• Published 25th Apr 2023
  • 439 Views, 11 Comments

A ghost from my past. - Chaldea Stories

Principal Celestia has suffered a lot because of the death of her daughter. So one day she is surprised to see the ghost alive.

  • ...

Searching for the truth

A long time ago in Everfree Forest.

It was once a summer near a river that was nearby the Everfree campground. This area of the forest was a beautiful place where families came to camp in a more traditional way.

"Lulu can you please help me finish moving things down, we can soon start setting up the tent so we can sleep."

The woman who was speaking was a young woman in her early thirties, she had multicolored hair that could be mistaken for a cake and was wearing a scout outfit. The woman was Celestia and she is a newly admitted teacher at Canterlot High School.

"Celly I'll be right there, I'm just finishing setting up here. And keeping the animals away."

The other woman, a couple of years younger than her, who had the same camper uniform, was setting things up. Her hair was colorful: pale sapphire blue and light grayish Persian blue, her long hair making an effect that made her look like a night sky. The woman in question was "Luna", Celestia's younger sister and a college student from Canterlot. Like her sister she was studying to become a great teacher and be an example for the next generations.

It was a family trip between the two sisters that they always make every summer, it is a tradition that has been hereditary since they lived with their parents. But this summer it wasn't just for the two of them, there was another person who was with them.

"WOAW! This place is beautiful, did they really come on a trip here with grandparents and my aunt and uncle? Aunt Luna, can you tell me what it was like?"

The young girl was no more than eight years old, her long hair was a bright amaranth color with blonde highlights. She wore shorts with a white t-shirt with a white winged unicorn in the center and pink hair. She was a very animated and hyperactive girl, so she was more excited than the two adults.

"Sunset, don't stray too far from the perimeter. And help your Aunt Luna get your things settled since this is also part of your practice for camping next week at Camp Everfree Junior."

She cheerfully turned around and flashed the biggest smile I could hope for from a daughter.

"Yes, this will be the best summer ever!"

Celestia and Luna were so grateful to have family time in a long time, so they decided to give little Sunset Shimmer a memorable summer that was a glimmer of hope for the future. What no one would know would be the worst summer of their lives.

At the present time.


While she was thinking about all that, she was thinking where she had made a mistake with Sunset Shimmer. He knew she was not his daughter but his love for the young girl who looked like his daughter, who was the spitting image of his daughter had clouded his judgment for a long time. For if he knew he did bad things without however.... She never got to break the law or call a public authority so she thought it was an age thing, more so remembering her sister and her Nightmare Moon phase. If she kept this up, not only could she end up in prison but she might disappear forever and go back to her " equine" world, so before she went on with her day she would first have to get ready for school.

After a shower and a light breakfast, she took the keys that Luna had left for her, which was next to a family picture of her, Luna and a young Sunset Shimmer. With the best smile she could form she left her apartment to head towards the school to face the consequences of her student.

As she rode in her car, Celestia couldn't help but think about the night before. It had been a chaotic night in which her life had been turned upside down by magic and a demonic version of her "daughter" who had come from another universe and stolen a power from that world. But the most amazing thing had been Twilight Sparkle with 5 of her other students and their heroic act in saving the school from the zombies Sunset had created.

Celestia knew she couldn't let magic get out of control in the school, but she couldn't help but feel a bit of pride and gratitude for Twilight. For her had done something she couldn't do and forgive not only Sunset Shimmer but had been a reminder to her that not all villains are irreparable, and that sometimes they need a second chance to redeem themselves. So she had spent all week working on repairing her school after school.

He finally arrived at the school and made his way to his office. Upon entering, she found Sunset Shimmer tired and just like her some dark circles under her eyes, the student who had come to the school and had caused all the magical chaos. Celestia was surprised to see her there early. She didn't know what to answer so she decided to start talking to her student.

"Good morning, Sunset Shimmer, what are you doing here so very early?"

Sunset with a sad and tired face from what it has cost her to repair the school speaks:

"Good morning, Headmistress. I came to talk to you about what happened the night of the dance. I feel very guilty for having caused so much damage and I want to do everything in my power to repair what I have done."

