grinned smugly. "Toldya it is weird, right?"

Twilight magically took notes. "Fascinating... the construction is most advanced. But what is its purpose here?"

Applejack inspected huge tread marks in the dirt. "Reckon it's what them varmints were usin'. Trail must lead straight to it."

The group huddled up, just not too far from the vehicle.

"We've got the element of surprise on our side," whispered Rainbow. "I say we swoop in and pin those thieves!"

Applejack shook her head. "Now hold yourself, partner. We don't want no fight if we can avoid it. I say we go up peaceful-like and demand our missing goods back."

Rarity nodded. "Discussing this like gentleponies seems the wisest approach. But how will they understand us?"

Ever thoughtful, Twilight said, "Luckily I've been studying new translation spells. With some magic we may be able to communicate our message clearly."

Fluttershy spoke up softly, "Oh, I hope they won't be too frightening up close. Maybe if we're very nice, they'll feel bad about taking our things."

Pinkie Pie popped up between them. "I've got it! We'll hold a big welcome party and introduce ourselves! Then nopony can stay mad at each other during smiles and songs!"

The group pondered their options carefully. At last Twilight said, "Pinkie might be onto something. Let's try a friendly greeting first before anything else. Are we all ready to say hello?"

Everypony nods at Twilight but Rainbow Dash crosses her hooves and put on a disappointed face before nodding.

"This is the boringest plan ever!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed but still follows through the plan.

The group approaches the vehicle slowly but surely, suddenly someone stick out their head out of the roofless roof of the vehicle, he rubs his eyes the creature spotted them and shouted unknown words, fear took hold where fellowship should have been, the creature matches the description of the vendor that described them.

Now the vehicle spun its mighty wheels, kicking up clouds of dust as it fled into the main path. Leaving behind a cloud of grey dust and smoke exhaust.

"After them, girls!" called Twilight, galloping in pursuit with wings, horn and heart racing. But the iron beast pulled farther ahead, the fleeing thieves within no doubt rattled by this chance encounter.

Rainbow Dash quickly spreads her wings, ready to take flight with a burst of speed. But as she nears the vehicle, a sharp blue projectile pierces her wings, causing her to plummet towards the ground. She crashes face first into the unforgiving earth, pain exploding through her body.

"Ugh! My wings!" Rainbow Dash shouts in agony as she frantically checks them for damage. To her relief, they appear unharmed but the throbbing ache remains, a constant reminder of the close call she just had.

Twilight and the rest of the group skid to a stop, their faces filled with concern as they rush over to Rainbow Dash's side. Fluttershy is the first to reach her, her voice trembling with worry.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, are you alright? Please, let me take a look," Fluttershy says softly, her hoof gently touching Rainbow's injured wing.

Rainbow winces in pain but manages a weak smile. "I'll be fine, Fluttershy. Just a little shaken up."

Twilight examines the area where Rainbow Dash was struck. Her eyes widen with realization. "It seems like they don't want us following them," she says, inspecting the 'injury' with her magic.

Rarity glances around nervously. "Perhaps we should reconsider our approach. They clearly mean business," she suggests, her voice laced with unease.

Applejack nods in agreement. "I reckon we need to figure out who."

Karl's eyes filled with concern as he asked, "Fredrich, did you just shoot another one of them? After the last incident where you shot at them, they've been after us. And now, I bet they're even more annoyed! And the winged creatures...they can fly too? I always thought they were just for show!"

Fredrich reassured him, "Don't worry Karl, it was a good shot. I adjusted the power, so it won't harm them, but it'll definitely sting a bit."

As they distanced themselves from the ponies, Karl and his companion felt a sense of serenity wash over them. The wind was gentle but persistent, brushing against their skin and stirring up the tall grasses that surrounded the path.

In the distance, a field stretched out with clusters of trees dotting its expanse. The greenery provided a peaceful backdrop to their journey, offering moments of shade and patches of sunlight filtering through the leaves above.

Karl's voice is barely audible over the roar of the engine and the wind as he shouts, "That captain you shot back in town may be getting even angrier now!"

Worry makes into Fredrich's response, "I caused all of this. First, I accidentally fired at their captain. And now this?"

But Karl dismisses his concerns with a stern reminder, "We can't think about the future right now, we need to focus on the present. We need to get home, our reputation here is really not good after we all done that."

"Maybe we could approach them with a friendly intent?" Fredrich suggested as he sat near the driver's seat.

"I think that's pointless unless we're speaking to a very kind one," Karl replied reluctantly with a frown.

Now they're driving into the unknown. With no directions, this will be hard for them. But as soldiers, this is nothing for them. They just made mistakes and brought them here, where the grims of war are not affected.

"Well shucks, I reckon we gave it our best shot trackin' them varmints," said Applejack with a sigh. "Nothin' else fer it now but head home empty-hooved."

"Now now darling, chin up!" said Rarity. "While answers evaded us today, wisdom will surely come with time. Captain Grass wish to hear our full report, I'm sure."

Twilight nodded. "You're right Rarity. Coming at this rationally is key. Maybe we can compare notes with the captain and get a clearer idea of what's going on."

As they began the trek back, Fluttershy said "Oh, I do hope those strangers are alright, wherever they've gone. What if they're lost or scared out here?"

Spike climbed onto Twilight's back. "Maybe we'll find some clues back in town. C'mon, let's hurry, I'm getting hungry!"

"Cheer up everypony!" said Pinkie Pie, bouncing alongside. "Where there's a mystery, there's hope for more fun around the bend!”

Last of all Rainbow Dash held onto her 'injured' wings in pain. "Ugh, I still say we shoulda chased 'em down. But I guess it is what it is. Let's go..."

Applejack helped Rainbow Dash move as she is worrying about her wing, the group went back to the path of Thistlewood Town, reporting their finding to Captain Grass Yeild, the only task is getting there now. They exhaustingly walk back to the Town, except Pinkie she just bounces with every step trying to cheer up the rest.

Author's Note:

I don't think this is a very good chapter.:applejackunsure:

Just for a heads up. I will be dead for the next two days, expect nothing, except me going online.