• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 296 Views, 3 Comments


A story I had on my Har drive since 2019

  • ...

Chapter 2

The constant falling through portals was starting to get annoying to twilight and Spike after getting themself almost caught by Chrysalis’s changelings.
“That’s strange?” Spike said while looking up at the sky
“Well, you obviously don’t mean us falling because that’s becoming pretty routine” Twilight said angerly while cleaning off her wings.
“Ugh what happened?” a machine voice behind them said which surprised both to look.
It was the same B1’s and B2 the save her from getting captured by changelings back in the other timeline.
“you guys?”
“Twilight what happened, where are we!?”
the same B1 said with a worried voice.
“What’s going on?” the B2 said in a deep voice.
“Yeah, like Brute said” the other B1 replied.
Twilight knew she needed to calm down the droids before they started thinking she was crazy
. “Every pony please calm down!”
Twilight shouted at the droids which the 3 droids when silent. Twilight sighed.”
Ok first let's start with your names.
Who are you?”
The droids looked at each other wondering who would go first.
Then the B1 that asked her where they were stepped up to her.
“My name is Moss, and behind me is Klam the other B1 and Brute the B2, Sorry about us going a little overboard with misunderstanding.”
“You don’t have to worry about that.” Twilight reassured them “however right now is not the time to wonder where we are, we need to get back.”
“Well twilight just look up in the sky and tell me that isn’t strange” Spike trying to get her attention.
“What’s so important about that Spike?” Twilight asked,
“It’s just the other times we’ve come back it’s been day but look.”
Twilight and the droids looked up where the sky was, and it was night.
“I just the night sky, what’s so important about it?” Moss said, but Twilight had more questions.
“Why would the map bring us back to a different time of day than we left?”
“I agree with Moss.” Klam said, “I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“Well, me and spike both got transported to other places and they were both day, wouldn’t it be weird if you got transported to a different place and it was night instead of day?”
“Well, we did get transported with you and I still don’t understand what's so weird about night.”
“Oh, maybe we should figure it out later!” spike said before growling was heard behind them, when they turn to see it was 2 Timber wolves, the most dangerous creatures of the Evergreen Forest.
“Oh no not Timberwolves. I hate those things.” Moss said backing up and lifting his blaster.
“I don’t want to become it’s chew toy again” Klam said backing up with Moss.
Brute on the other hand did the same as the 2 B1’s but lifted its 2 arms and activated his Wrist blasters and was prepared to shoot them.
"Cowards.” Brute said in his deep voice, even if he was backing up, he was much braver than the tan droids
. 1 of the Timber wolves hoped on the table and started to sniff the air.
Twilight didn’t want the droids to Escalate to violence, so she tried to do a spell to teleport the wolves away from the table before they were noticed, but after the fight with Starlight she was tried and couldn’t use the spell.
“What are we doing.” Moss said to Klam. "Come on Klam there’s only 2 of them and 4 of us, we can take them.”
“It won’t matter.” Klam said disappointingly.
Then the 2 Wolves looked at them and started to howl.
“RUN!” Twilight shouted before she picked up spike on her back and started to gallop in the other direction, Moss and Klam followed suit and Brute was about to join them, but then blasted down the 2 Wolves instantly, killing them.
Twilight, Spike, Moss, Klam, and Brute were running away from the more Howling that was chasing them, but it all ended in one moment when they reached a Castle as bright as the stars in the sky.
“The Castle of the Two Sister!” Twilight while her mouth was open wide.
“You mean the ones with the flowing hair? Do you think they can help us?” Moss said before more howling was heard from the forest “Well let's don’t just stand here” spike said before running towards the castle with Twilight and the droids joining him.
Once they made it to the castle doors, they immediately closed it behind them so no wolves could follow them, they looked around them. It was a beautiful castle with it being clean a refined, there were even torches that lit a blue flame when they entered the castle, at first every pony was silent for the moment till the spike interrupted it.
“This place looks a lot cleaner than I remembered.”
“At least it looks nice.” Moss said before a Tarp was raised in front of them, which then was moved to the side when a white pony with a violet mane and dark blue clothing started hanging it on the wall
“Rarity!” Twilight said gladly.
