• Published 8th Jan 2023
  • 357 Views, 8 Comments

Silver Apples, Moonlit Rainbows - Mavy_Gravy

With the early escape of Nightmare Moon, things in Equestria take a sudden turn. Especially when she creates a virus amongst the pegasi. This event changes the lives of the mane 6 in ways unforeseen by Celestia as they struggle to solve this mystery.

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Prologue (Part 3)

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long >.< I just didn’t want to make the prologue have too many parts and make this one decent, I hope you guys enjoy it!

As they ran through the once-quiet halls of the hospital, they fought off the infected individuals who came at them, fangs glinting in the light of her magic.

As they moved to leave, they saved whoever they came across, allowing them to escape ahead of them.

So hence was why when Celestia heard the sound of quiet crying, she skidded to a stop.

Sunbeam also stopped when she realized that her princess was no longer following her. “Your Majesty!” She cried, “We must hurry, these halls are only getting more and more crowded!”

Celestia ignored the Commander’s worries, instead choosing to follow the sound of crying.

She had followed it just a bit further down the hall to another hospital room.

She quietly opened the door and stepped into the room. Almost immediately, the cries were silenced. Sighing gently, Celestia called out into the seemingly empty room.

“Hello? Little one? Is there anyone there? Please come out.” Still nothing.

From the sounds of the cries, Celestia could only assume that it was a foal in the room. Old enough to be able to consciously silence her tears but young enough to not know friend from foe. Celestia thought for a bit, wondering how to coax the child out from their hiding. She found herself thinking back to Orion and Luna when they had been mere foals themselves.

Having made her decision, she pulled the orb of light towards herself. She thought for a bit before deciding on separating it into hundreds of tiny glowing golden butterflies.

They quickly scattered and began fluttering about the room, emitting a dimmer light but filling more of the room. This light allowed her to see the tiny pegasus foal hiding behind the bed, looking up at the magical butterflies with an enchanted gaze.

Celestia stepped around the bed, “Hello little one,” She said as she approached.

Before she could get a good look at the tiny foal, she jumped and scrambled under the bed, out of Celestia’s sight and reach.

Celestia tilted her head and sighed. Just what was she doing wrong? This had always worked with Orion and Luna when they were younger- oh.

Celestia turned around and glanced at her frame. Tall, lanky, but overall big. No wonder the poor thing was terrified of her.

Thus led to Celestia tucking her wings in and kneeling on the ground in front of where the foal had scrambled under the bed. She then directed some of the butterflies under the bed before looking under there herself.

There was the foal, staring at her with wide eyes.

“Hello, my little pony,” Celestia kept her voice low, soft, and gentle. “Can you come out, I’m going to help you find mommy and daddy.”

The foal stared at her with her wide eyes, quietly studying her. When she finally raised a hesitant hoof to step out, she was startled further back under the bed by the sounds of yelling and loud banging.

Celestia immediately recognized the voice to be Sunbeam. Pushing herself up, she looked out the open door. One of the infected ponies was flung across the open area. It was quickly followed by Sunbeam, yelling at the passing ponies trying to escape, giving them directions.

She then leaned back down to the cowering foal.

“Worry not, my little pony,” She cooed gently, “I shall let no harm come your way.” She slowly reached her hoof out to the foal. “You simply must trust me.”

The foal looked between Celestia and her held-out hoof. She flinched when the loud noises continued before scrambling into Celestia’s waiting Forelegs.

Celestia cradled her gently, pulling her up to her face so that she could finally get a good look at her. With all the butterflies now fluttering above her head, she was granted a clear view of the child that she held.

The foal had soft yellow fur with a pale pink mane and tail. Her soft and round eyes glimmered a bright red under the light of the butterflies as they followed the magical beings as they fluttered above Celestia’s head. This led her to her next shocking discovery. The foal’s huge furry ears and large leathery wings, both far too big for her tiny body. When the foal tilted her head at Celestia, she revealed the two puncture marks along her neck.

This foal was infected yet seemed perfectly rational.

“Um…” The foal finally spoke, her voice was quiet and Celestia could barely hear it over all the ruckus going on outside of the room. “A-are you alright, miss…?”

Celestia snapped out of her thoughts to answer the foal, “Ah! Um, yes, I’m fine. Do not worry about me. What is your name, Little One?”

“Oh, um… it’s um… it’s Fluttershy…” She had slowly gotten quieter over time and by the time that she said her name, Celestia could barely hear her.

