• ...

Come Dancing!

Misty noticed there was a lot going on at the Haven residence. People were bustling backwards and forwards carrying things around, and large numbers of vans had appeared on the lines outside.

It was all very confusing. So she went to find Lady Haven. "Hey, Zipp? Have you seen Lady Haven anywhere?"

"Mom was having her hair done last I saw," Zipp said. "So not looking forward to getting the same treatment." She then walked off, leaving Misty a little more confused. Why were the others getting their hair done.

Misty walked for a bit longer, and stopped when she encountered Lady Haven, who appeared to have had more than her hair done. "Oh dear," she said. "I hope my makeup isn't running."

"What's going on, if you don't mind me asking?" Misty asked.

"Tonight we're hosting an old Purbeck tradition in Falmouth," Lady Haven explained. "The Swanage Ball was a grand tradition maintained by the Duchy since the 18th Century, and this year we'll be bringing that splendour to Falmouth!"

Misty blinked. "What's a ball?"

"Explained quickly, it's a very big party. Everybody dresses up and there are lots of dances. And plenty of food- that was always Pipp's favourite part." Lady Haven's phone beeped, and she checked it. "Your friends are getting ready at Mane Melody. Would you like to join them?"

"OK," Misty replied. Truth be told the bit about 'dressing up' had her a bit nervous.

Misty walked into Mane Melody to see most of her friends were being prepared. They had received some modifications to their hair and were currently being measured. Except Hitch. He was polishing a pair of shoes.

"Hey Hitch," Misty said.

"Hi Misty," Hitch replied, without looking up.

"What are the shoes for?"

Hitch stopped for a second, and glanced up. "They're for my Number 1s."

"Your whats?"

Hitch nodded. "Army Dress Uniform is informally referred to as Number 1. It only comes out for parades or for formal events. Like this. And I need to ensure that these shoes are so shiny I can see the stars in them."

Sunny glanced over. "I'm just glad they went with something more sensible for us. It's been a while since I last wore one of those things."

"What things?" Izzy asked, looking over. "I read something about hoops and assumed there was a tossing game of some sort."

"Not that sort of hoop!" Jazz explained, as she checked Izzy's hair was secure. "They meant hoopskirt. Crinoline. You know!"

Izzy glanced over to Misty. "I have no idea what any of these words mean."

Sunny shrugged. "You know how Disney Princesses often have huge skirts, right?"

"Yeah?" Izzy replied.

"That's because there's a frame underneath them and some extra layers of fabric. I should know, having worn one myself."

"When?" Misty asked. Truth be told she didn't know what a Disney was, but had some concept of a Princess.

"I played Belle in my school production of Beauty and the Beast. The only difference there the ball scene was fully coreographed. Now I'll be figuring it out on my own."

"That makes two of us!" Izzy said. "I played Ariel in my old school's production of The Little Mermaid. That was fun, even if I did spend much of the first half stuck on a rock."

"How did they do swimming scenes?" Hitch asked.

"They were pre-recorded," Izzy explained. "The costumes weren't too fussy either."

"Lucky you," Sunny replied. "I had a hard enough time not falling over! They can be hard to manage if you're not usd to them."

"What about Pipp's dresses we were loaned on our first trip to Falmouth?" Izzy asked.

"Those were much smaller."

Hitch looked over. "I never took you for a fashion expert, Sunny."

"Pipp helped to fill some of the blanks, but much of learning about it was sparked by attending a relative's wedding," Sunny explained. "I wanted to figure out how it worked. Thankfully the bride was more than happy to!"

"Where is Pipp?" Izzy asked. "I'd have thought she wanted to get ready with us!"

"She and Zipp are having their stuff done at the house," Misty replied. "I bumped into Lady Haven earlier and she explained some of the basics."

"That explains the spare outfit she left," Hitch mused. "We'll all be getting changed before we set off for Penmere."

"You guys look beyond!" Jazz said.

"Beyond what?" Izzy asked. "You can't just end a sentence with 'beyond'."

"A sentence ending in a preposition is something up with which I will not put," Hitch noted. "So said Winston Churchill."

And so, they headed for the changing rooms. "You sure you'll be fine handling the yard, Jazz?" Sunny asked.

"Me and Ray will keep it spic and span!" Jazz smiled. "Of course, Nigel will help too."

Once they were fitted into their clothing, they were on their way to the station. Sunny was wearing a low cut yellow dress with puffed sleeves and black lace on the bodice and skirt. Izzy had gone for a somewhat minimalist approach too, having selected a pink dress with a smooth top layer and a ruffled bodice around the neckline, combined with even more ruffles at the bottom of the skirt.

And Hitch was in military uniform, as previously stated. "Only one station to go," he said, before noticing Misty was trailing behind. "Need a hand?"

