• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,620 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Rise of Evil

Arkanistan S.S.R., Rodinian Telegram News

"Breaking news from the Soviet Republic of Arkanistan, Private Military Group Serbija had released a video declaring war on the government of Rodinia, take a look."


"I, General Ratko Mladić! Hereby declare that the Soviet Government of Rodisnia had failed to uphold the terms of our contract and effective immediately, I am pulling out all forces from Zebrican nations and the kingdom of Olenia! Along with this, I hereby announce the succession of Arkanistan and as we speak, the army of Serbija is now rebranded to the Arkanistani Liberation Army and is in control of city provinces! We will free our nation against the clutches of this Soviet menace! We shall be free! LONG LIVE FREE ARKANISTAN!"


"Hours after the video's release reports had come in that military bases and cities had come under fire by Serbijan militants. Currently- -"


The television is turned off suddenly by the Red Mother, who watched everything unfold from the comfort of her seat, she then turned to her phone and dialed the numbers.

"I am ready, patch me, Secretary Brezhnev, immediately."

As the phone ranged in Brezhnev's office, the Secretary was standing on the balcony of the window in the night, staring dead at Luna's moon as he smoked his Kuban Cigar.

Being aware of this phone call firsthand, he walked out from the balcony top to his desk where he picked up the red phone from its base.

"Mr. Brezhnev here," he said.

"Secretary Brezhnev, you may proceed to inform Perov to launch the operation and rescue Yuri from the Equestrian clutches."

"But why Red Mother, he's failed many times I am even surprised that you still want him back?"

"He may have failed me multiple times, yes, but that is something for him to explain, and punished for, but even then we still have use for him, now without question Mr. Secretary, proceed with the operation."

"Da, Our Red Mother, it shall be done."

The Gardens of Canterlot

Soviet Spetsnaz are deployed in the dead of night through trekking and sneaking for miles on the ground, at hours end they finally arrived.

Their mission was to rescue Yuri from Equestrian clutches, which at the moment they have him locked up and chained everywhere, the men also have a spare head brace for Yuri so that he could use his telepathic powers once more.

However according to the briefing they received as they continued deeper into the city and to the dungeons below the castle, a private trial is supposed to be hosted by the Oversight of Princess Luna.

And due to her notoriety within the group knowing that she could typically blast them to the legs with her magic, the mission had to be swift.


Inside the Castle, Princess Luna had been assisting the jurors with getting to their place, while her sister Celestia couldn't attend due to a Diplomatic mission to Griffonia, Luna had been busy keeping the kingdom and solving the usual internal disputes, whether it'd be capitalistic or farmer land disputes, she had at most kept the peace in the kingdom as her sister Celestia had.

But after getting the jurors in place, it was now time for the criminal himself.

"Your Highness, the prisoner is now prepared for transfer," the guard informed.

"Lead the way guard," Luna ordered, as the guards and the princess descended deep into the Castle depths of the dungeon.


Upon word that Princess Luna was approaching down the steps, the high-ranking Royal Guards that had been guarding Yuri's cell unlocked the magic barrier and prepared to set him down on the Drum Truck.

The reason is that Yuri's body has been imprisoned in a body-sized square-shaped containment that restricts body movement and disables its host's will to struggle, the only place not applied is the head to allow the host to breathe and eat to survive.

Never had Equestria used it before, the only time they did was when they captured a dragon ravaging a village, of course, the dragon lands protested the use of it and even threatened war, but they never did act upon it, even when the dragon that was imprison was executed post-trial and they still didn't react.

This was however the first time they used it on a human, to their surprise Rodinia did not react, respond or anything, this led the Equestrians to believe that the Rodinians were trying to distance themselves from staying out of international trouble and not start a incident, or that they abandoned him, the Equestrians however thought of this, but personally, I knew he wasn't going to be locked up just like that.

They were just bidding their time.

As they placed the containment on the Drum Truck Yuri looked at the two with a smile, however, they couldn't see his mouth because it had a mussle, but they knew what expression he was making.

"What's so funny?" The Guard asked.

"Eh, don't let this man fool ya, he thinks he's so special that his friends in the other continent will save him, well I will tell you this stranger! Just like the dragons before you, they were never rescued by their dragon lord! Just as the way as you will never be rescued by your leader!"

It was then that the two were suddenly stabbed to death by Spetsnaz soldiers in the throat, killing them without a sound. Then the soldiers released the mussle from Yuri's mouth.

"It's about time they brought you to rescue me," Yuri complemented, as they grabbed the key from the dead guards.

"No Rodinian get left behind comrade Yuri, give me the key Zulu-3!"

The Rodinian Spetsnaz is given the key and he unlocks the containment.

"What is going on here? Who dares intrude in the castle!" Luna entered when she horrifyingly noticed two murdered subjects lying on the ground near dead and then turned her head towards the free Yuri and Special Forces soldiers who stared back at her with emotionless expressions.

"A trial I assume princess?" Yuri chuckled. "I heard about these, you did it with dragons, petty, your species always got it wrong with humans, you fail to predict their nature and they've existed for how long?"

"Even if we didn't predict this! We learn from our mistakes!"

