• Published 5th Jan 2023
  • 623 Views, 7 Comments

Sirens Need Sleepovers Too! - Supernova08

Sunset and Pinkie decide to invite the sirens over to a sleepover with the rest of the Rainbooms. The only problem? Neither side wants to

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Sirens Need Sleepovers Too!

Sunset stood in front of the rest of the group, fidgeting with her jacket zipper. “So… Me and Pinkie were thinking and…”

“We want to invite the Dazzlings to a sleepover!” Pinkie finished.

The rest of the Rainbooms looked on in disbelief. Rainbow stared back slackjawed, and Applejack, followed by Fluttershy, had their eyes grow to the size of golf balls.

Rarity sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Darlings, but, what did you just say?”

“We…want to have a sleepover with the Dazzlings,” Sunset repeated.

There was an awkward silence as the group stared at Sunset. In turn, Sunset shifted uncomfortably. Finally, Rainbow spoke up.

“Are you talking about the Dazzlings? You know, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk? The three sirens who attempted to force people to adore them through a mind-controlling song?”

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down. “Won’t it be so much fun?”

“No way!” Rainbow shouted. It was a little louder than intended as several other people in the school cafeteria stopped to look in her direction. “Oh uh, sorry,” She said sheepishly.

Applejack nodded her head. “For once Ah agree with Rainbow. Those three are nothun but trouble!”

“Yeah! Don’t you agree, Fluttershy?” Rainbow added.

“Meep!” Fluttershy tried to hide in her hair with everyone’s attention suddenly on her. “W-well I don’t think they’re that bad. T-they probably had a reason for doing it.”

Rainbow facepalmed. “Ugh, not the reason we were looking for, Fluttershy!”

“Oh, come on guys! I think we should give them all a chance. A sleepover is one way to do that!” Sunset reasoned. “I mean, look at me! You all gave me a chance back then and now we are all good friends. Wouldn’t it be great for us to have that with the Dazzlings as well?”

Everyone save Pinkie shared a conflicted glance.

“As much as we’d like to make friends, we aren’t all sure they won’t go back to their old ways and manipulate people again,” Rainbow said, answering for the rest of the group. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy made noises of agreement.

Sunset put a hand to her chin. “That’s true but…wouldn’t becoming friends with them prevent that?”

“Come on guys! The Dazzlings deserve a chance to experience friendship too!” Pinkie exclaimed, still bouncy as ever.

“Please,” Sunset pleaded. “Just try it at least once will you? Have one sleepover with them and then you won’t have to again.”

The group considered this. Sunset looked back at them with puppy dog eyes.

“Pleeease? If not for them, for me?” The girls looked at Sunset. Finally, Applejack gave up.

Sighing, she said, “Fine, anything for you, Sugarcube.” Sunset clasped her hands together.

“Great!” She said. “Rainbow? Fluttershy? Rarity?”

“Well, if it’s for you, Sunset, I don’t mind giving it a try,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity nodded. “Well, It won’t hurt to give them a chance,” She said. Sunset beamed. Still though, Rainbow had a reluctant expression.

“Well, what about you, Rainbow?” Sunset asked.

“I’m still not sure about this,” Rainbow said.

“C’mon, Rainbow! It will be so worth it!” Pinkie said. Rainbow considered it, mumbling to herself and weighing the pros and cons.

She sighed. “Fine…I guess I’ll give it a try.” Rainbow looked to the side. “Don’t ever tell me I don’t do anything for you, Sunset.”

Sunset did a fist pump. “Yes! Thanks, everyone!”

“Do you have everything planned out?” Rarity asked, “We can hold it at my house if you want.”

“That would be great. Thanks a lot, Rarity!” Sunset said. “Okay, everyone, show up at Rarity’s later at about 5?”


“Sounds good!”

“Now that we’ve got that settled,” Sunset put on an uncertain expression. “Time for the hard part.”

“And that is?” Rainbow questioned.

Sunset looked over to a table in the corner of the cafeteria where the three sirens sat, separated from the rest of the student body. “Convincing the Dazzlings to actually agree to a sleepover.”

