• Published 20th Apr 2023
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You are my guardian angel - Kawat3ngusan

In this fanfiction Twilight will try to make peace with two people who were together and due to an accident now not

  • ...

You are my guardian angel

You are my guardian angel

For our dear girls a beautiful week at the Everfree Camp was waiting for them, Twilight was already excited to return to the camp, and seeing all those landscapes from the coach window made her very happy, even if she felt a little sorry for the fact that Spike couldn’t come she was still happy that she could spend that time with her friends.
When everybody arrived at the camp, Gloriosa and Timber welcomed everyone with open arms, Twilight was happy to see both the camp and Timber, of course her friends make fun of her about her boyfriend and her.
Sunset was happy to breathe that beautiful pure air,
-“I'm happy with this beautiful moment and the important thing is that we will not have to deal with magic since now Gaia Everfree is no longer a problem, I just hope that we will not have to use our powers”-,
Applejack complaint
-“Ah hope so sugarcube, we will not use our powers, we can do everything without them”-,
Rainbow Dash intervened between the two girls, she was very excited
-“I can not wait to do a lot of sport activities like last time, and this time without fear of running away from the camp and I can not wait to do it with my sweet Soarin”-.
Behind Rainbow Dash there was a light-blue boy with dark blue hair, he was her boyfriend, and he hugged her and kissed her on the mouth. He looked her in the eye and smiled at her
-“Finally some time alone you and me here at the camp, I can not wait to do so many things”-
Rainbow answered him – “For example?” -,
- “Roasting the marshmallows with you near the fire, my sweet Dashie”-,
-“You're so tender, I can not wait too”-, the two lovers went away leaving Sunset and Applejack alone.
Meanwhile, Gloriosa and Timber were handing out the tickets for the tents.
Twilight wanted to go get her ticket, but she saw a scene for a moment looking towards the bus, there were Flash Sentry and his friends who were helping a boy to get off, the guy in question was standing on stilts, and Flash and the others were helping him get his wheelchair down.
Twilight did not notice that there was a disabled boy along with their group and it surprised her, but then she was called by Sunset because she had taken her tent card, and with Twilight's surprise this time she and Sunset were in the same tent again.
Both of them went to their tent and put their packs in place.
Sunset asked one thing in Twilight
-“Why did you stop by the bus, Twilight?” - and she told her the truth
-“Well ... ..the fact is that I saw Flash and his friends helping a disabled boy, he was a boy with a yellow shirt and jeans, he was gray and had a light blue moicano hairdo, I did not remember ever having seen a disabled boy in our school”-,
Sunset understood what she said
-“I understand, you're talking about Thunderlane”-, Twilight was amazed –“Do you know that guy?” -,
-“Yes, he's a very nice guy, you're still new so you do not know him already, you have to know that before Rainbow Dash was with Soarin, she and Thunderlane were dating together”-,
-“Are you serious? She was dating with a disabled boy?” -,
-“No, about a year ago he had an accident, I do not know the details, you should ask Applejack or Rarity, what I know is that the day when Thunderlane had the accident he and Dash left each other, the only thing that I know it's because of her if he has lost his legs now”-.
Twilight began to think, she knew that Rainbow Dash was with Soarin for more than a month, but did not know that she was with another boy and wanted to know more.

