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Later Never Comes

Author's Note:

The red writing idicates Deadpool breaking the fourth wall and speaking to the readers.

And to understand Spikey and Sunset's relationship, check my friends story; set in the same universe as my Spiderman series.

Deadpool Equestria's Daddy

On a calm night in the middle of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were sat in Twilight’s apartment, watching a move in the living room. Sunset had her arm around her girlfriend; this wasn’t like a date or anything, just the two of them enjoying each other’s company.

Whilst the movie was playing, Sunset turned to her love and asked a quick question, “Twilight, are you happy?”

“What do you mean?” Twilight said back, not taking her eyes off the screen.

Sunset proceeded to ask again, “I mean are you happy, with me?”

The spider-hero grabbed the TV remote and paused the movie, she then turned to Sunset and replied, “What, how can you even ask me something like that? Of course I’m happy with you.”

Turning away from Twilight, the red-haired girl explained her reasons, “Its just, I didn’t want you to think of yourself of just a rebound.”

It took a minute for Twilight to understand, but then she remembered something; Twilight wasn’t Sunset’s first love, and not just Flash Sentry. She was referring to Adam’s former pet, Spikey the Dog; the talking dog from Adam’s world that came to this world via the magic mirror portal. When he stepped through it, it made him human, just as if a pony were to walk through.

Twilight remembered that Sunset dated him for a few months; just before she and Twilight started going out.

“I promise, I don’t think of myself as a rebound.” The science girl explained. “I chose to be with you because of all the things I love about you.” Sunset turned back to her and smiled. “You’re funny, smart, great to be around; and I’m in love with you.”

Sunset Shimmer put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder, “I love you, so much.”

The two girls quickly shared a kiss on the lips, then they turned their attention back to the movie. After a few more minute of watching; and seeing as how the subject was on the table Twilight had something she wanted to ask Sunset.

“How did you and Spikey break up?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

Sunset replied, “I don’t really want to talk about it; it wasn’t one of the best things I’ve had to do in my life.”

“Go on, I promise no matter what happened, I won’t think any less of you for it.” The purple girl said back.

With that said, Sunset didn’t really know how to respond; but she decided to give in and explain the story to her.

1 month after Adam and Fluttershy’s wedding

Sunset had taken a quick trip to Fillydelphia; she wanted to know why Spikey didn’t come to the wedding like he was supposed to. Him and Sunset were going to go as a couple, but he called her the day before the ceremony and said he couldn’t come.

She arrived at his apartment, and went inside; she had a key from when she would stay over. Sunset found him in the living room, his Deadpool suit laid out on the coffee table, as well as an assortment of guns.

“Dessert eagle, check. Two hand guns, check. AK-47, check.” Spikey then turned to the rocket launcher he had left on the arm chair. “And there’s that.”

Without warning, Sunset announced her presence in the room; Spikey turned to her and greet his girl with, “Hey babe, what you doing here”

The red-haired girl replied, “I just came round to see you; and ask why you didn’t come to our friends’ wedding.”

Spikey said back, “I told you over the phone, I had a job to do, couldn’t break it off.” It’s like he was paying more attention to counting his guns then to her, and Sunset was starting to notice this.

“You’re always busy; you never have time to be with your girlfriend.” Sunset Shimmer said to him, but he didn’t even flinch at those words. Sunset was about to get mad, but instead, she stayed calm and decided to just talk to him; whether he was going to listen or not.


Music started playing and Sunset started singing.

“When we first met;
Your heart was free.”
“Your hopeful eyes;
Saw only me.”

She wandered around the room, singing to him.

“Now you’re looking for something;
Something I could never be.”
“When you are really;
All I need.”

She stood in front of the TV set, so now they were face to face; but he was looking down at his guns.

“You keep on telling me ‘later’;
But ‘later’ never comes around.”
“Please stop telling me ‘later’;
As you search for what just can’t be found.”

She reached out to him, offering her hand.

“Take my hand;
Come with me now and we’ll fly free.”
“No more ‘later’, we both know that’s a lie;
Don’t let this be the day I say....”


She pulled her hand back and repeated.


Deep within Spikey’s mind, there was a part of him that was listening to her; from his thought, a spirit was projected into the room. No one could see this thing, it was Spikey’s subconscious speaking; it was him, in his Deadpool suit. He looked away from the two of them, and turned towards... you.

He sung.

“When I met her;
I was set free.”
“My love for her;
Was plain to see.”

He turned back to them and sang.

“I kept looking for something;
A measure of security.”
“But she was really;
All I’d need.”

The spirit then looked directly into Sunset’s eyes.

“I kept on telling her ‘later’;
But ‘later’ never came around.”
“Why did I tell her ‘later’;
Why’d I search for what just can’t be found?”

The vision then reached out to her.

“I should take her hand;
Go with her and we’d both fly free.”
“No more ‘later’; we all know that’s a lie;
So this will be the day she says...”


Sunset then sung, a little louder.

“Goodbye.” The Deadpool vision repeated.


When the song had ended, the spirit of Deadpool disappeared; Spikey stood up off the couch and reached into his pocket, he pulled out his phone and began calling one of his clients.

"Rocky, how you going, my son?” he greeted. He then noticed Sunset was still in the room; he put the phone down and said to her, “Just give me a moment, babe; I’ve got to take this.” Before she could even answer, he turned away and went back to his call.

Sunset wasn’t going to take this anymore; she headed towards the door, ready to leave. Before she did so, she turned around and took one last look at Spikey; under her breath, she whispered to him, “Goodbye, Spikey.”
With that said, she left.

Returning to the present, Sunset had finished telling the story of how she broke up with Spikey. Twilight was surprised that it ended like that; but it was what needed to be done.

“I’m so sorry, Sunset.” Twilight said to her.

The red-haired girl replied, “It doesn’t matter now; because I have you.”

The two smiled at each other and shared one last kiss before returning to watching the movie.

What the two didn’t know, was outside the apartment, across the street on the roof of the neighbouring building; someone was watching them through his binoculars. It was Spikey, or Deadpool as he likes to be called; wearing his suit, with his swords and guns.

He knew Sunset couldn’t hear her, but he whispered to himself when he put the binoculars down, “Goodbye, Sunset Shimmer.” After that, he jumped off the roof and left.