• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 34


-------------------------------------------------------------------KOCK, POLAND-----------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 5:00am in the town of Kock, Poland. General Kleeberg and SGO Polesie were fighting with a renewed vigour, now that they had intel on enemy positions from the prisoners. They were ambushing the German tanks guerilla-style, and had so far killed more than 250 German soldiers, and taken more than 50 more hostage. However, the Poles had suffered losses of their own as well, losing close to 300 of their men, to stop the advancing Germans. It had not been in vain though. Most of the town of Kock remained untouched, and only around a total of 150 people from the town had died so far.

As the battle continued, more Panzers were destroyed, and more Germans died. That was when Kleeberg heard a huge explosion from where one of his anti-aircraft units was fighting. He quickly radioed them, but all he heard was static. They were gone. He instantly noticed multiple Bf109s in the sky. He ordered his remaining five anti-aircraft units to fire at them. He heard, and saw them firing, as multiple Bf109s began plummeting from the skies, in flames. He began cheering, "YES! Come on, my men! We can do this! Take them out!"

Encouraged by Kleeberg's words, the men continued fighting, downing multiple Bf109s. As that was happening, he got a sudden report from a team posted on the very outskirts of the town. "Commander! Commander! More infantry is coming!" shouted the voice over the radio.

"More infantry? How many units are there?" replied Kleeberg.

"Not many, General. Just some foot units and six Panzer IIIs." replied the leader of the team. "We could probably deal with them now, to be honest."

"Then do so! That's an easy force to deal with! We don't have that much ammunition left, but you should be able to deal with them."

"Already on it, Commander. We are firing at them NOOOAAAAAHH!!!!!" shouted the team leader over the radio, as Kleeberg heard an explosion, and seconds later, only static was heard. Kleeberg instantly knew that his men were dead. But how? There weren't any planes in that area, and those six Panzer IIIs would have been easily dealt with, along with the foot units, as they were using guerilla tactics.

That was when he heard more explosions, coming from the place where the border team had been lost. How on Earth were those units advancing? Surely there was more to them than the border team suspected, weren't there? The men continued fighting bravely, but word of more losses began coming in. Whatever unit this was, it was strong, and it was decimating SGO Polesie by the minute. They didn't have time to call in before they were lost, for fuck's sake! What was this?

As the new unit came into view in the distance, it was exactly what had been described, some foot units, and six Panzer IIIs. These seemed like normal Panzer IIIs, albeit these ones had a new weapon, one with multiple holes in it. It seemed to be a projectile launcher of some sort. That was when the weapon turned, and fired at another unit. Multiple projectiles shot out of it at high speed, and within seconds, that whole unit was obliterated, with no survivors. Kleeberg instantly knew that they wouldn't be able to face it, so he radioed, across all frequencies, to his men. "SGO Polesie, we won't be able to stand up against that crazy weapon on those Panzer IIIs. Surrender immediately. It is the only way to prevent more bloodshed." said Kleeberg, to his shocked soldiers.

"Are you crazy, General! We can't just surrender to the Germans! We can't give up our country like that!" shouted one of the unit commanders.

"I know, but it is the only way to save our lives, and we are done for anyways." said Kleeberg, as he lay down his gun, and walked up to the German tanks, which had arrived at the FBO by now, with his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. A man, probably the German commander, stepped out of the tanks, and walked towards Kleeberg.

"Ah, you must be General Kleeberg. You've killed quite a few of my people, you know." said the German commander.

"Well, the way I see it, YOU invaded our nation, and killed many of MY people." replied Kleeberg.

"Who cares about that? Anyways, are you ready to surrender now?"

Kleeberg had a heavy heart. He didn't want to give up Poland to the Germans at all, but now, this was the only way to prevent further loss of life. "Yes, I surrender." said Kleeberg, very reluctantly.

"Good. I may just spare your life for surrendering." said the commander, as his soldiers began to spread out everywhere, and began tying up the Polish soldiers. He then went back to his tank, and made the radio call. "Well, it's done. Kleeberg and SGO Polesie have surrendered. Poland is ours now." reported the commander over the radio, to his superiors at the Reichstag, in Berlin. This moment marked not just the end of the Battle of Kock, but also the end of the invasion of Poland.

--------------------------------------------------------------THE REICHSTAG, BERLIN---------------------------------------------------------------
At the Reichstag building in Berlin, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, the top German and Soviet politicians, along with Discord, were listening in to the end of the Battle of Kock. They were extremely happy to find out that the battle had ended with German victory, and were currently celebrating. They were happy that they had finally been able to take Poland at last. Everyone except for Hitler, Stalin, and Discord, were drinking vodka that the Soviet politicians that brought with them.

As the other politicians celebrated, Hitler and Stalin were both congratulating Discord. "That was a good idea, Discord, to send the first six Panzer IIIEs in, even though they weren't officially approved for service yet!" said Hitler.

"It was a good idea alright, otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to take Poland, and we would still be fighting SGO Polesie in Kock!" said Discord.

"I'm just wondering, could we also buy some of the Panzer IIIEs? That way, we can protect our country from all the embargos that the Western countries, and the League of Nations, will place on the Soviet Union." asked Stalin.

"Actually, we are not welling to sell tanks to your country, but we can modify whatever tanks the Red Army has under the Erweiterung program." said Discord.

"Oh, well, I guess that will do." replied an annoyed Stalin. He was definitely unhappy that he couldn't get the German tanks.

"Meanwhile, Discord, speaking of the programme, how is it going?" asked Hitler.

"Very well, actually. We have got the first two Bf109E prototypes back in the air, and the third one is being modified, and should be ready to fly in a couple of months. Also, we have done two more successful trials, and the E-serum is ready for use. We have a rather good idea to present you soon."

"Oh, really? That's good! I'm looking forward to seeing what this idea is." said Hitler, as he left the room to grab a rest. Discord continued celebrating with the other politicians for a while, and then decided to leave as well, as he was flying back to the Erweiterung program's base the next day. He was happy with how things were going. Poland had already been taken, and Stalin was going to soon use hook or crook to force the Baltic countries to sign pacts with the Soviet Union. Soon, the whole world would be in chaos.