• Published 21st Jan 2023
  • 482 Views, 12 Comments

Fun Time Love Song - AmethystMajesty25

Fun Time Rush creates their first love song while Virtue writes an essay about Golden Rock.

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Chapter 1

On a bright morning at the Canterlot Community Center, Fun Time Rush were relaxing at the pool area.

“Gentlemen, what time is it?” Tempo asked.

The rest of his friends answered, “It's girl time.”

The four boys put on their sunglasses and looked to their left to see three beautiful girls walking by, in slow motion.

The girls stopped and one of them with red hair rebuffed them, “Talk to us when you get in the top ten.”

Another girl with bright lime hair added, “But not before.”

The boys were disappointed as the girls walked passed them until Watermelody was dressed in a cheerleader outfit and slapped Tempo on the face.

“Oww!” Tempo reacted.

“How could you?! With my mom in the hospital, and my huge fight with my best friend, and my zit?!”

The boys said, “High school drama audition?”

“Wish me luck,” Watermelody said and slapped Tempo again until she left the pool area.

Spa twins,” Cloudburst pointed the girls.

Diamond stopped Cloudburst and warned him, “Too risky. They get pretty upset if you get their names wrong.”

“Don't worry, I'll get their names right this time,” Cloudburst put on his helmet and greeted the spa ladies, “Hello, ladies.”

One of the spa twins asked, “What's my name?”

“Uh…” Cloudburst pointed to the girl with pink hair, “Aloe?”

The spa twins grabbed Cloudburst and threw him into the pool.

“Lotus,” The other three FTR boys remembered and sat down on their chairs.

Beryl took off his glasses and said, “Why can't there be a nice, sweet, nice girl at Canterlot?”

Diamond agreed, “Somebody not crazy or stuck-up that's still really hot.”

Tempo added, “From Manehattan.”

Then, the boys heard a beautiful girl talking on the phone. She had blonde hair and wore nice, casual clothing.

“No, I'm not in Manehattan, dad. I'm in Canterlot. I'm just going to do some sightseeing. Talk to you later, bye.”

The three boys stood up and smiled while Cloudburst watched as the girl smiled and walked passed them. She greeted FTR, “Hi.”

Ah, ah, ah-ah, ah!

After she left, Diamond shouted, “She's mine!”

Cloudburst and Tempo said, “She's mine!”

The boys fight at the pool, trying to chase after the girl.


Make it count

Play it straight

Don’t hold back

Don’t hesitate

[Diamond Glow]

When you go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Whatcha want

Whatcha feel

Never quitting

Make it real


When you roll Fun Time


Oh woah!


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Listen to your heart now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

[Diamond Glow]

Don’t you feel the rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Minutes later, Fun Time Rush were in the recording room at Golden Rock Studios with Golden, Shelly, and a big guy in the corner.

While Shelly handed the band their lyric sheets, Golden announced, “Today we are gonna sing a love song. It's a slow song, about love. The record company wants one of your demo songs to be a ballad.”

“Okay, does anybody else notice the huge guy in the corner?” Beryl asked while the rest of the boys nervously greeted and said "hi" to the big guy.

“I do. That is Big T, my new executive in charge of making people do what I say.” Golden said and Big T punched a hole on the wall, surprising Fun Time Rush and Tempo hid behind Diamond.

“Now, this is a song about when you see a girl for the first time, and you know she's the one. Do you guys know what I'm talking about?” Golden asked.

The boys knew exactly what he was talking about and imagined seeing their dream girl wearing hockey gear and blowing a kiss.

“She's mine!” The boys shouted, stopped dreaming and went back to fighting.

Golden, Shelly, and Big T were tired of seeing the boys fight and Golden ordered his bodyguard, “Big T!”

Big T marched over to the boys and separated them by carrying Diamond and Cloudburst out of the struggle while Beryl and Tempo stopped.

Cloudburst commented, “That was kind of fun.”