"I understand how you feel, Sunset. And it is brave of you to want to make things right. But you must understand that magic cannot get out of control in our school. We must work together to make sure this never happens again."

Celestia was trying to sound more like a teacher but; she was really trying to suppress her motherly side by seeing how her student looked. And Sunset was so depressed, not only seeing Principal Celestia so tired from her mistakes, as she reminds her so much of her adoptive mother and first mentor... "Princess Celestia". With a tired and depressed tone she answers Celestia.

"I know, Headmistress. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."

Celestia could see how the young woman didn't even want to approach the chair in front of her desk, she thought she would be very angry or something so she had to take the initiative.

"Please have a seat." Celestia watched as Sunset hurried across the office and plopped down in the chair, placing her dirty backpack on the floor next to her feet.

"I was hoping we could have a little chat, I've been meaning to ask you a lot of questions for a long time but I think this is the best time."

Sunset swallowed her saliva and focused her gaze on the numerous diplomas and awards hanging on the wall behind the headmistress' desk. Celestia paused, studying the clearly nervous girl.

"Umm, am I in some trouble?"

Sunset asked nervously after a moment, shifting nervously in her seat and trying not to meet her eyes directly. Celestia gave her a small smile and shook her head, satisfied that some of the tension left the girl's shoulders. Celestia had put her trademark smile back on and began to speak.
Celestia assured her as she got up to brew her mug of pot of tea and pour a poc in a cup for Sunset. Then they both took a comforting sip.

"I have some questions about.... That equine world."

Celestia didn't expect Sunset to laugh at the term she uses to describe her world, rather she expected some kind of anger or panic however... She smiled and started talking as if it was the most normal thing to do.

"We are ponies, we are not Steeds. Well, technically we are horse, but we refer to ourselves as ponies. Although there are several types of ponies, so it would be hard to describe each one. Well... What do you want to know? I'm a little surprised you didn't ask earlier on prom night. Sunset smiled as a joy formed in her stomach that dispersed into her body. Relaxing back in her chair, she looked back up at her teacher."

"I was wondering what my counterpart is like, I mean what kind of relationship we had."

Celestia in a low voice asks Sunset directly about her story, watching Sunset for any kind of reaction. Almost on cue, the girl stiffened and sat up a little straighter.

"If it's not too much to request...."

Sunset shook her head and took a breath to calm down, she didn't want to ruin the relationship with "this Celestia" as well.

"Okay. This was bound to come up eventually, you have a right to be curious after everything I've done. After everything I exposed you too."

Something in Sunset had reverted back to her depressed state from the beginning of the meeting, so she didn't want to force things. For Sunset's voice only wavered slightly as she frowned. Shuffling her feet in discomfort. And mostly because of how important the topic at hand was.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Sunset. She's doing a great job of being forgiven."

Celestia smiled warmly at her and Sunset felt her chest constrict. No matter if she was human or pony, that smile was the same because it had the same meaning.

"The Celestia of my world is also a teacher. Sunset stammered, wondering how much she should divulge. And if she could fully understand."

Celestia's astonishment is heard loudly in the room and leaves her with a shocked face, who would think that even in another universe she would be a teacher, as it would be hard to believe that two of them would be teachers.

"Oh, what subject? I started my career teaching literature 101, but I always thought about doing other subjects. did I go for Philosophy? History? Math? What material am I teaching in that world."

Celestia leaned forward, clearly interested in addition to Celestia's tone that seemed more than happy, she looked surprised and excited to see how far her counterpart from Sunter's world had come.

Sunset nervously commented on what she does in Equestria: "Advanced magical theory and application. On top of that she has her own school for gifted unicorns, a very elite school and difficult for any pony in Equestria to get into."

"Your own school?"

Sunset stifled a small smile at the expressionless expression on the older woman's face and Sunset sighed lightly at the memories of her own time at school. The nights of studying, the days in the library and the experiments with her unicorn magic, all of it just left a bad taste in her mouth at the memory. At the same time Celestia is taken aback, as her dream was also to have her own school but being principal is also a "way" in which she can say that this school is also hers.