“Alright Fluttershy,” She began, “I’m going to bring you back to your parents, but, I’m going to need you to answer a few questions for me.”

The foal nodded slightly, bright red eyes adverting the princess’.

Seeing this, Celestia began, making sure her voice was soft so as to not intimidate the shy foal. “Do you know what caused you to contract the infection?”

“I... I think…?” She tilted her head again, her shoulders coming up to protect her neck. “I think it happened at night, I was really sleepy, I thought that it was a dream. There was a blue mist? I think? And then I felt a bite on my neck. It really hurt but then I couldn’t feel it anymore.”

Celestia felt her brow furrow. It seemed that Nightmare Moon held no qualms against manipulating mere foals to do her bidding. Celestia pushed the troubling thoughts out of her head, choosing to instead focus on the foal in her arms.

“Okay,” She finally said, “Just a few more questions and we’ll be done, Fluttershy.” When Fluttershy nodded, Celestia asked her next question, “Are you feeling alright, is there anything at all that’s not normal?”

“I’m really hungry,” Fluttershy answered immediately, “Is there anything I can eat?”

Celestia thought for a bit before going with the simplest solution.

Her horn shone with golden light before an apple flashed right in front of them. She then held it out to the foal.

Fluttershy leaned out to it, her nose twitching as she sniffed it. Suddenly, she recoiled, openly gagging, her ears pinned to her head.

“It smells nasty.”

Celestia sighed, sending the apple away. It seemed that despite the fact that the foal could still think straight, she still held the traits of those infected.

She stares down at the foal for a bit more before changing plans.

Using her magic, she summoned a blade, something that caused the foal to cower in fear in her arms. She shifted the foal to one Foreleg, freeing up the other. She then cut the skin on her arm, just enough to allow her blood to slowly seep through and begin staining her white fur.

Already, despite the deeply disturbed look on the foal’s face, Celestia could see her nose twitch in interest at the metallic tang of blood that now filled the air. She then held her cut hoof out to the child.

Fluttershy recoiled in shock, sending a confused and scared look to Celestia. Seeing this, Celestia smiled gently, “It’s okay,” She said soothingly, “Trust me.”

Her gaze snapped between Celestia’s face and her bloody hoof. After about a minute of this, her stomach grumbled quietly. Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle when she heard it. It seems that her stomach was just as soft-spoken as she was.

But this rumble seems to have helped make up her mind.

Slowly Fluttershy leaned forward before giving the bloody cut a hesitant lick. Immediately, her pupils dilated and she latched onto the cut, suckling gently.

Celestia winced slightly at the feeling of the foal’s unnaturally long tongue lapping heavily at her wound. Despite her discomfort and slight pain, she allowed her to continue until the cut no longer bled.

By this point Fluttershy was seemingly full, leaning back into Celestia’s hold on her. Now that her hunger has been seemingly sated, her eyes faded from a stark and bright red to a dull and gentle teal.

Fluttershy yawned in her hold, her eyes drooping dangerously low. Seeing no reason to force the foal to stay up, Celestia adjusted her hold on her once more, allowing her to snuggle into the feathery fur on her chest.

She then walked out of the room, looking around for Sunbeam. She didn’t need to look very hard as an infected pony was sent flying just in front of her.

She turned to where they had come from. Sunbeam had caught sight of her first and was now running up to her. She was seemingly about to call out to Celestia before catching sight of Fluttershy and freezing in her tracks.

“Y-your Majesty…” She said slowly.

“Yes, I am aware of the foal.” Celestia breezed past her, moving to the front of the hospital, now within their clear view.

As she walked out of the building, Celestia took note of the lack of infected ponies attacking her. While most of them lay unconscious on the ground, knocked out by Sunbeam, it was far from all of them. Especially when a decent portation of these ponies was the hospital staff all of the holding a bloody bite mark on their necks, sometimes several.

Stepping out into the night air revealed just why that was so.

Several infected pegasi circled in the air, diving down to attack the ponies who ran away, screaming in terror. Her soldiers struggled to pin down the infected, having to recoil from their snapping jaws in order to avoid being bit.

Seeing this, Celestia passes the sleeping Fluttershy over to Sunbeam, who begrudgingly takes her.

Celestia then steps forward, wings spread wide. The fleeing ponies see her step forward and rush behind her, taking cover from their airborne attackers. The infected ponies, seeing this, dive at Celestia, fangs glinting in the moonlight.