"I'm not used to walking in these things!" she replied. Whatever Pipp had picked out had somehow worked. Misty was wearing a green gown with a dome shaped skirt, puffed sleeves, and a lower cut bodice with black lace. The lace also extended over the dome of the skirt and even was attached to the hem. "It seems to have a mind of its own!"

"Walk slowly and with deliberate steps," Sunny answered. "If you need extra movement lift the skirt a bit."

Sure enough, the train was waiting for them, and it had been decked out in fancy decorations. They climbed into the carriages, and soon they were off to the ball.

Izzy looked over. "Do you think this will change back at midnight?"

Misty had absolutely no clue what they were talking about.

When they arrived at Penmere Station, the red carpet had been rolled out- literally. A red carpet ran from the station to the front entrance of the house, a vast Victorian pile that appeared to have been put together from hastily remodelling of an earlier building.

And boy was that red carpet packed! Everybody who was somebody was walking down it.

"Hey guys! Looking good!"

Izzy glanced over to see Pipp and Zipp waiting. Zipp was wearing the same blue gown she'd been wearing when they first met, whilst Pipp was in something more vintage. Purple with flatter sleeves, plenty of lace, and a wide skirt with even more lace at the bottom.

"Any reason for the time travelling companion of yours?" Hitch asked.

"Victorian house, Victorian style gown!" Pipp smiled. "This is actually a reproduction of a gown worn by one of our ancestors. I can point them out in the picture gallery if you like."

"You have a picture gallery here?" Sunny asked.

Zipp shrugged. "Why have one of something when you can have two for double the cost?" She glanced to the crowd. "Looks like we'd best get moving. It's a good thing we don't need masks."

"Was there a requirement to wear masks?" Misty asked.

"Yes," Pipp replied, "but we dropped it as it was obvious who was who from just looking. On the plus side, it means Mom can't pill the 'tis I, the Duchess!' trick she liked to pull every year. It got old really fast."

Further up the line, Goldie glanced about her, then back to Argyle. "Lots of women in hoopskirts!" she commented. "I hope I'm not underdressed for the event- after all, this is the only evening gown I've got."

Argyle smiled. "I don't think the Havens will mind. They're our friends!"

"That's still a little mind boggling, to be honest- being friends with a Duchess." Goldie shrugged her shoulders and adjusted her shawl. "Still, it's worth looking like a clown for an evening."

"You don't look like a clown!" Argyle replied. "Blue suits you very well. After all, Cinderella wore blue to the ball, and there's no doubt who was the belle that night."

"I guess that makes you my Prince Charming," Goldie playfully replied. "I only hope you can keep up on the dance floor."

The attendees entered the ballroom to find elaborate displays, a cleaned and wide dancefloor, and several bands playing music on the side.

The tables were stacked high with decadent deserts, and an ice sculpture was slowly melting nearby. "They have everything!" Pipp said. "Peanut butter puddles, chocolate fountains, and even the cookie mountains!"

"Sounds great," Hitch said, glancing down at his neatly pressed and ironed uniform. "This looks like it'll be very messy. Especially since this has to be dry cleaned."

"As do these," Zipp pointed out to Pipp.

"Fair point," Pipp replied. "Plates are over there!"

Sunny sighed as she looked about. "I just hope I can remember how to dance in this. The distinct lack of partners doesn't really help."

Hitch turned away from the table. "I'd be more than happy to be your dance partner for at least part of the night."

Sunny smiled. "Thanks, Hitch."

Suddenly, there was a fanfare. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my utmost honour to welcome Lord and Lady Haven, the Duke and Duchess of Dorset to our fair stage!"

Just then, Lord and Lady Haven arrived. Lord Haven would not have looked out of place in a Dickens novel, whilst his wife was wearing the same red gown from the first Swanage trip.

"Greetings, one and all!" Lord Haven called. "Welcome to this, our humble abode."

Lady Haven took over the microphone. "This is the first Grand Ball we've hosted since 2021, as we've been rather busy restoring this house to its former glory. This is also the first time we've hosted the event outside of Swanage so in honour of the event we have had a local poet produce a poem."

A woman dressed very strangely stepped onto stage, and coughed. And then began to speak.

"Welcome, welcome, one and all-
Welcome to the Falmouth Ball!
There's merriment and delight to be had-
We sincerely hope none will be sad!
So to speech, and to cheer, and to journeys most bold!
There shall be laughter and enjoyment untold!

They then left the stage. The duo turned around so nobody could hear them. "Who writes this drivel?" Lord Haven asked.

Lady Haven sighed. "I don't think we'll be hiring Mrs. Miller as a speechwriter again."