"Oh like the time when you summoned that Tantabus? Petty, even with your existence here in this world you've somehow endangered it indirectly!"

Immediately Luna stomped her hoof so hard that it created a crater. "I WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED!"

She then dashed towards Yuri's chest and knocked him and his men out of the cell and outside of the castle, however, it was then an MI-17 Helicopter armed with missiles and Machine Guns lit the entire room up, the Bat Pony guards shielded their heads bracing for the attack only for them to be protected by Luna's shield spell as the Helicopter unloaded everything it had on the single room.

After destroying everything around them, Luna and her Bat Pony guards were still alive, and only the room was destroyed.

"While I may not be intimidated by you the truth can intimidate you more, than a lie, thanks for the escape by the way but I must be going, my leader calls me."

The helicopter leaves Luna's sight, but before she is purely blinded by rage the Bat Pony's yelped.

"Your Highness! They're still alive! If we can hurry we can still save them!"

Although Luna could've blown the communists out of the sky right about now, saving the ones that can be saved is more important than a grudge.

"Next time, but alas."


"Da, mhm... Da, Da, Dasvidanya," Perov hangs up the phone and turns towards the electronic screen presenting Secretary General Brezhnev and other Rodinian Generals.

"It has been confirmed that Yuri has been freed and will be taken back here for a medical check-up, at the meantime comrades, what will be our plan against these terrorist cells?" Perov informed.

"We could blow them off the face of the earth! We have a Nuclear arsenal we should put it to the test!" Said some General.

"And what exactly do we have to gain General? If we nuke Arkanistan we lose its Gold Resources and our edge in this god-forsaken cold war with the Amerika," Perov rejected.

"Perhaps a monthly siege would do, following with artillery barrage of the sector," suggested another General.

"That's one idea, how about another? Secretary Brezhnev since you're our leader what do you suggest?" Perov asked.

"Well thank you General Perov, I do have a proposition, as we speak we are getting assistance from the Yakutian tribal Ponies of Alania."

Immediately everyone but Perov laughed at Brezhnev's statement, however, when Both Brezhnev and Perov looked at them dead in the eyes they stopped laughing.

"What do we have to gain with those ponies? They barely have anything other than a single T-54 tank!"

"Da, not to mention that they still our troop's boots the moment they get the opportunity, (creator help us,) we had to sleep barefoot!"

"Well here is my reason why, the Serbijan terrorists have a reputation for Anti-Yakutian Pony groups, basically they hunt and kill Snow Ponys for a fucking living, and since Alania's tribal government had waged their war on said groups it's about time we allow them to release their rage on the terrorist hideouts," Brezhnev presented.

"HA! With what? Fish?"

"Klashkinovs, and tanks."

The room went silent hearing those two words.

"We will be supplying them weapons, along with some training and some-"

Suddenly the door opens in Perov's office, and Yuri enters in a new Black uniform, and a new head brace.

"Ah, Comrade Yuri..." Greeted Perov grudgingly.

"Comrade Perov, I was wondering about the last time we met, how's that family of yours?" said Yuri, in a threatening tone.

"You keep your fucking mouth to yourself bitch!"

"*AHEM* Yuri, I assume you've been briefed on the situation yes?"

"What's this about training a group of soldiers?"

"That is the second part, is what to do after the war, we've decided to form a group to replace Serbija to maintain our international stage, the group is called Wagner."

"Wagner?" Yuri queried. "Like the name Richard Wagner? The one who created that overused music for the Huey riders? That Wagner?"

Perov rolled his eyes in displeasure as Brezhnev added.

"Yes, and I've made that clear that this group is as important as the Rodinian army, without the ability to wage wars indirectly we cannot influence nations and we obviously cannot be traced back to us, your contact will be in Klugetown."

"And what about the revolt in Arkanistan? Surely you need me to quell it?"

"Arkanistan will be dealt with joint forces between us and the Alanian snow ponies, the job I've assigned to you is greater than you think and with this new job comes a great reward, the Red Mother has decided, that if you do this correctly, we will allow you to continue operations in Equestria, with twice the supplies we've originally provided," Brezhnev informed, but before Yuri spoke Brezhnev continued. "And you will have a mission that even as someone as you would like."

"Now this sounds interesting."

Canterlot, day time morning

The aftermath of the Soviet raid on the dungeon took its toll, the trial was canceled, and the ever-lasting knowledge of Rodinia's operation in and out of Equestria from Stalliongrad, again, took its toll mentally, physically, and... Economically.

The two guards that had been brutally taken down did survive barely. But their families demanded compensation anyway and so being the tireless overworked princess Luna was, she had been working on signature after signature after signature.

Most of these signatures happened to be from the Jury complaint about not being paid, which unfortunately they were, but the worst of the complaints were from military officials, with Celestia gone to Griffonia on a diplomatic mission they took advantage of pressuring Luna into accepting the American Modernization Program (AMP) as it had recently stretched all over the global scale.

Ranging to Zebrica, the Arabian countries of the Arabian Region have been given a great supply of standardized M14 rifles, repurposed and refitted M4 Stuart tanks, and some Spitfire aircraft, the other countries also include the signature states of Colthage, Zumidia, and Maregypt. Are given much more advanced weapons.