In the afternoon all the guys and girls at the camp were doing activities, there were those who went on the boat, those who practiced archery, those who climbed, Twilight did not know what to do then she saw the guy in a wheelchair who was doing chores near at a table, so she went to talk to him.
She greeted him, he greeted her, although she had never talked to him.
Twilight, however, tried to make conversation
-“You ... your name is Thunderlane?” -,
-“Yes, and I guess you're Twilight Sparkle, the girl from the Crystal Prep”-,
"Oh, I did not know you knew me." Thunderlane explained that he remembered perfectly when she turned into Midnight Sparkle, and created those portals, poor Twilight, she was a little embarrassed and then looked at what he was doing.
-“What ... what are you doing?” -, and he answered –“Oh, I'm creating paper lanterns, I'm doing it for my friends”-,
- “But ... should not they be creating them?” -,
-“The fact is that I was bored and so I told them that I could create for them so I would not be bored”-
-“I can ... give you a hand?” -,
-“Sure, if we are two we can do it fast”-,
Twilight wanted to know a little about Thunderlane so she asked how he was at school, and if he had interests, of course she did not ask about Rainbow Dash, because she had in mind to ask more questions about him to her friends.
Twilight thought to tell him all about her first time at Everfree Camp and showed Thunderlane her magic stone, Thunderlane was intrigued
-“Interesting, does Rainbow Dash have it too?” -,
-“Yes, and she has the power of super speed, I would say it is suitable for her”-
-"Well, you know, she's always been a fast athletic girl since we were dating"- Twilight was surprised by the sentence, but Thunderlane added more,
-“Oh, sorry maybe you did not know that I and Rainbow Dash were once engaged?” -,
-“Well ... .no ... but I would like you to talk to me about you, I would not talk about Dash, sometimes she can be a little egocentric, but she's still a dear friend”-.
After an hour Twilight greeted Thunderlane, and headed for her friends who were cooking something in a shed, Twilight told them that she had talked to Thunderlane and that he had named Rainbow Dash, the girl went off the shed to get out, Twilight did not understand.
Applejack explained to her – “See, sugarcube, ya should never talk about Thunderlane with Rainbow Dash, because once they were friends when they were engaged, but when the accident happened she never wanted to deal with him “-, Twilight wanted to know more,
-“It's a very nice guy and also very smart, what happened between them?” -, Rarity came forward
-“Twilight? You have to know that the day they left is the same day of the accident, he had asked her to marry him after high school but she refused and left him, then the unexpected happened, she put the headphones on her head and listened to the music at high volume to not hear him, and at that moment a high-speed truck was coming, driven by a drunken driver, Thunderlane shoved Rainbow, and saved her, but he did not saved himself, and then he lost his legs”-,
that story shocked Twilight,
"But it's terrible, so he saved Rainbow Dash’s life instead of him?" Pinkie replied
-“Yes, but Thunderlane's family declared her the responsible, so since that day they have never talked each other again”-
- “But ... how is it possible that Thunderlane asked me about Rainbow Dash? It is not strange? It does not seem to me that he has so much rancor towards her”-,
Applejack spoke to her –“ We do not know, he may have forgiven her, but now our Dash is with Soarin”-

Rarity added –“Even if I have to be honest she was much happier with Thunderlane than with Soarin, because Thunder treated her like a girl, but Soarin treats her like a tomboy”-
Applejack replied –“Sorry, but is not that what Dash is?” -,
-“Oh dear Applejack, Dash will also be a tomboy but still remains a girl and I can recognize well when a couple is happy and believe me, I never wanted to say anything to Dash, but according to my opinion only Soarin is happy, she believes to be happy, but she is not”-, Twilight pondered a hypothesis
-“ Maybe it's just my theory, so could Thunderlane still be in love with Dash? “-,
-“Honey? I would not ask him, you would open some bad injuries in his heart, it's better if you let it go”-.
Twilight came out a bit 'puzzled, if it is true that her hypothesis was a bit hasty, but if Thunderlane no longer wanted to do with Rainbow Dash, why would he ask about her with a happy look? Twilight watched Rainbow Dash with Soarin climbing up the mountain together, it was not the first time she saw them together and knew there was love between the two, but Rarity's words gave her to think, could she be right? What if Rainbow Dash was not as happy as it seemed? Twilight could not know, but one thing was certain, she had to talk to Thunderlane and find out more.
Before leaving, she saw the two lovers who came to the top, Rainbow Dash jumped and at that moment Soarin slapped her on the butt.
-“Hey, what are you doing Soarin?” -,
-“I just wanted to make a joke, dear Dash”-,
-“Well ... it was not really fun, now let's go down”-,
-“Oh ... .. Let's go, you will not be offended? Come on”- Dash came down and looked a little annoyed.
For Twilight that bad behavior from Soarin did not like it at all and not even Rarity approved, in fact Twilight saw that Rarity was behind her,
-“Ma cherie Twilight, it’s not the first time that Soarin makes a joke like this to Rainbow Dash, it is not the first pat on the bottom that gives her”-,
- “And Dash does not say anything? “-,
-“No, she does not say anything, I assure you that Thunderlane would never do such a thing, he was always well educated with Dash”-.
Twilight started looking for Thunderlane where he was, and did not have to wait long because the boy in question was helping Timber painting the wall of a shed.
Twilight greeted him,
-“Hello Thunderlane”-,
-“Oh hello Twilight”-,
-“What are you doing?”-,
-“I'm helping Timber painting”-,
-“But ... does not it give you trouble?” -, Thunderlane sighed
-"You know Twilight?, since I've been like this, I've seen people felt sorry for me, but it's not what I want, I'd like people to treat me like any other person, I can understand, but I too have my pride” -,
-“But you should not do that, after all you can do anything”-
- “Listen, I know you're a good girl, and I'm glad I met you, but you can not understand my point of view”-, and Thunderlane went back to painting, Timber went close to Twilight
-“Twily? I know what you're doing”-,
-“Yes, you're trying to help this guy, his friends told me about him, he's a little proud guy, but he does not want to slow down the others, so I let him help me with the paint, all that what you have to do is accept it as a normal person, that's all”-
Twilight understood that Timber's reasoning was right so she went near Thunderlane
-“Thunder? “-,
-“Yes, what is it, Twilight?” -,
-“Don't ... do not you mind if I give you a hand? I'd like to ... talk a little with you, and then I have nothing to do”-
-“Sure, take the other bucket with the brush, so let's do it together”-.
So Twilight stayed to paint the shed along with Timber and Thunderlane, and while he was painting he talked with her, and she understood that he was really an intelligent and polite boy.
At some point in the afternoon Twilight realized that Thunderlane had stopped, and looked behind him, she turned and saw Rainbow Dash playing ball with Lightning, Thunderlane’s eyes were so melancholy and he sighed, her hypothesis perhaps was correct, Thunderlane was indeed still in love with Dash.
Twilight did not think to ask him any more questions and just helped him.
But that night the girl began to think about how she could deal with all those thoughts but without Thunderlane could be depressed.
Sunset noticed that her friend was still not sleeping and so she asked what was bothering her.