Then, everyone sniffed something awful in the air and Golden asked, “What is that smell?”

“It's my barracuda man spray. We're in love with a girl, and this is my edge,” Diamond explained and sprayed some on his head. “Better wear your 'cuda.”

“You need an edge?” Beryl questioned Diamond.

“You always get the girl!” Cloudburst stated.

“Yeah, give us a chance for once,” Tempo agreed.

Diamond yelled, “She will be mine!”

“No, she's gonna be mine,” Cloudburst rebuked.

Tempo yelled, “No, she's not.”

The boys continued yelling and fighting until Golden ordered Big T, “Dogs. Booth. Now.”

Big T stopped them and pushed the boys to the recording booth.

Golden complimented, “Oh, he is really good.”

Fun Time Rush then sang the song together on the mic, slowly.


Any kind of guy you want

That's the kind I'll be

(Diamond sneezed.)

Turn myself upside down

(Diamond abruptly sneezed again.)

Yes, I will

Yes, I will

Golden Rock turned off his headphones and pressed the button to speak to the boys. “This is a song about love, NOT SNEEZING!”

While the microphone feedback shrieked, Shelly informed Golden, “But the pollen count is really high today.”

“Then get him to a doctor and fix him, while I fix the song, because it's horrible,” Golden ordered. “Big T, take the dogs home.”

“No, I don't want to go to the doctor. I'm in love,” Diamond sneezed and Shelly took him out of the booth first.

Bog T then entered, making Cloudburst startled and Beryl greeted him, “Oh, hi, Big T,” Beryl jumped up and Big T carried him, bridal style. “Sorry, Diamond, but we have to go back outside now.”

Diamond rushed over to the mic, “You are not allowed to talk to her until I'm back! I mean it!” Diamond stated until he sneezed again.

Meanwhile at the park, the new girl was sitting on the bench and enjoying a nice, relaxing day. Afar from her, the three boys of FTR hid behind the bushes and wore tree hats.

“Tempo, what's the intel?” Beryl asked.

Tempo explained, “Well, according to my mom's Cosmopolitan magazine, 75% of the female population is attracted to the bad boy type.”

“I call the bad boy type,” Cloudburst called and crouched down until he popped up with his bad boy gear on.

“But it won't matter, because 100% of the female population is attracted to men with Engband accents,” Tempo stated.

Beryl told him, “But none of us speak British.”

Tempo replied in his English accent, “Hmm, speak for yourself, governor.”

“What are you gonna go with, Beryl?” Cloudburst asked.

“60% like the steamy firemen, 40% like the brooding loner, and 0.7% like the jolly pastry chef,” Tempo read through the magazine as the boys saw Cranky Doodle dressed up as a chef, trying to impress a woman.

“How long will you be staying at Canterlot?” Cranky laughed.

Back to the boys, Beryl answered, “I'm gonna be myself.”

His friends laughed and told him in unison, “That never works.”

Meanwhile, Diamond was forced to see the doctor with Shelly chaperoning as he sneezed while the doctor got his drink.

“Now, this should make it all better,” The doctor drank his beverage from the medicine cup and threw it away, “Ah. Okay, what seems to be the problem?”

Diamond explained, “The problem is that I'm here when I need to be at the Canterlot, impressing the girl of my dreams.”

“It sounds serious. I'm prescribing one does of black bolero jacket and 100 CCs of tight pants,” The doctor wrote him a perscription and gave it to his patient.

“Awesome,” Diamond sneezed.

Shelly corrected him and took his perscription, “He needs to stop sneezing so that he can sing.”

“It sounds like the irreversible deterioration of the glands resulting in pain so severe, it can only be relieved by the sweet mercy of death.”

Diamond hugged Shelly and sneezed, grossing Shelly out.

“Are you sure it's not pollen?” Shelly asked.

The doctor snapped his fingers, “Pollen. Of course. Diamond, are you afraid of receiving giant shots?”

