• Published 17th Feb 2023
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TCB: Invasion of Sodor - autobotfan15

The bureau sets up shop on Sodor. How will our Sodor friends handle this?

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Last train to conflict

May 20 2023
From the Newspaper Sodor Tribune:


Peace between Equestria and the rest of the world is already at its weakest as the Equestrian Ruler known as Princess Celestia encourages that more conversion clinics be build all over the world.

However reports are flooding in that any human who gets converted will reject their sense of humanity and part of their sanity after 24 hours after conversion treatment. That also includes religious belief and respect to any human who hasn’t converted including friends and family. Because of this, it is reason to believe the conversion procedures have mental side effects.

The conversion clinic at Harwick has been closed until further notice. Any scheduled appointments made there have been canceled.

May 20 2023 10:35 AM
From the journal of Scott Routh, Ryan’s Fireman:

It was a horrible day all around so far. These newfoals and regular ponies were protesting in the streets. One pony even threw a rock at Ryan’s face. We immediately left the station with a passenger train and are currently taking on water further down the line. We might be safe but deep down I have a feeling something big might happen. Something real big.

May 20 2023 2:26 PM
From the journal of Scott Routh, Ryan’s Fireman:

I knew it… I actually knew it. Something did happen. Even as I write this my hands are still shaking a bit. We were waiting at a signal to let Daisy pass. We knew she would have a bad time but we know we can’t stop her especially on a busy day. But when our signal turned green…

…It happened.

We heard a very strange noise it almost sounded like an explosion. I leaned out the cab and saw a strange glowing dome in the distance. It was growing and I knew we had to go. The driver saw it and immediately slammed Ryan’s regulator and we were off like a rocket. This dome looked like it was growing fast and was catching up. All we could do was push Ryan to his limits and hope he can outrun it. We were passing the Arsledale miniature railway when the dome appeared to have stopped.

We stopped and looked back. We turned to see the small controller looking at the dome in horror. He was lucky his engines were still in the shed and nowhere near that dome.

We decided to wait to see if it did move any further. I’m keeping an eye on it if it moves we go. The miniature engines have already left the yards. We then remembered Daisy was heading that way and Charlie was in the Harwick yards helping out. I hope they are both ok but deep down I doubt it.

May 20 2023 3:05 PM
From the journal of Keith Hartley Thomas’s Driver:

I never thought things would end up this way. Well it did and in so many ways.

We were on our way to Knapford with the local when we heard a strange noise in the far distance and we saw a huge glowing dome. I knew from the direction it had to be Harwick. Whatever is going on it can’t be good.

We pulled into Knapford station where we saw crowds of people gathering around radios and televisions in the station. The News station was explaining this wasn’t the only dome, but in fact there are more domes like these forming all over the world. The only thing they have in common is that they are forming in towns that have conversion clinics. However the biggest dome seems to surround the Nation of Equestria and for some reason many ponies seemed to have dissapeared.

The News went on until a static interupted it and within the static we heard the voice of Princess Celestia and I can still hear it.

"Citizens of Earth while we appreciate you opening your arms to the prospect of friendship I have reason to believe your species has long been plagued by war, greed, and bigotry. For that I offer you a solution join my society of Harmony and become my subjects and you'll be free from the problems of humanity. Should you refuse we will have no choice but to see you as the enemy. We don't want to but in times like these we need to make sacrifices for the good of harmony."

I could feel Thomas shaking from the news. He was scared as was I. The news soon returned and was urging residents near the dome to evacuate.

Thomas is currently in his berth at Tidmouth sheds. James and Emily are also there looking equally worried. I’m waiting in the break house until we get further orders. We can only hope whoever is out on the mainline isn’t having any trouble.

May 20 2023 4:22 PM
Urgent Message From the Ministry of Defense to Sir Tophamm Hatt:

Have your Railway on standby. The situation with Equestria is looking like an act of war. Expect a train of troops and war equipment to arrive in Vicarstown. Do your best and try not to start a panic.