So Twilight decided to tell everything she knew about to Sunset Shimmer. And she decided something
-“Maybe I can help you, if tomorrow we talk to Thunderlane I could touch him and see if he really is still in love with her, to know his feelings”-,
The violet girl was happy with that idea –“It's a great plan Sunset, I think it might work”-.
The next day, the two girls looked for Thunderlane when they saw Rainbow Dash along with Soarin who were playing football. Soarin always preceded her, and the girl tried to take the ball away from him, but Soarin slipped, dropping Dash and threw the ball to the net, exulting
-“Goooaaal, I did it, I'm the champion”-, Twilight and Sunset helped Dash to get back on her feet, it almost seemed like he'd hurt the girl, Twilight noticed a wound in her leg
-“Oh my, Dash, but you have a wound?” -, the blue girl answered with a false smile
-“Don’t worry girls, it's just a scratch, nothing special, when the game is seriours I saw worst ones”-,
- “But did Soarin do it?” -,
-“Yes, I know, sometimes he can be too exicted, but after all I do it too, it's nothing, just an accident”-
-“Do not tell me that he often does this? Does he always treat you like this when you play?” -,
-“No, no, do not worry”-, Sunset thought of bringing Dash to the infirmary, meanwhile Soarin had started to dribble the ball on his knees, as if he was not worried about the matter.
After leaving Dash, the two girls were searching Thunderlane, but Sunset had something to say to Twilight.
-“You know? When I touched Dash, I saw several of his flashbacks with Soarin”-,
-“And how were they?” -,
-“Trust me, I saw several times that they played and some of their dates, let me tell you, Soarin treats her like a boy, he is rude, insensitive, and it seems that he never listen to her, and Rainbow Dash does not admit it but she feels a little too ignored by this relationship”-
-“But it's terrible, why does not she reacts? Why she didn’t tell us anything?” -,
-“Because Soarin has her tastes and abilities, but in her heart she would like to be a little more understood”-
-”We absolutely must find Thunderlane"-.
The two girls were walking by the lake when they saw the boy they were looking for while he was helping Flash Sentry and Applejack fixing the dock.
Thunderlane greeted the girls,
-“Hey Twilight, Sunset, how are you?” -,
-“Hello Thunderlane”-.
The two girls went near Thunderlane to ask what he was doing and he replied that he was helping to fix the dock, so they both decided to join him.
Twilight started helping Thunderlane to set up the wooden boards,
-“Do you know Thunder ... can I call you that?” -,
-“Yes, there's no problem”-,
-“Yes, I wanted to say ... what plans do you have for the future?”-
Thunderlane began to smile and immediately answered,
-“To tell you the truth, I do not really have any plans, what I know is that I want to continue working in the workshop where I am now”-, Twilight listened to the boy's words with pleasure, and exactly the same day he talked about being able to fix things, but she wanted to ask another question,
- “Do you not even want to find a girl?” -, Thunderlane was a bit melancholy with that question,
-“If ... if I have to be honest, I do not think I could find a girl who can accept me as I am, and once I already had one ... but it did not end well, and since then I have not wanted to try with the girls”- ,
-“Why? What's the problem?”-,
-“Here ... I do not know ... it's not like there's a problem, it's ... I do not want any other girl, that's all”-
- “Are you still in love with that girl?” -,
-“I ... I do not know, maybe ... I can not tell you, because I've never had a beautiful story like the one I had with her”-
-”Is a girl that I know?"- Thunderlane was frightened by the question
-“NO, no, you do not know her, I do not think you can know her”- she knew right away that it was Rainbow Dash even if he did not want to say, at that moment Sunset wanted to talk to Thunderlane, but in reality she just wanted to touch it to see his thoughts.
It was just a moment, and then Sunset backed away, Thunderlane was amazed at his behavior.
-"What's up, Sunset?"-, but she acted normally
-“No, it's just that ... all of a sudden there was a cramp in my hand nothing more”-
-“Oh, and it hurts you?” -,
-“No, do not worry, it's nothing, in fact now I'm going back to help Flash”-, Twilight called Thunderlane,
- “Do you know, Thunder? My friends and I have a bus with which we make tours, you could come with us, we would need a mechanic”-, the day before in fact, Thunderlane confessed to Twilight that he was a mechanic and that despite his condition he was still working. Thunderlane began to think, then answered
-“It seems interesting, but ... ..no thank you, you're very kind, but I do not think I'm interested with your offer”-,
-“Why? It would make us really comfortable, and then ... you could make Rainbow Dash happy, she would be very grateful to those who gave us a hand”-,
-“Rainbow Dash? “-,
-Yes, my friend, how many Rainbow Dash do you think there are around?” -,
-“Unfortunately only one”-,
-“What?” -, Thunderlane did not want Twilight to hear it, so he tried to change the subject,
-“Here ... I do not know if ... tell me about you? Are you better at chemistry or science?” - Twilight understood Thunderlane's trick so he decided to not say anything to him and to not talk about Dash, so he started helping him again.

