• Published 3rd Jul 2023
  • 263 Views, 190 Comments

Thomas and Friends: Fun in the Sun - The Blue EM2

Seaside! We're off to the Seaside! We're Gonna have a Lovely Day!

  • ...

Care of Cloudpuff

One morning, Misty was checking the news to see if anything concerning had happened. As much as it was nice to be on holiday, she was worried. If they weren't ready and prepared, Opaline could strike again and take advantage of their lack of preparation. And that would never do. Although Misty knew the others had accepted her as basically family, she still felt she had a lot of ground to make up for her actions towards them in previous months.

As she was checking the news, there was a knock at the door. "Come in!"

Moments later, Lady Haven entered. "Morning, Misty," she said. "I was wondering if I could ask a favour of you."

"Sure!" Misty replied. It was then she became aware of the white pomeranian that seemed to follow the Havens wherever they went.

"As you probably know, we have a somewhat busy schedule. Seeing as today is your day off, I was wondering if you could care for Cloudpuff for the day?"

Misy didn't know a huge amount about caring for dogs. But at the same time she didn't want to let her hosts down. "Sure! I won't let you down!"

"That's the spirit!" Lady Haven smiled, and let the dog step into the room. "I'll email the list of the things that you'll need to do in order to keep him happy in a moment. It's not too demanding, but you need to make sure to do each task in order. He gets grumpy otherwise."

Misty nodded as her inbox beeped, and a message with a Word document arrived. She and her friends had faced bigger challenges. Surely this would be a cakewalk, right? Hopefully she could get these done and then give the new Ruby Jubilee album a listen.

"This is a lot more difficult than I imagined!" Misty said, as she looked around the house for useful items. She looked in the fridge and had a eureka moment. "There we are!" She took a bottle out and tipped it into the bowl. "I couldn't find you any water from a local spring, but there was bottled spring water, which is basically the same thing."

Cloudpuff didn't look hugely impressed. Keeping him still had proven to be very difficult. And based on the amount of racing about he did Misty hadn't even attempted walkies yet. In fact, she suspected walkies would quickly turn into pullies.

Misty checked the next section of the list and her heart sank. "I'm not convinced taking you for a walk around the town is a good idea, but I'm more than happy to walk you round the garden! I don't think our hosts will mind!"

Cloudpuff still looked grumpy, but hopped off the chair ready for the leash to be attached to his collar.

Misty smiled. "There! I knew that'd cheer you up buddy!" She clipped the leash on, and walked out of the house with the dog. The garden was very big, and was suitable for such a walk, but whilst on the second loop the phone rang. Misty answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey there, Misty!" said the voice of Sunny. "How are things going in the north?"

"Fine, I guess," Misty replied. "I'm currently taking Cloudpuff for a walk."

"Is he behaving?" Sunny asked. "He can get quite mad if things aren't just so, if you know what I mean."

"Trust me, I know what you mean. Who knew caring for a dog was so hard? It's like I'm being dragged rather than being the carer, and..." she trailed off as she looked around. "Wait a second... where did he go?"

"Where did who go?"

Misty realised, to her horror, she had dropped the leash. And Cloudpuff had run off! "I'm dead."

Misty was trying to figure out what to do, including making a cotton ball look like Cloudpuff. But it was no use. "Lady Haven's gonna be so mad with me! Why can't I do the simplest of tasks without messing them up?"

Suddenly, the roar of a bike engine sounded outside the house, and Misty went to see who it was. To her surprise, it was Zipp, who was just getting off and stopping the vehicle.

"Hey Misty," she said. "How's it going with Cloudpuff?"

Misty continued to panic. "CloudpuffranoffandIcan'tfindhimandIhavenoideawhereheisand-"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down," Zipp replied. "I can't understand you when you speak that fast. Calm down, and start from the beginning."

Misty nodded, and breathed in, then out. "Cloudpuff's run off. I can't find him anywhere."

"He's run off?" Zipp said. "That means we have a chance to find him. Misty, I'll go get my spy gear and help track him down. You keep an eye on the bike."

"Wait, you're not mad?"

"Yelling at people achieves nothing. Besides, it's far more productive to fix mistakes than wallow in them." Zipp popped back into the house. She emerged a few minutes later, clad in the familiar bodysuit and visor, with a small drone hovering next to her. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it..."