“Ugh, why do we even still go to this school?” Aria complained. “Everyone hates us here now.” She looked at her lunch tray with disgust and tossed it in the trash. “Even the food tastes horrible.”

Sonata looked up from her own lunch tray, face covered in food. “Really? Cause I think the food is great.”

Aria rolled her eyes. “You’d think three-week-old food from the trash is great.”

Sonata pouted. “No, I wouldn’t!”

“So would,” Aria retorted.

Adagio groaned. “Could you two go one day without your endless bickering?”

“It’s not my fault Sonata has the palate of a raccoon,” Aria scoffed.

“Hey!” Sonata yelled, clearly offended. She leaned closer to Aria and the two began pulling at each other’s hair.

Adagio put a hand to her face. “You two can be so annoying,” She said.

Distracted by her two companions' squabble, Adagio barely missed the six girls approaching their table. “Oh, great,” She said through gritted teeth. “My day is getting so much better.”

“You two! Stop it!” Adagio barked. She motioned with her head to the girls approaching. “Look who’s coming over here.” Both Aria and Sonata stopped what they were doing and sat upright. A frown began to form on their faces as they recognized who was coming towards them. Adagio, sly as always, put a smirk on her face.

As the girls arrived, a smiling Sunset waved. “Hey! Can we ask you three something?”

“Well, well, look who it is,” Adagio sneered. “Come to flaunt your victory to us, Rainbooms?”

“Tch, isn’t taking away our magic and our ability to sing enough for you guys?” Aria scorned.

Sunset’s smile faded. “What? No! We would never do something like that.” She looked down at her shoes, feeling ashamed. “Also, uh, we’re sorry about taking away your singing voices. We never meant for that to happen.”

“Heh, like I believe that.”

“Hey! Sunset apologized! You were the ones who tried to take over the world with your music!” Rainbow growled. Applejack held her back from jumping Aria.

“Woah there, control yourself, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said.

“Please, just hear us out for once,” Sunset pleaded.

“Just spit it out already,” Adagio demanded. Sunset stared directly at her, standing up straight.

“We want to invite you three to a sleepover,” She said.

“What!?” Both Adagio and Aria cried out in unison.

“Ooh! Sounds like fun!” Sonata chimed.

“Shut up, Sonata!” They both yelled. Sonata frowned.

“Come on, this will be a chance for both sides to forget about the past,” Sunset reasoned.

“Nope, no way in Tartarus would we ever hang out let alone have a sleepover with the likes of you,” Aria snarled.

“It really won’t hurt to try,” Sunset said.

“No, and that is our final answer,” Adagio stated.

“Won’t you consider it?” Sunset tried again.

“No!” Adagio shouted.

Sunset began to get irritated. Balling up her fists, she yelled, “Just consider it! We’re not trying to do anything to you!”

Adagio glared at Sunset. “Just get out of our sight already,” She snarled.

Sunset was about to say something crass, but a hand on her shoulder made her pause.

“You too, Sunset. Calm down,” Applejack said. She then looked over at the Dazzlings, giving them a stern look. “Look here, you three. After everything that’s happened we are giving ya’ll a chance to leave it in the past. Take it or leave it.”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, if you do it just this once, we will stop bothering you.” The Dazzlings shared a look.

“Excuse us as we make a decision,” Adagio replied.

“Take as much time as you need,” Rarity said. The Dazzlings huddled together. Murmuring to each other.

“What do you think, girls?” Adagio asked.

Sonata raised her hand. “I vote we go!” She exclaimed.

Aria rolled her eyes for maybe the third time that day. “Whatever, as much as I hate them, I don’t think they’re giving us a choice.”

“So then…It is decided that we will agree to this,” Adagio used her hands as quotations, “Sleepover.” She turned around. “Okay, Rainbooms,” Adagio drew out the name and gave a grin. “We agree to this sleepover. This is the only time though.”

The Rainbooms celebrated, there were a few whoops of joy and plenty of smiles.

