• Published 14th May 2023
  • 478 Views, 7 Comments

Scootaloo's First Period - The REAL Seth Standmore

Scootaloo has reached the age of puberty, and asks Rarity for help.

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2. The Visit To Target

Rarity drove Scootaloo to Target in her white Ford Prius. She kept her hooves at 6 o'clock while she drove. As she drove Scootaloo relaxed and was less worried. Rarity knew that it was a good thing Scootaloo came to her for help even though they did not talk very often or had many stories about them. Rainbow Dash was a good friend but she was very stupid and useless. Rarity was a better pony to ask for help about period's.

As they drove Rarity thought with confused about why Scootaloo did not learn about sex ed in her school, she was almost thirteen year's old she knew and at that age Rarity had been given lessons about where baby pony's come from as well as how to use contravention and also the risk's of SCV's. She knew that Cheerilee was a good teacher and she trusted her too even though Cheerilee was a MILF so why would she not be teaching her class about sex ed? Rarity decided she would talk to Cheerilee later that day to ask.

Anyway Rarity drove and parked in the Target parking lot in Ponyville and got out with Scootaloo. "Well darling we're here." Said Rarity declaratively.

"Target? Why are we here?" Asked Scootaloo questioningly. "I thought we were going to Smart & Final."

Rarity said in answer. "Well Scootaloo you can get lots of things at Target. Including things to help with your period! It is a way better store than Smart & Final which should be called, Stupid & Ongoing because they're stupidity never ends."

"Wow!" Said Scootaloo in awe. "You're so smart Rarity! I'm glad I came to you and not Rainbow Dash. She would have taken me to Smart and Final instead. Now I know never to go back there, instead I will always go to Target when I have my period."

Rarity smiled. She had helped Scootaloo with her period and had also helped to keep her away from Smart and Final. She was doing good deed's today. Together they went inside of Target.

In Target they walked over to where the medicine lived. Rarity took Scootaloo down the Hi-Gene Isle. "Now Scootaloo this is where we can find some of the thing's we need when we have period's." Said Rarity educationally. She pointed to a shelf with lot's of product's.

Scootaloo stared squintingly. "What are tampons and pad's?" She questioned unknowingly.

"Well you see Scootaloo to absorb the flow of blood from your varangian we can use these objects called tampons which are insertioned and then absorb. We can also use these things called pad's which do similar thing's but they are applied to the lining of you're pantry, however since we are pony's we don't wear underwear. So, maybe we should get some tampon's for you."

Rarity put a package of tampon's into her shopping cart. She then said askingly. "Why Scootaloo, do they have free tampon dispensor's at your school? Many places use them to give out Hi-Gene Product's for free to pony's who have there period's."

"No Rarity." Said Scootaloo negatively. "I never even heard of a tampon until today."

That made Rarity worried. She started to think about how many other pony's at the school who might be having there period's soon who would not have any way to take care of themselfs. She started wondering if she should talk to Sweetner to see if she was having a period soon. She knew her mom would not do it because she was stupid and useless like Rainbow Dash.

Rarity took Scootaloo to another isle where there was some medicine. She pointed at a box. And said "Now Scootaloo this is called Midol. It is medicine that will help with your cramp's and other syndrome's. When you have a period take some. And that will help relief you're pain!"

"Wow Rarity, science is so cool." Said Scootaloo with excitement. "It's even cooler than scooter's and sonic rainboom's!"

They began to walk away when Scootaloo stopped at an isle that said. Birth Control. "Rarity what's birth contorl." Said Scootaloo without knowledge of birth control.

"Well Scootaloo sometime's pony's engage in sexuala ctivity but they don't want to have a foal or they want to protect themselves from sexually transmitted disease so, they use these thing's called condom's to prevent it. There are other way's of using birth control such as, pills too. The pill's can also help regurgitate you're period and relief some of your symptom's too!" Said Rarity, full of sex facts.

"Wow rarity, I never knew any of this! You're so smart. Can you be my teacher now? Instead of Cheerilee?" Said Scootaloo with distrust of MILFs.

Rarity was very happy to know that Scootaloo looked up to her. She was looking forward to her talk with Cheerilee now. Even though she was a MILF.

Rarity walked Scootaloo to the self check out isle. She started to scan her product's. "Now Scootaloo you make sure you use these wisely and if you ever need more of them come talk to me and I will help you." Said Rarity offering to help.

Scootaloo started to say. "Wow thanks Rarity!" But she was interrupted by an angry voice.


Rarity and Scootaloo looked over to see an pale grayish pink mare with ugly. Her two shade moderate magenta and dark heliotrope mane was full of gray hair's because she was old and, her strong opal eye's (authorsnote I am not talking about Rarity's cat Obedience) were full of hate and anger. it was Spoiled Rich, the meanest mare in Ponyville, mom to Diamond Tiara and head of the School Bored. She was a MILF like Cheerilee however unlike Cheerilee she was mean, in fact many pony's called her Spoiled Bitch. She was buying tons and tons of wine juice in big boxes because she was alcoholism addiction.

Rarity looked at Spopovich. And said "Well isn't it oblivious darling, I am buying Sootaloo period product's!"

Spoiled Rich's three chins jiggled with rage. "How dare you!!! Sexually grooming a minor for your own sick porpoises!!!"

Rarity was taken aback, she had always fought against grooming and sexing children ever since that sick bastard Leonard came to Ponyville to spread his fan fiction's about molestation. "I am not grooming a child I am teaching her about her body."

"Yes and that is ILLEGAL in Ponyville ever since me and my husband Filthy Bitch got the law's passed proclaiming children foal's were not allowed to learn about sex or puberstasis! It is how Sicko's groom children for sex!!!"

Suddenly Rarity knew.......... why Cheerilee had not taught Scootaloo about her period.............

Spoiled Mitch pointed at Rarity. And said "POLICE!!!! TAKE THIS PEDOPHILE AWAY TO PONY JAIL!!!!"

Two police officer's approached Rarity. And they took out there club's and hoof cuff's. THey put them on Rarity's hoof. Then they put a horn cuff on her horn so she could not be horny. Then they started to drag her away to there Toyota F150 Police Truck.

"STOP IT! UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT YOU DARLING'S, I AM TRYING TO HELP MY SISTER'S FRIEND WITH HER PERIOD!!!!" Rarity said with scream and protest. She kicked and flailed but it was no use........ she was going to jail and Scootaloo could not pay for her period product's on her own.

Scootaloo watched with fear and no. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She said. With negative. Meanwhile Spoiled Hitch was watching with satisfy, her chin's vibrating with glee. "Hahahahahahah!" She laughed with repression....

Author's Note:

Authorsnote Seth Standmore here just wanted to mention some people might not like that the pony's have car's and go to Target well that is because i was told not long ago about a thing called speculative fiction which is when you write story about what if something impossible was possible like for example what if alien's visited planet hollywood in 1995 or, what if mark twane was possessed by the devil, that is the kind of idea i had it is a speculative fiction about what if pony's had car's and went to target.