• Published 7th May 2023
  • 1,194 Views, 137 Comments

Rosa - awf

A young pony born on Earth goes on an adventure to learn about her origins.

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Chapter 48: Grilled Cheese and Bunk Beds

It was quite dark by the time Pavo decided to stop for the night. Rosa had been nodding off for the past few hours and Sky Light was actually snoring, curled up on the seat beside. Staying at least semi-conscious and talking with Pavo had seemed like the least Rosa could do in exchange for him taking them along. It was probably a lonely and boring job, she guessed. Despite her best efforts she probably wasn't the best company lately. Rosa had spent more time yawning than she had talking and more than once she had repeated a question Pavo had just answered. The man found that incredibly funny, so Rosa guessed the mission of keeping him amused could be considered a success.

It would still feel incredibly nice to sleep for a while. She was just worried about the arrangements. Rosa wouldn't have minded the seat, but the trouble was that it wasn't big enough for two ponies lying down. Sky Light was curled up tightly and Rosa still had to sit right on the edge to make it work. There was Pavo's bed, but with the size of the man it would be a tight squeeze, not to mention an uncomfortable one. While Rosa had slept in a bed with Lillian most nights she was in the household, that was different.

Wasn't it?

She wasn't sure what rules applied to the situation and Rosa didn't want to ask and make herself look stupid. Hopefully Sky Light would know. That reminded her and Rosa lightly kicked the snoring mare. "Wake up."

Sky opened a bleary eye and fixed Rosa with her best attempt at a stare. "Mmm?"

"We're here. Wake up."

Pavo had meanwhile finished turning the truck off and filling out his paperwork. There was apparently a lot of bureaucracy involved in professional driving, which Rosa never would have guessed.

"So - they have showers and a twenty-four hour grill if you two want some dinner," he explained when he saw her looking.

On the seat beside Rosa, the pegasus sat up and stretched out her forelegs with a big yawn. "Can you get me a grilled cheese if I give you the money?" she asked Pavo.

Lunch had been ages ago and the mere thought of a grilled cheese made Rosa's mouth water in anticipation. She lifted her hoof, like she was used to in school. "Yes, me too, please?"

Pavo shrugged. "Fine. No shower then?"

Both ponies shook their heads and Rosa answered: "I'll go brush my teeth after dinner. Shower is... complicated with all this fur. I'll do it tomorrow night."

"Ah. Gotcha."

Meanwhile Sky Light had dug out the money and passed it to the man. He stepped out of the cabin and down to the asphalt and Sky watched him go, then looked at Rosa, smiling. "So? How are you doing?"

The hidden meaning behind her question was plain: Was Rosa going to break down in a crying fit again tonight? Rosa lowered her ears in shame, but then frowned a little in confusion. It was weird. She didn't feel like crying. Maybe it was because she was doing something, or maybe it was because she was seeing new things, but Rosa felt okay. Yes, she was still sad about Lillian and she still blamed herself, but the mare felt like she could go on. Maybe she was just numb to it by now, but it was a lot better than it had been.

"I'm good. Um, how will we sleep?"

Sky Light looked around, a calculating look on her muzzle. "You can have the seat if you want. I'll bunk up with Pavo. I don't mind."

The selfless offer earned her a grateful smile. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem," Sky said and poked Rosa with a hoof. "Come on, let's jump down and stretch our legs."

It was a good idea and Rosa followed her friend out of the truck. It was quite a jump, but if she dangled her hind legs from the seat it wasn't so bad. She thought she might even be able to get up by herself. She would have to give that a try sometime.

Her winged friend led Rosa to the grass by the parking lot. It was a new, unfamiliar place, but it reminded her a lot about the truck stop back home. Thinking about a broken-down van as a home felt weird and made Rosa pause for a moment in silent contemplation. Unfortunately, Sky didn't stop at the grass but kept going, barely sparing Rosa a strange look as she hurried after. It quickly became obvious why, when Sky turned around and got that intense, concentrating look on her muzzle. There was a splashing sound and Rosa hurriedly glanced away.

"Sorry," she squeaked.

"What?" Sky asked, sounding confused. She understood after a moment and chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I suggest you go as well. Most toilets at these things are pay ones. Waste of money."

Rosa looked around and lowered her voice. "What if I have to go number two?" she whispered.

"Well, either find a thick bush or pay the fee. Your choice. Personally, bush is fine - at least at night."