“Thank you!” Sunset yelled. “Join us at Rarity’s house at around four okay? We’ll send you the address so I’ll need your phone numbers.” After exchanging numbers, the Rainbooms walked back to their lunch table, a bounce to their step as they felt a sense of triumph.

“Come on girls!” Sunset said. “We’ve got work to do.”

Ding Dong!

The sound of the doorbell alerted the mane six that their guests had arrived. There was a blur of colors as they all raced to the door, crashing into each other at the same time.

“Gack!” They all involuntarily sounded. Eventually, Sunset managed to get to the door and open it. Outside stood the three sirens with duffel bags full of a change of clothes and other supplies they might need.

“Hey!” Sunset greeted.

“Looks like the three of you didn’t chicken out after all,” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“Tch, give us more credit, Rainbow Hair,” Aria retorted.

Rarity gestured for them to come inside. “Welcome, welcome! Try to make yourselves comfortable.” The three sirens stepped inside the house, marveling at the elegantly decorated space. The downstairs layout of the house was simple, a living room with a couch and tv, a hallway with doors leading to the bathroom, kitchen, and dining room, and a small area in front of the front door had tile while the rest of the room had carpet. A shoe rack of fancy shoes and regular everyday shoes was placed on the tile.

“Heh, nice house, Rarity,” Adagio complimented.

“Oh, my stars! Your house is so pretty!” Sonata exclaimed. “I’m so excited!”

“This is going to be so much fun!” Pinkie Pie added. Both girls jumped up in down in excitement.

“Just set your bags there,” Rarity said, pointing to an area in the living room. “Oh, and do take off your shoes. Cleaning the carpet is such a hassle.” She handed each siren a pair of slippers coordinating with their colors. “A gift to you three for actually showing up to our sleepover.”

The three sirens examined them carefully, then slipped them on. They set down their things and Pinkie excitedly lead them toward the center of the room.

“Come on! Let’s start already!” She exclaimed.

Sunset giggled. “Slow down, Pinkie. You're going to tire out our guests before the party’s started.”

“By the way,” Rarity asked. “Did you ever finish that cake you said you were going to bake?”

Pinkie stopped mid-bounce. “Oh no! I totally forgot about that! Wait here, everyone!” Pinkie dashed to the kitchen.

“Well then, let’s begin!” Rarity announced.

The girls lay on the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“I’m bored,” Rainbow dash said.

“What are we supposed to do?” Sonata asked.

“What do you guys normally do at sleepovers?” Adagio asked.

“Well I mean, we could have a pillow fight. You basically just hit people with pillows,” Rainbow's mouth curved upward into a cocky grin. “I’m the pillow war champion.”

Aria smirked. “Hah, really? I don’t seem to believe you,” She mocked.

Rainbow’s eyes glinted in a prided irritation. “Really now? Do you want to see what I can do?”

Aria picked up a pillow and stood in a ready stance. “Come at me, let me see what you got.”

“Come on now, girls,” Sunset said, standing inbetween Aria and Rainbow. “Let’s calm down a bit here.”

Rainbow picked up a pillow a fierce look in her eyes. “Let’s see how far you can withhold against my strength.”

It took all of Sunset’s reflexes not to get hit as the two charged at each other.

Sonata dived out of the way, barely unscathed by a stray flying pillow. She ran into the nearest room she could find. Sonata put her hands on her knees and panted, exhausted from jumping and rolling out of the way of flying pillows.

“Oh, hey, Sonata!” Sonata jumped at the sound of her name called by a high-pitched voice. She looked up and around, it seemed she was currently in the kitchen. Searching for the source of the voice, she noticed the bright pink figure of Pinkie Pie. The energetic party planner was currently setting ingredients on the counter of the kitchen island.

Sonata let out a sigh of relief. “Phew…It’s just you.”

Pinkie giggled. “Who did you think it was, you silly goose?”

“Oh, uh, not sure.” Sonata walked over, analyzing what was on the counter. “What are you doing?” She asked. She looked at the various bottles, narrowing her eyes with suspicion. “You’re not trying to poison us, are you? I knew this was a trap!”

