• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,268 Views, 117 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

A Flavourful Morning

"What to make, what to make." Anon mumbled to himself as he rocked the wheeled seat back and forth in thought. The human had a habit to twiddle or fidget with anything and everything when he was not actively doing something. Found it quite hard to sit still. With a lifetime of this, his body acted on its own when he had nothing in his hands, grabbing something he could manipulate within his grasp. Which in this case would be a steak knife, where he got it from is a mystery, even to himself.

Anon had zoned out, the original thought being of his next meal had quickly turned into a rabbit hole of questions and thoughts. The knife he had picked up was quickly being spun and flourished as he threw it to his other hand over and over again. The knife being unbalanced and unsuited for this role had not impacted the human as he effortlessly spun it around his hands and fingers as if gravity did not simply exist. Being in such a deep thought process, the human was not as tuned to his surroundings as he otherwise would be. Which would explained how a certain small purple dragon managed to open the kitchen door and waltzed in unnoticed.

"Oh, good morning Mr Anon. I did not expect-" Spike started as he was interrupted

"Shit!" Anon blurted out, suddenly snapped out of his own mind as reflex kicked in. Quickly extending his arm towards the 'intruder', the human threw the knife he was fidgeting with. It flew through the air with great speed before impaling the large wooden door behind the small dragon with a thud.

"Jesus Christ. You scared the absolute shit out of me. Are you good?" Anon spoke after regaining his composure. The same could not be said for Spike, however. His body tensed with arms legs and tail tucked as close to his body as possible. It was only a few seconds after Anon had finished speaking that the little dragon regained his composure as well.

Spike slowly looked above him, in the edge of his vision was the handle tip of the thrown knife, less than a metre above his head. "I believe so." Spike finally answered.

Anon wheeled himself over as spike continued. "I was just about to make breakfast for everypony. I was thinking pancakes." The small dragon stated. When he finished, Anon had reached him as he leant over and pulled the knife out of the door. Flicking the base of his thumb softly against the knifes point. "Didn't blunt the tip at all, good." The human said to no one in particular as he swiftly places the knife into its respective holder nearby. "But yeah, I could go for some pancakes." Anon started as he wheeled back into the centre of the kitchen. "Do you have pancake batter or are we making it from scratch?" The human finished, standing to check the overhead cupboards, using the counter top to support his weight.

"We?" The small purple dragon asked simply.

Anon closed the cupboard and fell back onto his chair before speaking. "Well yeah. I'm bored out of my mind, and I'm hungry. Helping you will quench the former and quicken the latter." The human responded, seeing the look of uncertainty on spike's face.

"I mean, if you wanted to do it on your own that's fine. I'll just make something for myself and let you crack on-"

"N-no. I would appreciate the help, actually. Twilight and Starlight are always so busy, and not everything is dragon accessible." The dragon quickly interrupts.

"Alright then, let's start!" The human stated with hunger filled enthusiasm.

Twilight groaned as her sleepy eyes slowly prying themselves open as the sunlit room invaded her sight. Shutting her eyes again, the Alicorn shoved her head underneath the covers to escape into darkness.

After a few minutes of procrastination. Twilight finally popped her head back out into the light and stretched, her body cracked and clicked as it began waking up itself. After slipping out from the covers onto the floor, Twilight immediately enveloped the bed in her magical aura as she effortlessly removed any sign of her. Next was to clean up herself. Sitting in front of a large mirror atop a dressing table, Twilight began brushing her mane tail and coat with magic as she looked at the various pictures of her and her friends she had taken over the years, something she started doing which became part of her routine and gave her an extra pep in her step for the mornings.

The door to Twilight's room opened as the Alicorn herself stepped out into the hallway. Walking towards the dining room, a sudden aroma caught her attention as the smell of warm powdered sugar mixed with a hint of butter and blueberries invaded her nose. Immediately Twilight swallowed as her mouth began to water. Now walking a small bit faster, a door to her right opened as a dishevelled Starlight walked out from her room, mane half brushed and squinted eyes, the unicorn lazily waved a hoof before also stepping into the hallway behind her mentor. The same smell did not discriminate as it invaded her senses also.

"Well if I wasn't already hungry." Starlight stated as her stomach growled, voicing its desires.

The duo was joined by Azrael and Astral as they walked into the dining room. At the long wooden table sat 6 plates of towering pancakes, topped with blueberries and other various fruits as maple syrup poured down the sides, clinging to each pancake as it made its descent, pooling at the bottom.

At the end of the table were spike and Anon as they ate their respective plates, while the small dragon took even smaller bites, savouring the taste. The human rolled his up and simply took chunks out of the seeping cylinder.

"Hurry up, foods getting cold." Anon spoke with a half full mouth, his elbows on the table as one had hovered over the plate as it dripped gold, his other hand was fiddling with a fork as he tapped the end onto the table in a simple rhythm.

The four new arrivals did not need to be told twice as they chose their seats and dug in.

"These taste amazing spike. You clearly put a lot of effort in. What's the occasion?" Twilight questioned after a few bites.

Spike was about to respond as he gestured towards Anon, but the human beat him to it and spoke first. "Does he need a reason to show his appreciation? Little guy made great pancakes, just enjoy it." Anon stated, giving spike a small smile.

"Your right." Twilight quickly agreed as she enveloped the small dragon in magic as she pulled him towards her and gave him a tight hug. "Thanks spike." She added.

"But he hel-" Spike attempted to say before the human interrupted him. "No buts, you did good kid. That reminds me. I came down while he was cooking and saw him struggling to reach the higher stuff." Anon stated, giving twilight a blank expression.

Suddenly, a spark of realisation hit Twilight. "Oh of course, I never got round to installing the ladders. Oh, I'm sorry spike." The unicorn apologised as she pulled spike in for a second, even tighter hug.

Spike glanced at Anon, to which the human simply gestured to the Alicorn hugging him with his half-eaten pancake. To which spike sighed as he hugged Twilight back.

Anon looked back at is plate before catching Azreals gaze. After locking eyes with the demon, she smiled as she shook her head lightly. Anon simply put a finger to his lips with his free hand before returning to his food.

Anon chuckled to himself as he realised something. For the first time since being here, he felt pretty decent. After trying to think of what changed, a few flashes of the hospital entered his mind as Red Heart's face became burned into his memories.

Anon dropped the half-eaten pancake onto his plate as he placed his head into his hands, covering his face. "Well that was short-lived." He muttered to himself as he let out a deep sigh

Author's Note:

Hey y'all, thanks for reading as always. Please yell at me for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

As you might have noticed, I found the horizontal rule button. It was staring me in the face the whole time.

Anyway I have made myself hungry so peace.

Edit: Just came back after a quick nap and re-read this chapter. Jesus there were so many spelling mistakes.
Also, I'm not sure if I should hire someone to make cover art for this story. I didn't originally because I wasn't sure how long I would continue it. It's been a year so If anyone knows someone pretty decent or just has any ideas for the cover itself. Comment it or message me.