• Published 1st Mar 2023
  • 843 Views, 10 Comments

Sister of mine - Comrade Abigor

  • ...

New friend

The door of the Carousel Boutique opened, causing the bell on it to ring. Rarity's ears perked up. It was a bit early for costumers to start coming in. Either way she shouldn't leave whoever it was waiting. Getting up from her working chair she walked towards the entrance. Waiting for her was a unicorn mare she didn't knew. She looked rather young and pretty. White coat, not much different from Rarity's. Her mane was long and black, so was her tail. She was a tad thin and tall, her physique remind her much of Fleur De Lis. A glowing red emerald eye cutie mark adorning her flank. A saddlebag on her back. Her eyes though were what grabbed the most attention. They were heterochromic. Her right eye was red, while the red one was rainbow colored. It was strange, but definitely had some beauty to it.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique~ Where everything is Chic, Unique and Magnifique!~" Rarity did her usual greeting and smiled at the new pony "What can i do for you today?"

The stranger looked around for a bit. Her face was hard to read. She wore be a stoic smile and didn't show much emotion. Then she looked at Rarity silently for a few seconds. Then, when the fashionista was starting to think the newcomer was probably mute, she spoke.

"Greetings ma'am. I'm sorry to be a nuisance. I'm new to town as you may have guessed. My name is Temptress Eye. And I'm here looking for a job"

Rarity was stunned for a moment. A job? Nopony ever came to her looking for a job. She wasn't prepared for situations like this.

"A job? Here? In my boutique?"

"Yeah. I have some experience with fashion and tailoring so i thought it would be a good opportunity for me to get a start here. Sorry if there's no vacant places. I understand-"

"No no no darling it's okay i get it you're trying to make a living for yourself. I'll gladly take you in as my assistant if you want."

"Hmm. Sounds good to me." Temptress replied with a nod and a smile.

"Great! Let me introduce myself dear. My name is Rarity, of course you must have heard of me" she chuckled proudly while shaking Temptes' hoof "Temptress was it?"

"Yeah, Temptress Eye"

"Right. So Temptress, what are your skills?"

"Well, what do you need me to do? I can sew, design and everything you'd expect from a tailor. Just ask and i do it."

"Hmm i like the sound of that" Rarity nodded in approval.

"And I'm also good with sales if you need help regarding that."

"Interesting. Will remember. Well Temptress, you're hired" they both shook hooves again "You can show up tomorrow morning if you want."

"Ummm, can i like, start today possibly?" Temptress asked awkwardly.

"Today?" Rarity tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah i need some money to rent a motel for the night. Which by the way are there any motels around here?"

"Motel? Don't you have anywhere to stay?"

"No and i can't really afford a new house at the moment. So yeah motels are the best option at the moment. Compared to an alleyway street that is."

"Well i won't have it!" Rarity exclaimed and put a hoof around Temptress' shoulder rather aggressively, confusing the mare a bit "I can't sit idly by as my new assistant struggles to find a place to sleep. From now on you'd be staying here!"

Temptress blinked.


"Yes, here."

"In your boutique?"

"Oh this is also my house. And i have a few vacant guest rooms upstairs. You can use one of them. You can stay here till you make enough money to be able to buy a house of your own."

"Uhh you sure? I don't want to be a bother-"

"Nonsense darling it is my pleasure to help."

"Should i pay rent or something?"

"Why of course not!"

"Really?" Temptress asked with wide eyes and an ear to ear smile


"Oh thank you thank you thank you miss Rarity. I promise I'll pay you back one day."

"Shhhh no need for that. All i want is for you to not be out there in the cold darling.
And please, call me just Rarity. Now let's get you moving in"

"Rarity, I'm home!" Sweetie Belle called as she entered inside.

"In the kitchen, darling!"

Sweetie went to the direction of her sister's voice, hearing laughter along side it. She figured it must be Rarity's friends. She came in and saw Rarity chatting with a mare she wasn't familiar with.

"Hey Sweetie. Let me introduce you to my new assistant. This is Temptress Eye. Temptress, this is my little sister Sweetie Belle."

"Hi" Temptress waved at the filly and smiled.

"Uhh hi. New assistant?"

"Yes, you see, Temptress is new to Ponyville and she has no money or place to go so i gave her a job as my assistant and she'll be staying with us till she's able to afford her own place."

"Oh really?" Sweetie asked as she approached the table and took a sit herself, next to Rarity "What will you be doing?" she asks with curiosity.

"Oh I'll be helping around the boutique and help Rarity make dresses. I've got some tailoring skills of my own."

"Cool!" the filly said but then her face got serious "I do the breakfast"

Rarity giggled and Temptress did the same.

"Well aren't yiu the cutest. So Sweetie Belle was it. What is your calling?" Temptress asked while looking at Sweetie so cutie mark "Something to do with shields?"

"Oh I'm a Cutie mark Crusader. I and my friends help ponies find their cutie marks or get back in touch with them."

"Ooooh that's interesting." Temptress commented "It's very nice of you to help ponies in need Sweetie Belle. You're just like your sister you know that?" Sweetie blushed a bit at that.

"Thanks" she replied smiling a bit towards Rarity.

The later felt like she could just melt from that smile. That cute, little blush on her cheeks. It was all so perfect.

"Oh indeed we're like two cherries tied together" Rarity said as she took Sweetie in her arms and started cuddling her. Temptress giggled at the sight before her.

"You two are so cute together." she said.

"Oh yes we are" Rarity responded, unaware she was sporting a blush of her own. As soon as she realized that she slowly put Sweetie down and coughed to clear her throat a bit. "Yeah..."

"Sweetie Belle!!" Two young voices were heard from outside.

"Oh it's the Crusaders!" Sweetie said as she got up "I got to go. See you two later. Bye!"

"Bye" said the two mares back. Rarity kept her eyes on Sweetie as she left. Even when she was gone her eyes stayed on where the filly exited the room, as if hoping she'd be back already.

"You have a nice sister.

"Oh yes she is." Rarity replied with a dreamy face before snapping out if it and fixing her composure "I'm taking care of her after our parents....." her face saddened a bit "You'll be seeing her here every day. Anyway. I'll go buy some materials. Be back in a bit!" And like that Rarity left, leaving Temptress alone in the room.

"Interesting" she said " Quite interesting indeed"

Author's Note:

Those who have read my other stories probably recognize Temptes Eye.
So yeah prepare for shenanigans.