Her gaze pinched into a glare before a bright blast of light shone forth from her horn, effectively blinding all the infected, their dilated pupils unable to retract in time. Many of them fell to the ground spasming violently, while those who remained in the air blindly flew around bumping into one another. She then turned back to her subjects who cowered behind her.

“Hurry!” She called, “Return to your homes! Do not let anyone who can not prove their health to you in!”

The pegasi bowed quickly to her before rushing off to their homes. There were only two who remained. A mint green stallion with a cloud white mane and tail and a pale yellow mare with a cherry red mane and tail.

The stallion and mare exchanged terrified glances before the stallion ran up to her, bowing low at her hooves.

“Your majesty!” He cried, ignoring the soldiers to had flocked to her sides when he ran up to her, “Please! We need your help!”

Celestia gestured to the guards, telling them to be at ease. Once they did as such, she stepped forward and lowered her head to speak with the stallion.

“How may I help you?” She asked, making sure to not use her Canterlot-voice.

“M-my daughter,” The stallion cried, “She was in the hospital after she got sick from the virus! We don’t know where she is and we’re worried for her!”

“And your name?” Celestia prompted gently.

“Mr. Shy!” He quickly said, “And that’s Mrs. Shy, my wife!” He pointed to the mare who stood a couple feet away.

“What is your daughter’s name?”

“Fluttershy!” Mr. Shy cried, “She’s about half my height, has the same color coat as her mother, and a pale pink mane and tail!”

Celestia nodded before motioning for Sunbeam to step forward. She gently took Fluttershy from the commander before offering her to the stallion.

Mr. Shy’s eyes lit up in relief and happiness as he eagerly took his daughter from Celestia, paying no mind to her new features. Mrs. Shy, who caught a glimpse of her daughter from a distance, ran up and nuzzled her husband and daughter.

Celestia found herself smiling gently at the scene in front of her. Once the small family seemed to have calmed down slightly, she spoke once again.

“While she seems to be right mind, unlike those around us, she still requires blood to eat,” She said, “Though far less than her counterparts due to her small size.”

Mr. and Mrs. Shy nodded.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Mrs. Shy said, bowing, “We’re just so happy to have our baby girl back!”

Celestia nodded before opening one of her wings and gesturing to where the homes of Cloudsdale floated, “Now quickly return home. I highly doubt that the infected will stay down much longer, let alone that I managed to get all of them.”

Mr. and Mrs. Shy gave sharp nods of their heads before rushing off back to their homes. Celestia watched after them, ensuring their safety for as long as she could see them.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by Sunbeam calling out to her.

“Yes, Sunbeam?” She asked, turning back to the commander. It appears that she had been speaking to a group of soldiers who Celestia hadn’t realized had flown up to them.

“I have just received word that several of the infected have not only managed to make it as far as the Weather Factory and the Wonderbolts Academy, but they are currently flying down to the surface,” Sunbeam said, face twisted in deep worry and fear.

“Did they catch sight of where they were headed?”

“It was hard to say as they quickly split up,” Sunbeam said, “But they’re guessing that they’re heading to the Ponyville area, Manehattan area, West Equestria, and Appleloosa area.”

Celestia felt her brow furrow. This was going to be hard to get a handle on.

“Send part of your team to the Castle of the Two Sisters in Everfree Forest and get aid from my brother Orion,” Celestia finally said after a moment of thought, “Tell him to get a handle on the Manehattan and Appleloosa areas. Once he’s finished, tell him that I’ll meet him in the Royal Castle in Canterlot once I have finished up with Cloudsdale, Ponyville, and West Equestria. Next, have another part of your team send word to Captain Shining Armor in Canterlot, inform him of what is going on here.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Sunbeam lowered her head in acknowledgment of her request. She then called a couple of the soldiers forward to relay the message. Once they took off Sunbeam turned back to her, ready for her next order.

Celestia merely turned away, towards the Weather Factory.

“Come,” She said, “We have not a moment to lose.”


They managed to clear through the Weather Factory with relative ease, especially once they had figured out the infected’s weakness to light.

As they moved to the Wonderbolt’s Academy to get a handle on what was going on there, they heard a shriek of terror.

Celestia quickly changed routes, moving to aid the pony in danger. She heard Sunbeam sigh behind her before the sounds of her hoof-falls followed after her.

When they got to the source of the sound they found a blue stallion struggling to fight his way through a barrage of infected ponies. The thing that stood out the most to Celestia was his brightly colored rainbow mane and tail.

