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Chapter 9 - Into the Bookhouse

Pinkie Pie trotted along, her destination is Sugarcube Corner. Suddenly, she spotted a small orange filly sitting alone on a bench nearby. The energetic pink pony's curiosity piqued, and she trotted over to investigate. It was none other than Scootaloo, the self-proclaimed Rainbow Dash's number one fan.

"Heya, Scootaloo!" Pinkie Pie greeted with a wide grin, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "What brings you to this lonely bench today?"

Scootaloo looked up, surprise evident in her eyes. "Oh, hey Pinkie Pie," she responded, her voice unreadable. "I was just taking a break, you know? Got a lot on my mind."

Pinkie Pie's smile turned sympathetic. "Oh no, is everything okay, Scootaloo? Anything you wanna talk about?"

Scootaloo hesitated for a moment before shaking her head.

Pinkie Pie nodded understandingly, her pink ears perking up. "Hey, I've got an idea! How about coming to a Welcome to Ponyville party we're throwing today? It'll be a blast, and it might help you take your mind off things for a while!"

Scootaloo's eyes widened, a glimmer of excitement shining through her fatigue. "That sounds amazing, Pinkie, but I'm not sure if I can make it. I've got so much to do, and I really need to get things done."

Pinkie Pie's face fell for a moment, her lower lip jutting out in a small pout. "Aww, that's okay, Scootaloo. I understand if you can't make it. Just remember, we'll always be here for you, no matter what. If you change your mind, feel free to drop by anytime!"

Scootaloo smiled gratefully, relieved that Pinkie understood. "Definitely, Pinkie Pie. Thanks for understanding. Have a great party!"

Pinkie Pie waved a hoof in the air, her pink curls bobbing. "You too, Scootaloo! Catch you later!"

As two mares walked through Ponyville, The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping, making it a perfect day for a stroll in Ponyville. Nightmare Moon couldn't help but take in the beauty of this rural town.

"Such a beautiful day, isn't it, Twilight?" she asked, Twilight only smiled in response.

The real-life version was so different yet similar to the one depicted in the cartoon. The wooden huts had a rustic charm that simply couldn't be captured by the mere flash animation. The signs on the shops were hand-painted, giving each one a unique character and feel.

Different from a post-industrialized mega city, it was quiet and peaceful, with the gentle chirping of birds and the sweet scent of flowers filling the air.

She realized that like many places on Earth, no matter how hard the artists and animators tried, they could never truly capture the essence of Ponyville onto a screen. It was clear that this is a place that needed to be experienced in person to truly appreciate its unique charm and character.

Nightmare Moon looked around, noticing the unusual stillness. "It seems like the town is quieter than usual," she remarked, glancing at Twilight.

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yes, it does. But I can see some ponies peeking out from their windows," she said, wagging a hoof towards a few houses.

Nightmare Moon chuckled. "Well, I suppose my speech yesterday really shook them up," she said, chuckling as she looks around. Twilight smiled a little bit cramped at that.

As they approached the Golden Oak Library, Nightmare Moon couldn't help but marvel at how different it looked in real life compared to the cartoon. It was a magnificent sight, and she couldn't wait to explore it.

The real thing was much more magnificent than in the cartoons. The intricate details of the building's architecture were breathtaking. The wooden panels were carved not by machine, and the glass windows sparkled in the sunlight, showing little defects here and there, it only added to the library's charm. The royal guard squad standing at the entrance only added to the grandeur of the scene.

Wait, royal guards?

As they reached the entrance, the squad of royal guards stood at attention. One of them cleared his throat, the alicorn feeling a sense of importance wash over her.

"Your Highness," the guard said, bowing respectfully. "Miss Twilight Sparkle."

Nightmare Moon nodded, feeling quite regal. "At ease, soldier. We have a business to attend to inside."

The guard couldn't believe the predicament they were in.

They had been tasked with guarding Princess Celestia at the Summer Sun Celebration and were supposed to return to Canterlot today. But now, Captain Shining Armor had ordered them to stay in this backwater village to protect his sister, Twilight Sparkle, and this new Alicorn.

"At ease, soldier. We have a business to attend to inside," she said, her voice cool and collected without any hints of malice. At that, he relaxed a little, but he still felt uneasy around her.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease around Nightmare Moon. Her gaze was piercing, like she could see right through him, and the way she spoke with such a calm, almost nonchalant tone only added to his discomfort. He thought about the event of yesterday, how Nightmare Moon had brutally assaulted Princess Celestia and then proudly shows her result like a psychopath that she likely is, but he couldn't help but feel relieved that she didn't seem to have any malicious intent towards him or his squad.

Does he have resentment? Answer is yes

After all, she was the reason why they were stuck in this small town instead of returning to the grandeur of Canterlot. But he knew better than to voice his thoughts out loud, especially in the presence of the legendary Mare of The Moon. He saluted her once more and took up his post

He couldn't shake off the feeling that she was sizing him and his squad up, looking for any weaknesses they might have.

As he looked at her, he couldn't help but notice how her gaze was intense, with a hint of amusement in her eyes. It was like she was constantly thinking, analyzing, and planning her next move. He wondered if he would ever be able to let his guard down around her.

"At your service, your highness," The guard replied, his voice steady despite the nervousness he felt. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was in over his head.

