• Published 23rd Jan 2024
  • 251 Views, 13 Comments

Daughter of Sobek - Lord Shadow Eclipse

Becky transfers to Canterlot High, but worries about making friends due to her unusual crocodilian appearance.

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Chapter 1

On the Way to Canterlot High

Becky did her best to hide herself underneath the hood of her green hoodie. The girl was going to do her best to not stand out at this new school. She had to hope that she didn't get bullied at this new school.

Becky had to go to some new school since her last school was not an ideal place for her. She was relentlessly bullied for her appearance. Other kids didn't approach her because of how she looked, too.

There were a lot of things about Becky that could be described as "inhuman". She had random patches of scales throughout her entire body, most notably on the sides of her head. This gave her the appearance of having a punkish hairstyle. Her eyes were bright green with reptilian pupils. Her hands and feet had sharp black claws and her teeth were strong and sharp. She wore a green hoodie with a white T-shirt and gray baggy sweatpants complete with green sneakers. She hurried along the sidewalk to get to this new school.

She hurried past the horse statue up front and made her way to her first class, Biology. Becky walked through the door and sat down in the very back nearest to the window. She waited in anticipation as the rest of her new classmates filed in the classroom and sat down, talking of familiar things. At some point, a friendly-looking older woman walked into the room and looked at the class just as the first bell rang.

"Good morning class! My name is Miss Cheerilee, and I'll be your Biology teacher for this year," she greeted warmly. "And as I understand it, we have a new student joining us".

This was the part that Becky dreaded the most: introducing herself to the class. Whenever that happened before, that would open the door to bullying of differing kinds. She's been heckled, name-called, and even beaten up before. They'd all call her names related to reptiles. Miss Cheerilee scanned the room until her eyes fell upon the hooded girl.

"Aw, there you are! Would you kindly come up here and introduce yourself to the class?" Miss Cheerliee asked.

Pulling her hood over her eyes, Becky stood up and walked up to the front of the room facing the class. Refusing to look them in the eye, she began her introduction.

"Hi, my name is Becky. I love reading manga, swimming, and watching anime. My mother is a zookeeper for the Canterlot Zoo," she said.

After that, Cheerilee spoke again.

"Excuse me, Miss Becky, but could you please remove your hood?" Miss Cheerliee asked.

"Uh, I'd rather not, ma'am. I don't feel comfortable removing my hood," Becky said.

"I'm sorry, but it's school policy," Cheerilee said.

Seeing no other way out of this, Becky reluctantly removed her hood. The silence that followed was almost deafening. The poor girl could feel the unwanted attention and discomfort building up in her until she could feel hot tears running down her face. Becky knew that she was going to get bullied after this. She closed her eyes to shut off the tears. Until she felt someone pull her hood over her head. She looked up to see a guy standing there with a sympathetic look on his face.

He was tall and had adequate muscle on him. He wore a gray jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers. The guy's hair was dirty blonde and his eyes were light blue. He looked at Cheerliee.

"Miss Cheerilee, I think we should allow her to keep her hood up if she wants to. This is clearly distressing her," he said.

"I... I see. I'll talk with the Principals about this," she said.

After returning to her seat, Becky couldn't help but stare at the nice guy who pulled her hood over her head. He was actually nice to her, despite her looks. She couldn't figure him out, but he was nice. And cute, she had to admit. She was so focused on staring at him that she could barely hear the bell ring.

Before she could walk out the door, Cheerilee stopped her.

"Hey, Becky, I'm so sorry for what happened. I'll speak to the Principal about you wearing your hood," she said.

"Okay," she said simply before leaving for her next class.


Becky walked into the cafeteria with her lunchbox in her left hand. She walked through the room until she found a solitary table with no one sitting at it. She speed-walked all the way to the table and sat down.

"I hate this first day. I don't know if I can take any more interaction with others," she thought to herself.

Becky opened her lunchbox to reveal her mother's prepared lunch: a bag of Doritos, a bottle of strawberry-banana juice, a piece of Key lime pie, and thick strips of raw beef. Becky smiled with a show of fangs at the sight of the food. But before she could chow down, a bright face suddenly appeared in her peripheral vision.

