• Published 12th Apr 2023
  • 274 Views, 14 Comments

Twilight Sparkle And Chancellor Neighsay - M4i

Chancellor Neighsay finds himself falling in love with Twilight Sparkle, but is too afraid to reveal his true feelings to her. He keeps his love for her hidden, while secretly planning on marrying her.

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[PART 12] Twilight Sparkle And Chancellor Neighsay

After the successful engagement party, Chancellor Neighsay and Twilight Sparkle started to prepare for their wedding. Neighsay was still nervous about revealing his feelings for Twilight, but he knew he had to be honest with her before they got married.

One day, he took Twilight to a beautiful garden in Canterlot, where they often enjoyed spending time together. As they sat on a bench surrounded by blooming flowers, Neighsay took a deep breath and finally confessed his love for her.

Twilight was surprised but happy to hear his confession. She had always thought Neighsay was a bit stern and difficult to get along with, but she had come to see a softer side to him over the past few months.

With tears in her eyes, Twilight embraced Neighsay and told him that she loved him too. They spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the garden together, talking about their future and the upcoming wedding.

As the day drew to a close, Neighsay felt a sense of relief and happiness. He had finally been honest with the mare he loved, and now they could move forward with their relationship without any secrets between them. He looked forward to spending the rest of his life with Twilight Sparkle as his wife.