Disregarding her interest in the stallion’s colorful mane, she made quick work of the infected blocking his way.

Instead of thanking her like so many others had, he didn’t even look at her. Instead, he gave a cry of ‘Windy!’ – before running ahead. Celestia’s eyes followed after him to see him running at an infected pony who drank from a light blue mare with a coral mane.

Quickly seeing what was wrong, Celestia gestured for Sunbeam to handle it. Sunbeam nodded before rushing the unaware infected pony. She twirled around to buck the infected’s face off the poor mare before grabbing them and slamming them into the ground, effectively knocking them out.

Celestia watched as the stallion run to check up on the mare, gently trying to help her up onto her hooves. Luckily the mare seemed to be conscious if a bit shaken.

Seeing this, Celestia stepped forward, causing both ponies to look up at her.

Their eyes widened when they realized just who they were talking to before snapping down into a bow.

“Calm yourselves, my little ponies,” She said, gesturing for them to rise. Once they had done so, she continued to speak, “Now tell me, do you feel anything wrong with your body right now?” Celestia wasn’t entirely sure what would happen if you got bitten by an infected pony, but judging from what she knew about other viruses, she could only assume that it would spread.

“No, Your Majesty,” the mare said, gaze still lowered. “I only feel a little dizzy, but I think that was from when I hit the ground.”

“Or blood loss,” the stallion said, gently nuzzling the injured mare. She hummed before nuzzling him back.

Celestia watched them for a bit, deep in thought. Eventually, she spoke once more. “What are your names, my little ponies?”

“I’m Bow Hothoof,” the stallion said, “And this is Windy Whistles.” He pointed to the mare as he said that.

Celestia nodded, quickly memorizing their names. “Listen well then, my little ponies,” she began, “I will relay your names to the doctors and inform them to keep an eye out for you, all you need to do is keep an eye on Windy’s health. The moment she starts feeling ill, get medical help.”

The two ponies nodded their heads, eyes alert.

Feeling slightly better now that they had a plan, Celestia gestured for the houses of Cloudsdale. “Now go, find shelter and do not let anypony into your home unless you are certain that they are safe.”

Both ponies nodded and bowed to her. Then Bow Hothoof flew up into the air, gently grasping Windy under her stomach, and carried her back to their home.

Once more, Celestia watched until they had disappeared from her view. Once they were gone she turned back to the Wonderbolts Academy with not another word spoken.

They were already running out of time.


They had breezed through the academy easily. Largely thanks to the help of Spitfire and her team.

Once done, Celestia moved to go to Ponyville but not before ordering Sunbeam to stay in Cloudsdale. The mare seemed shocked and slightly offended by the order and voiced her questions.

“Your Majesty,” She began, “Would it not be better if I stuck with you?”

Celestia shook her head, “The pegasi will need protection in case there are more infected around. Especially if this virus spreads as I think it does.”

Slight understanding crossed the mare’s face as she bowed, “Then I shall heed your orders, Your Majesty.”

Celestia nodded before turning and heading down towards Ponyville.

The flight was short and yet the damage was already so great.

Ponies ran about the town shrieking in terror. Fillies and colts doing their best to defend their friends and families from their airborne attackers.

The glint of golden armor on several ponies fighting back filled Celestia with relief. It seems that Shining Armor received her message.

She joined the fray, quickly becoming a guiding path for those rushing to the safety of their homes. Celestia nearly tripped several times over the ponies rushing under her long legs to escape their airborne pursuers. Despite these hiccups, she managed.

She was in the middle of escorting a couple to Sugarcube Corner when she heard the shriek of a filly.

Snapping around she found a tiny white unicorn filly with a purple mane and tail, surrounded by snarling infected ponies. Her horn shone with blue light as she desperately tried to fend them off.

Celestia was in the middle of rushing over to her when a sudden shadow covered them all. It was only a second before a new pony slammed down between the filly and the hungry infected ponies surrounding her. The new pony quickly handled the infected around them, sending them flying with quick precise moves.

Once the dust had settled Celestia could see that this new pony was now crouched in front of the filly, whispering gently to her. Celestia walked forward to get a better look at this sudden helper.

What she wasn’t expecting were the big leathery wings and big fluffy ears. Even more so, Celestia was shocked by the golden armor they wore. They had ocean blue fur and a sandy blonde curly mane and tail.

As Celestia approached the filly took notice of her. Her blue eyes widened and she quickly bowed.