Before she closes the door, Nightmare Moon looks back at him. Her smirk only added to his unease. "I'm sorry but-" and when she finished her sentence, his blood run cold. She was definitely Princess Celestia's sister. And he was stuck with her.

"I will not require your 'service' tonight, my little harem."

As he looked at Nightmare Moon entering the library, the guard realized that he was in for a long and unpredictable ride, as he and his squad were tasked with both monitoring and protecting these two mares from any potential threats that might arise in Ponyville. He couldn't help but think to himself, "Buck me, this is going to be one hell of a job."

As she stepped inside, Twilight looked back at the imposing figure of Nightmare Moon, who followed her into the treehouse.

"We will stay here for the time being, your highness, please set them down on the corner over there," Twilight said, pointing her hoof at a corner.

As they walked in, Twilight was surprised to hear a voice calling out her name. She turned to see the purple dragon, running towards her with great haze, a half-read comics book still in his claw grip.

With his arms wide open, he jumped at her, giving her a big hug.

The unicorn felt a tight embrace from her faithful assistant, Spike. She could feel the warmth of his scaly arms around her as he squeezed her tightly.

Twilight returned the hug, feeling guilty in Spike's warm embrace. She had forgotten to inform him about yesterday's plan.

They stood like that for a minute until a sound interrupted them. Someone was clearing their throat.

Spike looked up, his eyes widening in surprise when he saw who Twilight had brought back with her. A giant alicorn mare was standing there, her sharp fangs glinting in the light. Her big, starry mane seemed to shine like the night sky, and an aura of power radiated from her very being.

"Hi, I'm your new housemate!" Nightmare Moon said, breaking the silence. "Nice to meet you, purple bipedal lizard thing."

"Uh...nice to meet you too," Spike stammered nervously, eyeing the mare warily. "I'm Spike. Twilight's...um...assistant."

Nightmare Moon chuckled, a sound that echoed through the library. "Assistant, you say? In which way?" she said, wagging her eyebrows at the small dragon with amusement.

Twilight only gave him a reassuring smile and a nod, as if to say, "It's okay, Spike. Trust me. I know what I am doing."

Spike looked at Twilight, unsure of what to think.

Author's Note:

English is ridiculous sometimes. I felt shivered down my spine when using a plural pronoun as a description for an unidentified gender subject…. Like, why not repurpose old English pronouns?

Anyway, I have a few artworks from the same source that I really liked and want to share. So.... I will just make a review essay(lol) to go along with it as an excuse. I will put my ranting review in the spoiler so you can ignored it if you only want to see the arts only.

There are some of you guys who want nightmare moon/twilight shipping, well…. Here you go.

I found this dead tumblr. An empress of night AU with good premises.

I known it might not be original creator’s intention’s but it really has lot of potential.
Worldbuilding: From my political and historical knowledges, I believed that for a farcist state to work, it must be capable of using both carrot and stick, a big chunks of the population must believed in the system for it to continue to function. This is especially true for a farcist superpower empire that doesn’t have outside support.

We were shown that this AU’s Equestria empire can do both, by limiting Nightmare Moon from access the dream realm, making it easy for her to be blindsided. Public servants and civilians ignore rules, help each others when Nightmare not noticed. Even a zealot like Twilight shown to bend or break the rule when benefits outweight cons. This is a hack that allowed both ruthless empress to keep being ruthless, while the allowed the Equestria empire to exist without being too jarring.

Downfall: How the empress of night will be brought down? Of course it her negligence and complacency. She won long ago and just like any typical dictator, she already found a comfy place with minimal efforts, inducing herself in carnal desire. She failed to notice that the rules are changing. For example, she use the same brutal way to control the alicorn of love, and out of everything she can think of, she planned to married that alicorn of love in arranged marriage, while forcefully stopped that alicorn of love from acting out her nature, seeking love.

And who can blame her? Everything always moved exactly as she want in the past thousand years, why would this be different?

She also forgets about discord... oops

Tone: Instead of trying to be realistic or completely cartoonish dumb, it keep it tone around level of typical seinen action drama novel, it's not afraid to be brutal, but also carefree enough to be fun, not too serious.
For you non-anime watchers, think of Russell T Davies' Doctor Who, but with more gore. Which is to says pretty much the gold standard tone that successful plot-driven tumblr liked to use. Discord Whooves is another example.

Characters: Tumblr, just like any webcomics, has very limited content space. As such, instead of making OCs or used very customized version of cannon characters, the artist relied on vanilla cannon characters as when there’s no actual changes needed, as to not spend too much panels on character introduction and backstory. Which made this story much more fun to read, as the OG characters are lighthearted and fun.
Most nightmare AU OC characters I had read are greedy, brainwashed, psycho, or sad, just because it’s dystopian Equestria….. like, come on!

Art: I really liked this style. Bone/Muscle lines, fur texture, and that big, sharp anime eyes that are little smaller than original's made it felt more grounded. It's allowed them to played on more gritty, dark storyline. yet having them acts out on stupid anime/cartoon troupes from time to time won't felt out of place.
If Nightmare Moon timeline were going to be turned into a action/thriller/drama anime, then this is what I expected it to looked like.

Images on derpibooru
Dead Tumblr

As you can already guessed, I really like this artstyle.....
If there's another artist who draw in this style, I would appreciated you share it with me.