Diamond saw a big syringe with a needle and he shrieked, making him run away like a scolded dog.

Back at Golden Rock Records, Golden was playing the piano while trying to figure out how the new song works.

[Golden Rock]

Here I am, there you are

Why does it seem so far?

Next to you is where I should be

Then, Gloria and Virtue entered his office and Gloria commented, “Sounds nice.”

Golden played a dissonant tone on his piano and turned around to see Tempo’s mom and sister.

“Why are you here?” Golden asked.

Gloria answered, “Virtue has a report for school.”

“I'm supposed to do it on somebody I admire, and I picked you,” Virtue pointed at Golden Rock.

“Oh, that is so sweet. I'M BUSY!”

“Hey, she admires you! And would it kill you to be nice for once?” Gloria pleaded him.

Golden informed Gloria, “She can stay and ask four questions.”

“Go easy on him,” Gloria said and kissed her daughter on the head before she exited the room.

Virtue sat down on the couch and Golden asked her, “Do you really admire me?”

“No, but if I picked Eleanor Roosevelt, I'd have to read a bunch of stuff.” Virtue explained.

“Smart, first question.”

Virtue told him, “Your song is lame.”

Golden yelled, “THAT IS NOT A QUESTION!”

Back at the park, the rest of Fun Time Rush spied on the new girl on the bench and reading a piece of paper while the boys hid back in the bushes to come up with a plan.

Tempo announced in his English accent, “Okay. We'll draw popsicle sticks to see who gets to ask her out first. Short one wins.”

Beryl went first and picked the long stick, feeling satisfied that he was going last.

Cloudburst announced, “My turn.”

However, Tempo wouldn't give one of the short sticks to Cloudburst. “The other one.”

“Tempo, give it.”


“I've never had a girlfriend,” Cloudburst pulled out the short stick and gasped, “Ah! Oh, yes.”

Tempo was frustrated and broke his stick in half.

“Stand back, boys. And watch the bad boy get the pretty girl,” Cloudburst stood up and sat on the chair in the new girl’s table.

The girl greeted him, “Hi, I'm Shining Star. Cool jacket.” Cloudburst nodded as she continued, “Oh, are you going out for the bad boy role in Isekai Middle School? I mean, it's a really strong role, but I hate bad boys in real life. I mean, why so angry all the time?”

Cloudburst nervously answered, “Yeah.”

“Poor old chap. He's in a bit of a sticky wicket,” Tempo said in his English accent.

Shining Star continued, “I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.”

Cloudburst mumbled until he answered in an English accent, “Reginald Blueberry from Engband.”

“Wha...” Tempo reacted until Beryl shut his mouth.

“How exciting. Oh, my family visits there every year. What part of Engband are you from?”

“Uh, cheerio. Put another shrimp on the barbie. Danke schon,” Cloudburst ran away and hid back in the bushes with his buds.

Tempo grabbed Cloudburst by the collar and told him, “You stole my bit.”

Cloudburst confessed, “She smells so nice, and I panicked.”

“She will be mine!” Tempo hopped out of the bushes and approached towards Star until Watermelody came by and slapped him.

Tempo yelped, “Oh!” His friends were surprised and Tempo told her, “Watermelody, not now. Please, not now.”

“Oh course I'll take you back...” She kissed Mind Tempo repeatedly, “I'll tell Rarity we're back together, and I'll destroy ANYBODY,” She pointed her finger at Shining Star before she continued, “…that tries to come between us...” She gave Mind Tempo another big kiss until she walked away.

Tempo whimpered as Watermelody saw Beryl and Cloudburst hiding.

“One Apple Tree Hill?” Beryl asked.

“Yeah, let's go with that,” Watermelody answered and walked away.

“That was...” Tempo sheepishly laughed and scoffed until he ran away to the bushes, leaving Shining Star confused.

“I get a do-over.”

Beryl told Tempo, “No, you don't.”

“Was Watermelody a good kisser?” Cloudburst asked him.

