• Published 17th May 2023
  • 474 Views, 2 Comments

The Human Perspective - MyAwesomePony

Lukas expresses his worries to Starlight Glimmer, what's on his mind?

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What's On Your Mind?

Lukas walked through the streets of Ponyville with his head down, feeling a heavy weight on his chest. For some reason, he felt like he just didn't fit in with the other ponies. He had made friends with the Mane Six, but even so, there were moments where he felt like an outsider.

Lukas let out a sigh and sat down on a bench, staring blankly ahead. It was then that Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, happened to walk by and noticed his dejected state.

"Hey, Lukas. What's wrong?" she asked, sitting down next to him.

Lukas hesitated for a moment before opening up. "I just feel like I don't belong here. I'm not a pony, and sometimes I feel like I don't understand the things that ponies do or say. I try my best to fit in, but it just feels like I'll never really be a part of this community."

Twilight listened carefully, nodding sympathetically. "I understand how you feel, Lukas. But you have to remember that everyone feels like an outsider sometimes, even ponies who were born and raised in Equestria. It's natural to feel that way when you're in a new place or around new people."

Lukas nodded, but still looked unsure. "But what can I do? I don't want to feel like this anymore."

Twilight smiled gently. "Have you talked to Starlight Glimmer yet? She's the guidance counselor at the School of Friendship, and she's helped a lot of ponies who were feeling lost or out of place. Maybe she could help you too."

Lukas thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Twilight gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "I think it's a great idea. And remember, Lukas, you're a wonderful and unique individual. That's something to be proud of, not ashamed of."

With those words of encouragement, Lukas got up from the bench and made his way to the School of Friendship. He felt like he was finally taking a step towards finding his place in this new world.

Lukas walked through the halls of the School of Friendship, looking around for any sign of Starlight Glimmer's office. The school was bustling with activity, and he couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

Just as he was about to ask someone for directions, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. It was Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down with her usual boundless energy.

"Pinkie Pie!" Lukas exclaimed with a smile. "I'm so glad to see you. I was actually looking for Starlight Glimmer's office. Do you know where it is?"

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened with excitement. "Of course I do, Lukas! I know this school like the back of my hoof. Follow me!"

Without waiting for a response, Pinkie Pie started hopping down the hallway, Lukas trailing behind her. They turned corners, climbed stairs, and passed by classrooms, all while Pinkie Pie kept up a cheerful chatter.

As they neared the end of the hallway, Pinkie Pie came to a sudden stop, causing Lukas to nearly bump into her. She pointed to a door adorned with a sign that read "Guidance Counselor - Starlight Glimmer."

"There it is, Lukas! Starlight's office!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, beaming with pride at her navigation skills.

Lukas couldn't help but feel grateful for Pinkie Pie's help. "Thank you so much, Pinkie. I really appreciate it."

Pinkie Pie waved a dismissive hoof. "No problemo, Lukas! Helping friends is what I do best. Good luck with your talk with Starlight. I'm sure she'll be able to help you feel better!"

Lukas nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope. "Thanks again, Pinkie. You're an amazing friend."

With that, Lukas bid Pinkie Pie farewell and nervously approached Starlight's office, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Come in," Starlight called from inside.

Entering the cozy office, Lukas found Starlight sitting behind her desk, a warm smile on her face. "Hello, Lukas! What can I do for you today?" she asked kindly.

Lukas hesitated for a moment before finding the courage to speak. "Well, Starlight, I've been feeling a bit lost lately. As the only human in Equestria, I can't help but wonder if I'll ever truly fit in here."

Starlight leaned forward, her eyes filled with empathy. "Lukas, I understand how you feel. It's natural to have these doubts when you're in a new and unfamiliar place. But let me assure you, Equestria is a land of acceptance and friendship. It's not about what you are, but who you are as a person."

Lukas sighed, his shoulders slumping as he sat down on the couch in front of Starlight's desk. "But sometimes it's hard not to notice how different I am. Ponies have hooves, and I have hands. They have manes, and I have hair. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb."

Starlight nodded understandingly. "It's true that you may physically appear different from the ponies around you, but that doesn't mean you can't belong. Diversity is what makes Equestria special, and it's what brings us all together. Your unique perspective and experiences can contribute something valuable to the community."

Lukas pondered Starlight's words, taking solace in her reassuring tone. "But what if I make mistakes or misunderstand things? What if I accidentally offend someone or disrupt the harmony of Equestria?"

Starlight's eyes sparkled with wisdom. "Lukas, mistakes happen to all of us, no matter where we come from. What matters is how we learn from them and grow. Equestria is a forgiving place, and ponies are understanding. If you approach every situation with an open heart and a willingness to learn, you'll find acceptance and friendship."

Lukas nodded, feeling better already. "Thanks, Starlight. That really helps."

"Anytime," Starlight said warmly. "That's what I'm here for."

As Lukas left the guidance counselor's office, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He realized that he didn't have to be like everyone else to fit in, he just had to be himself and find his own place in this world.

Twilight Sparkle walked through the halls of the School of Friendship, her gaze scanning the busy surroundings. As she turned a corner, she spotted Lukas standing near a window, his expression noticeably brighter than before. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and curiosity.

Approaching Lukas, Twilight greeted him with a warm smile. "Lukas, I'm so glad to see you looking much better. How are you feeling now?"

Lukas turned towards Twilight, his eyes sparkling with newfound confidence. "Twilight, talking to Starlight Glimmer really made a difference. She helped me understand that it's okay to feel like an outsider sometimes and that I have my own unique role to play here."

Twilight's smile widened as she listened to Lukas's words. "That's wonderful to hear, Lukas. Starlight is an excellent counselor, and I'm glad she could provide the support you needed. Remember, you're a valued member of our community, and your presence enriches our lives."

Lukas's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "Thank you, Twilight. I'm honored to be a part of this incredible community. I'm excited to continue building friendships and making a positive impact."

Twilight beamed with pride. "That's the spirit! Equestria is a land filled with friendship and acceptance, and I have no doubt that you'll find your place here."

With a renewed sense of belonging, Lukas and Twilight walked together through the halls of the School of Friendship, engaging in a heartfelt conversation about the power of friendship and the wonders of Equestria. As they shared their thoughts and experiences, Lukas couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the ponies who had welcomed him with open hooves and the support that had helped him overcome his initial doubts. With the guidance of Starlight Glimmer and the unwavering friendship of Twilight and the Mane Six, Lukas knew that his journey in Equestria would be filled with love, growth, and endless possibilities.


Comments ( 2 )

The human perspective is great post i really like this.

Aetna Medicare


I agree with Oliver22 that story really is a great post it also help's you feel like you shouldn't feel like a outsider or feel left out because you know what they say the only way the be happy is to appreciate who your are and you meant to be

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