“The castle isn’t-” as Rarity was turning to Twilight and Spike, but her voice pauses when she saw the droids behind them staring at them with wide eyes and then started to scream
“THE DROIDS ARE BACK! THEIR BACK TO HURT US ALL!” Rarity screamed as she ran away from them.
“Rarity! Wait!” Twilight tried to tell her, but by then she had already gone down the hall.
“Well, that’s just rude.” Moss said.
“Why do I have a bad feeling about this place.” Klam said.
“You're not the only one.” Brute agreed.
“Well, if you’d scared Rarity, that could mean you might have had a conflict that didn’t end well.” Twilight said worried.
“Just a conflict.” As a voice across the hall said a royal like voice.
The group looked over where the voice came from and saw a mare with flowing hair, but they couldn’t see the rest of the details because she was hiding in the shadows of the moon.
“Twilight. Who is that?” Moss said while trying to get her attention, but Twilight was looking around with a worried face and noticing the banners around the castle had the same figure on the chair.
“Now that’s something I would like to see.” before revealing herself and started laughing. She had flowing night blue hair, a long horn on her forehead, and a crescent moon on her side.
It was Nightmare Moon
“Hey, wait a minute. Aren’t you the white one’s sister called Luna?” Moss replied.
She didn’t listen and instead 6 guards came and when in front of the throne to protect her.
There were 3 big guards and 3 small ones which were just mares, but more guards started to come out of nowhere to surround the group.
“So much for this being a safe place to stay.” Klam said before starting to lift his blaster in self-defense.
Brute on the other hand lifted both his wrist blasters with no hesitation and was ready to blast every pony if the guards even came close to him, and he seemed to want them to come close. (Mostly just to kill them)
“Tell me. How did you come across these battle droids? You know they were outlawed so no one would try to use them.” she said. Twilight didn’t want to have to answer that question, but she didn’t need to because a guard interrupted.
“The princess asked you a question” the mare said before taking her helmet off to reveal her to be Rainbow dash with a shaved mane. “Unless you want to end up in the dungeon, you’ll tell her what she wants to know.”
Twilight was getting scared the more time she was here, but even then, Brute when right Infront of rainbow and blocked her from seeing twilight.
“Hey! Step aside droid! Or you’ll end up in the dungeon too!” giving him an angry glare.
All Brute did was stare at her with a blank expression before a clicking sound came from him activating his wrist blasters again, he didn’t even have to point them at her because the clicking sound alone made her flinch.
But Nightmare didn’t seem to care that much.
“No pony in my kingdom should possess machines like this. They are the only things that almost destroyed it.”
“Your kingdom.” Spike said behind twilight
“Who else” she questioned
“Your white coat sister, Isn't she here?” Moss said not even trying to lift his weapon since he just wanted to talk without conflict.
All the guards gave each other a worried glance at each other.
Nightmare Moon then started to laugh which made Moss regret knowing what the answer would be wasn’t anything good.
“My sister has been imprisoned in moon for years, but it is no less faith than she says it’s me droid.” she told him while staring at him with a stern look.
“Oh, I guess I will back off” Moss said moving back to join Klam and Brute.
“Now young mare if you give me those droids, I will let you go with no harm. If you don’t, you’ll end up like other droid supporters.”
Twilight couldn’t believe what was happening, she was now given a choice between her and spike to escape and leave Moss, Klam, and Brute behind or end up in the same way as droids that were found.
As much as she wanted to get out of this place, she had a feeling she would be betraying them. After all they did save her and Spike’s life, if they weren’t there, she could have been stuck in that world.
Trapped and could never get back to her friends.
She knew what she had to do.
“no” she replied
“Pardon?” Nightmare said
“I will not let them go. Unlike what droids like these ones did here, these 3 saved me and Spike from being captured by changelings, they were willing to help me and disobey their orders just to save me. So, if you want to have them, you’ll have to go through me.”
The droids were surprised at what Twilight said, even spike was dumbfounded from what she said, but Twilight knew it was truth and was going to keep it that way.
“Well, if that’s how you going to be, then prepare to meet your demise!”
A blue aura surrounded the group and they started lifting them in the air.