After settling part of the pier, Twilight approached Sunset, slowly, to talk to her in a low voice,
-“And so? What did you see? “- the sensitive girl confessed her what she had seen in Thunderlane's mind,
-“You were right Twilight, Thunderlane has many memories of Rainbow Dash, it seems that he still feels something for her, indeed it seems that he does not have feelings of rancor, and also seems jealous of the presence of Soarin”-,
-"I was not sure, so it's true that he's still in love with her, Dash needs to know,"-
-“We can not force them, you saw that when we talked about him, she left”-
-“But that’s not right, they deserve to talk to each other and to clarify their story”-
-"We should talk to him first."-
Twilight was finally thinking of talking to the boy about his current situation with Rainbow Dash, but how could she do it without hurting his feelings? At that moment Thunderlane asked Twilight to take him to his friends who were arranging boards near the archery field.
So Twilight helped Thunderlane with his wheelchair, and he planned to talk to him on the way.
-“Listen ... ..Thunder?”-,
-“Tell me Twilight”-,
-“I wanted to ask…. you ... and Rainbow Dash ... were you two dating? I mean...how were you as a couple? -,
Thunderlane was starting to feel a little strange with that question,
- “Tell me the truth, did you talk to your friends?” -,
-“Exactly, and by what Rarity said you and she were very close, you were just the right boyfriend, but then they told me what happened that day and ... ..-“,
Thunderlane stopped Twilight before she could say anything else, but then he added
-“I think…Twilight, I usually do not want to talk about certain things, but since you'll surely ask me again I'll tell you everything, so come with me”-.
Thunderlane greeted his friends, and then Timber handed over him some planks, so he took a planer and put it on a bench, then asked Twilight to keep the plank still, so in the meantime he used the planer, he thought to talk to her.
And after a long time he thought that maybe it was better to confess with someone.
-“You see Twilight, that day ... I mean the day of my accident everything has changed, I have not been the same since then, and even my life with Dash has changed, I ... I can no longer look in her face and think that she is the responsible of my accident”-,
-“You ... you hate her?” -, Thunderlane answered with a scorbutic tone,
-“Yes, I hate her, because of her my life has changed, I ... I hate her, I do not want to deal with her anymore, and I'm glad that our story is over”-
- “But it seems to me that sometimes, or rather when you look at her, you seemed discontented, I know it's just my thought, but maybe you still love her”-
Thunderlane stopped, stood quiet for a while, and stared at the sky.
Twilight approached him and spoke to him.
-“Thunder? I know it's still hard for you to accept your situation, but maybe you're tired of hating Dash, it's just my idea, but after all it's not her who forced you to save her, right?” - Thunderlane started to cry in that moment and put a hand in his face,
-“You are right Twilight, it's true, I ... I'm tired of hating her, but every time she and I talk we always end up arguing, and at that moment I always shout to her, and I always say she's the responsible of my life ... .but I ... I still love her, and how much I wish we would make peace, not that we would return together ... maybe, but I would like not to feel her guilty, because I ... or rather my mother told me to stop to cry, after all I'm still alive, that day I saw my life passing before my eyes, and yet I'm here, I should be happy for her, she found a good boy, and yet how I wish that ... nothing had happened that day, but there's another reason she left me”-
-“And what would it be?” -,
-“You see ... that day I asked her to marry me, but not then, after high school, and she told me that I was an immature, that she did not want to marry me immediately after high school, that she still had things to do, and then we had a fight, and she left, putting the headphones in her ears, then you should know the rest”-.
Twilight knew about the marriage proposal, but at that moment she felt relieved both for her and for Thunderlane,
-“I was not sure, I knew it, so would you like you and Dash still be together?” -,
-“You think, Twilight, she would never love a disabled boy, and especially after all that happened she would never want to know anything about me”-,
- “But have you tried to ask her? Maybe it's not what you think, maybe she still loves you, and maybe she's sick of losing her best friend, tell me ... what's Dash's favorite book?” -,
-“Too easy, every saga of Daring Do, she goes crazy about that”-
-“And her favourite ice cream?” -,
-“Vanilla, chocolate, coconut, and a good fall of sprinkles”-,
-“How does she likes eggs?” -,
-“With a splash of ketchup”- Twilight asked her more questions, and he answered exactly because she knew Dash well,
-“Do you still remember all these things about her?” -,
-"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met, why should I forget what she likes and what does not?"-, Twilight hugged Thunderlane, and then started working again.
After an hour, Twilight returned to her friends and reported what she and Thunderlane had said.
All of them were amazed by the boy's answers, Pinkie Pie herself was surprised
-“It's all true, it's just Rainbow's tastes”,
- “And she does not know it”,
-“We first have to do a small interrogation with Soarin”-.
The girls looked for Soarin and found him near a rock to rest, Sunset asked him
-“Soarin? Where is Rainbow?” -,
the boy, a little annoyed, answered her
-“It's on the sailboat near the pier, she was with some friends, she wanted to do some practice”-,
-“Why are you not with her? “-,