Nigel beheld a scene of chaos as he arrived at Falmouth. "How did this yard end up in such a mess?" he asked.

And it was. There were trucks everywhere. There were trucks in the sidings. There were trucks in the platforms. There were trucks in places where trucks shouldn't have been. And the worst bit of all was yet to come... they were singing, loud, rude, and in four part harmony.

"Trucks are waiting in the Yard/
Tackling them with ease'll!
"Show the world what I can do",
Gaily boasts the Diesel!

"In and out he creeps about/
Like a big blue weasel!
When he pulls the wrong ones out –
Pop goes the Diesel!"

And then they laughed in their silly way.

Jazz looked over from Ray's cab. "Whomever knew managing trucks could be so hard?" she said. "One moment they're all sensibly arranged, the next they're all over the place."

Ray sighed. "And now they're singing in a round."

"Trucks are waiting-
Trucks are waiting-
Trucks are waiting-"

Nigel rolled his eyes. "A shame Brookes can't be here. Looks, I'll help you two clean this lot up."

Goldie sighed as she took a seat at the side of the chamber, a drink in her hand. That had certainly brought back some memories.

Suddenly, a voice attracted her attention. "Who is this charming lady I see?"

Goldie smiled. "Very funny, Argyle," she said, gesturing next to her. "I see your sense of humour is in as fine a shape as ever."

Argyle sat down and smiled himself. "How many years since we last danced like that?" he asked. "Learning all the dances for our wedding was nerve wracking enough."

Goldie noticed her glove had slipped a bit, and adjusted it. "I remember that well. I was worried I'd tread on my skirt."

"I'd probably have done that if I hadn't learned the moves."

Goldie nodded. "Good thing I overruled mother on that and refused to wear a hoopskirt. We'd have fallen over!"

"That would have been awkward." Argyle's eyes scanned the room. "And to think I thought the balls Falmouth University hosts were opulent," he said. "But this is like something out of Renaissance Italy!"

"I can see Leonardo da Vinci going to speak to the Prince now," Goldie joked. "Have you tried any of the deserts yet?"

"No," Argyle replied. "The lack of cutlery makes it a bit hard. I don't really want to get this on my suit."

Goldie nodded in solemn agreement. "It'd be a nightmare to get stains out of my dress. Is my hair holding up?"

Argyle smiled. "It certainly has a radiant effect. Apologies if this sounds sappy, but you're just as beautiful as the day we met."

"Oh, you hopeless romantic, you," Goldie smiled. The orchestra then signalled it was changing tempo. "Fancy returning to the dance floor? Sunny seems to be having a bit of trouble staying upright."

"Of course. I'd happily dance with you for a thousand years."

"A few hours is quite enough for today."

On the other side of the room, Lord Haven had collected two drinks- one for himself, one for his wife. "I found your favourite," he said, as he handed the glass to her.

Lady Haven smiled. "You know me so well, Robert."

"Well, we have been married for nearly 30 years. I figured I'd get to know you pretty well in that time." He sat down next to her. "Fancy joining one of the later dances?"

"I'd love to. But the earlier ones only reminded me I'm not getting any younger." Lady Haven sighed. "And this place is already so big and seemingly empty. I can only imagine it'll be even emptier when Pipp and Zipp move out."

"That won't be for a long time. And we'll still have each other," Robert said gently. "I say, whose the big gentleman with the beard?"

"That's Alphabittle. He owns the Class 37 that's running at the Swanage Railway," Lady Haven explained. "I sent him an invite as a way of saying thank you, but he does seem to be a little lost."

Elsewhere, Zipp had snuck off. She was in another part of the building, and was currently stopped in front of a door. She looked at the keypad. "This room requires a code to enter." She noted the clue. "Two for one."

She smiled. "Mom, you really need to stop using our birthdays for codes. Pipp and I were born on the same day!" She punched the numbers in and entered through the door.

Only for Misty to suddenly appear as well and try to get in. Unfortunately, the door began to shut and she got stuck. "Zipp? A little help here?"

Zipp turned around and saw Misty struggling. "Let me just get the door open," she said, and pushed the button. Seconds later, the door swung open and Misty was free. "Thanks."

"No problem. So, want to help me research stuff?"

"That's why you're in here, right?" Misty asked. "You don't come across as the type who does fancy parties."

"It's why most people go in libraries, right?" Zipp replied. "And we've got some incredibly rare stuff in here. And no, I don't. I just needed an excuse to get out of all the dancing."

"Anything specific?" Misty asked.

"Anything relating to Sodor," Zipp replied, and the pair soon got to work. After a few minutes of sorting, they had a handful of texts they could use, and began reading through them.

After a few moments, Misty decided to break the ice a bit. "You sure know a lot about these things, huh?"