“OH NO NOT AGAIN!” Moss said in panic before they were teleported away.

Twilight got back up again after the blue aura dropped her, Spike, and the 3 droids.
She felt like she was near the sun with all the heat around them.
“Twilight where are we?” spike asked looking around them.
From what Twilight saw it was a factory of some sort, with sounds of multiple gears and pistons working on conveyor belts.
“Um. Twilight you shouldn’t look.” Moss said before Twilight then saw what he was referring to. Her mouth dropped when she was on the conveyor belts that held destroyed B1 and B2 battle droids with most having their limbs torn off their bodies and even some with no heads.
Twilight felt like she was going to faint, just seeing these machines being treated like this was too much for her. However, she turned her head to the sound of teleporting and saw Nightmare Moon and lots of guards looking at the group.
“Once I'm finished with you these droids will be a memorable finale to destroying the last of this army!” She said with a grin before shooting a beam of magic at twilight which she dodged just in time.
“Quick blast them!” Moss Shouted before the droids started to shoot red lasers at Moon and the guards with the unicorn guards responding with magic blasts
“Don’t get close to the droids, they hit you better if you charge them.” She told the guards.
Even so Twilight, Spike and the 3 droids were being pushed back to a corner where the conveyor belts were headed higher up to the ceiling.
“DIE equines!” Brute said while shooting down many of the guards faster than they could react, but he was in the moment before guards started to aim right at his head and shoot magic at it, but luckily Twilight saw this and pull him way before the magic bolts hit him.
“WHOA!” Brute shouted before being pulled back by twilight magic. As Brute fell, he looked back at Twilight.
“Thanks.” he said before getting back up and started shooting again.
“You're welcome!” Twilight said with a smile enjoying the thank you from him.
The fighting continued for a few minutes, but the group was now back up against the wall cornered by Nightmare Moon and the rest of the guards.
“DON’T LET THEM WIN! FINISH THEM!” Nightmare moon shouted which the guards started fire magic blasts again.
Twilight put up a magic shield to protect the group but now had nowhere to go.
“Were trapped!” Twilight shouted, “It must have been her plan.” Moss said while still firing on the guards.
Twilight what do we do now?” Spike said he was worried that they wouldn’t be able to get out of this mess.
“We’ll get out of this spike.” Twilight reassured him. But Twilight wasn’t sure how to get out of this mess.
She looked at the conveyor belts to hopefully find something on them that was useful, and that when she saw a Tactical droid head, the head was blue instead of green, but nonetheless it was the same design, it wouldn’t have been helpful if she didn’t know that droids don’t need limbs to function and from commander, they didn’t need a body to run properly.
It was a long shot, but she hoped it was worth it.
“Moss!” Twilight called him which he turned immediately
“What Twilight?” Moss asked,
“I have a plan, but I need to lower my magic shield to work on it.”
“What!? How do we defend ourselves if there’s nothing to protect us?!”
Twilight noticed some crates near the conveyor belts which should be enough to protect them.
“Use the crates.” She told him.
Moss looked at the crates which looked like they could survive a few bolts of magic blasts
“Fine...I will use the crates.” he said, mumbling.
“Klam! help me move these crates to the front for protection. Twilight has a plan.”
“Roger. Roger.” Klam Replied before helping Moss lift the crates to the front to protect them.
While Moss and Klam were putting the crates into their position, Twilight was having trouble holding the shield thanks to the number of times it was being attacked.
“Guys. I can’t hold the shield for much longer.”
“Were getting the last of the crates ready just hold on.” Moss reassured as Klam was setting down the last crate.
“It’s finished sir, you can let it go Twilight.” Twilight was relieved, but before she let the shield go, she looked at Moss
“Don’t let her see me” she said to Moss before she let the shield go down.
Nightmare Moon Commanded her Unicorn guards who attacked with their magic, but thanks to the crates they were enough to repel the attacks.
Twilight used this to run over to the Tactical droid head.
The head was already headed up to the higher conveyor belts.
Twilight was trying to catch up to it, but the conveyor belt was giving her a difficult time getting to it.
So, she decided to focus and try to teleport it to her. But she was still weakened from holding the shield, but she was willing to try.
“Ok. You can do this.” Twilight told herself.
