• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 536 Views, 8 Comments

Rainbow Dash becomes a supervillain - Count_Pony001

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Chapter 1- Upstaged and birth of a new villain.

It was a sunny Tuesday in Ponyville and I, Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus in Ponyville, was...sitting on my couch, eating potato chips and watching the news. I couldn't help but cry, leaving a puddle under my fluffy cloud couch. Last I looked in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot from crying. I sighed and muttered "I can't believe that my OWN FRIENDS would do this to me. They did this to teach me a "lesson in humility" because I bragged, but they brag sometimes too! They embarrassed me!"

On the TV, the news anchor pony was wearing a yellow jacket and black pants. He held his microphone while standing by Mare Do Well, who was wearing purple and blue, and three foals and announced "Today, this mysterious pony named Mare Do Well saved three foals from drowning in the local pond. The foal's parents were very happy. Why can't we all be like her?"

I dashed to grab the remote and turned off the TV. I groaned and grabbed a tissue, then wiped my tears away. I said sarcastically "Yeah, why can't we be like her: A mare who backstabbed her own friend who didn't do anything wrong!" I then took a deep breath and got out of the soft and cloudy couch. I looked at the chip bag and then to my belly...I'd ruin my figure in a hurry at this rate.

I went outside and noticed the sky was a bit too cloudy...I would really need to get back to my job managing the weather soon. I took off and started flying straight to SugarCube Corner for a proper breakfast.

Just as I came close, Carrot Top came over and glared at me like I'd peed in her cereal. She got up in my face and shouted "Hey, aren't you that dumb pony that tried to stop Mare Do Well so you could SHOW OFF?!"

I blinked in confusion, and tried to ask what she was on about, but then a foal with a green coat, an orange mane and scissors as his cutiemark come over and added "You shouldn't try to drive her away just because you're jealous of her!"

I was getting a bit mad at these accusations, steaming out my ears. Finally, I replied, yelling "I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE A HERO MYSELF, NOT DRIVE HER AWAY!"

Berry Punch stepped forward. "YOU TRIED TO KILL HER WHEN YOU WENT INTO THAT ALLEY WITH HER!", she accused, clearly being out of her mind. Before I could react, she added "EVERYPONY, GET HER! SHE SHALL PAY!"

I gulped and whispered "Oh No..."

Everypony from nearby ran and tackled me, including both Carrot Top and Berry Punch...and even Pinkie Pie, who was of course giggling like it was a game.

I struggled to try to get up and out of the mob as somepony punched me.

Then Bon Bon grabbed a chair and yelled "OUT OF THE WAY!" The others complied, and she threw a folding chair at me! I was knocked clean on my belly, rump up, face in the dirt, with a black eye...and I spit out a tooth.

Pinkie suddenly stood over me, her sweet-fattened butt blocking most of my view, and pulled a whistle out of somewhere in that area that she then blew, making everypony freeze. "Alright, that's enough, chairs are not legal in Dashie wrestling!", she shouted, making Bon Bon nervously chuckle and slowly back off.

When I finally managed to get back on my hooves, the ponies who Pinkie stopped were giving me a look, and Carrot Top said something about how I deserved it. I decided to get out of there while I could, and took off flying.

I could hear them cheering back there. One mare even yelled "Good riddance!" while throwing her hat at the ground.

I went back to my cloud mansion, but when I got there, I was shocked. My mouth opened wide, and my pupils shrunk... There was graffiti on the walls that read absurd things like "Rainbow Crash" or "Rainbow, enemy of Mare Do Well!"

I screamed "UGH! I HATE EVERYPONY...." I calmed down by taking a deep breath and said "Curse these ponies' love of Mare Do Well!" I decided to take a nap, after putting an ice pack on my face and using the bathroom.

When I woke up, I made some coffee to act as a pick-me-up, then as I drank it, I turned on the news to watch my favorite TV show, Wonderbolts: Behind the curtains, where the Wonderbolts do breathtaking stunts and each Wonderbolt tells the audience at home stories about how they do it.

