• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 806 Views, 17 Comments

Who Done, Did, Made Me? - SmileForever!

Pinkie Pie and her friends visit the rock farm for a 'Party' but it turns out to be a confession!

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Just An Average Pie Party!

Dear Pinkamena 'Diane' Pie

I, Blinkie Pie, our sister Inky Pie, and our beloved Mother and Father would like to invite you to our first ever rock ranch Party. In this day we celebrate the growth and development of the ranch over the years, and celebrate the Pie families hard work and dedication over the years. I would be honored if you were to attend our casual celebration. The dress code is 'Wha'h ever fits your hoof' as father puts it; you may bring with you no more than 5 acquaintances to accompany you.
We are all ecstatic to be at your presence dear little sister. Remember the family will only be the Pie family when a bright pink pony shares the name, even recognized as a maiden name (which reminds me sister, you must inform me on all your detail on this Stallion you have an eye for. I'm presuming it's a Stallion, you know how traditional mother is) I hope to see you soon, as since the party starts at 12pm.

Love from...
The Pies.

Pinkie couldn't help but smile uncontrollably as she read the letter written by her charmingly cliche older sister. This was the 56Th she had read the letter, silently--Pinkie Pie, Being quiet! The silence in the carriage was not only unsettling, but downright frightful for the other mares accommodating the usually obnoxious pink earth pony, but the wide child-like smile and undeniably large blue eyes scrolled the paper constantly, brought ease, although the mere fact that Pinkie was present, and has barely spoken in 3 whole hours, was unsettling; no matter how wide her smile may be.

Pinkie was wearing a silky light yellow summer dress. The dress was of course em-brained with Pinkies trademark bright pink rubies. (the colour is trademark, but you already know that...right? Anyhoof, On with the show!) Her manes curls where softer than usual, mane-agable, sleek, but still retained volume and curl. Yes--After a 5 hour war know known as 'The battle of the mad-mare's mane and the Ladies ruby' (That is another story. But long story short, Rarity won) She defeated the impossible, she changed Pinkies mane-style without putting her into a deep depression which isn't good for anypony, or think. And she wore her usual light make-up after convincing the pestering rarity to let her be the way she was.

Her excitement ultimately brushed of any suspicions common sense may provide naturally. She hasn't visited home as regularly as she had intended in the past 2 years, in fact she has barely visited recently due to certain events and a rise of business acknowledgement and fame in party planning due to her title as an element bearer.

"Cat's got your tongue sweet'um?" Applejack asked, turning to the occupied mare.

The pink mare took her eyes off the paper and turned her attention to the her country friend.

"AJ that's silly, their are no cats in here, besides, Opalescence knows that my tongue is not cotton-candy now! But Gummy on the other hoof--"


"Aw, you win Fluttershy" Rainbow groaned as she passed Fluttershy some bits.

"I told you she's not being controlled by an anti-social alien"


"What she means is, you have been really quiet the whole ride here. Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"Am I okay? I'm great! You all get to see my family, and my bestest best friends and my bestest best family get to all have fun doing the bestest best thing; a party! I'm so supper happy. And the most amazing thing is, that my family has never had an annual Pie party before! Hmm, I wonder if there will be pie, because if I where hosting the party, I would give it a pie theme because it has the same name as us! isn't that funny? Or maybe rocks, but I really don't like rocks, well except for Tom But--"
Pinkie was interrupted by a purple hoof which invaded her mouth.

"See Pinkie, That's the thing-"

"What, you don't like Tom?"

"Wha-No, That your parents are suddenly throwing a party, and letting you invite 5 friends? Due to what you have told us about your Amish upbringing, don't you think this whole thing sounds a little fishy?"

"Twilight, I don't think fish can talk, and...maybe they have finally seen the way of the party! The party always has a way...Always!" Pinkie Pie confirmed, smiling wildly.

"Wha--That doesn't even ma-"

"Final stop, all aboard leave the vehicle"! the carriage driver exclaimed.


"Oh my,this place is certainly...Plain. Ooh, maybe your mother and father will allow be to give the establishment the all-known Rarity-over!"

