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First Introductions

The Legend of Rarity:

One pony band of time.

There is a legend...a legend of times long past...a legend that speaks of a colt...a colt who traveled through time...to save the forgotten land of Equestria.............

“Hello, Link. Wake up. The Great Blankflank Tree wants to talk to you! Link, get up! Hey, c'mon! Can Equestria’s destiny really depend on such a lazy colt?!”

Link sat up, yawned, and sat on his bed.

“You finally woke up! I'm Spike the Dragon. The Great Blankflank Tree asked me to be your partner from now on. Nice to meet you!”

Link was still unsure of what was going on.

“Hey! Listen!”

Link shot Spike a death glare, feeling like that phrase was about to become a big part of the rest of his life. Slowly but surely, he pulled all four hooves together, gathered his mind, and trotted outside to meet another day in the great Blankflank Forest.

Link stood outside on his balcony. Why did he get the tree with the ladder? Ponies couldn’t climb ladders easily...regardless, we stumbled his way down the ladder 3 hooves to the ground.


Link turned around and stared Spike down.

“...um...we should get to seeing the Great Blankflank Tree!”

Link ignored him and went around trotting about the town. He leaped from ledge to ledge over the community pool, mysteriously gathering bits over his head and depositing them in his wallet, stored in a place even more mysterious. He trotted about the town, engaging in one-sided conversations with the locals. One of them mentioned something about “Z-targeting”. He wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, but he just smiled and moved on.


Link sighed and turned to Spike.

“We should get to seeing the Great Blankflank Tree!”

Begrudgingly, Link agreed, and trotted over to the entrance to the Great Blankflank Tree. To no surprise, Whiny Guardian, the local whiny guardian, stood guard over the entrance guarding the Great Blankflank Tree.

“What business do you have with the Great Blankflank Tree? Hm? You ain’t even got a Drag...oh. Well STILL. Hey, no fair...your dragon is cooler than mine!” Whiny complained, ranting on about Spike.

“Look, Whiny, we need to see the Great Blankflank Tree”. Spike pleaded.

“No way. If I don’t see her, neither do you.” He Whined. “Unless you get a...sword...and shield! Yeah!” He though, thinking they could never find such items. “When you find those, come back to me, and I’ll let you through!”

Link turned around and trotted off the other direction.

“Er...he’s only the most Annoying Blank flank! Uh...heh...Yeah! Now let’s go find a sword and shield! I think you can buy shields at the store!” Spike said, releasing some helpful information Link couldn’t have possibly ever have thought of himself. Shields and other goods from a store? It didn’t make sense!

Link trotted to the store. He avoided the annoying filly sitting on top, screaming about “Z-targeting”. Once inside, he looked at assorted items arranged neatly on shelves. He saw a Blankflank shield.

“Yo Link, ya want something?” Said Haggle Barter, The shop keeper.

Link Looked at the shield.

“Ah, the blankflank shield!” He said, grabbing a blank piece of wood with absolutely no detail on it. “That’ll be 200 bits.”

“What?” Said Spike. “200? We can only carry 99!”

“Well then I’ll make it 50.” Haggle Barter said. “Just because you’re a nice guy and you’re bound to save the world someday.”

“Ahem...no spoilers?” Said Spike.

Link wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that, but he ignored it and pulled 50 bits from his mysterious storage place and plopped them on the desk.

“What’s that mysterious goo all over it?” Said Haggle.

Link shrugged.

“You don’t say much, do you?”

“No, not really.” Said Spike. “It was a tragic childhood accident...ever since he got that concussion from falling out of his house, he’s only been able to verbalize loud moans, assaulting screams, and vocalizations of agony.”

Link lightly hit Spike in the arm, hoping to tell him to be quiet.

“In fact,” Continued Spike, “I wouldn’t be surprised if he were genuinely retarded.”

Link left the store with the shield slung on his back, spike with a black eye.

“Ow...kay. I get it. Now let’s find a sword.”

Link trotted around Blankflank Village, occasionally rolling, since it moved him faster. Link spotted a pony on the farmland continuously doing backflips. Since he had nothing else to do, he engaged in another one-sided conversation with him.

“Hey, Link!” Said Jumpy. “How’ve ya been? Wanna know how to do a backflip? Just press z, move backward, and then press a!”

Link stared at him. He seriously didn’t understand this talk of A and B and Z and C buttons.

“Oh yeah, the sword you want is right through that hole.” Jumpy pointed to a rather conspicuous hole with huge, lighted arrows pointing to it. “You’d have to be genuinely retarded not to miss it!”

“Well...” Began spike. Link shot him a death glare. “He’s genuinely a really smart guy!!! heh...”

Link crawled through the tunnel, complete with lights, music, and annoying dragon creatures. Once on the other side, he was nearly trampled to death by giant rolling balls, Hoofiana Jones style.

After solving a rather easy puzzle, making more bits mysteriously appear above his head, and opening a giant chest in melodramatic fashion, complete with spinny moves and floating items, he crawled through the tunnel again , back to Jumpy, who never ceased jumping. He trotted over to Whiny, and engaged in yet another one-sided conversation.

“YOU HAVE A SWORD AND SHIELD?” He screamed, Whining again. “NOT FAIR!!! HOW COME YOU GET TO SEE THE GREAT BLANKFLANK TREE AND I DON’T?” Whiny continued for a good 30 minutes before he finally got out of the way and let Link through.

“Finally!” Said Spike. “Now we’re getting somewhere!”