-“I was bored, I wanted to rest a little”-, Pinkie Pie approached him,
-"Tell me Soarin, what books does Rainbow prefer?"-, The boy was a bit puzzled
- “And what do I know? Adventure books?”-,
-“Which one, precisely”-
-“Who know?” -,
and not only he could not answer that question, but also to others that the girls did to him, Pinkie was furious,
-“You do not know anything about Dashie, and you have been together for a long time”-,
-“Oh, come on, she doesn’t even know my tastes, why should I have to worry to get to know hers?” - it was Sunset's turn to get angry,
- “Listen well, you do not deserve to ... .”-, but as soon as she touched Soarin with her hand she saw in his memories that he had given to Dash bag full of beers, and that she had also insisted on having it to come on the boat, but he said no, because he wanted to be alone and he even yelled at her.
Sunset returned to normal and became even more angry,
-“You screamed to Dash and you gave her some beers?” -,
-“And how do you know? “-,
-“Girls we have to go to her right now”-, the girls ran to the pier and found Rainbow Dash, Derpy and Cloud Chaser in the middle of the lake on the boat, Sunset tried to call her friend.
-”Heyyyy, Dash, come here now”-, but their friend seemed to have got drunk and did not seem to stand up
-“Hey, girls, hic, come here, hic, we had a little party, hic”-,
the girls were surprised to find Dash in that state, Applejack yelled at her from the distance
-“BUT ARE YA DRUNK? COME BACK HERE, damn, Ah can not believe she got drunk”-, at that moment Timber and Thunderlane arrived on the pier, the gray boy asked the girls
- “What's going on girls? Why are you screaming so much?” -, it was Twilight who answered him
-“Soarin screamed at Dash and left her alone on the boat and gave her some beers and now she's drunk”-
-“I can’t believe it, she's can’t hold the alcohol, she could get into trouble if her parents heard about it”- but while they talked, on the boat Dash had put herself on the edge, at that moment Derpy was fixing the sail but she slipped and the shaft turned and hit Dash, who ended up in the water.
Twilight got scared,
-“Oh no, now Dash is in the water”-,
Applejack answered,
-“Calm down, she can swim, do not forget that she is also good at swimming”-.
But after falling into the water, Dash did not resurface, and even half a minute passed.
Applejack said
-“Ah do not understand, maybe she's doing apnea”-, Thunderlane got scared
-“Oh no, maybe the blow made her lose consciousness, HOLY HEAVEN, DASH”-,
Thunderlane quickly moved his hands to push the chair near the pier, then, reached the edge he threw himself into the water, Twilight was amazed
-“Thunder? What are you doing? Are you crazy?”-.
But Thunderlane did not care about anything, not being able to use his legs he used his arms, when he arrived near the boat he dived and saw Rainbow Dash unconscious that was sinking.
He swam deeper and took the girl with his right arm, then brought her to the surface, but Dash still did not wake up, hastily brought her to the ground near the pier, and put her down on the ground, he crawled next to her and listened that did not breathe. Thunderlane was frightened by her friend's status and began to panic,
-“Dash, no, no, please breathe, breathe, come on”-, with his hands he made a massage on Dash's chest, but it did not seem to work, so he plugged her nose and breathed her mouth to mouth.
And so he kept blowing air inside Dash, but still there was not an improvement, meanwhile, Twilight and the others had approached, and they were also worried.
Then, it all happened suddenly, Dash threw up some water and coughed, and finally opened her eyes. At first she was a little confused to see all those people around her, then she looked to the left
-“Thunderlane? What's going on?” -, the boy had tears in his eyes and hugged Dash,
-“Oh, thank goodness you're fine, luckily you're alive”-, but then he pulled her away and with his arms behind the girl’s shoulders he looked at her furious,
- “DON’T YOU DARE TO GET DRUNK AGAIN, UNDERSTAND? DON’T DO IT EVER MORE ', you could have drowned, you know? You know or not?” - Rainbow Dash was quiet, then Timber and Applejack helped Thunderlane to get up to bring him back on his chair, Twilight and Sunset thought to bring Dash to the infirmary. Gloriosa was surprised by the story they told, so she asked Dash some questions about how she felt, but the girl was just a little dazed.
Sunset spoke with her.
-“Dash? How do you feel?” -,
-“I'm fine, I'm just a bit 'confused and wet, but what happened? “- The girls explained the situation well.
Dash listened to everything and was amazed at how Thunderlane had acted,
-“He ... did he really do this?” -,
-“Yes Dash, and to be honest we'll have to tell you a couple of things”-, so Sunset and Twilight told her about everything they understood about Thunderlane, and those words made her feel a little strange.
Gloriosa thought to leave the girls alone, also because Dash seemed to feel good.
Dash felt melancholy and very sad,
-“I ... I can not believe what you said, does he still really loves me?” -, Twilight replied
-“He not angry anymore, or rather he wants to stop hating you, he still loves you and would like to make peace with you”-
-“But everything has changed between us since that damn incident, like a stupid girl I put the headphones on to not hear him, if I had not done that stupid gesture now he could still walk, and I also called him immature”-, Sunset consoled her,
-“Dash? Why do not you talk to Thunderlane? And this time without quarrelling, maybe you can finally clarify, I could not know how much you suffered, I thought that Soarin was really your right boyfriend”-,
-“Yes, I thought it too, I mean ... .Soarin is the perfect guy, he’s athletic, fast, the right one for a sport girl like me”-