Her sudden bow caused the pony in front of her to turn around, eyes filled with confusion. That immediately faded once they caught sight of Celestia and they bowed as well.

“Rise, my little ponies.” Celestia said calmly. Once they did, Celestia got a better look at both of them.

“Hello, your majesty,” the infected pony said, voice distinctly male. “I am Sandy Tides of the South-West division of the Equestrian Royal Army. Severing under Shining Armor of the Canterlot division of the Equestrian Royal Army. I am at your service, my lady.”

“Sandy Tides,” Celestia said, testing the name on her tongue. “Are you aware of your infected nature?”

“Yes ma’am,” He said, head bowed, “But it does not hinder my ability to protect my race so I shall continue fighting.”

Celestia nodded and turned to the filly. “And what is your name, little one?”

The filly seemed to be a strange mixture of excited, shy, scared, and overjoyed as she answered, “Rarity, my princess.”

Celestia nodded, she was about to ask more questions when another soldier ran up to her.

“Your majesty!” She cried, “Many infected ponies have begun to spread to Sweet Apple Acres and beyond!”

Celestia’s eyes widened. She quickly snapped around to Sandy Tides, “I trust you’ll bring this one to safety?”

Sandy Tides immediately saluted her, “You have my honor, Your Majesty.” He then gathered up Rarity and began leading her away.

She then joined the soldier in the rush to Sweet Apple Acres.


It was practically a maze.

Celestia struggled to hunt down the infected through the many apple trees that were planted on the property. She managed to subdue a few but she knew that there were many more hiding in plain sight.

Something disturbing that she began to notice was the change of some of the infected ponies. They grew more feral, they were losing the fur along their body and in the manes and tails. Their wings and ears looked too big for their small bodies. Their eyes had grown larger too, beginning to swell and get caught in the socket. Some she came across even had eyes that ruptured from the pressure of the socket and were left blind. The rest of their teeth also grew sharp and jagged and they began craving not only the blood but also the flesh of other ponies.

She was about to move onto another field when she heard the shrieks of ponies. She and a couple other soldiers followed them. The first thing they found left Celestia sick to her stomach.

It was a mutilated stallion. The golden fur along his body was covered in dark red blood that seeped into his bright red mane and tail. His neck was torn apart and his organs were strewn everywhere. It was clear by just one look at him that he had long passed.

But Celestia couldn’t stop to pay her respects as another shriek tore through the air.

Following the ear piercing sound led to a clearing not far from the main barn. Laying on the ground was a mare. She had blonde fur tainted red by her blood and a curly orange mane and tail. Standing on her was one of the more mutated infected. Nearly paper white skin covered in the blood that seeped from their brown out eyes.

Her soldiers quickly moved to save the mare but it was too late. By the time they had detached the infected and dealt with it, she had already passed.

She was about to move on when she caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye. A cowpony hat. Not so weird. Except it was trembling.

She walked over to the hat and slowly lifted it up, what she saw under it made her heart sink.

A trembling filly. Orange fur with a blonde mane and tail. She had wide green eyes that were glazed over with shock. Mixed with the fact that filly refused to look away from the dead mare and the fact that she looked like both the mare and stallion, Celestia could only assume that this was their daughter.

Celestia’s attention was brought back to the filly when she noticed her stand to shaky legs. Celestia watched with a pitiful gaze as the filly stumbled over to her mother.

“M-mama?” Her voice had a deep country accent as she spoke, “Mama?” She fell into the mare’s side, paying no mind to the blood that began to drip into her fur. She began to shake with silent cries as she nuzzled her mother’s bloody body.

Celestia exchanged saddened looks with her soldiers before walking over to the filly. She placed the hat back on her before scooping her up. The filly continued to silently cry as she reached for her mother, struggling in Celestia’s hold.

“Come now, little one,” Celestia murmured gently to her, “She is already gone.” This causes the filly to cry more but stop struggling.

It takes them a bit but they managed to make it to the main barn. Despite how late it is, the lights inside are still on. Celestia barely managed to knock once before the door was quickly yanked open.

In the doorway stood a mare that Celestia knew well. She had light green fur and a white mane and tail, mane tied up in a bun and her tail braided. Mrs Smith Apple. Well, Celestia could only assume she went by Granny Smith Apple now, looking at the filly in her arms.

Her wide orange eyes were scared and anxious but confused as she stared at Celestia. Behind her stood a red colt holding a tiny yellow foal.

