• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 124 Views, 2 Comments

A Dance of Black and White - Eclipse-Blue Moonfrost

For the young unicorn stallion Hazel Moon, chess is the embodiment of life - a lonely mind searching for the perfect move, to overcome the opponent with strategy and foresight.

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What is it like to have friends?

I settled myself into the plushy, comfortable chair with my gaze fixed upon the scoresheet before me.

There it was, the much-anticipated match between the lonely unicorn stallion Hazel Moon and the
illustrious, beloved Twilight Sparkle. It was the last round of this tournament and a victory against
her would secure me a position as the contender for the coveted title of Equestrian Chess Champion, pitting myself against no one other than Princess Luna herself.

Resting my ivory-beige face upon my left hoof, I contemplated my opponent. The truth was, I had never truly experienced friendship, unless you counted my cherished plushie of the renowned stage performer, Trixie. Acquired during a trade fair in Manehattan, it was my solitary companion in a world devoid of companionship.

How can Twilight possess so many friends and excel at this game at the same time?

I mused with my forest green eyes briefly wandering to the plushie that laid by the side of the chessboard. With a delicate use of telekinesis, I lifted it from its place and hugged it tightly, its softness providing solace, while my mane, flowing in shades of brown, cascaded gently over its surface.

Lost in my musings, I failed to notice the approach of an earth pony stallion and a unicorn mare, drawing nearer to my table. Startled, I lifted my gaze to meet their eyes.

"Greetings, Hazel Moon," spoke the stalwart stallion with his verdant fur who was exuding an air of
authority. "The match will start in three minutes," the janitor informed us, while my opponent, the
genuine Twilight Sparkle, settled herself across from me. From my vantage point, I could discern her multitude of friends occupying the spectator area, their presence a testament to her popularity.

"Good luck," Twilight Sparkle declared.

"G-Good luck," I stuttered in response.

Knight to f3 marked the inception of our match. It was not only the opening move in this crucial
game but also the very move I had employed in the previous four games throughout the
Championship Candidate Tournament, wielding the white pieces.

Twilight Sparkle's eyes locked with mine as she ignited her horn, channeling the magic within.
With grace, she advanced her queen's pawn to d5. The arcane aura suffused our surroundings, casting a resplendent purple glow within the walls of the library of Fillydelphia, which had been chosen as
the host for this momentous tournament. With utmost care, she pressed the hoofcrafted clock and meticulously wrote down her move upon her own scoresheet.

She is not going to see the ponish opening coming.

A variation that entailed sacrificing a pawn early on, contrasting with my usual strategy, the Celestia Attack which was d3 followed by the fianchetto of the kingside bishop. Once again, the room was bathed in a radiant magical light. This time, it emanated from my own green aura as I deftly
employed telekinesis to seize the pawn, positioning it steadfastly upon the white square c4.

"Do you truly believe that I would succumb to the allure of what appears to be a free pawn?"
Twilight Sparkle inquired, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and skepticism, "I refuse to
relinquish control over the center of the board to you. Through experience, Hazel Moon, I have
learned the perils of greed."

I slowly and deliberately pressed the clock and inscribed my move upon the scoresheet.

Her observation held truth. Opting to play e6, she fortified her queenside pawn, denying my
strategical opening. Accepting the gambit meant that I, in turn, could play e4, securing a significant spatial advantage and facilitating the swift development of my pieces.

"Yet you exchange your e pawn for my c pawn," I remarked with my voice so low it was barely a whisper.

After a grueling five hours of tactical and strategic maneuvers, the decisive moment arrived. With a resolute mind and calculated precision, I unleashed the move Rxg5+, a move that would seal my imminent victory over Twilight. The sacrifice of my rook for a pawn paved the path to an inescapable checkmate,
leaving her with no chance of defense.

As the weight of my decision settled upon the chessboard, a hush fell upon the room. All eyes were fixed upon the board, where the fate of the match was sealed. The tension was palpable, electrifying the air with anticipation.

She hesitated, her gaze darting across the wooden board, searching for a glimmer of hope. Yet, the
truth loomed ever closer, casting its shadow upon her. The inevitability of her defeat became an
unyielding force, driving her into a corner from which there was no escape.

There is no hope for you, oh so popular Twilight!

The realization of my victory dawned upon her. It was a moment frozen in time, the culmination of
my unwavering dedication, tireless preparation, and unyielding spirit. The sacrifices made, the calculated risks taken, all leading to this final, triumphant strike.