Twilight thought of an opinion –“Dash ... ..think about it well, even Rarity thought it, you have on one side a guy like Soarin, a guy suited for you who is good with sports, but he does not treat you well, you do not want to admit it but he does not treat you with the right respect, and on the other side you have Thunderlane, a guy who wanted to spend his life with you, that despite what you did he still loves you, and he has always treated you like a precious treasure, and surely he will not lack respect”-.
Dash finally began to understand, she got up and left the infirmary.
Then she set out to find Soarin, she wanted absolutely to clarify their story.
She walked around the camp looking for in every place, then she found him near the pier.
She approached him, but did not seem worried at all, she asked him to talk about the two of them.
-“Soarin ... there is something I would like to discuss”-
-“ Of course, what is it?” -,
-“I would like ... .do you love me?” -,
-“Sure I love you, why this question?” -,
-“If you really love me why you did not come with me on the boat? And you even screamed against me”-
-“I just needed a little rest, nothing that”-, Dash saw that Soarin seemed calm and wanted to get right to the point,
-“I ... I got drunk, and then I fell into the water, you know I could have drowned?” - Soarin was amazed at those words and began only at that moment to feel guilty.
-“Oh, I'm sorry, I ... I was just ... that you had fun, just a little bit without me”-,
-“Do you know that if it was not for Thunderlane who came to save me I could have died? And he no longer has legs”-
-“I ... I did not know you were in danger”-
-“And another question, if do you really know about me, we have been together for a long time and you do not know which is my favorite book?” -,
- “What does that have to do with it? Even you do not know anything about me”-,
-“But a real boyfriend should be interested about the tastes of his girlfriend, you said you would have a good time with me at the camp, that you also wanted to roast marshmallows, those were your words, remember? Where you were when I was in danger?” –
Soarin felt bad, Dash was starting to look at him with disdain, but what he did not know was that the boy had to confess something.
-“Dash? Listen, the days before leaving for the camp, or rather when I asked you to be my girlfriend, Thunderlane asked me to love you as the most precious girl in the world and gave me some suggestions on what to do and what to say, and I did it, but not completely”-
Dash was even more surprised.
-"Do you mean that Thunderlane told you what to do? Seriously?”-,
-"He told me to stay close to you, and to behave well, but ... I did not tell you anything because I was afraid you would still feel something for him”-
Dash shrugged, took a breath and then spoke.
-“Soarin? Now everything is clear to me, I think I made my mind, I thought you were the right one for me, but I was wrong, so I would not like to see you again”-
Soarin looked down
-"Yes, of course, as you wish"-
Dash rushed to her friends and reported what Saorin said, needless to say they were all surprised, Dash felt so sad that she cried,
- “And now what do I do? How do I behave?” -, Rarity hugged her,
-”Dashie?Honey? Try to listen to your heart, do not think with your head but follow your heart”-
-“But ... my heart is so confused, I would like Thunder to forgive me, and I would like ... .no, he would not ask me to be his girlfriend again”-,
- “Why do not you ask him? Maybe tonight in front of a nice bonfire”-.
Rarity and the others tried to help Dash, in fact that evening a bonfire with a lot of marshmallows was planned, and the girls made sure that Thunderlane sat on a log with a free seat next to him, thanks also to Flash's help. Thunderlane left his stilts at the base of the log and then roasted a marshmallow with a branch.
Rainbow felt her heart beating, her friends motioned her to come closer.