She then focused on teleporting the Tactical droid head over to her, it took a little bit, but she was able to get the head.
“Yes!” she said as she was holding her head, but she had no time to celebrate, because she needed to as she needed to get back as fast as she could possibly go.
Luckily, she got just in time when she saw an explosion destroying most of the crates that were protecting spike and the droids, but the droids put the last of the crates in a line as a final line of defense.
“Twilight! You're ok.” Spike happily hugged her
“No worries Spike I'm alright, but I need to find a way to turn on this Tactical droid.”
“Twilight we're a little busy here!” Moss said still firing at the guards
“Klam! Help Twilight but make it quick! We're getting overwhelmed here!”
“Yes sir!” Klam replied before heading to Twilight’s position.
“Is that a Tactical droid head?” Klam asked Twilight
“How is that going to help?”
Twilight then turned to him.
“If we're going to get out of here, we will need cause a Distraction. “And from what I learned from Commander I think Tactical droids can turn on droids like you since you're technically not living.”
“Of course, we’re not living”
“So, I was thinking. What if we can turn on the Droids that are on the Conveyor Belts and they can help us escape? It’s a long shot but I think it will work. Now how do we turn this on?” Twilight asked Klam.
Klam quickly Responded by grabbing something on the side of his waist.
“This should work, we use these to reactivate droids that still have power in them.”
showing her the device.
It was a thin metal rod that had some type of plug that the end of that was the same shape as the hole at the bottom of the Tactical Droids head.
Twilight grabbed the Device and put it into the plug of the Droid.
The device then started to activate, and a red light was seen as it started to make noise.
More bolts of magic started hitting the crates and there wasn’t much protection left as the crates started to move apart.
“Whatever your big plan is can you please hurry it up!” Moss shouted to Twilight before a magic bolt zipped right past his head.
“Hold on! It's just about done!” Klam shouted to Moss.
And right on cue the device light turned green meaning it was done.
Klam then Removed the device, and the droid was reactivated.
“What is happening?” The Tactical droid said in his monotone voice as he was turned back on.
Twilight then turned his head towards Her's.
“Hi there. My name is Twilight Sparkle and right now we’re in a pickle. Nightmare Moon has defeated you in a fight that you might have planned out, but me and Klam have turned you back on to give you a second chance, but you must listen to me, you got that?”
The Tactical droid’s eyes and mouth then lit up with the same white color as Commander in the last timeline she when in.
“What is your Command?”.
She was glad the droid understood her knowing that he might want to get out of here too.
“I want you to reactivate any battle droids that can still help us get out of here. And have them to attack Nightmare moon and her guards”.
Klam and Twilight then looked up and saw that the droids were starting to get up back on their feet.
A lot more droids were reactivating than Twilight expected. Even B2’s that were hanging from claws were activated and the claw dropped them onto the Conveyor Belt and Luckly nightmare moon didn’t see what was happening up above.
As the B1 and B2 battle droids started to get up some started to question.
“Huh? What’s happening?”
“I don’t know”
“Did we win?”
As the droids kept asking themselves what was going on the Tactical Droid was preparing his order.
“New command sequence. Your target is Factory security personnel.”
As the droids heard this command the B2’s started to walk to the edges of the Conveyor belt and jumped down right around Nightmare Moon and her Guards with two completely unharmed ones that fell in front beginning to activate their wrist blasters and firing on the ponies.
“NO!” Nightmare Moon shouted as more B2 battle droids started to join the fight with cover fire from the B1’s from above.
“Orders are Orders” One B1 said as he and a few others jumped off and landed on guards to distract them from attacking the B2’s before those droids shot those guards.
The plan was working and many of the droids would be saved.
“FALL BACK!” Nightmare moon told her guards before they immediately ran as more Droid started to join and shoot them down.
From twilight perspective there were at least 21 B1’s and 17 B2’s which was more than enough to push out Nightmare Moons forces.
” There falling back!” Moss said with glee “Come on! Let's hurry up before she brings more forces!”
Both Brute and Klam started to follow moss and join the other droids with Twilight and Spike joining them as Twilight carried the Tactical droids' head on her back.
