• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 391 Views, 4 Comments

Equestria Girls Versus Goat Simulator - SonnL

The goats are now bringing the chaos to the human world.

  • ...

Chapter 1

In the land of Equestria, the ponies and other creatures experienced a new kind of chaos brough about by the Lord of Chaos, Discord. Taking inspiration from a certain video game trailer while gazing into the human world, Discord created four bizarre goats and let them run wild for his entertainment.

After the goats’ defeat at the Crystal Empire, Discord came up with a new idea. He decided to send the goats to the one world where his inspiration originated from.

During nighttime in the human world, a magical portal appeared out of thin air in the middle of a forest. Shortly later, the black goat was the first to step out of the portal. Next was the grey goat and then the white goat. Once the brown goat stepped out, the portal disappeared. The goats took a short time to look at their new surroundings before splitting up.

After wandering through the forest alone for a long time, the black goat came across a road. It crossed the road and just before it reached the other side, it turned its head towards some lights that were approaching at incredible speed. A moment later, the goat was struck by a fast-moving car, which then screeched to a halt.

After the car stopped, three individuals exited the vehicle and those were the human counterparts of the Diamond Dogs: Spot, Rover, and Fido. The trio took a closer look at the goat as it lied motionless on the road.

“Is it dead?” Fido asked.

“Of course it’s dead, you idiot! You just ran it over!” Spot snapped.

“What should we do?” Rover said nervously.

“The dead goat’s not our problem! Let’s just leave it!” Spot replied.

The goat suddenly got back on its hooves.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! IT’S ALIIIIIIIIVE!!!!” Spot, Rover, and Fido screamed.

The goat swiftly knocked out Spot by headbutting him. It then latched its tongue onto Rover and slammed him into Fido. With the trio unconscious, the goat trotted to their car and demolished it with headbutts.

The next morning in Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and her six friends, the human counterparts of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack, were on their way to Canterlot High School.

“I am not looking forward to today’s biology class. Dissecting a frog is not in my list of things I’m interested in.” Rainbow groaned.

“I’m with you on that one, darling. The thought of looking at a frog’s guts is making me feel queasy.” Rarity shuddered.

“I hope I don’t lose my lunch over this.” Sunset jokingly said.

Upon arriving at CHS, the seven saw a crowd of students surrounding the school along with some police cars.

“What’s going on over there?” Fluttershy wondered.

“It seems an incident occurred at the school.” Twilight answered.

They joined with the crowd, and they noticed numerous broken windows, desks lying on the ground outside, and the front doors were broken down.

Sunset spoke to Flash Sentry, “Flash, what happened here?”

“The entire school has been vandalized. The hallways and all the classrooms have been trashed.” Flash explained. “I don’t know who’s responsible.”

The Mane Seven were soon approached by Principal Celestia. “I’m glad you seven are here. Come with me. There’s something I need to show you.”

Meanwhile, Vice Principal Luna made an announcement to the other students. “Students, in light of recent events, school will be closed until further notice.”

While the CHS students were taking their leave, the Mane Seven entered the school through the front entrance along with Principal Celestia. They saw the state of the school’s interior with their own eyes. It was just how Flash described it. The hallways were littered with papers, books, and various items from the student lockers, which were all dented and smashed open. The classrooms were filled with broken objects, including desks, tables, shelves, chalkboards, and decorations.

“Good grief! This is the worst mess I’ve ever seen!” Rarity gasped.

“This is awful.” Pinkie said in shock.

“Who or whatever responsible sure had been busy.” Applejack commented.

“It must be the work of evil magic!” Rainbow exclaimed with a grin of anticipation.

“I hope it’s not too scary.” Fluttershy shivered.

Celestia led the girls to the security surveillance room. Luckily, the security cameras and the security room were left intact.

“So was the culprit caught on camera?” Twilight inquired.

“Indeed.” Celestia confirmed. “The security footage I’m about to show you was taken earlier this morning. I must warn you. It might be a... bit of a shock.”