So Dash went near Thunderlane,
-“Sorry, Thunder, is this place free?” -, Thunderlane was surprised that she came up, but he said yes, so she sat down, but she felt embarrassed to talk to him, and he could not even talk to her.
On the other side, Twilight made gestures to tell her to talk and to not be afraid.
Finally Dash talked to Thunderlane.
-“Thunder? I ... I should talk to you”-,
-“Oh, tell me then”-,
- “I ... I do not even know where to start, I wanted to tell you that ... I'm sorry for that day” -
- “Do you mean when we broke up? Or my accident’s day?” -,
- “Both of them, I should not have left you, and I should not have said you immature, when I was the immature, I should not have put the headphones, I know it's too late to apologize, but I wanted to tell you that ... I think I still love you, Soarin told me you suggested him how to behave, and I can not believe you saved my life for the second time, and this time you could not even use your legs”-
Thunderlane looked down and sighed then took her hand and looked her in the face, making her blush.
-“Dash? You know? I cried too much time for my accident, and my mother recently told me that I should be grateful for what I am now”-,
-“I want to mean ... I could have died that day, but she says that the angels helped me, I could have died and instead they gave me a chance, I'm still here, I do not have legs anymore, but I'm alive”-,
- “Why did you save my life? I mean, I could have drowned now, and you risked your life to save me again”-
-“I do not know, I ... I did it because I had to do it, because ... exactly with the truck I ... I was afraid of losing you”-
- “Were you afraid of losing me?” -,
-“Exactly, at that moment, I felt the same feeling when the truck was about to hit you, I was afraid of losing you, and when I did not feel you breathe anymore ... I went crazy, but then you woke up”-
-“You saved my life despite what I did to you? “-,
-“Just think again, it's me who decided to save you, everything else was an accident, I did not have to say that you were responsible”-. Rainbow Dash approached a little more towards Thunderlane, and leaned her head on his shoulder, he blushed and hugged her. Then she turned to him
-“Thunder? And so do you believe in angels?” -,
-“Sure, why? Not you?”-
-“Now, yes, because my guardian angel is here, next to me, you are my guardian angel, Thunder”-, Thunderlane was amazed
-“What? Do you believe that I am your guardian angel?” -,
-“Think about it, an angel is always present to help the person who protects, and you saved my life not once, but twice”-
-“Yes but ... in this state I do not think I could help you much”-,
-“But you did it anyway, you still put your life in danger to save me”-
-“It was not so difficult, I have good arms”-,
-“You also spoke with Soarin to treat me well, you preferred that I was happy, right?” -,
-“I ... I just wanted you to be with the right guy, that's all, I did not want you to be sad, Soarin was good for you, he's athletic, fast, and then he has legs”-, Dash looked Thunderlane in the eye and kissed him on his lips, he took that moment hugged the girl and caressed her, then she continued to talk

