• Published 8th May 2023
  • 794 Views, 227 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Royal Approval - The Blue EM2

The life and times of a Queen torn between tradition and the future.

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A Pretender to the Throne

It is said that in times of danger, heroes will come together to face the rising tide of evil, and fight back to preserve the light. These heroes can come from the strangest of places.

This is the story of one such hero. Although she appears to be Queen Haven, you may be surprised to learn her true origins...

Good afternoon. I'm glad you could make it here today. Truth be told I wasn't sure I could fit the time in myself. Being a Queen is a full time job, you know, even if Parliament handles most of the lawmaking. There's always so much going on it's nice to find time to myself or just a chance to socialise.

I heard you liked tea, is that correct? You'd be amazed at how good this stuff is at calming shattered nerves.

But enough about the tea. I know why you came here. You want to know about the confusion that Equestria went through a little while back. Well, the story begins even further back than that, in another world, as crazy as it seems. Mind you, recent events have convinced me that virtually anything is possible. See the purple crystal in my crown? It used to be blue.

Our story begins with a man in a place called London. He had decided to visit a place called Buckingham Palace, which is the London residence of the British Royal Family. It was open for a while as the British King was in Windsor, preparing the arrangements for his coronation. It wasn't often that people were allowed into Royal residences, which is why he jumped at the chance.

He went in through the gates and joined the line to start his way round, with the self guided tour now loaded onto his phone. All he needed were some headphones to listen to it.

I'm not boring you to death, am I?

No? That's a relief. I have been known to waffle a bit.

But back to the story. He made his way down the corridors and soon found himself in one of the important rooms. Although really called a Room of State, it was basically a glorified office, though with much nicer furnishings than most offices. On display were things such as pens used by the late Queen, a selection of things that belonged to the corgis-

Oh dear. Cloudpuff seems to be a bit restless. I'll ask Zephyrina to take him for walkies later.

Anyway, the most notable objects were a small selection of the Crown Jewels. These objects rarely left the Tower of London, and for them to be kept here without much guard was rare indeed.

He looked closely at them, before spotting an oddity amongst them. The app let you use a phone camera to scan an object to learn more about it via a QR code. One of them was a light blue crystal that seemed to glow with its own energy.

"That's not normal," he said to himself, so he scanned it.

There was a sudden flash, and a brief message flashed over the app. The people need their ruler! Take her place!

He was understandably a bit confused by this. He was even more puzzled by his reflection in the screen a few seconds later. His eye colour had changed from its usual brown to a very faint blue, almost grape in shade.

He was even more confused when his ears began to shift. They grew in length atop his head to the point he looked like an elf. "What the Hell? What's happening?"

His face began to get pulled forward as fur a shade somewhere between pink and purple began to grow across his face. Before long, he looked like something from a freak show.

Next, his hair seemed to wake up, first by growing longer in several places. The back began to twist itself together and align itself along the back of his head in some sort of braid.

It seemed to gain considerable amounts of density around the top of his head, forming a considerable weight atop the head of a person used to having short hair. At the front, it flowed across from left to right in a slight arch. The colour then began to shift, moving from a previous brown to a mixture of blue and purple shades interspersed with one another.

He had little chance to react to other things happening, however. He howled in agony as his arms snapped and were reforged into a different shape. Almost better suited to four legged movement. His fingers and hands seemed to melt like running wax, forming... hooves? The changes were gradually ripping his clothes apart, a process that accelerated when pain built up underneath.

Moments later, a pair of bony structures erupted out of his sides. Within seconds they were covered in layers of muscle, skin, fur, and a series of purple, bluish purple, and greyish purple feathers.

Speaking of the fur, it was continuing to spread down his body. The process of shifting anatomy soon made its way down to the rear portion of his body. His hips began to widen as his legs shifted backwards to their former locomotion. It would have made walking on two limbs very difficult considering the shift in weight.

He wasn't male for much longer, either. I'll skip over that bit as it's hardly appropriate considering where we are. But let's just say he pretty quickly became she.

A tail in the same sort of odd bluish grey emerged from her posterior and grew downwards, looking almost like a mop at this stage. The fur had continued spreading across her body, and now had completely covered her entire form.

The feet were the last to change. Her feet seemed to be undergoing the same melting sensation her hands had undergone, before soon becoming a pair of hooves.