As for Griffonia, they have also been given advanced technology as well, the Griffons had been provided assault Rifles, armored vehicles, more notably the TPZ Fuchs, near modern armor and artillery, and even then, nations range from the Griffonian Empire, the Kingdom of Aquilea, and even the Equestrian colony of New Mareland.

And when news came from Jet Set that the weapons provided to the Pony nation were a bit more advanced than the Griffoinians and some Zebrican countries combined, some in the Equestrian cabinet were a bit skeptical that America may try to use this as a way to subjugate the world to curve into some sort of worldwide hegemony.

But when introduced with the logic that their neighbor, the Changelings, has been growing bigger and bigger in army size and proportions, the latter agreed. The problem is that only a princess has the final say, sure they could go to Twilight Sparkle, but she doesn't count herself as a legitimate royal official, and Cadence is more of a foreigner Pony to them than a princess all to itself.

This left them only with Luna and Celestia, and so far the only one who had rejected was Celestia, but when she had left the Military officials took the opportunity to pressure Luna into submission.

Luna expected someone from the military, as she was told by an advisor.

As the pony left Luna's presence she looked in front above the throne and found me standing in front of her instead of a military advisor.

"Yates!? How in Fasusts name did you get in here past security!" Luna fussed confusingly.

"Oh, the two guards allowed me through cause, I have the permit that typically allows me inside of the castle wherever I want, I guess you could say this would be the 3rd time?"

Luna looked behind Yates and saw the Guards looking at the princess and turned around to avoid what looked like a face filled with wrath, of course, Luna sighed in some sort of relief, at least it wasn't the military officials who had decided to come and bother her.

"I apologize for my paranoia Mr. Yates, I've been a bit stressed in recent times."

"Yeah, so I've heard just by reading the reports, can't believe you tried to torture yourself through countless and pointless nightmares from the past, I mean damn I get the incident started a global scale war but hell! That does mean-"

And so the regret of me saying those words came to light as Luna slammed her hooves through the table in front of her throne and banged her head on impact in misery.

"I don't know why! Everything I have done has led to terrible things! Every attempt at being independent had led to chaos and ruin! Every decision I make that contradicts my sister's choice has led to destruction in everlasting proportions! Yates, I don't know what to do-"

Without any hesitation, with a great internal protest within my frontal lobe, I lifted Luna and slapped her in the face so hard that it prompted the guards nearby to surround me with spears pointing at my chin although this was only brief as Luna swiftly yelled.


The guards frightened by the sudden outburst backed off leaving me and Luna alone in the throne room.

"Thank you, I needed that, but you didn't have to do it that hard?"

"Well if it means getting you're damn senses straight then yes it was necessary, besides you will come to thank me later, now listen I am not here just to lecture you but you have to stop with your fucking pity on yourself because remember if it wasn't for that damn Tantabas feeding off of you're pity or yourself you would have eventually resorted to... Something more extreme than whatever you call torture."

"And what is something more extreme than suffering from the Nightmares I used to torture myself with?"

"...I'd rather not say," I answered, sitting down on the chair that sat in front of whatever was left of the table.

"Look I'll be quick with you, recently I've been witnessing these nightmares myself," I explained. "Recently I've had one of these dreams of some sort of event, what looked like Twilight, her friends, fighting you?"

"That's... Interesting... But you were never there?"

"I know, I was at sea when I heard about you being freed."

"At sea?" Queried Luna. "I thought you were a soldier?"

"I was in the navy portion of my military career, or at least that was the case before I got dragged down here."

It was then that something fell out of my pocket suddenly and rolled on its edge up between Luna's Hind legs. Noticing the sounds of iron skimming the ground below her, she looked down and saw a medallion of a familiar symbol never had she seen for years, not since that war with the Crystal Empire.

Of course, while she stared at it with a surprised deadpanned expression I stood there wondering how the hell my medallion fell out of my pocket.

"Oh, how funny! Must've gotten torn from the bottom, fuck, well Alex is going to have my ass for this," I contemplated when Luna hovered the Medallion onto the table in front.

"You're Marines," she said, without question, not a single emotion, or anger, just those two words which eh... Ok, I should probably explain it all of my career.

The day I turned 18 in 997 I left for the army and found myself at odds with the recruitment options, At that time there was a manpower crisis that had occurred, which lasted up from 996 to 1001, and the navy needed conscripts to fill its ranks, so I've volunteered to fulfill the ranks for the Navy, the problem was that I still craved for the life of being in the army, fighting overseas, so you would tell that I was desperate and so when they handed me the option of becoming a Marine... I was a bit picky with that choice, not because of the rumors, though rumors be true I am having to be placed inside of an Ice pond for fucking sake, but they said that it was the only way to be able to deploy on the ground as a navy man so, eventually I caved in with the idea of becoming a Marine.

Of course, I would come to learn during the deadliest training of my life, that the Marines at one point during the Human-Crystal war saved Princess Luna at the battle of Whinnypolis so that would explain now why she's kind of looking at me funny this way.