There it was, her only option—to capture my rook. And yet, even in that act, her fate was sealed. A checkmate loomed on the horizon, an inescapable conclusion to our arduous battle. The white pieces on the board whispered tales of victory, and the room held its breath over the end of this match.

As her trembling telekinesis reached out to grab my rook, the spirits of our struggle reverberated throughout the room. Victory was mine, attained through unwavering determination and strategic brilliance.

"Checkmate," the janitor's voice echoed through the room as my telekinetic powers delicately positioned the opposing kings on the white squares at the heart of the chessboard.

I did it. I will play against princess Luna in Canterlot.

Twilight Sparkle, accompanied by the janitor, extended their congratulations, acknowledging my triumph in the candidates' tournament. Yet, as applaud enveloped the room, I found myself rooted to my seat, an indescribable weight upon my shoulders. Time seemed to stretch into eternity as I remained transfixed, observing Twilight Sparkle going towards her circle of friends, engaging in
lively conversation and camaraderie.

Unable to shake the sense of longing that stirred within me, I yearned for the bond of true companionship that had eluded me for far too long.

I will become the next champion. mares will love me, and stallions will respect me.

As the joyous atmosphere continued to swirl around me, I embraced my plushie in a hug again.

"We will travel to Canterlot tomorrow, i have already bought the tickets for the train"
Frosty Sky, my esteemed chess trainer, reassured me. We found ourselves in the lavish confines of
my suite at the Grand Horseshoe Hotel in Fillydelphia. The dark brown Pegasus -his lustrous white mane flowing- emanated a sense of pride as we engaged in a conversation centered around the past tournament.

Lost in contemplation, I gazed out of the window, my eyes fixated upon the nocturnal moonlight that adorned the skyline of Filly. Thoughts of strategizing and devising a plan to emerge victorious against Princess Luna consumed my mind. I was acutely aware that this forthcoming match
next month would undoubtedly be the most challenging I ever faced.

I will make my parents proud.

Amidst my reverie, Frosty Sky's words reached my ears, though I remained distant in thought. "Are you even listening? The award ceremony starts in ten minutes," he spoke in a louder voice than usual, his brilliant blue eyes shimmering like precious sapphires, as he reminded me of the imminent ceremony. "You have rightfully earned a trophy, and you should claim it."

He was right, of course. Acknowledging his sagacity with a nod, I adorned myself in a black cloak, fastened my saddlebag securely, ensuring my cherished plushie found its rightful place within, and together, we trotted back towards the library, where the awarding ceremony awaited us.

With my hood drawn over my horned head, I stepped into the grandeur of the award ceremony. Once again, I found myself standing alone, for my trainer was not permitted to accompany me onto the stage. Truth be told, I paid little heed to the proceedings unfolding before me. Instead, my gaze wandered towards the spectator area, where the friends of my fellow ten players gathered in
abundance. Over fifty companions adorned the sidelines, their camaraderie evident and their bond unbreakable.

They will love me after I defeated the princess of the night.

Frosty Sky and I made our way back to the Grand Horseshoe hotel, our journey filled with silence. Conversation seemed futile in my current state of mind, and so I allowed my thoughts to wander freely, lost in the realm of daydreams. Engrossed in my own musings, I almost missed that my trainer came to a sudden halt in the hotel foyer. He appeared disoriented, as if caught in a whirlwind
of dizziness.

"Are you alright?" I murmured, my voice barely audible.

Instead of responding to my question he collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud.

"Help!" The urgency in my voice reverberated through the air as I rushed to his side, fear gripping my heart. I noticed that he wasn't breathing. Fortunately, the hotel staff swiftly arrived and initiated first aid measures.

"Please stay back!" the maid, an earthpony with a gentle pink hue and a reddish-pink mane
commanded me, her tone firm yet compassionate.

"The paramedics have been alerted. Return to your room. He will be fine."

As i didn’t had what it takes to prevail and due to the fact that couldn’t help him anyway I
complied, retreating to the sanctuary of my suite. As I sank into the embrace of the princess-sized bed, worry was gnawing on my mind.

He will be fine, he will be fine, he will be fine.

I repeated the maid's words in my mind, an incantation of hope and reassurance. Sleep eluded me, my restless mind finding solace in the comforting presence of my Trixie-plushie. I anxiously awaited for the night to pass, and cuddled my beloved plushie until morning.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Zitrus Mixus for the feedback he gave me and the thought-provoking critics.