Pinkie looked around, and nothing had changed, every rock, tumble weed, rain-cloud and grain of dust where position in the same exact place she last left it. This worried her, for if the farm hasn't changed, then what chances are there that her parents have? what if there interpretation of a party is really just a boring-old meeting discussing the importance of rock farming? which she, herself is yet to understand. Don't worry Pinks, everything will be fine.

As they entered the barn, it was dark; and though the others where unsettled by the darkness, bright blue eyes continued to shine. She was extremely excited, even to her standards. She was ready. She just knew that her parents and sisters where going to pop out or the darkness, and cover her and her friends with streamers and confetti. She knew that this is her parents way of showing her, that they understand. That she isn't an out-cast. That she's family.

Suddenly their was a bright burst of light, which seemed to be coming from, a unicorn horn?
The light got brighter and brighter. Slowly relieving what was lurking in the barn. The shadow was larger than the average pony, in fact, it was twice the size of the average mare. A faint sparkle was shining through the seemingly alicorn's mane, and flowed in sync with an undetectable wind. colour started to shine through, relieving a glistening multi-coloured mane and well groomed white coat.

In sync..They all gasped

"Princess Celestia?"

Comments ( 17 )

Welcome...To my first ever fan-fic!
This was actually a spur-of-the-moment thing. I put this together in under an hour. I'm really bad with consistency. So today, I put mu flank down and promised myself that I would compete this, and...I did it :pinkiehappy:

Personally, I'm not satisfied with this piece of writing. But I will try to improve it if I got some feed back.

Nadia Out! Peace and :heart:

The sun was shinning, huh?

So was the party a trap? :trixieshiftright:

Wow.......I wonder where this is going

This is strange... I am conflicted... I shall track and like... Have a spike... :moustache:

Do you remember the Simpsons special
"The Shinning"

No TV and no Beer make Homer go crazy

It's Princess Molestia, she's back! Run to the clouds in Pinkie Pie fashion! :pinkiegasp:


Actually, no TV and no beer make Homer something something.

1425795 So that error was on purpose?

No idea, I just liked The Simpsons Halloween specials.

Damn, was that what he said.
Either way, Give me the bat marge, give me the bat.


Yeah, then Marge says "...Go crazy?" :trixieshiftright:

And Homer's response is "DON'T MIND IF I DO." :pinkiecrazy:

first ever rock ranch party?

Well, here we go.
Now, where did I put my hat?

I do like that surprise at the end, but this has a lot of small grammatical mistakes that need fixing.

I,(insert comma) Blinkie Pie,

honored if you were(incorrect word) to attend

as father puts it;(comma instead of semicolon) you may bring

presuming it's a Stallion(remove extra space), as/since(missing word) you know how

ecstatic to be in(incorrect word) your presence

Note: Using 'at' for the quote 'at your presence' would imply that the Pie family would be traveling to meet Pinkie instead of having her travel there.

was the 56(remove capitalization)th time(missed word) she had read

the paper constantly(remove comma) brought ease

fact that Pinkie was present(remove comma) and has barely spoken in 3 whole hours(remove comma) was unsettling,(semicolon instead of comma) no matter

obnoxious pink earth pony. (start new sentence)The wide

wearing a silky,(insert comma) light yellow

dress was of course em-brained with

Did you mean embroidered, or was that a pun?

defeated the impossible;(comma instead of semicolon) she changed

isn't good for anypony, or think, (don't start a sentence with 'and') and

What did you mean by 'or think' in the previous quote?

Yeah, these were gotten from just the first three chapters. You ought to grab yourself a proofreader and editor.

I do like where the story's heading, but these grammatical errors are going to pester me(and a few other readers).

/HyperRandomness, Official TWE Nitpicker and general... well, nitpicker.

I just remembered the face he makes when he looks at his reflection

1425956 Well, yeah. Everything the Simpson's touch turns to gold.

1426010 Thanks for this. I couldn't read it; the errors alone made my brain cry.

1425795 Well done on spotting that. At first I was actually afraid of adding the reference due to the likelihood of it being mistaken as a spelling mistake. So thanks for pointing it out :pinkiehappy: and yes, it does reflect on the story.
Thank you! The truth of the matter is, I did the whole story in under an hour, and I didn't even take the time to re-read nor analyse and correct my mistakes. So once again...Thanks dude :yay:

I will look into this and correct my grammar errors soon after school today. I Pinkie promise :pinkiesmile:

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