Celestia handed the filly she held to the mare before explaining what had happened to her parents. With each word she said Granny Smith’s eyes widened and slowly she began to cry. By the time she was done Granny Smith was in tears while the colt had run up and hugged his grandmother.

Celestia let them cry for a bit before speaking. “Make sure you keep the young ones inside and do not let anyone in to ensure your safety. I wish you well.” She said before leaving the barn watching as they shut the door.

She then turned back to her soldiers and nodded. They needed to finish this.


By the time she got to the rock farm in West Equestria, the infected had already ravaged it barren.

It took her a long time to find any sort of life there. Two fillies hiding in a cellar. When she asked them what had happened they said that they didn’t know, only that their parents had told them to hide and wait for help.

It took even longer to find their parents but the aid of the two fillies certainly helped. They found their parents behind the house, necks red and bloody but otherwise alive. In fact by the time they had found them, their mother was waking up.

The transformations seemed to be getting faster and faster as the mare was already fully transformed. Despite this she seemed conscious and aware of what was going on around her. She also was surprisingly not craving blood.

Despite this calm demeanor, Celestia still chose to take them into custody, just to keep an eye on them.

Cloudy Quartz, as Celestia learned her name to be, was understanding as she rounded up her daughters and picked up her unconscious husband.

Celestia let them take her carriage back to Canterlot, choosing instead to fly. On her way back she met up with Orion.

They were both silent as they flew. Orion ignored the shocked and confused looks he got from Celestia’s soldiers. His existence was not known by many as he preferred the quieter life of guarding the Elements of Harmony and her old castle. Eventually, Orion spoke.

“What are we to do, sister?” His voice was laced with deep pain. “Will we truly have to exterminate her?”

“I do not know…” Celestia said but she understood her brother’s pain. Despite everything that had happened, this was still their younger sister. This was still Luna.

After a moment of silence Celestia spoke again, “Whatever we will do, we will get our baby sister back.”

Orion sent her a small smile. He knew just as well as she did that it was truly just wishful thinking.


It was long past time to raise the sun when Celestia got back to the castle. Despite how late it was, she was shocked to find that there was still one pony up.

Light shone under a door and as Celestia passed she could hear a voice talking quietly. She knew the voice well thus leading her to knock on the door before entering.

Sitting at a desk was a purple unicorn filly. She had many books stacked and opened around her. She also had several test tubes that she was studying, scrawling her results into a notebook she had opened next to her.

“Twilight,” Celestia said, trying to get the filly’s attention. “Twilight!”

Twilight jumped, accidentally knocking over several books. Twilight began to panic but quickly calmed down when Celestia caught them with her magic.

“I’m sorry Princess,” Twilight said quietly, looking down as she scruffed her hoof against the carpet. “I didn’t hear you.”

Celestia sighed fondly, “It is no problem Twilight Sparkle, but I must ask why you are still up?”

Twilight immediately brightened as she grabbed her notebook to show it to Celestia. “I’ve been studying the virus!” She exclaimed excitedly, “I think I’ve just about figured out what’s wrong with the infected!”

Celestia’s eyes ran across the paper. Notes on different vitamins and mineral levels, hormones, heart rate, breathing patterns, even blood, fur and skin samples.

“My, Twilight,” Celestia gasped, “This is quite a bit that you’ve found!”

Twilight nodded excitedly, “ Mmh! And I think that the reason the infected are drinking blood is an iron deficiency!”

“An iron deficiency?” Celestia quickly found Twilight’s notes of the iron levels in the infected compared to normal ponies.

Twilight nodded again, “Normally around seventy percent of a pony’s iron is in their blood! But what I’ve noticed with the infected is that they only have about fifteen percent of what normal ponies have!”

Celestia gently took Twilight’s notes and began to read them thoroughly. Eventually she spoke, “Twilight, I hope you don’t mind if I take these to the doctors so that they can look over them.”

Twilight was practically vibrating, “Yes! I wanna help too!”

Celestia smiled as she took Twilight under her wing, “You already are.” Twilight grinned happily as she hugged Celestia tightly back. When she let go Celestia nudged her towards her bed with her wing, “Now go to bed young one, it is already time for me to raise the sun.”

Once Twilight was asleep and the notes were delivered Celestia felt at ease. Maybe there was a way to truly save Luna and all those hurt by this curse.

Comments ( 2 )

Hi! It’s been a bit but I just noticed your comment! I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed it so much thus far and that you’ll continue to enjoy it as the story continues! :twilightsmile:

Can’t wait to see this story continue, it’s really interesting

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