• Published 1st Oct 2012
  • 979 Views, 21 Comments

The Prisoner's Dilemma - AYC

How Luna handles criminals.

  • ...

Chapter One

Credits to Hasbro, and the incredible author Trenton Lee Stewart, who made me think outside of the box. This is my first fanfiction, so critique is appreciated.


It looked like it was going to be a busy morning for the Princesses.

The normally calm city of Canterlot was abuzz with the noise of hooves on stone and angry voices. In the streets of the mountainside city, two criminals with bags over their heads were slowly led towards Canterlot Castle. The duo was heavily escorted by members of the Night Guard, more so for their own protection if anything. A turbulent crowd of citizens and tourists surrounded them on all sides, screaming profanities and threats alike. The ponies were furious, and to the consensus of the the two Princesses, rightly so.

Celestia sipped her sweetened tea from one of the lofty balconies in her castle and watched the raucous procession in her streets below. Rarely did she see such anger from her ponies these days- but then again, rarely did two ponies commit such crimes. Her ear twitched as she heard her sister enter the room behind her.

"Quite a spectacle." remarked Luna, sidling up to her sister to look out the window. "I haven't seen something like this since Starswirl's daughter."

Celestia snorted, remembering the charismatic daughter of her former student. She turned to face her sister, resting her tea on the windowsill.

"Yes," she replied. "They've caused quite the commotion. They almost got away with robbing the Third National Equestrian Bank of Commerce, Faust knows how. There's not enough hard evidence to incriminate them, but they don't have an alibi, yet, so..." she shrugged and returned her gaze to the crowd in the street.

"We need a confession?" finished Luna. "No evidence it's them, but everypony seems to think so... anyway, who are they? The criminals."

"I believe it's a married couple," yawned Celestia. "named Russet Apple and Gold Coin. Coin is a Unicorn, and Russet is an Earth Pony."

"Apple Family?" said Luna, raising her eyebrows. "That's unusual. I thought they were a good bunch." Her eyes suddenly sparkled in delight. "I guess that one bad apple-"

"Don't." interrupted Celestia, glaring at her sister. She paused before saying, "Luna, I want you to handle this one for me, alright?"

"What?" Luna's eyes widened in shock. "I thought you preferred handling justice cases. Something about my tactics being... distasteful."

"That was a thousand years ago." sighed Celestia, turning back to the window. "I think you should try again. But remember, we don't hurt ponies!"

"I know! I never did!" the younger Princess cried in protest. "I just made them think I was going to. I never did actually get to hurting them, they'd always confess too soon..."

Celestia shot her a look.

"Fine..." the azure alicorn grumbled. "I won't scare them. But how should I handle it? You know, getting them to confess, without violence?"

Celestia thought on this, her brow furrowed. What was Luna good at? She was prodigious in the magical arts, even for an alicorn. Celestia knew, however, that out of the two of them, Luna was the less powerful. But there was the little things she always found herself beaten at when facing her sister; arguing over a last slice of cake, mind games, chess. Her sister always won. Slowly, a devious grin crept on to her face. She knew her little sister better than anyone, and if there was one thing she could do...

"Outsmart them."

Luna raised one eyebrow and flashed a smile to her sister before exiting the room. She poked her head back in for a moment to say, "Oh hey, and talk to Red Tape about the various paperwork, would you? Thanks!" she then hastily shut the door behind her.

No point in protesting that, Celestia though. She had already left. The White Monarch rolled her eyes. "Got it..."

There it was again. Outsmarted.

Canterlot Royal Dungeons

Russet Apple shivered in his cell. He was blindfolded, but could tell that the walls were stone, and that there was one door and no windows. He had given up prying at the magical bag on his head, which was stuck firmly around his skull. His thoughts drifted wildly, wondering how his wife was faring, who would administer their jail sentence, and how he was going to let the jailers know that he needed to use the restroom.

He focused on Gold Coin for a minute. He could almost see her yellow fur and crimson mane, hear her infectious laughter. He felt responsible that she was in another cell, which was silly; this whole thing had been her idea. Damned mares.

He then thought of her alone, all by herself in a cold cell. He hoped she wasn't too scared. She was a tough little thing, but she was his tough little thing, he loved her dearly. She tried to be fierce and independent, but deeper inside, he knew that she was fragile, and worried constantly about her image, her husband, and her friends and family. He wished he could be with her, too hold her, to tell her that they'd make it out of here...

And then what would she do, Russet? He though to himself. Probably smack you and say, "I know. I'm Gold Coin, I always have a plan. Now stop your sobbin' and help me!" He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Gold Coin would be fine.

A creaking sound of the cell door being opened caught his attention.

"Who's there? Jailer?"

His only reply was the sound of the door closing. Did they leave? No, he could here the faint sound of a pony breathing...

"Who is it? Is it the jailer?"

"You are Russet Apple, correct?" asked a smooth, businesslike tone. Another mare. Damned mares.

"Obviously." he snorted. "It says so on the cell door, I heard them jailers talkin' 'bout it. Who are you?"

"That's not important and the moment, Russet. I need you to understand your position, where you stand, legally."

"Legally?" where was she coming from with this?

"Yes, or more like, do you understand what you've done?"

Russet flew into a rage. "What is that supposed to mean? I robbed a bank! I stole from the City o' Canterlot! Almost got away with it, not many can say that! I know exactly where I stand, you bitch, and I'm damned proud! I'll rot in jail for a bit, but I'll be out soon enough!"

He lowered his voice before continuing. "We checked the sentences, how long you keep ponies up in here, 'fore we did it, you know. We know what we were gettin' into! So yes, I know exactly where I stand, legally!"

He huffed in a satisfactory sort of manner, proud to get it all off his chest. He'd predicted what would happen if they were caught! He had been ready for the worst possible scenario, and it felt good to tell that bitch so!

A bemused snort sounded in the small room.

"Equestrian Disciplinary Law, Crime, and Punishment recently went through an... let's say, overhaul. I guess you could say it's under 'new management'. All sentences and jail time regulations that you may have read up on so diligently are now null and void." said the voice.

He was completely blindsided. For the first time in his life, Russet Apple didn't know what to say.

After a long pause, he managed to speak.

"Wh- When did, uh, when did this all, uh, happen?" He stuttered, fear in his throat.

"About twenty minutes ago." the voice answered a-matter-of-factly. "And you should be aware, I am in sole command of the nature of your punishment."

He was glad there was a bag over his head, because his red fur went nearly white with fear. Didn't he just call her a bitch? His mind went wild with fear- he was as good as dead! His plans were crumbling in front of his eyes! He was doomed!

"I... well... I suppose..." for the second time in his life, Russet Apple didn't know what to say.

"Do not fear, my little pony; I shall be as fair as I can to you without letting any personal bias interfere. I am a Monarch, after all."

"But- you're not-" he had heard Celestia's voice before, during speeches in Canterlot when he was young. This voice wasn't hers.

Just like that, the bag was lifted off his head. The light was dim, the walls were stone, and the voice was a tall, indigo Alicorn standing directly infront of him. Her figure towered over him, her pose regal and commanding. Her eyes were full of a dark, deep understanding that comforted and frightened him at the same time, and her starlight mane lit the room in a alien, cerulean glow. A slight smile played around her royal muzzle.

"You're Princess Luna." He choked.

"Yes, I am." Luna replied evenly, glad at the color the earth pony was turning. "And I am going to give you a choice."