Luckily Rosa didn't have to think about that just yet. She walked a short distance away from her friend and turned so she was facing her. She was right about number one - it'd be a waste of money to pay for a toilet when it was nice and dark out, and there were no people around. Despite the economics of the situation, Rosa was still thankful Sky hadn't come closer to watch. The thing was embarrassing enough as it was.

Instead, Sky Light went to sit beside the truck to look at the never-ending line of traffic on the nearby highway. When Rosa joined her, Sky put her wing around both of them and the two mares snuggled up against each other. The night wasn't chilly, but they both still appreciated the warmth and closeness.

"We're gonna find Maribelle, right?"

"Sure, sweetie!" Sky Light replied with a happy grin on her muzzle. "We're resourceful and tough, just you wait and see."

"How do we get into the... whatever it is. The facility?"

The pegasus gave this some thought. "Dunno. Maybe we can sneak in on the back of a truck, if someone from Pavo's company will take us. Or maybe we can find a hole in the fence. These things sometimes get neglected." She thought for a bit longer, then grinned nastily. "Most humans also don't think about the aerial route. You've got a pegasus with you, remember?"

"You can carry me?!" Rosa gasped.

Despite her obvious self-assurance, Sky Light gave Rosa a calculating stare. "I think so. Not too far, but probably far enough to get us inside."

"Then what?"

Again the pegasus lifted her shoulders. "We take it one hoofstep at a time. First we get in, then we'll see. No use making plans when we don't even know what the place looks like."

That made sense and Rosa nodded her head against Sky Light's neck. "I guess."

They spotted Pavo returning from the restaurant. He was just a silhouette against the garish lights of the place, but there was no mistaking his shape. He had a couple of paper bags in his hand and Rosa began to drool when she thought about the fried goodness inside. Five seconds later she couldn't wait any longer and ran to meet him. He seemed a bit amused by her impatience but didn't begrudge Rosa her dinner. The smell from the bag was intoxicating. Melted cheese and fries. She couldn't have had it more than two or three times at the School and it was incredibly tasty. Rosa tore the bag apart in her haste but luckily didn't spill anything. Then again, as she stuffed the first few crunchy fries in her mouth, Rosa realized she would have eaten from the ground anyway.


The thought almost made her chuckle, except that she was too busy stuffing her mouth with food while it was hot. "Mmmmphh!" she moaned.

A few paces away Sky Light was making almost exactly the same noises as she dug into her own meal. Rosa looked around if Pavo was watching, but he had gone and climbed up into the cabin. Probably making the bed, Rosa guessed. It didn't matter. The bit of melted cheese in her hooves was her entire world for the next few minutes.

Once it was all in her belly, Rosa made her way back to where Sky Light was licking the last few crumbs from her fetlock. At least Rosa had been able to stop herself from doing that, she thought to herself smugly.

"I'll go and brush. Can you get me my toothbrush?" It was in her bag up in the cabin. The pegasus could basically jump that high but it would be quite a climb for Rosa.

"Sure thing!" Sky Light said, helpfulness personified now that she was fed. She leapt up on the seat in a single bound and moments later passed down the plastic bag with Rosa's brush and toothpaste.


Rosa was not too thrilled about going into the place by herself, but Pavo had explained it should be empty at this time of the night. The room with washbasins and drinking water was free of charge, which was quite a nice gesture. Bag gripped firmly in her mouth, Rosa made her way there.

When Rosa came back she saw that the passenger door was open, waiting for her. She assumed it was a nice gesture from Sky Light. The climb up into the cabin was just as precarious as she had guessed, but the lithe mare managed it easily. She paused on the seat to catch her breath, then pulled the door closed. Only then did she look around and gaped.

There were two beds!

Pavo had done something to the back of the cabin and there were now bunk beds where there used to be just the one mattress. Sky Light poked her head out from the top. "We can share up here. There's plenty of room!"

Rosa gladly accepted. There was no ladder, but she put her hind leg on the backrest of the passenger seat and pushed herself up. Luckily her pegasus friend moved smoothly out of the way in time and Rosa fond herself on a relatively spacious bed, for a pony at least. It was downright cozy! There was just one pillow, but it was wide enough for both of them. Sky was already holding a blanket open for her and Rosa gratefully slid in.

"Night, Pavo!" the pegasus chirped happily.

The reply came from the bed below: "Good night, girls!"

"Oh. Night!" She'd almost forgotten.

Now if only Rosa could sleep through the night without a bad dream, that'd be a perfect start to their road trip! Hooves around her barrel helped a lot, as did Sky's gentle licking of her ear. "It's fine, sweetheart. I'm here if you need anything, okay?"

Rosa nodded, certain that her friend would feel her movement. "Thank you."

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