But off that topic for a little, I had to go through literal flaming hoops to get to the position I am in right now, and I can tell you it had actually paid off. The Muscle, the weapons, and the ability to be on the ground and ocean, whether I am deployed to these areas of the course, but while the courses are dangerous the Marines are dangerous to the enemy, although everyone in the world fears Delta Force more, I can tell you we get the job done, and by we, I mean just they because most of the time I'm just sitting around on my fucking chair filing paperwork while Gold Star is off on his break!

"That... Is a large sum explanation you made there," Luna said, comprehending of what I just wrote.

"Yeah, I've gone through a LOT of hell just to get to this point."

Luna got up from her seat and trotted towards me. "Look about what happened, with the Tantabas."

"I'd rather forget that ever happened, it's for the best, but going off that topic."

"Of course, you said you had these nightmares lately? When did they start?" Luna asked.

"Well for one I was asleep and tired on those days so I couldn't count, but if I can remember correctly I'd say about the day Gold Star went on his break which is about... 2 days ago?"

"Hm... I'm sure it's just a coincidence then, nothing but a rare case of repeated Nightmares."

"That's the thing though, it spoke my name."

Luna rolled her eyes as her mind chuckled at the solid fact that something nonexistent said my name.

"I'm sure everypony had that happen before to them."

"Also this shadow kept appearing in my dream, like the same shadow from night one, and then night two same shadow," I explained, which made Luna give me a side-eye.

"A shadow?" Asked Luna.

"Black, just purified borderless black, that's all it is, and it has red eyes," I answered, and Luna tilted her head with an expression suspicious inside of me.

"Guard, show him to his quarters, I wish to conduct a test," Luna ordered.

"Yes your Highness," the guardsmare acknowledged as I said to myself.

"Oh boy..."

Klugetown, Soviet Air Base: Eritrea, 6:00 hours

The Hind model Helicopter landed on the airfield pad of what looks like a rugged shack built with wood only, this is because the Rodinian government wanted to avoid "attention" and insisted on using what was available on land. Although the exception is that the run-down wooden base does have Computer systems and Air defenses so that's somewhat of a reassurance for Yuri.

As he got off the helicopter, kicking dusty sand in the air, already he saw that he was in for a wild ride, nothing but drunken Rodinians off duty strangling themselves, and the sound of Russian Roulette going off in the background as Gunshots ranged out from the upper floor as to tell that someone lost a bet.

Then a Rodinian officer approached Yuri, he had somewhat of a formality except for the fact that he had no shirt, and... No pants, but rather a military cap and boots.

"Mr. Yuri, welcome to Klugetown," greeted the officer, sweating from his pores from the beating sun.


"So I was informed that you're here for the meet up yes?" The officer assumed that someone behind him passed out not from the heat but rather from alcohol poisoning.

"Oh, that guy? Don't worry he's just sleeping."

"...Right, show me the contact (and let's get this shit fest over with...)"

"Right this way sir!"

Entering inside was a hell hole, with music blasting through the radio, Rodinians fist fighting, thumb waring, and even arm wrestling. Or in some cases just a plain-out gun duel to see who gets the last drip of alcohol or piles of cash that's probably worthless in the God-forsaken lands.

It was like the Siberian Bar room all over again but in the desert.

"How the hell does anyone in this hell hole live like this?" Yuri asked.

"Well, when you're in the deepest parts of the Zebhara you tend to just live out in any way possible just to stay cool you know?"

"But these men are obsessed with alcohol and there is no command or control here! It's practically anarchy here!" Yuri ranted. "Who is your commanding officer!"

"Well, Comrade, that would be me," the officer replied.

"No fucking way are you the commanding officer here! Where's the real commanding officer?"

"Well, I guess again Comrade it is me, but! I can tell you there was a commanding officer before! Yes yes, his name was... General Vernakov I believe?" The officer said.

"Vernakov? As in Vernakov Vistka!? The General that led the Arabian offensive! Where the hell is he!"

"Well comrade haha, funny story... He's dead."

"...Dead as in, HOW!!?"

"Dead as in, he was shot to death by a pedestrian, oh but don't worry sir! We killed the pedestrian, and the gang that came to avenge that one pedestrian, it took a while because well, we were drunk! But you can be sure as hell that we sent their asses to Tartarus!"

Immediately Yuri found the nearest wooden pillar and repeatedly banged his bald head onto it 17 times until he found himself not unconscious but rather having a headache. Not from the pain itself though, although it was soring, but more from the ridiculousness of the structure he had found himself in.

"You know what... Just-just take me to the fucking contact already!"

"Right sir, come he's been expecting you."

"Let's fucking hope so."

As the two went downstairs to the ground level which would be the cafe grounds part of the base, there sat one man looking at the photo and chuckling, surrounding him is what is assumably contraband Preubic weapons that his men had captured in the battle of Crystal City.

The officer left Yuri leaving the bald psy with another bald man.

"Magnificent how a single bullet pierces the human skin, it's one of those wonders when you think that something as small as a single cockroach, could kill a man."