Sunset remembering all that muttered bitterly, "Magic school for Endowed Unicorns. The most elite school in all of Equestria . Run by Princess Celestia herself."

It almost seemed as if she didn't want to finish that sentence because of her memories. At the same time Celestia was even more shocked not only by what she just said but; by what she calls her counterpart.

"Princess? You mean royalty? A real monarch? That type?"

Celestia in shock couldn't help but ask Sunset, if her counterpart was a teacher and a princess... Why did Sunset leave her side? Wouldn't she also be a princess if she is her mother too. As Sunset looked up to find Celestia gaping and couldn't help but smile slightly, as she didn't expect that big of a reaction. It's normal when you tell someone that your other self is a princess.

Sunset: Yes, she is a beautiful omnipotent alicorn, she has the characteristics of all the pony tribes. Unicorn, Earth Pony and Pegasus. She is thousands of years old and rules Equestria along with her sister, "Princess Luna". I never met Princess Luna, she was banished for a thousand years and has just returned. Princess Twilight told me about her on her last visit. Oh, and Princess Celestia has the power to control the sun while Luna controls the moon. Sunset ended with a shrug, clearly uncomfortable with the subject.

Celestia was flabbergasted, no longer just because her counterpart is some sort of goddess of the sun, teacher, ruler among other things more but... She was also struck by the issue of her sister "Luna" also being a princess however the topic of her being banished gives her a bad feeling and she has an idea why.

"O-okay then. That was unexpected... And you knew the princess? Personally, I mean...did we know each other? Were we close?"

Celestia had more questions than answers as she continued to talk to Sunset about her home world. While Sunset sighed and looked down at the floor wishing the headmistress would ask more than that.

"She was my teacher, I was her protégé and personal student. I tried to usurp her on the throne, that's why I came here. I failed and escaped through the portal. I betrayed her terribly and now I feel I am doing it again with you here but; not because of our relationship but because of the trouble I have caused you."

Celestia repressed the urge to hug the girl, she could tell some tears had come out and Sunset had quickly wiped that from her dark circles under her eyes. Celestia gently, watching as Sunset wiped some tears from her face. She suddenly looked exhausted and immensely vulnerable. As far as she knew it was a difficult subject and the next question was going to do it too, so she asked as gently as she could.

"What about your family? Your parents? Uncles? Something or someone who took care of you before school?"

"I have no family. My mother placed me in an orphanage where I stayed until I became the princesses' pupil. She murmured, wrapping her arms around herself protectively, almost looking as if she were a betho. It broke Celestia's heart so much to see her in that state, and remembering that "her" Sunset did something similar when she was sad or scared of something."

It was hard enough to process all this information but she had to get to the bottom of it. She could no longer step back, she knew this could break both her and Sunset Shimmer's heart.

"I just have one more question, I'm sorry to have bothered you, would you like another cup of tea, a donut, something?"

Sunset shakily nods and waits patiently while Celestia makes her a cup, grateful to have something warm in her hands after so many cold nights.

Celestia nervously asked the question that would change both of their lives: Is our world completely parallel to theirs?

She asked as she handed Sunset a steaming cup of tea, her hands shaking slightly. Sunset frowned at the question, she already thought it was a somewhat unusual and silly question.

Sunset: As far as I know, it is. why. With what Princess Twilight has told me and the names of her friends with the school girls. Plus some names that sound the same to me of certain people in town.

Celestia hesitated a little as this was opening an old wound that has not healed, but curiosity was killing her inside.

"If I had a daughter in this world, would she be my daughter in your world. She asked in a low voice, Sunset was dumbfounded by such a statement. It was something impossible to believe that this Celestia would have a daughter, more so because if it was possible that the princess also had one the press, the opposition among other enemies of Celestia would be looking for ways to use her for their own benefits."

"Well, yes. Princess Twilight confirmed that when she met some of the citizens of this city. Especially with the Pie family and the Apple family. Do you have a daughter? Princess Celestia never mentioned that, plus it would be very problematic to keep that pregnancy for someone who considers herself a goddess."