-!Soarin could be a great athlete, but he has flaws, he's not you, he's not romantic, he's not sweet, and then he treated me like one of his friends and not like his girlfriend!-,
-!Dash? What are you trying to tell me? !- Dash blushed and spoke to him clearly
-“I... I would like ... I would like to get back together, you and I, just so I would be happy again”-,
-“Dash? Did you see me? I'm a disabled person, what kind of happiness could I give you?” -,
-“But I do not care, I love you, in fact, I think I have not really forgotten you, and if you want we will get married after the high school”-,
-“Dash, you do not have to do this because you are sorry for me!”-
-“But I do not mind, it's because I'm happy only with you, with or without legs I love you Thunder, and I want we both to be happy”- she began to cry, Thunderlane wiped her tears and said:
-“Dash? Listen, I was wrong, I did not have to ask you to marry me after high school, I understand it, you want to do a lot of things later, and I can accept it, you want to go out with your friends, and maybe play sports, so do it , do not cry anymore, we'll get married when you want it, ok?” -,
-“Yes, sigh, I'm fine, but I want a real statement, with the flowers, the ring and maybe just me, you, and our families”-,
-“I agree with this”-,
-“Your parents still hate me, though”-,
-“My mother does not hate you, in fact I'll put a good word with dad”-, Dash re-embraced Thunderlane and wept again,
-“Oh Thunderlane, do not leave me anymore, please, stay with me”-, Thunderlane softened again, caressed her hair and consoled her,
-“Don't worry, as your guardian angel I will never leave you”-
-“You know, sigh, you could come with me on tours, I would take care of you, for anything you need and if we need a mechanic for the bus there will be you”-
-“Do you know what my mother always told me, Dash? I do not need a legal guardian, but only a girl who accepts me as I am”-,
-“I ... I accept you as you are, because I love you, and I forgot, excuse me, Thunder”-,
-"There's no problem, you do not know how happy I am right now, because I'm finally with you again"-

Thunderlane took his marshmallow and shared it with Dash, who gladly ate it and she hugged her boyfriend tightly. Twilight and the others were happy for the couple's reconciliation.
The bespectacled girl was more than happy because that was a wonderful experience, she had met a side of her friend Dash that she ignored, and she managed to make her happy. Later, the two sweethearts set out on the lawn to look at the stars close to each other.

Thunderlane spoke:
-“You know? My mother is looking for a doctor who may be able to heal me, but there's no certainty that I can walk again”-
-“Well, if it does not work, I'll love you anyway, Thunder, and I'll never leave you again”-
-You are so sweet, how could I did without you, Dash?” -,
-“I promise to be a better girlfriend, and not to make the same mistake leaving you”-
-“We will never leave again, I promise you, promise of guardian angel”-,
-“I like you as my angel”-,

they both hugged each other and kissed, thinking that that moment could last forever, and once the night had passed they would know they could be together again and together they would have fantasized about their romantic future.


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