Suddenly, a breaking news story came on. The news anchor pony said "The Flim Flam brothers came up with a revolutionary product that changes the lives of ponies everywhere! This cream can help ponies look fabulous... and they are selling it for the low price of 10 bits!"

I thought a moment, realizing that maybe a cream to help my look would help right now. I hopped out of the couch and flew into the town's market.

I saw a bunch of ponies were putting the cream on... One, a mare, started applying the cream, only for her head to inflate like a balloon and started floating up into the sky! That seemed...odd. I then noticed the sound of a group of ponies confronting Flim and Flam about the product. I got closer to listen in.

Lyra came up and yelled "Because of your product, Bon Bon's favorite couch is ruined! It's your fault for this cream giving us the screamin' trots, so yo-oh no, not again!" She suddenly turned and ran, with several loud sputtering farts from her rear that made ponies eagerly get out of the way for her, right into the nearest alleyway, where I could see Bon Bon sticking her head out with a pained expression.

I almost broke out laughing, but put a hoof over my mouth, as I turned my attention back to the angry ponies in the front.

A rich stallion named Fancy Pants stepped forward and yelled "I had the trots as well! And then my face started swelling!" His face was red, with a huge lump on it. One of his eyes was closed and he wasn't able to open it.

I put a hoof to my chin and thought if I stood up to The Flim Flam brothers, I would be a hero again.

...but then I saw Mare Do Well show up, and it was obviously Pinkie this time. She hopped right up onto Flim and Flam's stand and gave them a mean look.

The Flim Flam brothers broke out laughing, even rolling on the ground. After a while, Flam got up and said sarcastically "Oh, what're you gonna do? Make us wear that ridiculous costume?"

Pinkie Do Well promptly started endlessly throwing cupcakes at the two brothers, hitting them in the eyes.

Flim yelled "EW, I HATE CUPCAKES!"

The cupcake barrage continued as ponies cheered.

The two stallions used a teleportation spell, getting quite a distance away, before making a run for the Everfree Forest.

The ponies in the crowd encircled Mare Do Well and cheered. Scootaloo stepped forward and said "You're the best superhero ever! There should be a holiday just for you..."

My heart broke. Scootaloo used to look up to me! I flew home with tears in my eyes.

Once there, I ignored the graffiti and went straight to bed again, with the words Scootaloo said playing over and over in my head.

The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed, and half-heartedly did my morning usual in the bathroom, including praying that this day'd be better. When I went out, I quickly got on the ground and then trudged around Ponyville like a zombie.

I looked one way and saw Mare Do Well, obviously Twilight, pulling Apple Bloom out of a well, then another and saw a different Mare Do Well, clearly Rarity, saving Sweetie Belle's cat from a tree... When I went by Town Hall, I saw Mayor Mare giving a speech, with Flim and Flam in stockades being pelted with tomatoes...and Mare Do Well, clearly Applejack, getting a hoofshake and congratulations. As if to spite me personally, Scootaloo ran up and hopped on Mare Do Well's back to hug her!

I went back to my cloud home filled with rage, and took it out on my bed and windows, punching them. "It's not fair! Even Scootaloo abandoned me! The Wonderbolts won't want a nopony like me now... I have to get a whole new career...not as a racer or a hero..." I cringed a bit, feeling sick, and my face turned green. I vomited in the trash and wiped my mouth.

I thought a moment as I looked at an old comic I had. "Hmm...what if I...became a villain? There aren't many in Ponyville since each time one comes up, they tend to get defeated pretty fast, sometimes even...killed. There'd be nopony to upstage me, and if I could avoid those fates..." I made an evil grin, then announced proudly "Yeah! Yeah! I'll be a villain!"

I went through my closet. After a bit of junk, I found my old Nightmare Night costume, a Shadowbolts uniform, along with a purple cape. I decided to dye the uniform gray, and add goggles. "I shall be known as...." I turned around, making a heroic pose... "Dr. Ego!"

Author's Note:

I was inspired and wanted to make my own Rainbow Dash becomes a villain fanfiction.
God helped me make this story and I also want to thank Nebbie for helping me edit this fanfiction, check them out.