Celestia swallowed deeply in an attempt to remove the lump growing in her throat. She opened the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a much-loved photo, sliding it across the lacquered desk to Sunset. The girl curiously took the proffered photo and almost immediately felt her blood run cold. The girl in the photo couldn't have been more than ten years old. Her red and yellow hair was pulled back in a ponytail while her eyes sparkled with happiness. Celestia and Luna were kneeling beside her and appeared to be camping out.

"My daughter died when she was eight years old, shortly after my husband and I separated. Celestia said sadly while Sunset continued to look at the image in shock. It was impossible, more because if this happened in this world. She must have known Moon for a long time. Was it a bad joke? A slip in time-space? There were so many questions at the moment that I couldn't listen to what Celestia was saying anymore."

"Are you saying that Princess Celestia is my mother?! That she abandoned me when I was born!"

Anger joined Sunset's voice as she looked up at the headmistress with the same tears coming out of her. She had to keep telling herself that the woman in front of her was not the same as the mare she left behind. That it wouldn't do any good to yell at her. But that didn't make the pain any less, as she never expected such news. An orphan being her true identity the daughter of a princess was a lot to process. Celestia with tears and a little calmer speaks to resume the conversation.

"It would seem so. Although I don't know why she would leave you alone in an orphanage or why she wouldn't leave you with your father... and from what you tell me about Luna she wouldn't be there to help me with your upbringing."

"Because she only cares about herself! There is no possible way she can be my mother! You are not my mother! I am not a princess or your daughter!"

She shouted, rising from her chair and dropping the photo on Celestia's desk before leaving the office. Completely forgetting about her backpack in the process. On the other side she hears a loud kick on a locker and a hateful expletive coming from Sunset.

Sunset walked aimlessly through the city streets, the initial anger fading into shock, confusion and guilt. Surely Principal Celestia was wrong! Her Celestia never had children, some pony in the castle would have had to have seen her. And that would definitely have made the papers. And why would he abandon her only to take her back as a student eight years later? None of that made any sense. Unfortunately, the one pony with the answers was the one pony she absolutely did not want to see. Maybe she could just ignore this for now? There was no need to discuss the matter with Celestia, she was happy the way things were. She didn't need a mother or a family. She had taken care of herself for years and would continue to do so. Wiping away the few tears that had fallen, she headed back down a dark alley.


Was the last thing she said sadly.

Author's Note:

Well, I wanted to do a story where Sunset Shimmer is Celestia's daughter but; if she said more it would be spoilers but I can assure you that " Rey Sombra" is Celestia's partner and Sunset's father.

Also this story is just to try to boost my imagination to finish my other MLPxFGO stories.

Comments ( 11 )

I am enjoying the set up, love Principal Mom stories for Sunset aswell
Please keep it up

Please if you can make both Celestias meet and solve the dilema, and make Twilight help

While she was thinking about all that, she was thinking where she had made a mistake with Sunset Shimmer. He knew she was not his daughter but his love for the young girl who looked like his daughter, who was the spitting image of his daughter had clouded his judgment for a long time. For if he knew he did bad things without however.... She never got to break the law or call a public authority so she thought it was an age thing, more so remembering her sister and her Nightmare Moon phase. If she kept this up, not only could she end up in prison but she might disappear forever and go back to her " equine" world, so before she went on with her day she would first have to get ready for school.

look like celestia turn into male for a momment

I am very sorry if it came across that way. English is not my mother tongue and I am practicing doing history on this site to improve my English writing.


If I'm thinking about doing that, the only thing I don't know what to do is how to describe a DNA test with magic. I can't think of a good term or how to explain it.


This story is written in script format, which isn't allowed on Fimfiction. You'll need to rewrite the story into a normal narrative format in order to resubmit it here.

Ok. I'll do it later then, I'm busy at the moment. How many days do I have to do it?


I've already revoked the story. You can take as long as you like, then resubmit the story when you're done.

Well, they deleted my story. If anyone is willing to help me edit it, I would like a comment.

really good first chapter please update it ASAP

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