When they got out of the smelting room there were more guards waiting from them and they started to charge, but not before more droids shot them from getting close.
“There’s the Exit” Spike said pointing to the left of the smelting room.
Twilight quickly turns her head to the Tactical droid on her back.” Tell the droids to meet us outside of where we got out.”
which the droid gave out.
“All forces head to the exits of the room we came from and head towards the nearest exit.”
but when they got near Nightmare moon appeared with more guards blocking the exit.
“I’M NOT LETTING YOU GO THAT EASLIY!” as the guards started firing projectiles at the crowd of droids and took out a few B1’s and B2’s.
“Open fire!” the Tactical droid commanded.
“Wait! More of them will get hurt. We need to find a different way!”
“I calculate that you are 86% incorrect, this is the only exit.” the droid said as blaster and magic bolts zipped by them.
There were more guards behind them blocking them from trying to go further into the factory.
As more droid forces were being taken out the more, they were being pushed close together
“Where surrounded!” A B1 with a missing arm said before being destroyed by a magic blast.
“What do we do now?!” Spike said terrified of what could happen next
“We eliminate the threat, but now we have a 45% chance of succeeding.” the droid replied.
Twilight would have agreed with the droid since that was the only way out of this place without magic, but what the droids didn’t know was that she was an Alicorn.
She could simply use her magic to teleport every pony out of here.
The only problem was how she was going to get the droids that were still active to come along.
She was only able to hold six ponies at once, if she wanted to escape with more she would need to really try to hold on, but it would weaken her trying to teleport more than she could handle, but if she wanted to save these droids, she was going to try her hardest.
“I'm going teleport us out of here.” she told the Tactical droid.
“What do you mean teleport? That ability is impossible to use.”
“Well see for yourself.”
Twilight then started to concentrate and used her magic to lift the remaining droids and spike into the air
“Ahhhh! What is going on!?” one B1 said surprised.
“Hold...On every pony!” She said she had used her magic to summon a bright light and blind Nightmare Moon and the rest of the guards and safely teleport them away.

Twilight managed to teleport every pony back inside of Nightmare Moons castle which was now empty since every guard when to help her. Still, she would soon need to get out of the castle because Nightmare moon wouldn’t take long for her to realize where they were. She did take some time to recover though. “This location is no were near the factory. Does not compute.” The Tactical droid obviously not knowing the existence of magic, but sadly not every single droid got out. She had to leave the ones that had already been shot in the fight behind, she was saddened by the thought of not saving everyone. Ok every pony, let's get out of the castle now!” she told the other droids, but they were hesitant. “Sorry sir but we listen to the Commander.” One B1 with and missing left hand said. “What do you mean just listen to the commander.” Moss replied. “Our commander is long gone and Me, Klam, and Brute disobey our orders because of our timeline not being on the right path.” “Timeline? Time Travel is just a theory.” The Tactical droid replied. “Well, we experienced it, even though we only when through it once, but we still know more than you!” “He has a point. You do not know what time travel is yet, and besides would you want to start over and try again in a new life than trying to go through this one.” Twilight told the droid on her back. The droid when silent for a moment to calculate an answer, but Twilight took it as a not sure. “Now come every pony, we need to get out of here before Nightmare Moon traps us again, now follow me!” The droids then started following twilight towards the exit of the castle just in time too because Nightmare Moon teleported her guards right in the castle. “FIND THEM! DON’T LET THEM ESCAPE!” As Twilight heard this, she got the droids to run faster, but not before they ran into a pack of Timber Wolfs which the droids started to fire upon them, but the blaster fire let Nightmare Moon know where they were as Twilight heard the flapping of wings, Luckly she got the remaining droids to the table but were now surrounded by Timber Wolfs with droids trying to fight against them but with some getting torn apart by the wolfs. Twilight grabbed the scroll she was carrying with her to prepare to take what remains of the droids and themselves. “What are you doing? The Tactical droid question. “Getting us out of here.” said Twilight as she opened the scroll and started to read it. Then a portal appeared above them, and twilight used her magic to grab ahold of the remaining droids. “NOOOOOOOO!” Nightmare Moon said as they got pulled into the portal.

Author's Note:

Glad this one was finish. the best chapter out of the 3