"Quite poetic there if I may add so," Yuri complemented, pulling a chair in front of his contact. "And you must be my contact yes?"

"Yevgeni Prigozhin," he introduced, extending his hand to Yuri as the two shook on it. "So Mr. Yuri, how can I be of service to you and my homeland?"

"I have assumed you did have combat experience before in Zebrica, if not big with contacts to every mercenary group ever known that is against America aren't you not?" Yuri queried.

"Guilty as charge my friend, say can I get a coffee with this fellow? I like him already, especially those who do their homework properly. And on time." Prigozhin paused to grab a cigarette from his front pocket and light it "Before I can disclose any further answer to any questions, however! You've yet to answer mine, how can I be of service to you?"

Yuri smirked and nodded at the question.

"I have just only one thing in request," Yuri said turning left and right and behind him and then leaning in close to Prigozhin. "The reward, is obtaining a head of an Alicorn."

"Let's talk Payment, comrade Yuri," Prigozhin chuckled as the Coffee arrived and the two clinked them in a cheer for their cooperation.

Canterlot Nights

The day had turned to night, with Luna raising the moon she had been for most of the time preparing for the night when I have to sleep, although I hope I don't waste her time if this damn demon thing doesn't show up tonight in my dream.

If it does though, then we could particularly be in trouble.

"That should be the last of things, hopefully, I don't resort to using this," Luna added, pulling out a millennial-old sword from her sheath.

"Good damn, do you always carry that around with you?"

"It's not meant to take lives, it's more of in a case of dispelling any creature that intends on invading one's mind, this sword was forged and bestowed to me from those who the reminiscent of the Wendigoes had attacked, many of those creatures and their bi-spirits died to my hooves."

"Uhuh... Duly Noted lemme just write that down then."

Note to self: Do not piss off Luna and again, Twilight.

"RIGHT! So how do we do this, how do I get to sleep in a minimum time?"

"Like this."

Luna then lit her horn and used her spell on me, knocking me out to sleep, and then she teleported herself into the dream world.

The Southern hives

The changeling Commanders from all parts of the Changeling lands were gathered in the room today for what is assumably to be the important meeting of their lives, within the room are some of the Preubic Officers who gave the 1000-yard stare at the Changelings without a particular reason as if they were nervous.

"It seems our Queen is running late today," Said General Azure Lore.

"Well, perhaps it's maybe because she's having to be busy! For all we know Rommel Human could be lecturing her again," assumed General Elvir Roland

"Ridiculous! No one is as important as our Queen is! Even if someone is as important as they think they are!"

"Maybe so, but again these humans never tell us anything, makes me wonder what these dammed creatures are planning for in the first place!"

" I don't know but I just love the smell of their love terminating from their bodies!" Interfered Actia, which the human Preubic officers started sweating and blushing. "But as much as I love the smell, I haven't heard any single news on when we can launch our renewed assault on those damn ponies!"

"There won't be," entered Pharynx, walking through the doorway as he sat on the opposite end of Azure where he and everyone else looked at Pharynx.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT!?" Pharaynx shouted, suppressing eyes as they shifted elsewhere away from Pharaynx's direction.

"What's eating him all of a sudden?" Asked Lore.

"You have no idea, but I'll tell you know since I'm nearly as experienced in this group, and so to catch you up on things since have been promoted recently, so not your fault, you see, apparently not long ago, his brother Thorax had been getting ideas of peace and harmony, and all that disgusting nonsense. That's why he dragged him in to be in the battle of Canterlot, although many of us were killed in that damn fight reducing our general Staff to only a handful of us, Thorax however did survive," General Roland explained.

"So where is he?"

Pharaynx looked at the two officers in a tense stare at the two silencing them for a moment, then when Pharaynx turned to one of the Preubic officers in disgust Azure and Elvir continued in a whisper.

"Oh, now that's a nice question, not to be sarcastic, but we don't know where he is, he wasn't accounted for after the offensive army returned, and so as of recently he's considered a traitor, or a coward who ran from battle."


It was then that a Preubic entered the room and shouted.


Immediately the entire Preubic side raised from their seats and stood attentive side by side as Rommel entered through the door along with other advisers. Two of them were war Minister Albert Speer and Government official Joseph Goebbels, they stood with the other officers, and then came Chrysalis.

Chrysalis's face had been stoic, surprised, and even a mix of confusion, it was as if she had seen God just now and that this being had all the answers, to her own General's surprise even though they seemed to start noticing something different about this meeting, all high detailed, enhanced security, and even government officials they've never seen before had arrived.

And then he arrived...

"HEIL HITLER!" The men, generals, field Marshals, and everyone in the room who is human Preubics raise their right arm in a cultist-like salute to one man in a small black stache. The tension in the room this produced gave the Changeling Generals the jitters like never before.

Even Chrysalis, who at times consider herself as a necessary evil, also wondered what she and her subjects had gotten themselves into.

As the Fuhrer entered the room filled with Generals and officers from both sides and a Changeling Queen who stared at the group with tension in her eyes, he finally spoke.

"Sie können sitzen," he demanded, as the Preubic side sat.

"Ich bitte um einen Übersetzer," he requested, which the translator walked from the Preubic side and cleared his throat.