Zipp nodded whilst keeping her eye on the text. "Yep. I consider myself well read."

"No, I meant these things we're wearing."

Zipp sighed. "Yeah. I'm used to them." She paused. "First wore one when I was six, though not without resistance."

"That's funny," Misty said. "I thought you didn't like wearing skirts."

"I don't," Zipp replied. "But it's only a few hours once a year. Besides, staying in line with protocol once a year is a pretty quick way to get what I want. It's Pipp who gets a kick of this sort of thing. Least I can get away with not having to wear a corset."

Misty could sense this was a lot on Zipp's mind, so shifted the topic. "Must be a pretty big deal being the heir to a duchy, huh?"

Zipp sighed. "There's more to it than big buildings and fancy clothes. It's an odd life, but it's improved by the fact I'm friends with you guys." Her eyes widened at one portion of text. "Gotcha! It's the writings of Teddy Boston, one of the Guardians! This will be very useful! But why is half a page missing?"

Suddenly, there was the sound of commotion from the main hall. "What was that?" Misty asked.

"Let's go find out!" Zipp said, and they dashed out of the room.

"How do people even stay upright in these things, let alone dance?!" Sunny exclaimed, looking a bit silly.

"I thought you were the expert," Hitch replied.

Sunny was about to reply, but suddenly everything stopped.

"Where has it gone?"

Just then, Zipp appeared and made all deliberate speed across the dancefloor. "What's going on, mom?"

Lady Haven looked very worried. "My necklace has been stolen!" she said.

"But who took it?" Zipp asked.

"A Thief!" her mother replied.

"Are you sure it wasn't a pickpocket?" Zipp asked.
Lady Haven blinked. "It can't have been a pickpocket! My dress doesn't have pockets! And even if it did, why would I put a necklace in there?"

"Good point," Zipp admitted. Just then she saw sombody moving. "There's the thief!"

A strange figure suddenly ran out of the room. Zipp pulled her skirts up and dashed out of the room. "Stop right there!"

The thief continued to run at speed down the corridor, until he suddenly turned a corridor. Zipp shook her head. "Need to drop some weight to catch up!" With a handful of quick motions she slipped out of the dress, skidding effortlessly out from underneath the skirt and continuing the chase in her stealthsuit. "I'm so glad I decided to wear this underneath."

She rounded another bend and saw the thief crash into a trolley before flying through the air and slamming into a lamp post.

Zipp skidded to a stop and picked up the necklace. "I think you'll find that belongs to my mom."

The thief looked up. "My fish went drinking in a water tank."

After returning the necklace to Lady Haven, the crew settled in for a positive night of dances and merriment. But they were in for a bit of a shock when they got home.

Sunny saw Ray and Nigel still hard at work cleaning the station area. "How did this place become such a mess?" she asked.

Jazz looked over, utterly exhausted. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Back at the House, Alphabittle had gone outside for some air. He looked out over the scenery and towards the sea. "What a night," he said. "I haven't been to a ball like that in years." He thought to himself. "Oh well. Back off to Swanage in the morning. But there was somebody there. That girl with Zipp. She looked... familiar? Could it be...?"

He dismissed the thought almost immediately. "No, it can't be her. She vanished a long time ago. And that sort of thing doesn't happen in real life. Only on TV."

He continued his drink as he tried to puzzle this situation out.

Author's Note:

This chapter combines elements of the Make your Mark episode The Manesquerade Ball and Baby Critters, an episode of Tell Your Tale. The chapter title is a nod to Come Dancing, a BBC Series broadcast between 1949 and 1998 that followed competitive ballroom dancers. The show would later be rebooted as Strictly Come Dancing.

Izzy's reference to playing Ariel is both an allusion to the career of Kimiko Glenn (who got her start in musical theatre) and to a recently revealed cover for the IDW comics which references Disney's animated version of The Little Mermaid:

Considering Glenn's singing voice is a close match for Jody Benson, she'd absolutely nail it in my opinion (though Halle Bailey was also stunning in the live action remake).

Pipp's remark about Haven's mask trick is a reference to something King Henry VIII used to do after formal events. Often he would keep the mask on, step into the other parts of the Palace, and then reveal himself to be the King. Of course, everybody knew who he was, but they played along in not recognising him.

The fanfare is back:

For those who are interested in that sort of thing, the costumes the characters are wearing are down below.

Sunny Starscout:

Izzy Moonbow:

Pipp Petals:

Zipp Storm:


Lady Haven:


(Goldie is wearing blue gloves rather than white)

Falmouth Manor is based on Grinkle Park, a former stately home and hotel I stayed at for my cousin's wedding. The scenery and terrain was nice, but the lack of climate control less so-considering we spent most of the day in fancy clothes and suits.