• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 212 Views, 2 Comments

A New Day A New Universe - King_Bearo

When fighting a magical monster, something happened to Fluttershy to end up in a world not her own. Monsters leaking into world she now has to find a way back before this world also becomes infested

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Chapter 1

A long time ago there were two princesses, Celestia, who raised the sun, and Luna, who raised the moon. Peace was kept in Equestria for a long time, until an evil unicorn who went by the name of King Sombra, started turning the ponies of the Crystal Empire into soldiers. A war broke out between King Sombra and the princesses, it lasted for a long time with the princess raging victorious. However it cost the life of Princess Celestia, Stricken with grief Princess Luna became the new ruler. She could not control the power to raise the sun though so the world became plagued by darkness and monsters of magic came out. The ponies and animals later learned how to adapt to the darkness and everypony of every generation learned how to fight in some way.


“Fluttershy! Wake up!”

I groaned and turned in my bed, slowly I got up and walked across my dark room, and opened the door. On the other side was Rainbow Dash hovering midair, goggles around her neck and her hooves crossed. She was just probably done with early morning patrol. She works as a Wonderbolt during the noon hours and weather patrol early morning and night hours or whatever you call day and night here.

“Finally! A guard told us Princess Luna would like a meeting with us and the others after she finished with another one in roughly an hour,” She said

“Um ok. Meet up in the usual spot? Get everyone else there too, I’ll be there soon,” I said

“Got it!” With that, she flew off

I turned back into my bedroom and looked at the clock, it was 7:10, seeing I had plenty of time, I headed towards the shower. A yellow thestrals followed next to me as I walked past the mirror and turned on the shower and got in. The warm water cascaded off my fur as my muscles started to relax from training the other day.

Getting out and drying off, I went back into the bedroom and went to an armor stand near the corner of the room. Being Captain of the Lunar Guard means you get to have a room all to yourself and not have to share. Unlike most captains though, I am very quiet and shy, I'm not a huge fan of talking to others. Strapping on the midnight purple chest plate, I placed the helmet on my desk and noticed a small white rabbit near a box full of carrots thumping his foot impatiently.

“Are you hungry Angel?” I asked, already knowing the answer I walked over to the tub of carrots and opened it to give him one.

He greedily snatched the carrot and hopped off somewhere. I sighed, grabbed my helmet, and left the room for Twilight’s lab. Twilight is part of the research team, she has a great knowledge of the creatures and monsters that inhabit the land. She also acts like a therapist sometimes helping with talking out their problems. When I got to a white door with a sign with messy handwriting that said busy, I knocked and waited for her to answer. Not even thirty seconds later she opened the door, her mane messy and a coffee levitated next to her.

“Oh! Hey, come on in, I was just reading a fascinating book about manticores.” She said stepping to the side and letting me in

“Did you know that some manticore’s claws can cut through steel?” I said while walking in. Other than being captain, I also know about almost any animal and how to take care of them.

“It was never mentioned in the book,” She muttered while quickly flipping through the pages

The room was spotless except for one corner with a table that has books scattered around. Along the back wall, there was another door with a sign that says do not enter in big bold letters, that door led to her bedroom and bathroom. There was a long table in the middle, housing a microscope and chairs lining around it. The door slammed open startling Twilight causing her to drop her coffee, she glared at the person at the door, which of course was Rainbow Dash. Behind her were Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, all of them coming into the room, and shutting the door behind them.

Apple Jack is on the construction team, planning out and building repairs and extensions to the castle. Pinkie Pie is our resident chef, she and others make the best meals in the castle. Rarity is the seamstress, designing and making most of the uniforms for almost every job around the castle.

“Sorry for such a rude entrance, darling” Rarity said

“Hey, guys!” Pinkie shouted hugging all of us

“Hey ya’ll, when did the princess say she wanted us again?” Apple Jack asked

“Um…About now…” Rainbow said

With that, we all quickly left Twilight's lab and entered the dark hall leading to the throne room. The six came to a stop at a large red door and knocked, a guard opened the door revealing the Moon Princess, Luna. As we walked forward some of the guards nodded their heads at me as silent acknowledgment as their captain. Stopping near the base of the throne, we bowed in respect, waiting for her to speak.

“There have been monster reports in the town of Ponyville. The guards that were there only managed to drive it out for a while, unable to kill it. I want you six to stay there for a few weeks helping out with keeping the monsters out. I want you to report to me immediately if anything happens. I’ve already notified your teams of your departure, and I want all of you to leave as soon as possible. Have a safe trip, you are dismissed.” She said

I could practically feel Pinkie vibrate with excitement next to me as she bounced out of the room. I have never been to Ponyville before but all my friends have come from there, and I've heard many great things about the small town. I know Pinkie worked at the local bakery, Rarity as a seamstress, Apple Jack as a farmer, Rainbow as a weather pony, and Twilight as a librarian. Why they left the jobs they loved for working at the castle, I will never know.

My dad worked in the Lunar Guard ever since I was born. I took after him, training to be one ever since I turned the age of eight-teen. When I was just a rookie I met Rainbow dash, she was lost trying to get to the Wonderbolts tryout room, we slowly became friends since I was such a shy pony. As I climbed the ranks and proved my worth I soon met five others who also became my friend. Every guard, captains to rookies must rotate duty every half a year to give them a break. When I’m not on duty I work at the local vet of Canterlot helping injured pets and animals.

Coming back to reality I realized I was nearing my door, pushing it open with my hoof I walked in. I went to my closet and got out a bag. I put my bits in there including my swords and helmet. Angel came out of wherever he was hiding, wondering where I was going.