“After all the times we’ve dealt with Equestrian magic, I don’t think anything can surprise us.” Sunset said confidently.

Celestia then played the security footage, and the Mane Seven viewed it intently. The footage showed the white goat running around in the school trashing everything. After they finished watching the footage, the Mane Seven were naturally flabbergasted.

“You got to be kidding me. The whole school was vandalized by a goat?” Sunset uttered as she processed what she just saw.

“Now I’ve seen everything.” Applejack chimed in.

“I was hoping for a cool monster. What a bummer.” Rainbow sounded disappointed.

“I wonder where the goat came from.” Pinkie said.

“As you can see, this is no ordinary goat considering all the damage it did in such a short time. If Equestrian magic is connected, then I’m going to have to count on you seven to get to the bottom of this.” Celestia said to the group.

“Well girls, looks like we’ve got work to do.” Twilight sat her backpack down and brought out her dog, Spike.

“Yes! This is even better than dissecting frogs!” Rainbow jumped up with joy.

Later at the home of Wallflower Blush, the girl was tending to her garden in the backyard. She was humming and watering her flowers.

While she was completely focused on her task, the brown goat snuck into the backyard. It was using its tongue to drag a bag of glowing fertilizer across the garden. It approached a beanstalk and poured the fertilizer all over the plant. Once the bag was empty, the goat tossed it aside.

“Baaaaaaaaaaah...” The goat bleated, which caught Wallfower’s attention.

The beanstalk grew in an instant, surprising the girl. The goat kept bleating and each time the goat bleated, the beanstalk grew taller. The beanstalk soon grew to the height of a two-story house, and it continued growing towards the sky.

Wallflower gawked with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open, unable to utter a single word as she wondered how tall the beanstalk could grow.

At the human world’s Sweet Apple Acres, the grey goat was knocking down the apple trees by headbutting them.

“Stop knocking down our apple trees!!!” Apple Bloom tried to scare the goat away by whacking it with a broom.

Not feeling a thing, the creature ignored her. Big Mac then grabbed the goat and tried to hold it down, but it easily shook him off.

Seeing the commotion, Granny Smith stepped in to deal with the troublemaker.

“You’ve caused enough trouble here, you little rascal!” Granny Smith narrowed her eyes at the goat while rolling up her sleeves.

Granny Smith glared at the goat while the latter blankly stared back at the former. After a staredown that lasted for ten seconds, the goat charged at Granny Smith. The elderly woman managed to catch it by the horns with her bare hands.

“Don’t mess with this granny!” With strength that no one knew she had, Granny Smith hurled the goat with tremendous force, sending it miles away from Sweet Apple Acres.

Apple Bloom and Big Mac couldn’t help but stare with widened eyes and jaws dropping.

Inside Canterlot Mall, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk were hanging out at the food court. Sonata ordered a taco and brought it back to the table.

“What’s the word on our next gig?” Aria asked Adagio.

“We’ll be performing at a rich brat’s party next week.” Adagio answered.

“Oooooh, a party! I can’t wait to go to a party!” Sonata spoke with an excited smile while Adagio and Aria just rolled their eyes.

Sonata was about to take a bite out of her taco.


“Huh?!” Caught off guard, the Dazzlings turned their heads towards the source of the sound. They were shocked to see a black goat standing right next to their table looking at them.

“What’s a goat doing here?!” Adagio asked with a dumbfounded expression.

“Awwwwww, isn’t it cute?” Sonata gushed over the goat.

“It looks ridiculous if you ask me.” Aria said flatly.

The goat swiped Sonata’s taco with its tongue and devoured it in the blink of an eye.

“WAAAAAAAH!!!! It just stole my taco!!!!” Sonata wailed.

In response, Adagio went up to the goat and gave it a threatening stare.

“Let me make one thing clear, dumb goat! No one messes with my sisters except me!” Adagio said angrily in the goat’s face.

