• Published 16th Apr 2023
  • 258 Views, 1 Comments

(Not Finished) The Park Adventures with THE Mane 6 - M4i

Mordecai and Rigby team up with the Mane 6 from My Little Pony to help them find their way back home through a magical portal, encountering obstacles along the way.

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Chapter 1: Strange Discoveries in the Park

Mordecai and Rigby were enjoying a game of basketball in the park when they heard a strange noise coming from the woods. "Did you hear that?" Mordecai asked, looking around.

Rigby shrugged. "Probably just some squirrels or something," he said, tossing the ball back to Mordecai.

But Mordecai wasn't convinced. He put down the ball and walked over to the edge of the woods, peering in to see what was making the noise.

Suddenly, he saw something he never expected to see: six colorful ponies standing in a clearing.

Mordecai exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Whoa, what the heck?!"

Rigby walked over to see what Mordecai was looking at.
"Holy cow, are those talking ponies?!" he said, equally surprised.

As the duo approached the ponies, they realized that these were no ordinary ponies. They were the Mane 6 from the magical land of Equestria. Mordecai and Rigby were shocked but also fascinated by the talking ponies.

The Mane 6 explained that they had been transported to the park by an evil spell and had no idea how to get back home. Mordecai and Rigby agreed to help them and set out on an adventure with the ponies.

As they journeyed through the park, Mordecai couldn't help but be drawn to one of the ponies in particular, Twilight Sparkle. He found her adorable and was fascinated by her intelligence and magical powers.

As they encountered obstacles along the way, Mordecai and Rigby remained determined to help the Mane 6 find their way home. Little did they know that their journey was just beginning, and that they would soon face even greater challenges.

Author's Note:

Thanks For reading chapter 1