• Published 9th May 2023
  • 388 Views, 31 Comments

Rifts - TheKing2001

A bunch of rumors about their individual races cause a rift in Bon Bon and Lyra's relationship

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“What do we do now?” Minuette asked no one in particular. I noticed a bunch of Canterlotian unicorns running into our old school. Chancellor Neighsay was waving us over. I personally didn’t like him after what I heard he tried to do at Twilight’s school. I know he’s all better and stuff now but still. I’m one of the few in my friend group who doesn’t instantly forgive and forget. My respect and trust is earned, not given freely to anyone who asks for it.

“Let’s go to Celestia’s school,” I decided, pointing a hoof. I loved Dinky and her hugs, but she thankfully let go. I don’t know what was strong enough to destroy half the castle, but I did know I didn’t want to meet it. I levitated Dinky onto my back and started to galloped to the entrance along with the others except Lemon Hearts. I slowed down and levitated Dinky onto Amethyst’s back.

“Amethyst! Take Dinky, I’m going back for Lemon!” She nodded and I trotted up to my foalhoad friend, gently prodding her with a hoof. “Lemon? We gotta go.”

“My job,” Lemon stared absently at the castle. “It’s gone, Lyra.”

“It can be rebuilt,” I comforted her. “But you can’t if whatever did it comes out here and finds you. I’d rather not lose one of my oldest friends. I already lost my fiancée.”

“What?” Lemon spun around and stared at me. At least THAT got her moving. If I knew that’s all it would take, I’d have mentioned it when I first trotted over here.

“Bon Bon called off the wedding pretty much and destroyed the ring I gave her,” I admitted and wiped a tear away. “That’s what happened when you all saw me get ready to fight the crowd after leaving her house. I’d rather me get hurt than Dinky or Amethyst. Plus, Derpy is very scary when it comes to her daughters being hurt.”

“I’m so sorry,” Lemon hugged me. “I know you were looking forward to it.”

“Yeah well there will be time for grieving later,” I sighed. I stared at a purple dot getting closer. “Is that Twilight?”

“Why is she crying?” Lemon asked as Twilight soared over us, crying and her eyes slightly widening as she saw us.

“I don’t know,” I waved a hoof at Twilight. She landed and tackled us in a hug. I hope it was a hug at least and not an attack. I’d attack me if I was her after being mindcontrolled by Sombra.

“Lyra, Lemon Hearts. Are you two okay?” She examined us up and down.

“We were till you tackled us,” I joked with a smile, quickly turning into a frown. “What’s going on?”

“It’s complicated and I don’t have time to explain,” she focused on me. “Why are you here and not in Ponyville?”

“We were ran out of town by an angry crowd. Me and all the unicorns in town,” I sighed. “Bon Bon even broke up with me over this. Because we apparently damaged their crops with our magic.”

“I’m so sorry. At least you guys aren’t hurt,” Twilight sighed. “I need to get to the crystal empire.”

“Why? What’s going on?” Lemon asked nervously.

“It’s over. We’ve lost,” Twilight dragged her wings on the street and half heartedly flew away. “Stay safe, you guys. I hope to see you again.” I exchanged a nervous glance with Lemon.

“I’ve never seen her so dejected before.”

“Me neither. Let’s get inside the school, the others are waiting for us,” I dragged her to the door and slammed it shut behind us.

“It appears there are some weird clouds forming,” Neighsay stood with a telescope looking out the boarded up windows. Me and Moondancer had helped board up windows in an attempt to keep the cold out. Even then, it was still freezing in this damn room. At least Twilight’s parents were in here, I always liked them. Good ponies. Them and Shining Armor were the only reason me, Minuette and Twinkleshine were the bridesmaids in the wedding because we knew them since we were foals.

“Probably them stupid pegasus,” someone scoffed. “They’re trying to kill us.” I quickly covered Dinky’s ears. She was curled up next to me so I could warm her up with my body. I glared at the unicorn who had said that.

“I have a terrified filly right here,” I snapped. “So don’t scare her any further or you’ll have an angry Lyra to deal with.”

“And an angry Minuette,” she stepped forward and stood next to me. I’ve only seen her angry a few times and it wasn’t something I liked seeing. The unicorn wisely kept his mouth shut after that.