Becky jumped in her seat. The face that startled her belonged to a smiling girl with pink fluffy hair. The girl held out her hand to Becky in greeting.

"Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie! You're obviously new here, and I want to give you a warm greeting!" Pinkie said warmly.

With a bit of hesitation, Becky wrapped her hand around Pinkie's. Pinkie shook her hand violently with the vigor of a Formula One car. After letting go, Pinkie grabbed both of Becky's wrists.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were about to eat your lunch all by yourself, so I thought I'd invite you to eat with me and my friends!" Pinkie said.

Before Becky could open her mouth to protest, Pinkie pulled Becky and her lunchbox over to a table full of other strange girls. Becky started to panic when the girls all turned their eyes towards her and Pinkie.

"Oh, you must be the new girl, darling," a posh-looking girl asked.

"Yeah, she's new! What's your name?" Pinkie asked.

Lowering her hooded head and hugging herself, Becky muttered her reply.

"I'm Becky. I recently moved here from Florida," she said quietly.

"Nice to meet ya, Becky! I'm Applejack," the country girl said.

"I'm Rainbow Dash".

"I'm Fluttershy".

"My name is Twilight Sparkle".

"I am Rarity".

"I'm Sunset Shimmer".

"Won't you sit with us?" Applejack asked.

Becky reluctantly sat down between Applejack and Fluttershy. Once she was settled, she slowly opened her lunchbox to start eating. Applejack peeked into her lunchbox and looked at Becky with a scrunched face.

"Is that... raw beef?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. It's a... dietary thing of mine," Becky said.

Before their very eyes, Pinkie and her friends watched as Becky silently ate every strip of raw beef she had. Once the macabre display was over, she moved onto her bag of Doritos. Rainbow Dash was the next to speak to her.

"You have some pretty interesting teeth," she said.

"Yeah, I was born with them," Becky said simply.

"So... where are you from?" Sunset asked.

"I was born in south Florida near the Everglades," Becky replied.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Twilight asked.

"I like to read, watch anime, and swim," Becky replied.

"If you want, you can try out for the school's swim team," Rainbow Dash said.

"No thanks. I don't like sports," Becky said.

Rainbow looked shocked upon hearing what sounded like heresy to her. But before she could say anything to Becky, a hand clasped over her mouth.

"Well that's fine," Applejack said. "How are you liking CHS so far?"

Becky wasn't sure how to answer that. She had been forced to reveal her reptilian features before her entire Homeroom class and humiliated, yet had been shown kindness by a guy who didn't even know her. There was a kindness in his eyes that she had never seen in anyone else she had known aside from her mother.

Speaking of which, the same guy passed by the Rainbooms' table in front of Becky. He hadn't noticed her, but she couldn't help but notice him. Some of the Rainbooms noticed her reaction and looked towards the guy she was looking at. Sunset in particular gave Becky a sly grin.

"Only your first day here at this school, and you've already found someone you like?" she asked coyly.

"Wh-what?! No!" Becky denied. "I just think he's a good guy, that's all!"

"If you want to know, his name is Roller Rock," Rarity said. "And he's single".

"How do you know that?" Twilight asked.

"I have my ways," Rarity replied simply.

"Well, it's nice to know he's single," Becky whispered to herself.

"What was that, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing! Shut up!" Becky replied.

The other Rainbooms looked to each other and giggled conspiratorially. Becky just looked down and continued to finish off her packed lunch. Once she was done, Pinkie spoke up to Becky.

"Hey, do you want to hang out with us later?" Pinkie asked. "We're going to the Canterlot Zoo".

"Really? My mom works at the Canterlot Zoo," Becky said.

"What? That's cool! You should totally join us," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well... maybe I will," Becky said. "I love the zoo and all the animals in it".

"Alright, it's settled! We'll all head to the zoo after school!" Sunset said.

As the girls were eating and talking, Becky started to feel more and more at ease with them. She smiled in a form of relief.

"I think I'm going to like hanging around these girls," Becky thought.