• Published 9th Oct 2012
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Infamous: Equestria - Mr.MorningWood

Cole MacGrath the 'Electric man' as dubbed by most is transported to Equestria

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Prolouge: The death of a hero and friend

WARNING: The following prologue contains spoilers from the Infamous 2 hero's ending. Read at own risk.

Shots of electricity sailed through out the air. The smell of burning fire and smoke overpowering the air. Smoke bellowing from both hands of the beast as it sent torrents and balls of flame towards Cole. Cole was not phased by the beast attempts of attacks and simply dodged out of the way. Cole raised his right hand and fired off powerful shots of electrical energy towards the beast. The beast did not make an attempt to dodge them instead taking the full brunt of Cole's electrical powers. The beast buckled it's knees, screeched in pain and down he went to the ground. Cole sailed down to the ground and with a loud thump, landed. He went for the spherical object which was attached to the back of his track pants. The Ray field inhibitor, the only way to put an end to the beast and the plague but, with the cost of all other living conduit's whether they have activated their powers or not, to die.

The beast was down on it's knees. Cole held the fully charged RFI in his hands. He poured the rest of his power's of electrokinesis into the RFI to charge it. Sparks of lighting began to orbit around Cole's body as the RFI was fully charged. He held on for a moment. Once he released his grip on the Sphere he and, all other conduit's around the world would cease to exist. Cole then released his grip on the sphere and a powerful column of energy burst forth from the sphere, rising into the atmosphere and then a huge blast of energy blasted outward that could be seen from all corners of the earth for kilometers upon kilometers.


"Most of us just held our breath, and watched as one by one them monsters started to drop. Yeah, that RFI sure did work. News said that some folks oversea were keeling over. Poor bastards must have been Conduits and didn't even know it." Zeke said aloud to himself.

"But it was worth it. Cause for the thousands that died, millions were gonna live." Zeke resumed "The plague...man it was just gone." Zeke continued

"I could already hear people people starting to party. Just celebrating being alive."

"I thought my friend would go down as an unsung hero, but here in New Marais, they knew what he had done for them."

"Who'd guessed that the 'Demon of Empire City' would become the patron saint of New Marais." Zeke pauses and takes out he's sunglasses putting them on. "I wanted to say goodbye to him alone. He had been my best friend, and now he was gone."

"Sometimes, I hear folks talking about conduit's and humans like they're totally different." Zeke pauses once more.

"That's bullshit." Zeke resumes. "Because they're ain't nobody with more humanity then Cole MacGrath."

"I love you brother, and I'm gonna miss you."

As Zeke mourned the lost of his closest friend. The storm had gotten worse. Thunder rolling and lightning lighting up the grey, dark and stormy sky. The Lightning strikes become more frequent, the thunder louder and the waves of the sea becoming more violent as they hit the boat. The boat rocked back and forth violently, from the wind and the waves. Zeke lost his footing and slipped on the deck of the boat. Objects were rolling off from the boat and into the sea which went onto being swallowed by the waves of the sea. "Holy crap what's going on!?" Zeke yells out. The boat begin to move to the right. Zeke grabbed onto one of the railings and looked to where the boat was headed. It was headed to a spinning whirlpool of water which would no doubt suck him along with the boat down to the depths of the ocean.

"Looks like I'm screwed." The boat moved closer to the spinning whirlpool of water. At this time Zeke has accepted his fate of death. As the boat began to tear apart, Zeke lumbered over to Cole's casket hanging on for life; as it was the only place on the boat that seemed to be somewhat stable and not breaking apart. The sound of thunder was getting louder and the lightning seemed to start flashing a different color. Zeke had little time to wonder what was going on with the lightning, as a question mark shaped bolt struck Cole's casket.

As the lightning struck Cole's casket, a portal glowing a brilliant green color appeared seemingly from nowhere at the tip of the boat. Zeke who was still holding onto Cole's casket (who just so happened to not be electrocuted to death by the lightning strike) was sucked into the portal along with the casket and the boat.

Zeke tried his best to hang on but his effort was for naught as the force of the portal ripped him away from his hold on the casket. He briefly watched Cole's casket tumbled away from him as well as an assortment of other things. Zeke briefly tumbled through the portal as well before exiting the portal and promptly blacking out from fear of where the mysterious portal had taken him to.


Celestia and Luna were both looking up towards the night sky. It had been a tough day for both of them. Royal duties can do that to just about anybody. Luna and Celestia both enjoyed looking at the night sky, it was a peaceful thing to do and it relieved stress for both of them.To gaze up to the stars and moon. But, tonight was anything but peaceful as a loud explosion could be heard far away. Both princesses looked at each other. Both wondering what could have happened to cause an explosion so loud that it could be heard all the way to Canterlot. Without hesitation they unfurled their wings and both took to the sky and began to fly towards the site of the explosion to investigate the situation currently at hand. The sound appeared to come from an area in Froggy Bottom Bogg.