“No way! I’m baking a cake!” Pinkie replied.

Sonata stared at her, looking for some sign of deception. “Are you sure?”

“Of course! Friends don’t poison friends.”

“You promise?”

“I pinkie promise!” Pinkie Pie moved her hands along with the words. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. See?”

Sonata nodded her head. “Okay then, I trust you.”

“Great! You want to help then?” Pinkie suggested.

“Sure, but… I don’t know how to bake,” Sonata said solemnly, lowering her head.

“That’s okay! Come over here, I’ll teach you!”

The warm smile Pinkie gave was enough to draw Sonata in.

Pow! Woosh! Bang!

Sunset, Fluttershy, and Adagio sat behind the cover of one of the couches. They huddled close to each other, Fluttershy was trembling. Sunset tried to look up from behind the couch, she then ducked as a stray pillow almost smacked her in the face.

“Woah!” She cried out.

“Those two have blown this way out of proportion!” Adagio yelled in annoyance. She leaned closer to the other two when a pillow grazed her shoulder. Fluttershy whimpered.

“Hey! Over here!” Sunset and the others looked over to see Rarity and Applejack motioning to them from an open room. The three of them hurried over, dodging stray pillows as they ran.

Slamming the door behind them, they all gave a sigh of relief.

“Phew, that was close. We almost got stuck in the middle of a pillow war!” Sunset said, relieved.

“I can’t believe those two,” Rarity said. “Okay never mind, I take that back. I can see them doing this.”’

“Well now what? Should we just wait it out?” Adagio asked.

“Knowing them, that would probably be the best idea,” Applejack replied.

“So what should we do?” Sunset pondered. Rarity put on a thoughtful expression.

“Aha! I know what to do!” She suddenly exclaimed.

“Oh? What?” Adagio questioned.

Rarity wore a devilish grin.

“What do we do first?” Sonata asked.

“We have to preheat the oven!” Pinkie replied. She moved to the oven, setting it to 350o F. “This way we can let the oven heat up while we're preparing the cake batter.”

Sonata nodded her head. “Oh, I see!”

Pinkie then opened a cabinet and pulled out both a mixer and two cake pans. “Here,” She said, handing Sonata the cake pans and a stick of butter with part of the wrapper open to show the end of it. “Why don’t you butter the pans while I put together the mixer. Just rub the butter all over the inside of the pan.”

Sonata obeyed, covering the pan in butter till it was shiny. “I did it!” She said triumphantly.

Pinkie looked over, and finished setting up the mixer. She smiled “Good job, Sonata!” Pinkie brought a large bowl over. “Can you hand me those jars over there?”

Sonata slid them over. “These ones?” She checked.

“Yep!” Pinkie said. She opened the jars and put the contents into a sifter. Sonata watched in amazement as Pinkie sifted flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into the bowl. She placed the bowl on the mixer.

“What’s that machine?” Sonata asked. She studied its features with fascination.

“Oh, this is a mixer, it mixes and combines ingredients for you.” Pinkie pointed to the settings. “Why don’t you try setting it to low?”

Sonata reached for the dial, turning it. The mixer began whirring into motion, combining the ingredients. Sonata, awed by the motion, accidentally twisted the dial too far. Sonata and Pinkie jumped back in surprise as the mixer spun rapidly and white powder flew everywhere.

“Oh No!” Sonata yelled. Pinkie leaped, turning the dial back to low. In the end, both girls were covered in flour.

Sonata hung her head. “I’m sorry,” she said glumly. “I know I’m stupid.”

“What? No you're not, Sonata!” Pinkie exclaimed. “It was just a mistake, everyone makes those sometimes!”

Sonata didn’t look up. “Especially me though, everyone says I’m the dumb one or that I’m the clumsy one,” She mumbled.

Pinkie laid a hand on Sonata’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t listen to them. You are fun and amazing in your own way.”

“Really?” Sonata looked up.

“Yes!” Pinkie reassured. She then started giggling. “We have flour all over ourselves!”

