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Orbital Be-Bop

The party started at 7:00 PM, which meant they had to be there at 6:30 since Pinkie Pie always liked her friends to come early…which meant Big Mac had to come early too, since he was tagging along with his sister.

The colorful sunset collided with the confectionary roof of the Sugarcube Corner, no doubt that inside there would be balloons with saturated versions of the colors throughout the sky. The chattering of Apple Bloom filled up the peaceful afternoon.

As the Apple family’s younger members neared the Sugarcube Corner, it felt as if the warmth from the bright candles on top was surrounding the shop. Pinkie’s parties had that effect.

Big Mac’s theory was proven correct as he stepped into the bake shop and saw it covered with bright balloons and streamers of all colors. Everything tied together into a friendly atmosphere.

As soon as Pinkie Pie spotted the family, she rushed to greet them.

“Applejack!!! And Apple Bloom and Big Mac!!!! But not Granny Smith!” Pinkie Pie had a weird way of making statements into questions.

Applejack chuckled at this sentence-question. “Well, Granny Smith ain’t feelin’ so well, so she had ta stay home, but we're all glad to be here.”

Pinkie Pie bounced as a response and Applejack went off with her to join her friends while Apple Bloom ran along to talk to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, Mac knew he would have to keep an eye on them.

Big Mac also knew that this was going to be a boring night, not as an insult to the party itself, but because he usually didn’t have much to do at parties. The mystery new resident had yet to show up and most ponies usually came “fashionably late” so there was nothing that exciting going on.

Even without all of the party-goers present the Sugarcube Corner still felt alive with all of the antics that Applejack and her friends got up to. As the bell tower rang out, the official start of the party was marked. It was only a few seconds after the full and sharp bell rang that a smaller and lighter bell also made its sounds. The bell on the door.

With that second bell the guest of honor was brought in. Big Mac should have known that it would be him. It was honestly pretty stupid of him not to assume that it would be that pegasus. A mysterious pegasus crash in Sweet Apple Acres, with the same pony seen in town the next day, and then there is a whole welcoming party for some unnamed pony? He should have guessed.

Big Mac got a better look at Spacecake, his coat was a creamy color, almost like the inside of a ripe apple, with light brown splotches. His mane was both white and a mess. Certainly an interesting fellow.

Pinkie’s attention was caught by the entry of the pony and bounced over in her usual fashion.
“Hi there new friend! I’m so glad you came! Everyyyyone in Ponyville is coming! You never told me your name, but you should so then I can…”

Her words faded into the jumble of all the noises. More ponies came in and Spacecake followed around as Pinkie Pie showed him around, introducing him to almost everybody. With how much Pinke was talking, the stallion barely got any words in, which showed the gals talent in talking since it seemed like that pegasus could talk a lot.

At some point it was Big Mac’s turn to be introduced, even if he didn’t really need introducing, and Spacecake’s blue eyes stared at him. His cheeks began to match the pink surrounding his eyes. The pegasus opened his mouth but was whisked away again by none other than the pink pony that had been taking the poor stallion captive the whole night.

The night went on with Spacecake being dragged along. Big Mac noticed that he had grabbed a cupcake to eat and the amount of words he spoke after that amounted to zero.

It seemed like the inside of the shop got brighter the darker the outside got. It was like there was a little pocket of sun inside, which was something that the party pony would somehow be able to do weirdly enough. Several ponies came up to Big Mac for a few words but then left. The red stallion was stuck in that shop with nothing to do until the end of the party, which was at an undefined time.

Big Mac was almost glad that he never really got the chance to speak to him fully, since he seemed like an interesting pony with…certainly a lot to say. But he figured that he would get a chance to talk to the pegasus some time, naturally. After all, Ponyville was not a very large town.

Finally the party was coming to an end and the Apple family reunited again as they walked under Luna’s risen moon. The light glow shining on the roof of the store to remind them that the day was over. Apple Bloom was laying on Big Mac’s back and she slept quietly. Despite what that filly said, she was still young and had a lot to learn, so moments like these were what Big Mac and Applejack had to treasure before the foal grew up.

The siblings' hoofsteps trotted along with the twinkling stars in the sky multiplying the closer they got to the farm and farther from the town. The walk home was even more quiet than the previous one because of the sleeping filly. It was calm. A needed break from the excitement of the party.

At the sight of his home, Big Mac knew that everything would go back to how they used to be in a few weeks. Despite his interesting characteristics, Spacecake would fade into the background like everypony else. Maybe it would be even sooner than a few weeks, maybe it would be tomorrow. There was no point in guessing or trying to prolong the relevance of the odd pegasus because it was inevitable.

Author's Note:

I wrote a very large portion of this without my glasses on.,...

Also Spacecake's coat color is based on a foal in Equine Tapestry, more specifically: https://equinetapestry.wordpress.com/2013/01/04/unusual-cream-dilute/

Not very realistic since it seems like as the horses mature they lose the patches...but then again, MLP is NOT realistic at all in terms of horse anatomy and such....

Oh and of course, the title of this chapter is based on the song "Dancing In Heaven (Orbital Be-Bop) by Q-FEEL ^_^ Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buANILN6asw

Comments ( 2 )

Sorry missed the previous updates, interesting so far, despite not much really happening. Keep it up.

Thanks!!! Next chapter is definitely going to be a lot more interesting with actual interaction between Big Mac and Spacecake!!

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