• Published 29th Dec 2022
  • 528 Views, 42 Comments

Doubts and Anxiety - Catpaw616

Starlight's first friendship lesson is to help out the ponies of Ponyville to connect to the locals better. But what happens when they judge her on her past?

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Once the mares were out of sight, Twilight looked beside her. She saw that Starlight was bitterly wiping a tear out of her eye. She noticed that Twilight and Spike were looking at her with concerned expressions.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." Twilight apologized. "Those three are usually sweet."

That's because you never did anything wrong. Starlight thought with a bit of resentment, but she didn't say it out loud.

"I'm fine." she said instead, but she knew that she was not only lying to Twilight, but to herself.

"Are you sure?" Spike asked worriedly.

Starlight nodded. "I've gotten used to it. After all, I've had these feelings towards myself not too long ago." If so, why am I so butthurt about it? she asked herself.

"I just want you to be sure if you're really ok." Twilight put her wing on Starlight's neck. "If you feel uncomfortable, we can always cancel the lesson and do this another time."

And be called a coward? No way. Starlight thought with determination. "Like I said, I'm fine." she told her again.

"Alright, if you're sure." Twilight told her student, but she still didn't look, or sound convinced.

Just then they heard a rumbling sound. They looked and saw that Spike was rubbing his stomach.

"Boy, I sure am hungry." Spike said aloud.

"Maybe we can take a break and stop someplace where we can eat." Twilight suggested to her student.

"Sure." Starlight agreed. I am getting a little hungry after all.

The three arrived at a café named Café Hay. They grabbed a spot next to the door. As Twilight, Spike, and Starlight sat onto their hay seats, a waiter with a mustache gave them their menus.

"Thank you." Twilight said to the waiter.

Starlight's head perked up. "Oh, yes, thank you." she smiled at the waiter.

But what she received was an unwelcome stare. Starlight then looked down at the table, now trying to avoid his gaze.

Twilight quickly noticed this. "Is something wrong?" she asked the waiter.

"Nothing, madam." He responded curtly. "Only her."

Once he left, Starlight lightly slammed her head on the table, clearly stressed.

"Don't worry about him, he always acted like that." Spike reassured her.

"If you say so." Starlight rolled her eyes. She lifted up her menu and looked through the menu.

But her ears lowered as a memory flashed in her mind. She was in a dining room in one of the restaurants in Canterlot. She was holding up a green menu, similar to this one.

But she didn't come here to just eat. She came to the restaurant, and hid behind one of the menus. Only to spy on her future teacher.

You'll pay for what you did to my village. Starlight remembered the thoughts that went through her head. You and your friends will pay...

Starlight started trembling, and her hooves her shaking. She lowered the menu and put her hoof onto her forehead.

"Are you ok?" Twilight immediately asked Starlight. "And don't say that you're fine. Because I know you're not."

At the sound of her voice, Starlight stopped trembling. She blinked her eyes and looked down at the menu. She lowered her ears with a sigh.

"It was just a bad memory." Starlight confessed. "Not as bad as the others but... it's close."

Twilight and Spike both looked at each other. Both feeling sorry for Starlight.

"Are your orders ready?" The waiter asked. He turned to the dragon. "I'd assume you want the usual?"

"Oh yes!" Spike exclaimed.

"Ok, and what about you?" The waiter asked Twilight.

"Just a casual hay sandwich." Twilight told him as she returned the menu to him.

"Alright, your food will be ready in a moment." The waiter said. He started to leave.

"Wait, you didn't take my order." Starlight objected in a confused tone. But he was already gone.

"Ok, now that's not usual from him." Spike commented. "Usually he never forgets one's order. Or their existence in general."

"Oh, I'm sure he hasn't forgotten my existence alright." Starlight muttered again.

"Don't worry, if he doesn't get your order, I can give you half of my sandwich." Twilight told her, trying to make her happy.

Starlight blinked gratefully. "Thanks Twilight."

Soon afterward, the food arrived. Spike had a frosted cupcake that was filled with gems, and Twilight received her sandwich.

"Anything else?" The waiter asked.

"You didn't get my order." Starlight told him. She tried her best to not sound annoyed.

"Oh, sorry." The waiter told her without even a shred of remorse. "What do you want?"

"I would like what Twilight is having." Starlight told him. Finally, now he can make my food.

"Do you mean Princess Twilight?" he asked firmly. "It's rude to not call princesses by their title."

"Huh?" Starlight tilted her head.

"Savior, it's fine." Twilight insisted. "Just give her her food, please."

"As you wish." he said as he entered inside the restaurant.

"Sorry if he is being difficult." Twilight said to Starlight, putting her purple hoof onto hers.

"It's fine." Starlight shrugged, although deep down she was very annoyed, and a little hurt with how the waiter had treated her so far.

Finally, after moments of waiting, after moments of Starlight gazing at her friend's food with hunger, the waiter finally came.

"Here you go." The waiter said as he set the plate down.

Starlight looked aghast. The plate didn't have a sandwich. Only a piece of hay. What the—

"Is this some kind of joke?" Starlight asked the waiter. She couldn't keep in her frustration anymore.

"If it was, I would be laughing." Savior told her.

"Savior, what's wrong with you? You're not like this." Twilight asked the pony. "Make an actual sandwich for her."

"Forgive me, Princess." Savior bowed down his head. "It's just... after some events, I started to gain a distrust on potential traitors." he said as he eyed Starlight.

Suddenly feeling a burst of anger, Starlight lit up her horn. With her magic, she made the plate melt, and burned the hay, while glaring at the waiter.

"I might as well eat the flowers." Starlight told her teacher. Then she eyed the waiter. "At least the flowers wouldn't treat me like a piece of trash."

She got out of her hay seat, and stormed off. She didn't even care if she got weird looks from the ponies that were eating beside the table.

"What in the world was that for?" Starlight heard Twilight's outburst from afar. "That was not friendship."

"I'm sorry, but what Discord did was a scar that wouldn't heal." Savior explained to her. "Most of us feel the same way towards recent reformed villains like her. We can't simply trust her."

"Oh, really? Is your trust issues that bad that you wouldn't even give her a sandwich?" Spike demanded.

"Sometimes it has to be that way." Savior told them.

After hearing the conversation, she looked up in anger. Why is everyone treating me like this all because of this pony named 'Discord'? she thought angrily.

She just shook her head in annoyance and continued to eat the daisies, not even paying attention that the ponies were staring at her.

"Why is she eating like that?" She heard a pony ask.

"I don't know, but it's that Starlight I keep hearing about." Another pony responded.

All Starlight could do was roll her eyes. Yeah, gossip about me. See if I care.

After eating the flowers, she rubbed her snout to get rid of the grass, and turned to Twilight. "I'm going for a walk. Alone."

Without waiting for a reply, she trotted off.