Sonata joined in, the giggling contagious.”Ha, ha, your right!” They clutched their stomachs as their giggling turned into full-on laughter. Eventually, both came down from their high, wiping tears from their eyes.

“Come on, let’s continue,” Pinkie said. In a couple of minutes, the kitchen was cleaned up and the dry ingredients mixture was remade. “Okay! Let’s put together the wet ingredients.” Pinkie brought out another bowl and more ingredients from the fridge. She poured buttermilk, oil, eggs, and vanilla extract. Sonata set the mixer to low correctly this time, and Pinkie slowly added them into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Every now and then Pinkie would scrape the bowl with a rubber spatula. Pinkie then instructed Sonata to grab a pot of just brewed coffee much to Sonata’s confusion.

“You’re putting coffee in the cake?” She asked.

“Yep!” Pinkie replied.

“Huh, how odd.”

“Trust me and you’ll see!”

Sonata poured in the coffee, careful not to spill. Once everything was fully combined, they poured the batter into the cake pans and put them in the preheated oven. Closing it, they gave each other a high-five.

“Nice job, Sonata! We did it!”


“Alright! That was just step one,” Pinkie said.

Sonata cocked her head to the side. “There’s more?”

Pinkie grinned. “Yep, come on! This cake is going to be the best cake ever!”

Rainbow Dash stood atop a mountain of pillows. The room was a mess, pillows and feathers were splayed across the floor, and furniture was knocked over.

“I must admit,” Rainbow said, her eyes closed, and her hands placed on her hips. Her rainbow hair billowed in an invisible breeze. “I didn’t expect you to have this much power within you, Miss Aria Blaze.” She lifted a pillow. This fool! Thinking she can defeat me? Nonsense!

Aria gave a sardonic laugh. “You might be thinking, ‘There’s no way she could possibly defeat me!’ Well let me tell you this, you’ve seen nothing, Rainbow Dash! This isn’t even my final form!” Little does she know, I’m about to let loose my special attack.

Rainbow’s eyes widened. “But how?” Aria gathered three pillows.

“Take this! My triple star shower blast!” Aria jumped up, doing a flip in the air and launching her pillows at lightning speed. The impact hit Rainbow straight on, leaving a cloud of feathers and dust exploding everywhere. Aria smirked. Clapping her hands she said, “I must give you credit, Rainbow, you battled well.”

As the debris subsided, however, Aria’s eyes widened. “How-” She was interrupted as she was suddenly struck from behind with a pillow, sending her flying into the mountain of pillows Rainbow was supposed to be on. Aria picked herself up, brushing herself off to see Rainbow Dash standing triumphantly in front of her.

“Impossible!” Aria exclaimed. “That was one of my strongest attacks! Not even my fellow sirens have been able to withstand it!”

Rainbow Dash cackled. “I knew you were holding something back from me, but little did you know, so was I! My hidden ability to dodge whatever is thrown at me has been the bane of dodgeball players for years since I joined CHS.”

Aria clenched her fists, then picked up the largest pillow she could find. “You might be strong, but you will never be strong enough to defeat me! With the power of the pillow gods on my side, you will be no more!” She lunged towards Rainbow Dash, lifting her pillow to strike a blow.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Come at me with all you’ve got, Aria Blaze! I want to see 100% of your power!” She charged forward, lifting her own pillow for the most powerful strike ever to be seen.


Adagio grumbled.

“See? Doesn’t it look good on you? With all that luscious hair it’s been a dream of mine to be able to style it,” Rarity said with excitement. Adagio's normally poofy and curly hair had been styled into a hairstyle resembling Rarity’s.

“No, I do not in fact like it. In fact it doesn’t suit me at all,” Adagio said with contempt. She shook her hair out until it was poofy again.

“Hey! I’ll let you know I worked extremely hard on your hair!” Rarity shouted.

“You know for someone who’s into fashion, you don’t seem to realize whether a hair style fits for someone or not,” Adagio taunted.

“Well,” Rarity huffed. “It’s not like you could do any better.”

“Really? Let’s see about that,” Adagio countered.

