• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 299 Views, 3 Comments

Secrets of the school - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

SweetieBell falls in love with the new pony at her school, but this new pony harbors a deep secret

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Chapter 1- The new pony

Thanks to God for helping me make this.

It was early morning in Ponyville, the giant and yellow, sun was shining bright, there were no white and puffy clouds in the sky. The sky shines a blue hue. One filly was walking to school with her big sister, Rarity. A mare with purple mane, white coat, and three blue diamonds. Sweetiebell had an excited look on her face, her grin was big. She can't wait to meet the new filly that will be attending her school from now on. Meanwhile, Rarity had a tired look on her face, she spend all night making outfits for Sapphire Shores. Sapphire Shores was going to perform in Ponyville, next Thursday, she even promised to give away free merchandise and even give out autograph. She never preformed in Ponyville before so this occasion was super special, also Sapphire Shores also wanted the outfits to be perfect for her first show in Ponyville. Rarity looked over to Sweetiebell said in a tired tone, "Have.. a- a nice day at school, SweetieBell.. and be nice to the new filly attending your class.."

"I'll be good!" SweetieBell replied in a happy tone, she had a happy look on her face, and her eyes were closed. She then hopped inside the school as Rarity walked away and groaned about the tons of work she got to do. SweetieBell can't wait to meet the new filly, she has been excited about that since last Friday when Mrs. Cheerlie announced that there will be a new student.

SweetieBell walked inside, the room was filled with wooden desk on the left side of the school, Mrs. Cheerlie's desk and the giant blackboard is in the right side of the room. SweetieBell then saw her friends, Apple Bloom an earth pony with a yellow coat, red hair and a pink bow on her hair. She saw her friend Scootaloo who was sitting on Apple Bloom's right side. Scootaloo was a Pegasus who had an orange coat and purple mane.

Then she angrily groaned as she saw the two earth ponies that mercilessly bully her, one earth pony was Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara had a pink coat and pink hair with white highlights. She was mean and loved bullying and teasing ponies for not having cutiemarks or just cause she's bored. Silver Spoon, a gray filly with gray mane and wears a necklace around her neck, she goes along with Diamond Tiara's plans and is usually her yes pony. Sweetie Bell was tired of being bullied by them, along with her friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo for not having cutiemarks.

She walks to her usual desk that is left of Apple Bloom and hops to her desk. She wears a smile on her face, Scootaloo had a bored look on her face and Apple Bloom had a happy look on her face. Then, after a few moments, Mrs. Cheerlie walks inside the school. She had a purple coat and white mane, she had three sunflowers as her cutiemark. She wore a happy look on her face, she was walking to her desk. She then looked around the classroom, she had a curious look on her face.. she was seeing who's here and who is absent. Usually everypony is in class but today Dinky wasn't here, she was sick, her mother, Derpy told Mrs. Cheerlie that Dinky has the flu. Her face was glowing green, she is coughing and sneezing a lot, not to mention, complains about a sore throat and have a puffy and stuff nose. So sadly, she couldn't come to class today.

After a few minutes, she wrote down the names of the ponies here in the classroom, after that's done. She puts the clipboard down and looks up to the class, she had a happy look on her face, she cleared her throat and said, "Good morning, everypony.. so as I told you last week, you may be getting a new classmate, he is from Canterlot.. he then decided move here and will be joining you all for today and from now on, so be nice to him!"

She had a upset look on her face, she warned, "Don't bully or be hostile to the new student, please make him feel welcome, or you'll be in big trouble, this school has a zero- tolerance policy on bullying and harassment!"

She then glanced at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with an annoyed look, then said in a scolding tone, "I am looking at you, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, you bullied many students in the past. She hoofpalmed remembering those dreadful moments. There was one important event that stick out to her like a sore thumb. It's when a year ago, we used to have a student named Tiny Tumbler, and you two were bullying him for not having a cutiemark unlike you two clowns in diapers.."

She then continued in an angry tone, "Not to mention, that you bullied him so much and made him go home crying and angry, he had to switch classes.. and you two were suspended for two months! so don't repeat that mistake again!"

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes and responded, "Don't worry, we won't.. we learn our lesson!" she then closed her eyes and nodded her head. She then opened her eyes and started snickering, along with her friend Silver Spoon.

Mrs. Cheerlie stopped looking at the two bullies and looked at the class and then said, "So, let's give a warm welcome to..."
right on cue, the new pony came inside the school, he had a worried look on his face. He has an reddish-orange coat, and yellow hair. He doesn't have a cutiemark and has cute, and stunning magenta eyes. He walks to the front of the class. He nervously wave one of his hooves to the class.

Mrs. Cheerlie then said, "Smooth Fury!"

The ponies clapped their hooves, some ponies like Apple Bloom said, "Welcome to class, Smooth Fury!" some ponies even waved back to Smooth Fury even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Everypony was clapping and welcoming Smooth Fury into the class, but one. Her name is, Sweetie Bell. She wasn't trying to be rude or had any wrong intention, she blushed and had hearts in her eyes, she admires how cute Smooth Fury's eyes are and how cute he is in general. She likes his smooth and amazing mane. She then sighs and whispers, "He is so... cute!"

Scootaloo looked over to SweetieBell and asked, "Sorry, what did you say, I didn't understand you!"

SweetieBell blushed pink out of embarrassment and blurted out, "Nothing, nothing... sorry!" Scootaloo shrugged and looked back at the front of the class. The ponies were still clapping and saying welcome and encouragements.

The cheering and clapping stopped when Mrs. Cheerlie then asked Smooth Fury, in a curious tone, "Smooth Fury, tell us a bit of yourself, so we can know you a bit better!"

Smooth Fury had a worried and scared look on his face, there was a short silence on class, Mrs. Cheerilie felt embarrass because she thought she just made the new pony uncomfortable. Smooth Fury sighed and looked up to the class.

Smooth Fury said in a sufficient and scared tone, "I am from Canterlot.. I like to read sifi and horror books.. and I enjoy to sing.. sometimes or rarely.."

SweetieBell blurted out, "I- like to sing.. too.." she then sit back down and blush pink since she was embarrassed about what she just did. He then cracked a small smile on his face.

Smooth Fury said, "That's cool!" he had a calm look on his face and was calmer than before. He cracked a small smile and is happy he found a pony who almost shares the same interest as him.

While this was happening, SweetieBell admiring Smooth Fury, his eyes, his amazing looks and how cute he was to her. Mrs. Cheerlie said in a happy tone, "Well, there is a empty seat by.. SweetieBell.. you can sit by her.. and she is a good student, you can learn a lot from her.." SweetieBell blushed a little bit when she heard those words, she felt flattered by them. She blushed a bit red as she watches Smooth Fury walk over and sit on the desk, on her right. Smooth Fury looked over, SweetieBell and Smooth Fury's eyes meet, there was a small silence among them.

After a short second, Smooth Fury reached out his hoof and said in a nervous tone, "I am... Smooth Fury, what.. i- is your name, miss?" he glances at SweetieBell's green, beautiful eyes.

Sweetie Bell reached out for his hoof and said, "My... n- name is Sweetie Bell.. you.. you.. l- look.. am- amazing. today!" she then started to blush a bit more than before. They both chuckle for a little bit.

Smooth Fury replied in a nervous tone, "Well, nice- nice to meet you, Mrs. SweetieBell.." he said while he and SweetieBell shook hooves.

SweetieBell then said in a flirting tone, "Y- you.. l.. look nice today.."

Smooth Fury blush and said, "You look.. nice too!"

Author's Note:

Chapter 4 is when the secret was told. this is the build up to were that happens..
But please still read the rest of the chapters.