• Published 22nd Jun 2023
  • 610 Views, 17 Comments

The Dukes Of Hazzard - Spike DrakeStar9

When Hazzard County is in trouble, the wackiest cousins band together to solve it

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Looking For Help In Lawrenceville

Earlier, the Dukes along with Jackeline had the funnest roller coaster ride ever. Now they are entering the city of Lawrenceville, where their cousin was studying for 2 years.

"Well, here we are, Lawrenceville," Spike said as they drove through town.

"You have to ask where to find the university," Garble told his cousin.

"I'm looking forward to meeting Twilight, I'm excited," the country girl smiled.

Soon they approach a person and ask about the university, he gives them directions and they move forward, turning and giving way to other cars until they finally arrive, seeing a bunch of university students on campus and going inside. They get out of the car and start walking towards the main building, earning looks from almost everyone, knowing that they are not from here.

Upon entering, they see many more university students walking the corridors or talking with friends, the 3 of them stay at the entrance without knowing what to do.

"I think it's time to ask where Twilight is," Drake said, but is stopped by Applejack, who tells them:

"Guys, remember where Eliza's favorite place is," she told them as they nod and look for a library door, until they see 2 dark oak doors, they look at each other and enter, seeing a huge library, where there are few young people.

They separate and start looking for her in the sections, but they can't find her, they meet again and turn to the science section, seeing her arranging some books. She turns around and drops them, seeing her cousins and friend.

"Cousins! Jackeline!" She said excitedly a little under her breath and then she ran and hugged the 3 of them, feeling at home.

Eliza Duke, or commonly called "Twilight", with 24 years old, has long dark sapphire blue hair with moderate purple and bright raspberry streaks, moderate violet eyes, with a medium pale complexion. She wears a light blue short sleeved shirt, a purple skirt and boots of the same color.

"What are they doing here? How did they get here?" She asked them, wanting to know the reason for their visit.

"We need you to look into something we have, it'sā€¦ Important," Applejack said keeping her tone low.

"And how we got there, we owe a big thank you to Pharynx Jennings," the 2 cousins smiled as they recalled giving them the car.

"Okay, let's go to the lab and see what they brought back," she led them out of the library and walking towards the exit, receiving comments from a few.

"Hey, Twilight. Who are they?" Asked a girl who saw them.

"My 2 cousins and my best friend," replied the girl as she continued on her way.

"Well, your green haired cousin is very handsome," another girl said with a giggle to her friends, a comment that Jackie didn't like at all.

On her way out, Eliza is impressed by her cousins' car and they take out the tube they got, giving it to her. They soon return inside and go to the laboratory, where the student takes out the glowing rocks and begins to investigate.

"Hmm... Okay, everything's fine... Funny... These rocks are pure iron. Where did they get them from?" She looked at them again and asked, seeing their surprised looks.

"We have to get back to Hazzard," Spike said worriedly, now knowing what Discord wants to do.

"Look, cousin, we found that in a Discord dig, and if that was there, then it's all over the county," Gabriel explained.

"He and Flash want to turn Hazzard into a mine to extract all the iron," Applejack finished.

"My God! I'm going with you, but first I have to go get some stuff in my room," she again led them out and into another building, walking in and seeing many girls on the stairs and in the hallways.

"This is the girls' bedroom," the blonde deduced, something that made the 2 boys nervous, who quickly went up the stairs to their cousin's room, entering.

"Wait here, I won't be long," but before she can leave, 2 girls come out of the dormitories.

The first, with 18 years old, has long moderate purple hair with lighter purple and pale light grayish aqua streaks, moderate persian blue eyes and a slightly pale complexion. She wears an aquamarine T-shirt over a black vest, slightly ripped black jeans, purple sneakers and a lavender hat with white stars.

The second girl, with 20 years old, has long vivid crimson hair streaked with bright yellow, moderate cyan eyes and a tan complexion. She wears an orange T-shirt with a black leather jacket, blue jeans and black boots with spikes.

"Twi. Who are they?" The first girl asked raising an eyebrow.

"Apparently Twilight brought 2 men and a new friend," the second girl said with a smile.

"No and no, girls, this is my cousins Spike Duke and Gabriel Duke and this is my friend Jackeline Daniels. Cousins, Applejack, this is Morgan Denver and Sigourney Taylor, although they want to be called Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer," she introduced them both and went to her room.

"Twilight has told us a lot about you and your home," Starlight was the first to speak.

"But he never mentioned that they were pretty cute," Sunset continued, looking at both cousins, causing Applejack to hug Spike from behind, guarding what's hers.

"As for Hazzard, it's a quiet, peaceful town," Jackie said with a stern look at Sunset.

"Or it was, before we invaded it with our crazy things," made everyone in the room laugh, although both young men became more nervous when they saw the girls approaching them.

Soon Twilight comes out of her room and sees the situation, coughing to get their attention to tell them that she's ready.

"Where are you going?" Sigourney asked, confused why her friend is leaving.

"And what about the university?" Morgan asked concerned.

"Actually, I'm done with my degree, I just stayed to study more. I have to go back to Hazzard, the officer and the sheriff want to turn it into a mine, they don't even have a permit."

"Well, if you have to save a county, we'll go too, we can help," Sunset told them, looking at the Dukes.

"Well... The car can take 6 people so...".

We see them leave the city, Sunset, Starlight and Twilight behind, while Applejack is between Garble and Drake, although she is happy to be next to the one she loves.

"Well, let's find Shining and head back to Hazzard, he's still James and Ken's superior after all," Spike explained, heading up the road.

"He wasn't in Hollywood doing a job?" The last Duke asked, remembering where her brother is.

"So, next stop: Hollywood," Gabriel enthused as Spike veers off toward Hollywood.

But they didn't notice a patrol on the road, the policeman uses the radio to notify someone specific.

"Officer Hogg, I saw you leave for Hollywood."

In Hazzard.

Discord listened to what he said and responded immediately:

"Tell the police there, they don't have to get to Hazzard."

He cuts the transmission and leaves his house, seeing the young sheriff in front of his door, waiting for him because of what he told him before.

"Want to show me something?" He asked calmly.

"Yeah, come this way," he led his best man to his garage, opening it to reveal something magnificent:

A black and red 1969 Ford Mustang, with the number 50 on the doors and the name "The Flash" above them.

"It's time for you to match the speed of the Dukes and capture them at last."

Author's Note:

Well, here is the sixth chapter of this story, now what adventures does Hollywood await you? Without further ado, I hope you liked it and we'll see you in the next chapter of The Dukes Of Hazzard.

Byeeee šŸ‘Œ