"What language is he speaking?" Chrysalis asked, and the translator translated it to Hitler who jerked his head.

"Was für eine Sprache!?" He shouted.

"Meine Führer, ich versichere Ihnen, dass sie Respekt vor unserem Volk und seiner Armee hat, es ist so, dass sie die Grundlagen unserer Sprache nicht kennt," Rommel explained, defending her question.

"Ah, ich verstehe, ich verstehe," replied Hitler, which turned to the translator and spoke, at the same time the translator repeated his words.

"The Fuhrer would like to thank you for hosting this meeting between our parties, he does want you the know that he is speaking Preubic, as he would rather speak in his native tone than English to non-allies. But as a first sacred alliance between our races, he would like to offer you the title, of honorary Aryan."

"Honorary Aryan you speak? What exactly is an Aryan?" Chrysalis questioned, and the translator relayed the question to Hitler and Hitler relayed his response to the translator.

"The Fuhrer explained, that this title would ensure that your race is not completely wiped out in the great purge that he plans to unleash on those who are not White or those who are not superior in a way not envisioned by god. Including, deformities, disability, anyone not a human, or a non-White."

" And what fashion does this place us in if I were to reject."

The translator looked nervous and relayed it back to Hitler, who sternly replied without hesitation.

"Are you... Sure, Mein Fuhrer?" Asked the translator, to which he nodded.

"Um... Der Fuhrer has replied that if you don't respect the title and not accept it you will be... Erm... Exterminated."

Immediately the Changeling Generals stared at their human counterparts in anger as they almost went buck wild to bite into their flesh like vampires, although that didn't happen because Chrysalis replied with.

"Very well then I accept your title offer."

The Generals looked at her silently, feeling like they just sold their souls to the devil, but in retrospect, it was more about killing those damn ponies, just not quick and painless but rather slow, torturing, pain, and agony. All in one.

"So tell me," Chrysalis added. "What happens now?"

Hitler attempts to speak English.

"Now- - we have work- - to do."

Dream World

What feels like an oddity when you have literal consciousness inside your brain, is the skin-crawling feeling that I'm being watched, of course, that didn't last long when Luna appeared in the form of a white cylinder ball of magic that floated down and landed beside me.

"Woah... Where are we?" I asked.

"We're in the dream realm, the guardians of the night and dreams can clear the entire dream to this void we also have the power to lock anyone in their brain, though rest assured that's in case I'm happening to question them or scour inside for information," Luna explained.

"So uhh... This is where most of your interrogations happen huh?"

"You are correct Yates, but I can even influence this plain of existence with a question."

"Well, what question should you ask?" I wondered within my literal brain.

"I suggest we start with the dream this being appeared in," she said.

"Great idea! Hm... I believe we should start with that one particular scene where... Well... You know."

"...I know."

Luna then used the magic of her two forms to turn what looked like a retro-like plain field into a forest, that same forest that I despised is the Everfree Forest, however when we did transform I found myself wearing an Eclipse Brigade uniform.


"What?" I asked when I looked down and saw myself wearing. "The hell..?"

"I know I shouldn't be asking of you, but why Eclipse Brigade?"

"I don't know. I was told to avoid it at all costs, but then again this is just my brain so anything can fucking happen around here., damn though, this is exactly the forest I've imagined Everfree to be?"

"The Everfree Forest, while it may be a bit scrawny and reckless with its rapid growth, it used to be our home."

"Huh, your taste of home, kind of surprised, so what killed that taste in the first place?" I asked.

"You don't want to know."

It was then that we heard a bush shuffling, Luna lit her horn to investigate the bush as she shoved it to the side and only found rabbits hopping around.

"Scared of rabbits?" I laughed humoriously.

"Oh shush! It's not my fear that I am afraid of."

"I know I know! But I like to have a few laughs! Especially when we have to find the damn- HOLY FUCKING SHIT!"

Immediately a ghoul flew down from the tree in a spearhead arrow blowing me and Luna away from each other, it was the shadow demon that I've talked about, the pure black darkness with red eyes.

Luna rebounded and saw it running away as she shook me up from the ground.


I quickly got up and we both gave chase to the demon as it flew and curved around the trees like water, as for me and Luna we were falling, tripping, slapped by limbs, and even the trees gained life from this demon creature and started chasing us down before we found an under toe of the cave.

However, the spirit floated up to the sky and so out of anger, Luna accidentally swept the entire dream in a fit of rage, destroying the forest scenery and restoring me back to my old army uniform, though I don't really mind never liking Eclipse Brigade anyways.

But what we thought was a part of the dream, the Shadow creature remained, chuckling at our foolishness as it floated down on the dream realm floor.

"ATTENTION FOUL BEAST! WE ARE THE GUARDIANS OF THE DREAM WORLD AND THE NIGHT NAME YOURSELF!" Yelled and demanded the guardians of the Night, and dreams.

"Uh... Yeah! Name yourself, (please)." Demanded the me and me.

Even more the shadow laughed at us in a demonic chuckle and finally, it spoke.