"Less quoting movies, more finding a dog!" Misty replied.

Zipp removed the goggles, pulled on a bike helmet, and hopped on the bike, starting the engine as she did so. "Hop aboard," she said. "And don't forget to hold on!"

Misty did as instructed, and the duo roared away onto the local roads.

Zipp was using her drone to follow a local series of traces, which were detecting dog hairs in a nearby town. She brought the bike to a stop and removed her helmet, heading into the local pub. "Cloudpuff traces are in this direction, so we should probably look there first."

Misty followed her in, not entirely understanding how Zipp's technology worked. At least the bartender looked friendly.

"Good... well, I guess it's afternoon, isn't it? How can I help you two today?"

"We're trying to find a missing dog," Misty said.

"What does this dog look like?" the bartender asked.

"White pomeranian," Zipp explained. "Have you seen one recently?"

"Oh, yes," the bartender replied. "He briefly entered the structure, which caused my alsatian to go ballistic. They had quite the barking match. The other dog then ran off, heading towards the road towards York."

Zipp nodded. "Thanks for the help." She popped her goggles on and glanced about. "Night vision- no, too bright. Heat vision- too many sources of heat. X-Ray vision- not very helpful." She took them off. "The drone should be able to help us. Let's go."

The duo roared out of the parking lot and blasted down the York road. Misty couldn't help but admit this was quite exciting. It felt like she was in a spy movie!

The pair closed in on the complex network of roads that surround York, with Zipp's drone suddenly beeping as it got a new lead.

"Fill me in," the driver said.

"CCTV feed. Confirmed sighting of Cloudpuff. Region confirmed to be York."

"Narrow down to street."

"19 Coppergate Street, York."

Zipp punched this into her satnav. "If we're lucky, we'll have found him before anything bad has happened."

On arrival at York, the duo parked and headed into town. Zipp's drone was continuing to feed her information, and this was guiding them to the target.

At last, they arrived at Coppergate Street, and the drone bleeped. "Location narrowed. Cloudpuff is in... Jorvik."

"What?" Zipp asked. "How did he get in there?"

"He walked through the door?" Misty suggested.

"Apart from the obvious," Zipp replied, and pulled her goggles on again. She scanned about, and grinned when she got a hit. "He's in the gift shop!"

The pair entered the building and looked about inside the shop. And then they found him. Cloudpuff was sitting amongst the helmets, with one on his head. He looked very silly. He barked when he saw the pair.

"Hey, buddy!" Zipp said. "How'd you get all the way out here from Grosmont, huh?"

Cloudpuff barked in response as Zipp lifted him off the stand.

"Let's get you home. Mom'll want to know where you were!" She turned to Misty. "I don't think we can fit the three of us on the bike. Let's catch a train from York to Grosmont. They usually have space for bikes."

About an hour later, they were back home, and the pair made sure to set the scene up as if nothing had happened. Misty set Cloudpuff in front of his bowl, whilst Zipp changed out of her spy gear to avoid attracting suspicion.

About half an hour later, Lady Haven and the others returned home. "Well, that was quite a busy day!" she said. "Ray and I found all sorts of interesting things. I trust the day wasn't too exciting for you, Misty!"

"Nothing to report, ma'am!" Misty replied. "Care of Cloudpuff succesfully completed- with a little bit of help from Zipp."

Lady Haven smiled. "I'm pleased to hear it went so well." She bent down to Cloudpuff, switching to the sort of voice usually reserved for animals or small children. "Who would like a nice walk?"

Cloudpuff nodded. He was always up for more, as Misty flopped in a chair, quite exhausted from her cross country adventure.

Author's Note:

This chapter is loosely inspired by Kitten Kong, an episode of British comedy series The Goodies, and the third issue of the G5 comics.

For motorbike enthusiasts, the machine that Zipp uses is a Ducati 916, considered to be one of the greatest racing bikes ever built. This is also a subtle nod to another Hasbro franchise; in the film Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Arcee uses this model of bike as her alt mode. Arcee is also voiced by none other than Liza Koshy, who voiced Zipp Storm in My Little Pony: a New Generation. Small world, huh?