• Published 30th Apr 2023
  • 1,027 Views, 7 Comments

Magic Vs. Machinery - Exotic Butter

  • ...

l.~The stars and comets

A dark starry night hung over Equestria. The only lights that illuminate the night sky were the lights of towns like Las Pegasus, Ponyville, and Manehattan. The capital city and Canterlot Castle also lit up. The castle was magnificent. And a big one too…

That is why guests always have access to the front part of the castle, which already includes the front hall, three towers and three corridors with rooms for guests. This alone gives you an idea of ​​the size of the castle with five towers, a garden and a main hall.

Few ponies were able to find their way around here. But someone who wasn't a pony could tell in ten years without getting lost.

In one of the many corridors walked a tall being holding something while lighting candles on the walls.

How? Breath. It was a dragon.

This dragon was purple. It had a green belly, chin, and triangular spines on its back and tail.
What is he doing in the pony castle? You see, HE is the assistant to the Princess of Friendship and Equestria, Twilight Sparkle.


He has changed a lot in the last ten years. He began to strengthen and eat the best gems. Upgraded to Giga Chad level.

But at his ‘level’, everypony started calling it Giga Chin. Because…you know…

So, Spike, who had finished lighting the candles, reached the end of one of the corridors. The corridors that led to the Princess's room. And the thing he had with him were the last papers that the Princess had to read and stamp. Just like anyone with a royal title.

Spike knocked on the large, ornate, stone door, wondering how they had put this door in the first place and made it move at all.

"Come in!” The answer came from the other side right away. Spike grabbed and pulled the door towards him. When they were open enough for him and his wings, he went to the other side and slowly closed them.

He then turned around and looked around. Twilight was nowhere to be found. Just…books on the table. The only place she had to be was the entrance to the balcony that she was hiding from dark curtains.

Spike came to the curtains and pulled them back only to see his friend, who was sitting on a cushion looking into a telescope that was half her size.

Her dark purple mane fluttered and she didn't even move.

"Oh, I'm not disturbing you?"The dragon asked just to be sure. Without turning to him, Twilight replied…

“Not at all, Spike. I guess you're carrying the last letters, huh?”She asked, using magic as she did so she was focusing on anything that caught her eye.

“Yeah, yeah. I'll put them…on the table.” Spike said, walking back into her room.

Spike placed the letters on the table before returning to the balcony behind Twilight. When he was on the balcony again, he looked at the view, which twice did not interest her much.

"Lately, you spend more time with the telescope than with the books. What's the matter?"Spike suddenly asked.

The purple mare let out a breath and finally looked from the binoculars to her friend.

"I don't even know myself. It's just… something keeps me here.”She replied and went back to the telescope again.

"Something weird?"

"Weird is an understatement. Rather…suspicious.”

Spike looked at her with his head tilted and his eyebrows raised.

"Stars and Suspects?"

"Not all of them, but one."

The purple dragon looked at her Alicorn friend as if an apple had fallen on her. What was she talking about?

"Did you become an astronomer overnight?"

At that the Princess looked at him again, but now with a face that clearly told him to save his breath.

“Oh, come on, don't make that face, please. Just tell me what you find suspicious.”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin in exasperation and began.

"The comet, not star, but comet I've been watching since yesterday is shining brighter and brighter. And it even gets bigger and bigger every ten hours.”

"Every ten?"The dragon said in confusion and looked up at the sky. Nothing he found strange.

“But… there is nothing strange in the sky.”

"That's because it's not here yet! I have this telescope at five times magnification. If I'm wrong, maybe it's more of a comet that will pass by our planet. If we're lucky, everyone will be able to see it with their own eyes, in the wee hours."

“Interesting…wasn't she already named?”

"I do not know. This comet…looks a little different from the others…”

“Welp, if this is the only thing that keeps you here… Please, just don’t forget about the letters. And if you don't mind, I will take a day off tomorrow. I’m gonna go shopping.”

“I’m not against it, Spike. You are free to go tomorrow.” And with that, Spike just smiles, thanks her and leaves her room.

Author's Note:

Welcome and good luck reading this gem here!

That was irony, of course.