“I was... pleasantly surprised.”

“Okay, boys. Now it's my turn,” Beryl walked over to the bench and Shining Star already left the park. He growled, “Aah! Dang it!”

Cloudburst and Mind Tempo laughed, giving each other high fives.

Back at Golden’s office, Golden continued singing the song slowly and playing the piano terribly, making Virtue cover her ears.

[Golden Rock]

Any kind of guy you want,

That's the guy I'll be

This song is terrible


“Don't you have to be in love to write a love song?” Virtue made a good point. “I mean, you're not wearing a wedding ring, and don't you hate EVERY LIVING THING?!”

“You don't need love to write a love song. You need passion. You replace what your passionate about, for love.

“Okay, so that song is about a sandwich?”

“I don't know what this song is about! Songs usually come to me! But this one is not.”

Golden Rock doesn't know how to write a song, and has never loved. Finished.” Virtue wrote down her paper and was ready to leave.

“Sit down!” Golden ordered and Virtue sat back on the couch. “This song's gonna be great. I'll show you. Big T!” Big T entered the room and Virtue was very surprised to see his bodyguard, smiling. “Dogs. Now.”

“You got it,” Big T nodded and exited the room.

Virtue asked, “Can I borrow him sometime?”

Golden answered, “No, you cannot.”

Back at the hospital, Diamond was strapped into a hospital bed with restraints as Shelly and the doctor strolled the hospital bed to the patient room.

“Look, I'm not sneezing anymore, so I... I guess I can go back outside now, and I definitely don't need that shot.” Diamond begged until he sneezed.

“Diamond, it's not gonna hurt a bit,” The doctor brought out his syringe, “It's gonna hurt a lot.”

Diamond pulled out his man spray, “Stay back. I'm not afraid to use this.”

“Barracuda man spray?” The doctor brought out his own man spray, “Now in new spice lime. Better wear your 'cuda.”

“Unbelievable. Is there anything besides that shot that get him to stop sneezing today?” Shelly questioned the doctor.

“Hmm, there is one thing that might work.” The doctor started thinking until he asked Shelly, “Do you think I need a chin implant?”

Shelly facepalmed after that.

Back at the pool area of the Communtiy Center, the rest of Fun Time Rush were in their shades and pretended to read newspapers. They dropped it and saw Shining Star at a table reading a paper.

Mind Tempo informed Beryl, “So we were thinking, you definitely need a girl strategy.”

“So try this,” Cloudburst put some fake buck-toothed teeth on Beryl’s mouth.

While Beryl showed it to his friends, Tempo gave him a thumbs-up, “Yeah.”

Beryl took off the fake teeth and said, “Thanks, but I think I'm gonna stick with the "be myself" strategy.” He stood up, passed the fake teeth to Cloudburst, and walked over to Star’s table.

Their plan backfired and Tempo told Cloudburst, “I told you we should have used the glue.”

While the two boys watched, Beryl introduced himself, “Hi.”

“Hi,” Shining Star greeted him back.

“I just wanted to welcome you to Canterlot. I'm Beryl, and, uh...” Beryl was suddenly interrupted by Big T and grabbed him by the back of his hoodie. He turned to see Big T and told Star, “This looks weird, right?”

Star sheepishly nodded and Beryl requested, “Uh, we can continue this conversation when my friend, Big T, puts me down.” Big T carried him by the back and Beryl waved at her, “We'll do this again sometime.”

While Shining Star waved him back, Cloudburst and Tempo gave each other high fives and celebrated, “Yes!” However, their celebration was cut WAY short and Big T grabbed their hands and pulled them. The two boys yelled, “Whoo!”

Beryl demanded, “That is not fair. I get a do-over.”

Tempo replied, “No, you don't.”

Cloudburst commented, “This is fun.”

Big T carried and dragged the boys back to the studio for another recording session.

Author's Note:
  • One Apple Tree Hill is a parody of the TV show, One Tree Hill.