• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2014

fic Write Off


What lies beneath the minds of Ponychan's /fic/? A quick little contest to get those creative juices rolling set them the task of writing short stories—between 300 and 600 words. These are the resulting stories.

More details:
- http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/119728.html
- http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me

Chapters (36)
Comments ( 82 )

Heh. Black Hat.

Kinda wishy-washy and not very pony. It might be that I just don't get it though.


Use more paragraphs. This was a little irritating to read.

Dull. It's a scene that really doesn't do anything worth reading about.


Someone's a two-spacer!

This was clever. A neat twist on that well-worn immortality thing we like to do with the Princesses.


I really liked this one. Very clever stuff with the ambiguous speaker and the way the twist ending recontextualises the fic.


Not my thing. Kinda more like fanfiction for this weird fanon version of the show where the mane six are characters in a soap opera instead of normal friends. Probably the most risque piece we've had in a write-off.


Needs to be longer. It's kinda confusing and the writing gets very bare-bones at the end.


Eh, kinda boring.


Pretty boring. Doesn't really do anything worth reading about.


That green clouds thing was pretty genius. An amusing short.


You drowned me in musical terms I don't understand. Still, the ending got a smile out of me.


There's something interesting hiding away here, but I think you need a bit more to really make it work.


Funny story with this one: I was raging over "burgundy-maned, cream-colored filly", trying to figure it out for the longest time, but then I got to the end and... well.


Nice job.


The speakers get confused in places and I think it's a little overlong. Kinda feels like it might be a bit cliche too, not that I've read many changeling fics.


Cute and decently executed, but kinda dull. I preferred this story when Cold in Gardez wrote it.


My first thought: "So what?" Telly and trite.


Not bad. The tree carving was a nice touch. The "Ah"s not so much.


Needs more context. I want to like this more, but there's nothing specific to latch onto.


I liked this. A different interpretation of how Luna became NMM than what we usually see. Nice work.


I like to read pony fanfiction in my pony fanfiction writing competitions. This is Discworld fanfiction.

Also, space your paragraphs properly please.


Doesn't feel very pony. Would be more suited to some original fantasy setting.


'Sup Gertrude Stein. Commas aren't as bad as you think they are. Please use more of them. This is sloppy in more ways than that, though.

The story itself leaves with a "So what?" It's all empty talk, nothing really interesting or memorable.


Zebra rhyming is kind of important to me, so I really wish you'd not let those not-rhymes slip in and mar this story. As I discovered writing my own zebra-heavy fic, there is always a way to rhyme what you want to say. Here's a site for you.

But I quite liked this nonetheless. Got a bit of a chill from that ending, won't lie.


I'm not sure why I liked this but I did. Perhaps New Lunar Republic stuff is best in small doses.


This was cute and silly. I smiled.


This one is my favourite. It was funny, it was weird, it was crazy, and it's been too long since I last read a Carrot Top fic. You could probably still make it better with a few more words, but I enjoyed this nonetheless. Well done.


Yay Daring Do! Odd interpretation of the prompt. Not bad.


Why did you end your title with a full stop? That's just so weird.

This was alright. I like what you're going for, but the ending was really abrupt and not, I think, in a meaningful way.


I like to read pony fanfiction in my pony fanfiction competitions. And even if this was a The World Ends With You thing, you'd need more proofreading.


Ending's a bit bleurgh, but it's pretty cool that we have a fic about Gushnor now. I smiled.


"So what?"

Bit pointless. Unless I'm missing something, the mane six went into a cave and died. And that's all.


Next time, use the "No Spacing" preset for your text in MS Word and press Enter twice between every paragraph. This was a pain to read, and the boring, pointless melodrama wasn't worth that pain.


A little odd. Seems like it was written for an alternate version of the show were Discord and NMM are typical Saturday Morning Cartoon villains. Still, points for applying some inventiveness and connection to our three villains.


When I read pony fanfiction, I like to read pony fanfiction. This isn't pony. And even as original fiction, it's trite and dull and does nothing memorable.


It might be my hatred of Trixie revenge fics speaking, but I thought this was a bit dumb. It really just felt forced.


Vanilla "Celestia muses on immortality piece". I've read so many other versions of this, and most of them were better.

indeed not very pony, but it's a nice fic

It would be great to have some context to this entry. It's neither pony nor complete enough to stand on its own.

So, um, is there a point to this? Looks like part of a larger story.

Interesting piece. Though I'm not quite sure what the end meant. Perhaps I'm a dumb reader who needs things to be spelt out to me.

Still, yes, very well written.

Well done. Just... well done.

I have nothing more to say.

10/10 for the balls to even try this in a write-off. 1/10 for implied clop.

Also, I know who you are.

I agree with Ezn. Needs to be longer in order to mean something. As it is, it's merely decent and somewhat confusing.

Hm, I suppose it isn't bad, but it is kind of dull.

A cute, but trite story. Perfect for a contest this length, but not really attention-grabbing.

The idea that Rainbow does not know what the surface is spoiled the entire premise for me.

Otherwise, pretty well paced and written for a tie-in to the show canon.

Too much ze musicks. Pass.

I feel dumb for missing the point of this fic.

Still, I suppose it's quite well-written, albeit a little confusing.

Huh. So Cheerilee talks to herself because she imagines a student from her past?

Clever use of words to insinuate something so disturbing.

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