The goat then chomped on Adagio’s hair.


Aria tried pulling the goat away, and it pulled off a piece of Adagio’s hair.

“NOOOOOOOOO...!!!! NOT MY HAIR!!!!” Adagio cried out.

The goat spit out the hair, and Adagio’s face turned red with anger.

“Baaaaaaaaaah...” The goat dashed out of the food court.

“GET IT!!!!” Not willing to let the goat get away with ruining her hair, Adagio went after it along with her sisters.

The Dazzlings followed the goat to the parking lot but lost sight of it.

“Where did it go?!” Adagio growled.

The sisters eventually found the goat sitting on the driver’s seat in their van.

“HEY!!! THAT’S OUR VAN!!!” Adagio shouted at the top of her lungs.

The goat drove off with the van. The Dazzlings ran as fast as they could in pursuit of their van, but it was futile. While driving the van on the road, the goat erratically turned the vehicle left and right, nearly crashing several times.

The goat later drove off the road and crashed the van into a tree. During the collision, the goat flew through the windshield and landed on the ground with a hard impact. Few seconds later, it got back up and casually trotted away from the crash site.

Elsewhere, Vinyl Scratch arrived at the park. She stretched her arms and legs and put on her headphones. After selecting a tune on her MP3 player, she began jogging.

She came across Bulk Biceps, who was standing near a lamp pole eating a hotdog. Vinyl waved at him, and he waved back.

Right after Vinyl passed by, Bulk Biceps received a surprise headbutt from the brown goat. The creature then turned towards another man nearby and headbutted him as well.

Vinyl kept jogging, completely oblivious to the chaos that was going on behind her. The black goat flew around with a jet pack. It snatched a woman with its tongue and dragged her off the ground. The grey goat destroyed a water fountain with its eye lasers. While riding on a skateboard, the brown goat crashed into a bicyclist. At a hotdog stand, the white goat used a strange helmet to enlarge the vendor’s head. The grey goat tackled a police officer while enveloped in electric sparks, sending the officer flying into a tree. The black goat used a roar to blow away a group of people. The white goat was doing target practice with its firework launcher. Due to her headphones, Vinyl was unable to hear people screaming their heads off.

She continued with her jog until a trash can suddenly dropped right in front of her. Startled, she stopped in her tracks and removed her headphones.


Hearing this, Vinyl turned around and saw the four goats looking straight at her. Perplexed, she raised her glasses and stared at the goats with a confused look.

“Baaaaaaaaaaah...” The black goat then rushed at her to deliver a headbutt.

After leaving Canterlot High School, the Mane Seven and Spike went to the Sweet Shoppe to have ice cream.

“We searched all over the school, but we couldn’t find a single strand of the goat’s hair anywhere. Spike wasn’t even able to pick up a scent.” Twilight stated.

“Sorry I couldn’t do more to help.” Spike apologized.

“No doubt Equestrian magic is involved.” Sunset said.

“EVIL MAGIC!!!” Rainbow shouted excitedly.

“If only I have a sample to study, we might be able to learn a lot more about the goat.” Twilight sighed.

“Girls, look!” Pinkie pointed at the TV, which was showing the news.

One hour ago, an extremely bizarre incident occurred at the park. According to eyewitness accounts, the park was attacked by goats.” The reporter said.

The Mane Seven and Spike immediately paid close attention to the TV.

I was just going on for a walk and this goat came out of nowhere and started headbutting everyone!” One witness said.

It was crazy! One goat was flying with a jet pack and there was another shooting fireworks!” Another witness exclaimed.

As the girls and the dog watched the news, they saw the aftermath of the goats’ rampage at the park.

“Wow, I had no idea goats can be this aggressive until today.” Pinkie muttered.

“Unbelievable...” Sunset groaned while putting her palm on her face. “There are more than one of these goats?!”

“No matter what comes our way, we’ll always rise to the challenge!” Rainbow boasted with an eager expression.