“Hey, girls let’s calm down a bit,” Sunset reasoned.

“Stay out of it Sunset!” Both girls yelled.

“Okay then, I’ll just stand over here,” Sunset said cautiously.

“Alright! I challenge you to a fashion contest,” Rarity challenged, she got close to Adagio and whispered. “When those two, Rainbow and Applejack fall asleep, we will test our abilities. Is that a deal?” She stuck out her hand.

Adagio smirked, taking the hand and initiating the handshake. “You’ve got a deal.”

With the help of Sonata, Pinkie brought the cake out to the rest of the group.

“Wow! What happened here?” Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow and Aria were on the ground, breathing heavily. The place was trashed, with pillows everywhere, covering every square inch of the room. The rest of the group, in the nearby room, finally came out after checking if the war was over.

“Well, I certainly hope you two have enough energy still to clean up the place,” Rarity said with a critical look.

“Huff, huff, yeah, yeah, just give us a minute kay?” Rainbow puffed. Pinkie set the cake down on the table and Sunset went to help up Rainbow and Aria. In the span of 15 minutes, the room was put back together and the group was sitting together eating the delicious cake Sonata and Pinkie had worked together on.

“Sooo, how do you girls think about a mariokart tournament?” Rainbow suggested. She held up her game console.

“Heh, I’ll crush all of you,” Aria said confidently.

“Now, don’t think it will be so easy,” Applejack retorted.

“I want in!” Sunset shouted.

2 hours later

“Ugh! I quit!” Sunset yelled in frustration, she caught herself before she threw her controller.

Rainbow laughed. “Hah! Rage quitter!” She mocked.

“I’m done,” Aria announced. “Rainbow plays dirty.” She glared at the grinning Rainbow.

“How long are you all planning to play for?” Rarity asked. “It’s been a while.”

“Eh… not long,” Rainbow said, focusing on the game. “We should be done after this round.”

Yet another hour later

Rainbow and Applejack lay snoring on the floor with their legs outstretched. Rarity and Adagio looked at each other.

“Heh, well I guess we didn’t have to wait too long,” Adagio said.

Rarity grinned. “Well, what do you think about putting that bet of ours to the test?”

Choosing from Rarity’s endless supply of clothes, Adagio and Rarity got to work. Sitting their models onto a chair, they removed their clothing to replace with their clothing of choice.

For Rainbow Dash, Rarity slipped on a long-sleeved pink crop top, a white skirt, and black heeled boots. To top it off, she wrapped a belt around Rainbow’s waist. Clipping a heart pendant around her designated model’s neck, she then started on her hair, curling it slightly to make the normally straight hair wavy. Adding clip-on diamond earrings and golden bracelets, she began to apply makeup. With an eye shadow crease brush, she applied sparkly pink eyeshadow, and with a mascara wand she did Rainbow’s mascara. Sticking with the color pink, she applied lipstick and then painted Rainbow’s nails. Finally, she stuck on a pair of sunglasses to finish the look.

Meanwhile, with Adagio and Applejack, Adagio slipped on a fancy red shoulder split dress, a leather jacket, and black heeled boots. She too added a belt. For accesories, Adagio added a spiky necklace, moon-shaped clip-on earrings, a skull necklace, and fingerless gloves. She styled Applejack’s hair wild and styled Applejack’s makeup to be smoky eyeshadow. She added blood-red lipstick and mascara. She finished by painting Applejack’s nails black.

Stepping back, they both admired their handiwork.

“Wow, not bad,” Adagio said with admiration. “It surprisingly fits Rainbow Dash well.” She tried to hold back her laughter.

Likewise holding back her mirth, Rarity complimented Adagio. “Same, Applejack’s look really does her well.” Rarity took a picture, saving it for a later date as possible blackmail.

“Come on, let’s go see what the others are doing before they wake up”



Rarity and Adagio looked at each other with amusement.

After a series of grumbles, complaints, and several trips to the bathroom to finally get the makeup off, Rainbow and Applejack finally settled down so they could watch a movie together.

“Okay what movie?” Aria asked the group. She looked over to where Sunset was giggling to herself.