“I will be back in a few weeks, I’ll open up the carrot box for you but you have to promise only three a day, ok? I said

Angel may be impatient and rude but he always keeps his promises. Once the promise had been confirmed, I opened the box of carrots and left the room. I headed towards the front gates of the castle, when I got there everyone was already there, bags on their backs. We started to walk towards the train station and AppleJack was talking about how she can’t wait to visit the farm again.

“Man I can’t wait to visit, Apple bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith again,” she said

“Yeah! I haven’t been there in a long time!” Pinkie exclaimed

“I’m excited to see everyone everypony has been talking about,” I said softly

I haven’t been outside of Canterlot all too often, the only places I’ve been were the crystal empire to help princess Cadence, the top of a mountain to stop a dragon terrorizing Canterlot, stopping the occasional monster attacks, and I’ve also been to a remote village to stop a dictator who was stealing people’s cutie marks. Her name was Starlight Glimmer I believe, she’s now reformed and lives in Ponyville I'm pretty sure.

We got to the train station and got tickets to Ponyville, when I was getting on the train ponies were looking at me in wonder. We found some empty seats in the back and put our bags down. I took out the book on animals and began to read silently.


Thirty minutes later we arrived at the train station. Getting out, one single lamp post lit up the surrounding area as the ponies eagerly got out. We got off the platform and into the town, the buildings were made of stone and roofs were from packed straw. It looked like a very cozy place to live, a far cry from the fancy buildings of Canterlot. Pinkie was hopping along greeting everypony by name, they all were excited to see her again.

“How about we split up for a while, so you guys can catch up on friends and family? I’ll just go speak to the mayor of the town and then we can meet later and introduce me to your family and friends” I suggest

They all reluctantly agreed and went our separate ways. After a few minutes of walking, I ended up at a large building in the center of town, most likely the town hall. Entering town hall I was greeted by ponies walking back and forth frantically trying to finish up paperwork. They all slowed to a stop, staring at me, probably wondering why there was a Lunar Guard in their town.

“Um, do you know where the mayor is in this town?” I asked trying to put on a confident voice

“Second floor, last door down the hall,” A grey stallion with a quill and ink cutie mark said

Following the stallion’s instructions I found myself in front of a door that said ‘Mayor's Office’. I politely knocked on the door and waited for her to respond. When I heard a come-in, I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. The mayor didn’t look shocked to see me as the others did, clearly expecting me to arrive.

“Thank you for coming to help us, Captain Fluttershy, I am Mayor Mare,” The old mare said

“It's not a problem ma’am” I replied

“I’ve booked some rooms at the Daisy cafe hotel for you,” She said “You can come to me if there is any problem during your stay”

After the meeting I walked the dark streets in search of anyone, I soon found myself on an apple farm. This must be Apple Jack’s farm, I saw a house further down the road and went to it. Knocking on the door, a little filly reluctantly opened the door, not too sure of what to make of me.

“Um hello?” She said her southern accent was very noticeably

“Hi, I’m Fluttershy, is Apple Jack here?” I asked

“APPLE JACK! Someone’s here to see you!” She yelled out, not even a minute passed before I saw Apple Jack in the doorway

“Oh hey Fluttershy, come on in,” sidestepped letting me in.

The inside of the house was very clean, most of the furniture was made of wood and there was a lot of Apple symbolism. We sat at a table and just talked not really about anything. The talking must have taken a long time because it was already time for me to go to the hotel for the night.


Waking up to loud roars was not the ideal wake-up call. I quickly scrambled out of bed hastily putting on my armor, grabbed my sword, and ran outside the hotel. People were screaming and running in the opposite direction, when I got to where the monster was, everyone else was just arriving too.

“What in tarnation is that thing!” Rarity exclaimed with disgust

“Twilight! Info please!” Pinkie said a little disturbed

“It’s called a Bizult, it’s pretty much a bipedal spider. It sprays acid to melt its prey to help with eating.” She said in a rush

The monster was a sight for sore eyes. It was bug-like, sporting 3 long thin legs on each side, it also had a furry body and antennae’s sprouting almost all over its head. It was climbing all over buildings spraying acid on the roofs and disintegrating the hay. Something I didn’t expect was it to teleport around, wasting no more time we quickly jumped into battle

It was very hard to try and kill this thing, it kept teleporting away and spry acid at us. My swords were not landing a hit on it no matter how quick I am. At one point a drop of acid hit my helmet crest causing a hole to appear. The more I observe it the more I realize, in order to kill it, it needs to get knocked out so it can’t teleport away or spray acid.

“Twilight! Do you know a spell to knock it out?” I yell

Without saying a word, her horn glowed pink casting a spell that shot at the monster. Like in slow motion, it slowly fell to the floor unconscious. Wasting no time I quickly charged toward it, sword pointed forward, in an attempt to kill it. Somehow at the last second, it woke up and went to tackle me, there was a bright light as me and the monster tumbled through the streets. I felt blood fall on me, I noticed the sword plunged into its chest.

Feeling disturbed and grossed out I got up, took the sword out, and stabbed it in the skull, for good measure. Its blood was green as it splattered everywhere from the stab wounds. I got up from the body and I just now realized it was so bright, much brighter than I’m used to, the sun is out.

“Who the hey are you?”

I turned around and saw Twilight standing there with an exasperated expression. Her horn was lit up ready to attack if necessary, and her wings spread out. When did get wings and become an alicorn?

“Am I delirious because I don't remember her being an alicorn” I muttered before replying hesitantly “Um, I’m Fluttershy captain of the Lunar guard”

She looked surprised, and that’s when I noticed five other ponies next to her, they’re all my friends…plus me? They were all standing there confused, they don't seem bothered at all by the monster though.

“Can you come to the castle with me?” She asked and that’s also when I noticed the giant castle behind her made of crystal. When did that get there?

“What the fuck!”