"Ṿ̸̨̝͕͉̪̺̍͂̔̈̄͗͘ẻ̶̺̕͝r̴̦͎̈́͗̌̕̕͜ͅÿ̴̜͇̫̮̱͙̖́̑̌̿̊͋̃̍͘ͅ ̵̣̟̲͕̂̅̏̏̋Ẇ̷̨̱̝̻͈̺̼̹̥̺͆̍͋̓̔̈́ẽ̶̘̩̟͓̦̣̪͛̍̚̚l̶̦͚̗̼̟̋̇̕̕l̸̡̧̬̠̱̖͇̥̳̮̿͝"

The red-eyed black shadow transformed into a Blue Goat, with what seemed to be a red-neck collar, long horns, and red eyes. While to me I don't see what's so threatening about a goat. Luna on the other hand however...

"N-no! That can't be! You were defeated! It was told you've been defeated! How are you alive!"

Grogar chuckled at the rapid questioning princess, who looked at me dead in the eyes for a small moment before Luna caught on and formed a protective shield around me and kept a defensive posture around me.

"Well, this seems like a nice introduction isn't it? This reminds me just as Megan had felt when she figured out that she was chosen to be a vessel for me."

"Megan?" I asked, which Luna looked at me with widened eyes as if she knew that name.

"Why yes, I assume you must be her descendent aren't you not?"

"What the fuck are you talking about, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!" I yelled.

"Easy Yates," Luna calmed, staring at Grogar.

"Well I guess I should provide you a context, Megan is dead, and I now live in your brain."

Immediately I tried to fiercely destroy the fucking barrier that Luna had shielded around me, going all from trying to pry it open with my bare hands to banging my head on it trying to kill that fucking beast.


"YATES I DEMAND YOU TO CEASE NOW OR I WILL BE FORCED TO KICK YOU OUT OF THIS REALM!" Luna threatened, which I did not fare with that threat, the fact of my mind spiraling with my Greater Grandmother being dead my rage turned to despair as I leaned inside of this fucking orb in sorrow.

Luna then stared at Grogar with immense hate.

"Without further interruption, I should probably give him the low down, no I did not kill Megan, she died on her own accord because her age had perceived her, the reason for my existence in his mind starts long ago."

In the beginning years of this wretched planet, I ruled Equestria with an iron hoof! A proper ruler with a proper title! Emperor of Equestria! My army was monsters and the subjects were ponies! But when your elder defeated me after thinking she had destroyed my bell! She took into acceptance of being a permanent prison for me.

Now you may ask, why? That's because your Wretched God wanted me to be tortured and keep an eye on, so when it was discovered that the bell was not destroyed entirely but rather recuperated back altogether, your pony warrior Gusty and her friends took my bell into Mt Everhoof!

And after they parted ways with your elder Megan, it was then that your God had me chained in Megan's mind and sought to rot me in there up until her death, of course since they feared the worst once she died he granted her immortality.

"And it wouldn't be long until Celestia and Luna appeared in this same realm inspecting my chains as I stared at Megan as the pony beside you and Celestia kept me in check! Hehehe WELL, NO MORE AM I CHAINED HERE! IN HERE I CAN NOW ROAM FREE TO DO WHATEVER I PLEASED!"

"You son of a bitch, now I remember who you are, you're a motherfucking monster!"

Grogar chuckled. "Yes yes, but now that your elder is dead, you will now have to deal with me for the rest of your life!"

"That's when you are wrong Grogar!" I yelled. " Megan may have been a regular human in her time before she met my Greater Grandfather Canter, who by the way fought a fucking war just so we don't have to fear people like you! And even when he was banished like the rest of the soldiers who tried desperately to save as many lives as possible Megan carried out her mission of raising the family I have today! She may have been a Williams yes, but Canter was a Luther, and while the name is traditionally no longer existent and had been reborn into Yates you will never taunt me with your fucking magic!"

Grogar sneered at what seemed to be a speech, Luna's eyes were dilated, shortly she lowered the shield and we both looked at Grogar in a glare.

"Interesting speech, unfortunately, we cannot touch each other at all."

"Why so," I asked.

"Because Yates... If you or he touches you both will die in your brain," Luna explained.

"I wouldn't mind sacrificing my life!"

"I wouldn't, Yates you have a life ahead of you! Even my sister knows you can't throw it away! Not like this."

As much as I like it or hate it, she was right, killing myself to kill Grogar is a gamble, for now I guess I'll stay as the secret weapon, however by what it seems the light appears in the distance of the dream realm indicating that it's almost day time.

"Until we meet again, Yates," chuckled Grogar, as both me and Luna disappeared in front of him.

Battle at Karnkov University

"WE CAN'T HOLD OUT ANY LONGER SIR! THEY'RE BOMBARDING US!" Shouted an Arkanistan soldier, as he fired an RPG at a T-72 detaching its entire turret off its chassis in an explosion.

Hours after the uprising military forces from Alania marched into combat with the newly provided guns supported by Rodinian T-72s that treaded the streets of a ruined city. Within that same hour, the rebellion was quickly dismantled by the roars of the Soviet army.

"Commander Frostbite!" Said a snow pony artillery gunner, as artillery dusted the snowed-in streets.