She was understandably scared and confused, so she tried to look at the phone screen, which had been dropped in the confusion. She took a look and regarded her new form in horror. "Oh my God. What has that thing done to me?"

I'll interject here, and tell you this person was me. I still get nightmares about it. You're one of only a handful of ponies who knows the truth, incidentally. But back to the story.

I panicked as I saw the phone screen change. I knew enough about this sort of thing that this was the moment my memories were wiped and replaced with Queen Haven's. But the next things that happened surprised me.

The crystal from earlier floated into the air, and was soon merged into a golden crown. This floated into place atop my head as a purple jacket formed atop my shoulders, with a golden necklace with a blue gem inset dropping into place around her neck. A metallic structure was fitted into place to help keep my tail orderly and prevent the hairs getting in a mess. Some of the same braidwork from my mane appeared in that as well.

I knew I had to get out of here. Especially as trumpets had started up behind me for some reason. I dashed for the nearest door, slipping a few times as I still wasn't used to how equines walked.

I crashed through a door, figuring it would get me closer to a window or an exit. But it brought me out into a courtyard.

There was nothing but perfect blue skies overhead. There was glass and white marble everywhere. This place looked oddly familiar.

I turned around and saw behind me a place I never thought I'd see. It was the Zephyr Heights Royal Palace! It gleamed in the sunlight with such intensity I had to cover my eyes.

I went back to the door I had gone through, only to find a storage room, not Buckingham Palace on the other side. What was going on?

As I tried to process what I was seeing, two voices called over. "Mom!"

I turned to see Pipp and Zipp approaching. Oh dear. This was about to get very awkward.

An older stallion with a greying mane also arrived, fully clad in armour. "Your Majesty," he said. "Is everything fine?" His accent was one I was unable to place.

At least he used the correct title for a monarch. "I'm fine," I replied, as I looked to my daughters- wait, sorry, what did I just think? "Just a moment of light-headedness, that's all."

The older stallion noticed I was squinting a lot. "Staff Sargeant Zoom!" he bellowed. "The Queen requires the Royal Sunglasses!"

"Yes, Colonel!" Zoom replied, and handed a pair of black, square rimmed sunglasses to me. At least that's another character I recognise from the film.

I slipped them on and glanced about.

"Is that better?" Pipp asked.

"Much better," I replied. "Now, what's all this commotion?"

The Colonel laughed. "Why, we are hosting a major event in your honour, Your Majesty. The parade ground is this way. We've got half an hour to get there, so a sky transport would seem ideal. Provided that's alright by you, of course, Your Majesty."

They certainly took titles seriously around here. I nodded. "Let us go."

OK then. So it seemed I was a Queen in a country mostly inhabited by ponies. I could wave at things for a bit.

How hard is being a Queen, anyway?

Author's Note:

Welcome to the next entry in Rebirth of Magic. Today we take a bit of a curveball and focus on a character who, although not a protagonist, is a key part of the G5 world: Queen Haven! This one was ideal for me as, being British, I could model typical Royal Family operations fairly accurately.

The very start of the story is based on this piece of fanart:

(Credit to Marenlicious: https://www.deviantart.com/marenlicious/art/Well-I-heard-you-like-tea-time-950195500)

The transformation itself is based on the comic Royal Makeover by AxiomTF: https://www.deviantart.com/axiomtf/art/Royal-Makeover-Princess-Celestia-TF-1-9-830458777

I don't need to introduce Buckingham Palace, given it's one of the most famous homes in the world. What I would like to elaborate on is the correct use of titles; in the film and Make Your Mark, the characters use 'Your Highness' and 'Your Majesty' interchangeably when referring to Queen Haven. 'Your Majesty' is exclusively used to adress the reigning monarch, whereas 'Your Highness' is used to address any other member of the Royal Family. Whilst character such as Izzy and Sunny can be forgiven for getting it wrong, it's less excusable from members of the Guard or government of Zephyr Heights (and I suspect is a consequence of the film being written by an American who presumably doesn't know the difference between the two phrases).

Zipp is from this story:

TRebirth of Magic: Zipping It
The life and times of a flightless princess.
The Blue EM2 · 31k words  ·  28  2 · 1.1k views

And Pipp is from this story:

TRebirth of Magic: Find your Voice
The life and times of a pegasus influencer.
JimmyHook19 · 30k words  ·  16  7 · 620 views

Next time will see a lot of fumes and smoke.

I also have reason to believe that this is the first Queen Haven TF ever.