“We need to use our magic to protect the school,” Neighsay instructed. “We can’t rely on the Earth ponies or Pegasus to keep us safe.” I nodded and turned around, getting ready to head outside with Minuette and Twinkleshine.

“Watch over Dinky,” I instructed Amethyst. “We will be back before you know it.”

“Wait!” I stared at a filly who jumped on a table. “At Princess Twilight’s school, we were taught that friendship is the most important thing. We should help the other tribes.”

“They aren’t gonna help us,” Sweetie Belle said bitterly. “At least Twinkleshine rescued me and brought me here.”

“What’s that sound?” I looked around and covered Dinky’s ears from the loud buzzing sound. A magical screen akin to the one Amethyst used appeared in front of us and we gathered around it.

“Twilight?” I mumbled as I stared at her, the other elements and the princess in her magical bubble.

“Haven’t you noticed somethings wrong in Equestria?” My blood went cold and eyes widened as Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow stepped into the frame. “We’ve been busy.”

“A whisper here, a rumor there,” Chrysalis smirked.

“Destroy some crops, cause some chaos,” Tirek chimed in.

“Turn pony against pony,” Cozy Glow circled the bubble.

“Until your whole kingdom was pushed to the precipice, waiting for something to push them over the brink,” Chrysalis snapped.

“There’s no backup friends or rainbow magic to save you now.”

“Golly, I think it’s time for some redecorating!” Cozy grinned and the three destroyed half the castle.

“That must have been what we saw,” I told Lemon Hearts.

“So this is the past. But why are we seeing it?” Minuette mumbled.

“To prove to all the races none of us are behind this and to unite to stop them!” I stared at the filly.

“You know what’s stronger than friendship, Twilight? Fear.” Chrysalis slammed her hooves against the bubble and it shattered.

“Because when you have to protect yourself, you have no time for anypony else!”

“Twilight!” I shouted.

“Don’t worry, it’s the past. We stopped and talked to her,” Lemon Hearts reminded me and I calmed down a little. Now I knew what she meant by it’s complicated.

“Too bad you never taught THAT in school,” Cozy Glow grinned.

“She’s probably showing this to all of Equestria. We have to help each other!” The filly pleaded. All of us looked to each other and nodded.


I concentrated on keeping up the shield spell. It would be way more taxing if I was doing it alone. At least all of the unicorns agreed to help make the shield. It was smart to pick a hill to have a final stand on, the humans used to pick hills for defensive positions. You could just fire down on the advancing enemies because you had the high ground. My eyes widened as a Wonderbolt and a changeling slammed into our shield. I winced at Soarins pained expression. I think that was his name. I may be a mare and have mare parts, but based on his expression, him hitting the shield looked very painful. Especially for his male parts. Me, Minuette and Twinkleshine closed our eyes, gritting our teeth. I could feel the spell getting weaker with each passing moment. Especially since two ponies got slammed into it, that weakened it a lot. I felt tiny hooves of Dinky pressing into my back. I had tried to convince her and Amethyst to stay behind, but those two can be very persuasive when they want to be. Dinky just uses her cuteness and puppy dog eyes. I opened my eyes and frowned as the shield finally broke apart.

“This ain’t good,” Minuette mumbled nervously. She was typically just as optimistic as me, maybe even more so. If she says something is bad, she’s either exaggerating or it’s a really bad situation. I don’t really remember much of what happened next, it all happened so fast. I vaguely remember Spike being held up and almost getting his wings ripped off. That really angered me, I had know that dragon since he first hatched. Amethyst and Sea Swirl had to hold me, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Twinkleshine and Moondancer back from storming down there and kicking ass. We all glared down at the three villains as they turned to stone. At least Chrysalis couldn’t hurt anyone else. I hated that bug, so did Minuette and Twinkleshine.

"Lyra!" I heard a familiar voice shouting. I glanced around before I saw the mare.

"Lyra!" Bon Bon looked around frantically. Her eyes settled on me hugging Dinky. She quickly trotted towards me and I'm not proud of what I did next. I know I said I don't run from my problems and that's true, but this time I just needed space. I teleported away, right as Bon Bon got close to us.