"Colonel Water Fish! What's the status on the war front!" Asked Commander Frostbite.

"We've got them all held up at this school sir! Most of their supposed captures had been taken by our Soviet allies! But they have civilians inside and they may hold them hostage!"

"We can't risk civilian lives, but we could try to send a force-"

"Commander Frostbite." The radio spoke. "Commander Frostbite do you hear!"

The Snow Pony commander grabbed the radio and replied. "Frostbite here."

"Your unit has been ordered to withdraw at once!" Ordered the Snowpony general.

"W-what? Why?" Asked Frostbite.

"I cannot provide, but you and your forces must get out of there now!"

"...Acknowledged." Replied Frostbite as she placed the radio in her saddlebags and started packing. "Relay the order, we're leaving now!"


After departing from Klugetown Yuri and Prigozhin entered the Kremlin where he is presented to the Red Mother as the new architecture of the new Paramilitary corps.

"Congratulations Yuri, you've accomplished the mission and made it up for the previous failures," the Red Mother praised.

"It is my pleasure Our Red Mother," Yuri replied.

"As for you Yevgeni Prigozhin, we've noted your skills in the battle of the Crystal City and I like to congratulate you as well for your actions."

"A great honor Our Red Mother," replied Prigozhin.

"Now without any more stalling, you will be taken by our gentlemen Captain Putin to help you with your recruitment drive, you may leave," insisted the Red Mother, as Prigozhin left with Vladimir Putin out of the room.

"I assume you've been waiting for your reward yes?" She asked.

"As I've been Red Mother, I've waited for this moment ever since I was introduced to it."

"...I will need to note to you Yuri, you do have the chance to leave this life and start a new one, you do have that choice, but I cannot guarantee that you will return to my lands if you agree to the mission I will grant, because once you do, you have free range to do whatever you desire and anything you do will not be traced back to us."

"In other words Red Mother?"

"You and whoever you hired to help you, will be on your own. And officially you would no longer be a Rodinian army intelligence, now you may be welcomed back to my land, but once you accept this mission, you cannot go near government buildings or any association with any officer of military personnel."

"I accept this proposal, Red Mother."

"...Very well... Your mission in Equestria is to soften its infrastructure, sabotage any operation that goes against us, and if you need to, you are given free rein to take a life. And most importantly as your last target, destroy Twilight Sparkle and her Friends, if they exist when an eventual revolution breaks out, they will be a threat. Take Starlight's town for example."

"It shall be done, My Red Mother, but what about the revolt?"

"Don't worry... It'll all be over soon."


After waking up from that dramatic experience I sat down on the chair in the dining hall sitting on it depressed as I laid my head between my folded arms on top of the table as Luna prepared coffee for the both of us.

She didn't know what to say about this at all, the sheer fact that a being now lived in my head caused her alarm and worry, things got worse when a royal guard entered the dining hall.

"Your Highness, a letter from the Crystal Empire."

Luna received the letter and opened it, she was surprised as the letter was not from Cadence or Shining Armor, it was from Patton. She was saddened and turned towards me.

"...Yates... You're Greater Grandfather Canter... He's... Dead."

I gave no response, at this point, I merely had nothing in my mind other than desolation of dread.

Luna said nothing, instead, she trotted over to me and kept me comforted.

Megan was gone, Canter was gone, my innocence, and my spirit... Was gone...

There was nowhere left for me to do... All is desolate...

But at least I have someone with me right now, that can mourn with me.

Divica village 10 miles away from war site

After successfully withdrawing from the ruined city all units had been evacuated, Commander Frostbite however stares at the distance in confusion, wondering why they had to leave the city in a hurry.

"This is Commander Frostbite, we've left the city entirely," reported the commander.

"How many miles have you went?" Asked the General.

"About 8 miles away I think, why's that?"


Immediately the radios from a radius were cut off and short-circuited followed by a bright flash of light some looked away for a mere moment until the light died off and in its place, a mushroom cloud that sent shock through everyopnes spines.

If they had stayed in that university they would've certainly been dead... But to their horror when they realized that there were civilians still in the city. Everyone is horrified... Horrified that the Rodinians had just Dropped a Nuclear bomb on their own nation...

This nuclear bomb has destroyed everything in its path, obliterating the entire town just miles away from them. Within minutes the Mushroom cloud died down, and everyone was quickly given Anti-Radiation pills, suits, and gas masks as orders had just come back after the radios were back online to return to the epicenter and start searching for survivors.

Unfortunately... By the time the main Rodinian army itself arrived the entire population in that nuked-out town...

Were dead... By the thousands...

What seemed to be an average uprising turned nuclear, and the world would soon realize that the age of medevial fighting has now run its course, with the waves of modernization sweeping the world into the new age.

A Carbined Age...

Author's Note:

And thus puts us into the more serious part of the story, with full-blown death, full-blown craziness, and yeah it's going to be nuts with the next chapters.

It's gonna be a long but deadly trail.

But with that said holy crap the views are going nuts I like that, who knows this would probably be a new fandom thing haha! (Probably not) But who the hell knows lol!