“What’s up with you?” She questioned.

“I was just thinking to myself,” Sunset started. “I think I’ve got the perfect movie.” She went over to the rack of movies and pulled out a DVD case. It was pink and featured four girls wearing pink outfits.

Aria rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

“Okay, lights out ya’ll,” Applejack said, turning off the lamp. All nine of them lay in the dark, still too excited from the events of the day to fall asleep.

“You know what, Dazzlings?” Rainbow said, “You three aren’t as bad as I thought, you’re not terrible to hang out with.”

“Geez thanks, Rainbow,” Aria replied, “I guess you aren’t all terrible to hang out with either.”

“Thanks for coming by the way,” Sunset added, “It means a lot.”

“Don’t think this means were friends or anything,” Adagio remarked. She paused for a bit before continuing. “But, we wouldn’t mind doing this again if you really wanted to.”

“Consider it a done,” Rarity said.

“Today was so much fun!” Sonata and Pinkie said in unison. They both eventually passed out as the loud snores gave proof.

“I think we should follow their example,” Applejack announced. “Well, good night ya’ll”

“Good night,” They all replied. The room was quiet as the girls fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I just realized I forgot Fluttershy for most of the chapter.:facehoof:

Anyway, thanks to JBlaser for requesting this idea.

Comments ( 7 )

That was a good story.

This was a really fun read. Definitely worth a favorite. Love the interactions the HuMane Seven had with the Dazzlings. Quite well written, all around. It's a shame so few people want to write sleepover stories these days, as they can lead to a lot of fun and adorable moments.

You forget Fluttershy? You get none of my sympathy!

Just kidding. This was a really fun read. I loved it through and through. But it does make me wonder where Fluttershy has been all this time. Did she just get distracted helping out animals in a nearby zoo, and as such didn't show up for the slumber party?

It would make for a pretty fun little follow-up story, showing Fluttershy's adventures while the rest of the HuMane Seven were dealing with the Dazzlings.

Also, I wonder if Pinkie passing out after saying "Today was so much fun" was a nod to her also passing out after saying "I've never been so excited" in the MLP episode 'Do Princesses Dream of Electric Sheep'. If it is the case, that was a neat little reference you put in. Pinkie really does fall asleep quickly, without warning. Funny to think that Sonata has such a similar personality to Pinkie.


Pinkie should have decorated. I'm sure Sonata would have loved some big balloons to play with.
All bouncy, bubbly girls love balloons.

Wow, what an adorable story. :pinkiehappy:




The story is destroyed... Destroyed the story with one line... Could have ended the story on better terms but since there is no next chapter to this, I guess the sirens are still evil, they betrayed them and then kill everyone right? Because they are still evil and traitors.

“Don’t think this means were friends or anything,” Adagio remarked. She paused for a bit before continuing.

Man this whole entire sleepover was a whole mistake from the start Sunset! They didn't turn good and they didn't become their friends, nothing but traitorous scumbags in the end. Should have just killed them off earlier on. Drown them, poison them, shoot them in the head with a pistol! Those three should have just get run over by someone drunk driving. That line made me hate the Dazzlings in this!

Um..no, that one line doesn't destroy the story. All that means is Adagio still doesn't trust the HuMane Seven, which makes total sense given what happened in Rainbow Rocks. The only reason she agreed to come over to the sleepover at all was because 1) Sonata insisted that they should do it and 2) the HuMane Seven agreed to not bother them again after that. Adagio isn't a character that will change after a single event-rather it would take more time for her to develop further as a character, and for her to actually come to terms with the HuMane Seven as well. I love what has been written here-it was quite charming, and does show that, despite her rather harsh exterior persona that she gives, Adagio does have a more loving personality deep down, one that she exhibits to her close friends Sonata and Aria. Not only that, but I could definitely see Sonata and Aria wanting to do this again in the future. So it could make for more stories like this one.
So please, enough with the hate. And don't tag me or anyone else here. Just because you wanted to make a point doesn't give you the excuse to call everyone else in the chain here to see it.

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